>Go to heroforge.com
>Create your current character and post it
>Others rate it
Here's my paladin. He fights for justice.
>Go to heroforge.com
>Create your current character and post it
>Others rate it
Here's my paladin. He fights for justice.
Here's my Warlock. He's a GOO Warlock who made his pact with Cthulhu unbeknownst to him. He uses his Book of Shadows as a spellcasting focus and his staff to knock unruly party members on their head when they do something stupid.
>Making pacts
He's not even a god
Well maybe pact is the wrong word, but I took it from the PHB. He borrows his power from him. Probably without Cthulhu actually being aware of it.
Here's Toziros. He just wants to be kawaii
Where did that user say it was a god? GOO means Great Old One, which is exactly what Cthulhu is. Hell, he's even mentioned in the 5e PHB as a choice for your patron as a Warlock.
>can never create my characters because I don't really play cliches
>always find some elements of my characters are missing from the options
Cliches are usually the most fun to play though. Why the specific intent to avoid cliches?
Because I generally find myself wanting to play a character that's -my- character. I actually tend to use pre-existing characters and/or cliches to build my characters generally, but then I steer them off in other directions. If I don't and a character stays too much of a cliche, I very quickly get bored.
Young kitsune Mesmerist on a quest to make the world a happier place.
Warlocks don't make pacts with gods.
my half-orc snusnu barb.
she fight for booze ,meat and little elf boys
Aetherborn Warlock from a crazy science fantasy post-apocalyptic game I've been playing. Made its pact with a rogue AI and has so far been basically playing a fantasy decker. This is about as close as Hero Forge can get to it.
So, after painting a few of these up for people in two different types of quality, I can say I'm not impressed.
The low end quality was a mess with the details, and any flat areas (looking down from over the model) show small artifacting from how it is cut.
A higher detail printing from a different person had the details looking a lot sharper, but the artifacting was significantly worse on those same flat sections, such as the top of a boot, or shoulder padding. There were also these odd sort of things, sort of like flash from a plastic model connecting vertically between multiple parts. I had been told by someone who works with 3D modeling that the weird flash stuff was a separate type of material used to help keep the form of more fragile bits while the excess regular material was removed.
Just so everyone is clear, this is a lady.
Also that robot hand is supposed to be a Powerglove. This is the kind of tone we're playing here.
Rogue Trader Seneschal.
>All these female characters
Why's Veeky Forums so full of faggots
What like... all one of them?
Not my current character, but my favourite.
Half-elf vampire Necromancer, deals with problems with liberal application of Alchemist fire. Not even close to the snowflakiest character in the party.
My undead Gnome Necromancer. He likes books, dead things and avoiding conflicts. He's also way too often forced to talk with people for the party.
Anima: Beyond Fantasy
Nephilim Sylvain Warlock. Party healer, enchanter, and occult specialist. Fairly jovial, kinda an uncle to the others.
At least until he completes his pact with the dragon next sesh. Then the world forgets he exists.
Detective "Bidden" Tracer, the Wood Elf proprietor of "Aberrational Detective Services". ADS for short.
basically the Noir Detective cliché set in a fantasy world.
his nickname is so he can say that that all entrances that are "forbidden", are for him. for"bidden".
it's the one joke he always cracks and the other partymembers hate it (IC)
also, ignore the suit piece, Heroforge don't allow just having a regular shirt underneath a trenchcoat.
Caryden Ellis, swashbuckler
(I'm really annoyed that heroforge doesn't have domino masks)
Here's my rogue Sally, he's a bit of a douche but in the end he always tries to help the party.
Redford, Fighter.
Cocky Kamina rip-off with a heart of gold. Travels with his brother, a cleric of pelor. Got into a small IC fight with him last session because he was turning all the ghouls we were fighting and my character didn't like hacking at cowering foes.
Cleric ended up winning the argument when he broke the turning and Redford got knocked to -9 (twice). Redford still feels uneasy about the whole thing, though.
Shadowrun Johnson NPC
I try to keep it interesting mixing up the fashion (badass professor, loud and gawdy suits, cyber-future fashion, etc)
Oh god, I've got a few HF minatures I've ordered recently.
Codger, Fighter. A rather simple guy who cares for only fighting. He was also cursed by a powerful wizard causing him to be only able to speak in idioms.
C-03.V5, Warforged Warlock. Started "life" as the mechanical servant of a Dwarven Artificer who kept on working on him and eventually infusing him with a soul, creating a truly living being.
Elim Tain, Human Necromancer. Haven't thought out his story/personality yet. Thinking a something like a false buffoon or neurotic idiot.
Erron Floyd, Blood Hunter. Family was killed by a vampire, spent 20 years training to be a Blood Hunter and find the monster who killed his wife and child. Turned out it was just a vampire obsessed human. Kill him anyway and now just moves from town the town clearing evil being and taking protection contracts.
That guy.
Micheal C. Felwinter, Anathema (my own homebrewed subrace) Bard. His soul was stolen by a powerful Fiend who then sold it to a Dwarven Artificer so that he could give true life to his mechanic servant. Now being little more than a ghost now, regular people cannot recall or remember Felwinter in the slightest after he leaves their presence. He travels with various groups, recording their adventures together and their pasts in an infinite tomb before departing and never seeing them again. He can't recall his own history, but he will preserve the history of everyone else.
Too bad all the parts look like giant blocky shit a chinese knockoff designer created after playing Warcraft.
Jannik Ebon-Duraz, Dwarven Gunsmith. It was he who built C-03.V5. He didn't do much adventuring, instead choosing to spend most of his time trying to give life to his mechanical servant. He eventually struck a deal with a fiend. The fiend would provide Jannik with a human soul to use to bring Coeus to life, but exchange Coeus would work as an agent for him in the mundane world, to gather and document magical items and knowledge for the fiends own usage. Eventually, Coeus left Janniks side to fulfill his duty while Jannik now searches for a way to harmlessly break the contract with the fiend so that Coeus may live free from its influence.
Tremor, Half-Orc Druid/Monk. Spends his life mostly in the mountains, but occasionally travels with small groups of travelers and adventures in need of company, protection, or guidance. The most absolutely chilled and relaxed Half-Orc you'll ever met.
They look better in real life, especially once when they're painted.
Lastly, my personally favourite . . .
Ge'eras Daemonfeuer, Dragonborn Alchemist. And absolute pyschopath, ate his father, mother, and siblings, took his family fortune and used it to set himself up in a far and distant land as a criminal mastermind. Stole a great deal of Janniks manucripts and blueprints during their one chance encounter and learned how to become an Artificer from them, making him Janniks Rival. He now uses his inventions and magical knowledge to commit various crimes and heists through out the lands often betraying all but his most trusted ally.
This guy is a Kara-Tur journeyman True Neutral Cleric following The Way.
Believes in balance and maintaining it, as such he studies history, medicine, and magic, following the Domain of Knowledge. There is a time and place for magical remedies and a time and place for natural remedies. Everything has a purpose for being and existing, from the lowliest gnat to the greatest king, even goblins and kobolds have a place and should not be exterminated.
The Easy: Time traveling Mythos investigator. His constant companion Jeannine (A pot plant) is in the backpack.
How did you get that painted? I can't figure it out for the life of me.
Wayang Wizard
Edras Vathek, Wood Elf monk
I colored it myself in GIMP using the multiplication brush setting. It adds the color to the background you're painting it on, so you can color stuff without losing details.
Be careful, you have to paint in everything you want a specific color in one go, or deal with color overlap since it will multiply your green over your green darkening it if you do multiple brush strokes.
Catria Merywyn: Exiled Iosan Mage Hunter turned sad drunk. Has a blood-oathed Ogrun to drag her back from whatever tavern she's fallen asleep in. Also, her only family living family member is a recurring antagonist to the story, and the party is going to figure it out one day and kill her because all elves are the same, right?
Bayushi Dai, Scorpion Bushi
my current, though he wears a sack-hood with eye-holes instead of the plaguedoctor thing
Here's my monk.
He sticks his pointy stick into things that deserve it.