WIP - /wipg/ Painting and Modeling thread

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?


>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation



Other urls found in this thread:


Are there any good bits sellers based in the US? I need MK7 helmets for my Primaris.

How´s this as a first attempt at doing checkers?

how do i actually keep them consitently squared? Is there a trick to it or just practice.

Also what color for the bolter? Red or is that too gaudy?

Plastic bits are super cheap and plentiful on eBay. If there are any autists at your store like me, who buys a cheap set of heads and only uses a couple of the helmets, or who buys kits and then uses different heads on them instead of the original ones, they'll have plenty of spare Mk 7 heads. I know for a fact most Mk 7 kits give you at least one to three extra heads, though sometimes it may not be helmeted. Anyone with helmetless sergeants will have spare helmets.

black bolter

Looks good!

First model painted in 11 years, what do you people think?

Nice scheme.
Are you gonna add highlights and shading?

posted this guy a lot in the last few days, but one last post to say he's done. was a lot of fun to build and paint. if anyone has any questions about anything, i'd be happy to answer them.

i found putting models at a lean like this makes them much nicer when observing from a front-and-above perspective, and a shitload easier to photograph

I'll just leave this here in case anyone is planning to paint anything black.


Maybe, but it looks disgusting from side on.

Isn't that head from a ork kit, as a trophy head?

So I wanted to make some cloaks for some of my models but greenstuff seems expensive especially given how many times I will fuck up, is there a good alternative like modeling clay or something along those lines?

it is indeed. ork boys box, i think

I can't goof on your paint, but dat head choice... he looks stoned, or like he's on methadone or something

Trying to paint to table top passable but why can't I hightlight
>thin your paints
>use the edge of the brush

It's not terrible, just keep practicing. Practice on spare bits and stuff if you need to

But you did well, now apply some of the base you used to thin the highlight lines to the point you are satisfied with it.

Green Stuff is just Epoxy putty, at GW's usual ridiculous premium. Kneadatite is another brand of the exact same stuff, can get metres of it cheap.

Hobbyists also use Milliput, which comes in various colours and types, for a cape and not soft detail you probably want one of the firmer ones.

I wouldn't recommend clay if you're inexperienced, it's going to look like shite.

Bald cunt.

You didn't fail, you just need more practice

in a box of cadian bits, it was the only thing i had that looked vaguely psyker-related, so i just rolled with it
warp energy is a hell of a drug

Is there a way to convert Primaris Marines and AdMech into Chaos versions without just adding spikes and various chaotic knick-knacks?

Paint straight lines across each other before filling them in.

For anything more specific it would be helpful to know what you are trying to do/avoid though.

On a general note I'd say sculpting the armor trims from chaos armor onto the primaris guys would be a good start.
As for the Dark Mechanicus, there is only very little official artwork, but it mostly looks like regular Mechanicus, just even more scary.
The robes are tattered and their limbs tend to look a bit more insectoid - and spiky.
But for the minis themselves, just painting them dirty and adding chaos arrows and similarly themed freehand on the robes instead of the cogs teeth motif that they usually sport would be a good start.
Kitbashing with some Vampire Counts parts could be a viable way to go with that.

converting good looking chaos models usually requires a lot of effort and imagination

Just needs practice as everyone's saying. Don't need to highlight every single edge, take a look at 'Eavy Metal stuff (ie. pics on the website) to see where they put their highlights, and always remember you can use washes or the base colour to thin the highlights back down if they look too thick.

>people buying the intro box Primaris and bemoaning how they're having to cut them up for variety, instead of waiting for the multi-part set

>people buying the easy-to-assemble Reivers when the box has just been announced

What is actually wrong with nuGW drones? Are they that impatient?

What Vampire Counts parts did you have in mind? I'm intrigued.

yeah I've found it weird on the FB groups where people are already trying to make Primaris armies from like two sprues. It's going to look crap in six months so why bother.

I was thinking of their ghosts, necromancers and the like.
Kitbashing zombie parts with footsoldiers to emphasize the Dark Mechanicus' corruption. I'd image their skitarii equivalents to look more like meatpuppets than augmented soldiers.
So maybe even Graveguard with skitarii helmets and arms would work. Since they are wearing armor you could use the bodies without them just looking like skeletons.

To the Imperium the human form is holy. To the Dark Mechanicus it may not be. So maybe even some weird biotitans/servitors, like the mutants carrying the chaos altar could be useful.

I think it'd be a really cool opportunity for some amazing conversions and kitbashes to make an army like that.

Icm buying the primaris box because it has like 1000 points worth of models for 2 armies I play for 130 fuckimg dollars. It would be retarded not to grab at least one. GW offering a value that "good" is rare.



My attempt at a Ravenguard terminator captain. Inb4 it sucks.

>everyone thinks you're a psyker but you're actually just stoned out of your goddamn mind

you in Melbourne cunt?

I... I'm not sure to be honest. This has never happened to me.


Get a 0.1mm marker like pic related. Just make sure it's a permanent one, instead of just a 0.1mm architects pen ( because they'll smudge when you put wet paint near them)

I used this pen to do all the checkers and scales.

The painting is really neat! Get some black ink to bring out the depth on the model, it'll look infinitely better with minimal effort.

I think I managed to make it right side up? Pls.

>The painting is really neat

Best way to fake gold/brass? I only have silver metallic. Doing multiple washes of sepia/inks over it maybe?

You'd save yourself time and effort by just buying a pot online. I've tried it myself and it isn't worth the effort.

Good idea thank you for the tips gonna look that up

C&C: Work to make the dividing line of color as sharp as you can, also Aggrax the model and edge highlight and you're basically done!

Mate, just buy a £2 pot of paint.

I speak from experience, as a teen I had green/brown tau with silver guns, but picked out various parts with yellow Citadel ink. God knows why.

>yellow Citadel ink
I loved that ink.

fair enough


there are a lot of good airbrush tutorials on youtube, just look at everything miniature related.

My number one first tip if your using a needle smaller than 0.3mm is to thin your paint a lot (almost watery) since thick paint can fuck up your needle and nozzle

Alright thanks, I'll be sure to look out for such a pen next time I'm in town

Holy fuck

What chapter is the red and white checker Deathwatch?

God no, dude, that's a great model but the angle its at is fucking garbage.


Lamenters, looks like.

>red and white checker
lamenters have black and white checks, the guy on the right is one, the guy with yellow and black on his hip is imperial fist

first post here, im kinda new to the hobbys, what do you think of my (sorry not green) red orkz?

that white hair is really nice. how did you get the skin tones, on both the models?

forgot something

Don't waste your time on the edge highlighting meme. It's a retarded technique that only looks good when perfect and it is way overused by GW.

It's above THIN YOUR PAINTS quality but it feels flat because of the lack of highlighting.
Looks fine for a beginner, basically.

washes and highlights
washes and highlights

I like it for the most part but why purple hair?

Can you get him a hat?

>only looks good when perfect

That's why we practice, my dude. If you give up before you start, you'll never get good.

???? what's your advice then?

I have one of the older Mega Paint Sets, well the metal case anyway, most of the acrylics had dried, but all the Inks were okay. Unfortunately I've never really figured out how to use the Inks properly, so I haven't used them in years.

Might get them out and remember that smell, and see how I can use them alongside the couple of Shades I use now, Nuln Oil and Agrax.

i wanted him to be really pale like all the warp energy was draining out of the top of his head, like how genestealers look, but i couldnt quite pull it off. as it is, i settled for something just generally eccentric looking

My Scorpion Green from that paint edition is still ticking, just gotta thin it every now and again.
Soon I'm going to do some striking scorpions up neon style

If you ever run out, the Coat D'Arms range *is* the old Citadel range. Same company, HMG Paints Ltd. They still make the new Citadel range too actually iirc.

>Storm Bolter looks like grey plastic
did... did you prime it at all?

Don't be mean, you can see the clear loss of detail, that's paint.

Some paints dry almost instantly, some take years to dry up. Shit's weird.

It took my skull white 3 days to turn to snot, 3 days more to become damp chalk. It took my chaos black 3 years to turn to snot. But abbadon black goes to snot after about 3 weeks.

Sorry I wrote up an epic reply but it got lost thanks to touchscreen shenanigans.

My advice is do not edge highlight until you are many many years in. Focus on other techniques while you are new. Especially do not use EH if you are trying to make a table ready army as you will go insane.

You gotta think about the human factors man. EH is about isnsanensanely time consuming technique, especially if you are trying to do it right. Painting a whole army with it is a quick path to madness. You might do it right a few times but eventually you will get fatigued and do a less than perfect job. And then, because EH is gay and needs perfect work to look good, your model ends up looking like shit.

It's not fun. It's not practical. Focus on different painting methods and save shit like EH for painting company, etc.

It really frustrates me that every fucking eavy metal model uses it, because every po new tries to copy it, then their models look like shit, so they think they are shit and just give up.

Which 40k army would take the Bretonnian painting style best ?
So every model has is own paint scheme.

>because every po new tries to copy it, then their models look like shit, so they think they are shit and just give up.
Kind of sounds like you are just bitter from personal experience.

I mean, if you are serious about it any technique as got to be learned in order to be 'perfected'.
Your advice is basically just to give up on it.

It can be fun, it'd definitely practical if you want to sharpen up a soft sculpt or just want a clean tabletop finish that you can do quickly.
Cause it paints up really quickly if you can paint cleanly on a model that lends itself to it. Space Marines are the classic example.

As with everything else there is no one thing that works for everybody.
Always depends on the style you are going for and what your skillset is.

Imperial Knights, maybe Inquisition, possibly homebrew chivalric space marine chapter.

>So every model has is own paint scheme.
You can do Deathwatch.
Or a crusade army.

Imperial guard could work. Penal legion with guys form all over the place, or a regiment that was formed from leftovers.
Or you could just build a regiment that is basically just bretonnians in Space.
Give the men at arms lasrifles and the knights get explosive lances and the tanks are decked out like a grailchapel.
Some Space Marine chapters also do their personal heraldry thing, though usually just on one shoulderpad.

Left is Rakarth flesh, 50/50 brown and purple washes (watered down), then Rakarth flesh again as highlight.

right is steel legion drab, sepia wash all over, no highlights.

Imperial Knights, maybe a yourdudes chapter with detailed squad markings and sarge banners, tzeentch daemons, Harlequins, aspectdar has many differently painted squads but not really individual models, imperial agents can be non-standardised but is unlikely to be as chivalric as other options. You could do a vehicle-based army and go ham on variations on a theme, too.

Time to paint some boys

I think it's interesting that your counterpoint involves an image of a kit that you just have to throw washes on and it looks great. If only they all were like that

>Time to paint some boys
>tfw when you expected orks when the picture opened
I feel cheated now.

Oh, well. Have fun.

Its not so bad , anyway newbies can always just use drybrushing and washes

Drill the zoggin barrels

just so you know user you can still use them even though they are dried out, if you use an older tatty brush and a small glass of water, you can grind the brush and water into the dried paint and it will become a liquid consistency again. Ive got paints that are almost 20 years old that i could still use if i wanted to :) So yeah even though keeping old paints for nostalgia is same thing i do, you definitely still can use them to paint, though id advise testing it out on a not so special model before hand

And make sure that the re liquidized paint isnt gritty, as that will show up as bumps when you paint it onto a model. What i try to do is use water on the dried paint to get a little depression of paint, then pick up a glob of it and put it on some paper towel or something, that way you can see any chunky bits, and can dip your brush in water more to get it thinner to use too

looks really good user, dont listen to the OCD people complaining about the edge highlights, the model will look perfect at eye to table distance. Often i find the more extreme or what some might call 'too thick edge highlights' really make a model pop. If i have a choice between an unhighlighted model with flat colours and a model with not razor thin edge highlights ill choice the one with highlights every time. The model is 100% done to a good tabletop quality, and lets face it most armies people play with are unpainted grey tides anyway, so kudos to you for actually trying, and following from that, no one has perfect skills out of nowhere, we only become better painters by imperfectly trying techniques

did someone say OLD PAINTS?

I'm in the middle of the IG version of this, but since there's so many models I'm doing units by different colors. My original idea was to have a marine chapter that was basically Brettonian nobles, who cart around their peasant PDF serfs with them to do battle. Every marine was going to have his own sparkling heraldry while the massed IG infantry would all look like dirty peasants in browns and dirty reds and blues.

If you really just want each model to have a unique paint scheme, basically every army has ways that could happen.

Tyranids with some Chameleon gene where each organism is shifting colors all the time.

Savage Orks who haven't agreed on a Warboss and each consider themselves their own Waaaaagh, working with others.

Tau renegades who killed their Ethereals like Farsight did and have an extreme reactionary stance against the Greater Good destroying their individuality, so they all express their individual natures through their armor.

Dark Eldar in a short-lived alliance just for a raiding party, soon to turn on eachother to take the spoils.

Rag-tag Eldar survivors of a dozen dead craftworlds and exodite worlds, now raiding as Corsairs, just trying to survive.

Chaos doing chaos, yo, Really, the fact that most Chaos warbands *don't* look like this is surprising.

A Necron prince went batty and decided he'd give his people their souls back with a little change of decor, for that individual, handmade charm. So, he whipped out buckets of paint and did some arts and crafts for a few millennia.

Yeah I did a bit of research, but with the states the various ones were in, I just decided to be cut-throat and just get rid.

Even now I feel like I should spend more on my hobby tools and paints; that I'm limiting myself and making it harder work.

That good good

Why did you glue them to your ceiling?

It was a hell of a night okay.

A Necron prince went batty and decided he'd give his people their souls back with a little change of decor, for that individual, handmade charm. So, he whipped out buckets of paint and did some arts and crafts for a few millennia.

lol, Ma'rth a-st'wrt grinds worlds into dust, because they make a wonderful pigment for this adorable table decoration!

He's on a quest to make his armies more homey, but he thinks ground up human bones make the best pigment for painting flowers.

Still got a couple of those... The lids have perished, but the paint is still liquid somehow.

Now sold under the "Coat d'arms" brand, of course, though I hear that their inks are a newer recipe.

honestly youd be surprised, even paints like this , take an old brush dipped in water to it and you can get some paint out of the solid chunk

hah these inks properly stink, really vibrant colours too.
I think i read somewhere that they were originally made by windsor&newton but that could well be internet horseshit.
found these in the loft with my 90's realm of chaos stuff, so will probably end up on here at some point. havent decided if i'm going to do retro colours+ painting style yet though.

Undercoats are done for my scions bodies. Debating whether to do the pants or brass trim first.