What is Veeky Forums's thoughts on the Rollplay brand on twitch/youtube?
What is Veeky Forums's thoughts on the Rollplay brand on twitch/youtube?
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I think that rather than constantly advertise it here you should toastercast yourself an episode in the bathtub you fucking piece of shit shill.
Come on user he clearly just loves the show, with it's charming, completely not annoying cast
And did I mention their -brilliant- GM, who isn't a cringy faggot in the least?
Boy oh boy Rollplay is great I tell you what.
>watching rollplay aka Adam Koebel runs every game
>not watching Neal's latest series Frozen Fortress that has good roleplayers, deadly combat and no bullshit
Isn't Adam canadian too? He basically is your pic related so much it's not funny
By which you mean ruins, right?
Yes. He actually started out good with Swan Song and then R U I N E D it with that ending.
its frozen frontier and thank you for bringing this to my attention!
Hope you like it!
Like all other youtube e-celeb ttg letsplay bullshit, it is cancer and contributing to the flood of SJW into the hobby.
Went to shit after Neal left.
Neal has his own channel and series with actually good roleplayers and an audience that doesn't cry for making the game hard.
I used to like it to some degree, but JP is one boring fucker and everyone seems way too chipper. some of the shit is cringy too
I'm preparing to do my own RPG stream series or whatever and we are basically fat/g/uys. I'm getting some production QUALITY with it. I reckon if I posted it here once I get started I'd be told 'fuck off shill', so we'l just do a few games and have some good times.
I know, I'm watching his shows. Frozen frontier is god tier
What games will you be playing?
Well the people I've talked to want to do a star trek adventures game because they want to try it out and hey, its new. My general plan is to GM a 'season' of 12 episodes, with the last 2 being basically a two parter.
Not interested
Favorite npcs?
I like Amily and David the best
Gnash was fun but now he's dead, Amily and corporal Aleisha mainly because of Jaromir's interactions with them
>How can I get a bunch of spell components here? I know let the little kid do it!
Adam was bearable until he became the show's only longterm GM. Obviously he insisted pay before he got into doing a series of campaigns (At least after swan song) and I can understand his reasoning, but that forced JP to kick out the guy who was running West Marches, who is a wonderful GM and all-around chill guy. I think Koebel's a fag but he generally leaves his SJW shit out of the game.
I haven't been able to stand watching extensively since they started their campaign with Koebel in his weird tarot setting, and then they started several other campaigns with that one fag who made a capes TTRPG. There's just something about him, I can't stand watching it. Feels scummy or cringey or something, I dunno.
Koebel's an above average GM, but he's not terrific. He does some things good and some things mediocre.
Also dungeon world is kind of terrible.
>the guy who was running West Marches, who is a wonderful GM and all-around chill guy.
Seriously? He was just as much of a cringy SJW as Koebel and West Marches was "that guys magical realm" the series.
I heard the yogscast thing is pretty good, anyone know the name of it?
Do you think so?
I didn't think he was overly SJW, or at least he never made it a glaring problem/part of his personality or whatever.
What was that guy/magical realmy about West Marches?
Adam has some personal politics I don't agree with, but I don't really care since he doesn't tend to push that shit hard.
I loved Swan Song for a while, West Marches was awesome. Meaning to get into Blades. Court of Swords has an interesting world but fuck do I hate the brutality of the game. II haven't watched Balance of Power but I hear the dark side was amazing. Nebula Jazz is fucking fantastic.
I liked Steven also as a DM, apparently his King Arthur Pendragon campaign on his own channel is also pretty good. It's a shame itmejp decided to restructure the shows so that there is only one campaign per system.
I tried watching the oneshot thing they did today (yesterday?) and it didn't grab me at all. It felt like the token girl was just that, and I hated when the GM broke immersion by pretending this was all a TV show or movie by moving "the camera" around. Plus the combat dragged on forever.
Adam does the camera thing a lot, sometimes he even moves the "camera" to places the players can't see, don't really care about and it's obvious he's just doing it to get them to thing about something that didn't grab their attention. It's probably the worst thing he does in my opinion, don't run the game like it's an rpg with cutscenes.
The guests are usually hit or miss, really often it's miss. The problem is they don't take roleplayers, they take streamers, potentially their first time ever playing a p&p rpg and put them live infront of a large audience.
That's why I like frozen frontier, the players are nobodies that the GM has played with before and knows are good players. The audience isn't huge so they don't play anything up and there's no "camera"
Neil didnt deserve his exile
The moment I hear the voices use for the characters in Nebula Jazz, I knew I could watch it. It so grading on my ears.
>his King Arthur Pendragon campaign on his own channel is also pretty good
If you can tolerate the players, it's pretty good.
Also, this being Steven's show, it's on indefinite hiatus. Because Steven.
>Nebula Jazz is fucking fantastic.
Is this like Cowboy Bebop?
No. It's not amazing.
That's what I've been doing with my group user and so far we're three episodes in and having a blast.
Steven is certainly trying to make up for lost time on the sjw front that's for sure. His twitter is 50% rpg and game design and 50% "progressive".
Steve (other gm that ran west marches and the awesome dark heresy series) was a teir above.
> I think Koebel's a fag but he generally leaves his SJW shit out of the game
>Swansong singer gets their gay prayed away by Christians.
>Mirrorshades Christians attacking "progressive" Ork in full hajib attire. Because "lol christsinz r wurst m I rite?"
>West marches. Plays character that goes out of his way to mutilate and corrupt anyone who worships a lawfull good deity.
Dude he loves and breathes and would happily nom "big red's" chemtrail and he's fucking pink hair curly moustache, skinny jeans wearing faggot, "bro you don't get it, I vape!" hipster.
Miss the old shows. West marches, original DnD, swan song and mirror shades.
Oh yeah, and he has an absolute boner for dungeon world based games.
Also Steve did the maid RPG sessions. Which were amazing if you removed Jessie Cox from the mix.
God that Orc in Mirrorshades was the cringiest shit. She was like the avatar of shitty Tumblr OCs.
Then there was also the Apocalypse World campaign he did for Roll20 where he tried to shove in the "muh gender identity" nonsense, and hilariously got shut down by the most flamboyantly gay dude on the show.
My thoughts are I need to stop seeing a new thread asking the same fucking question everytime I go to Veeky Forums.
Everything is better when Jessie Cox is removed from the mix.
Nah it's a weirdass comedy. Somewhere between Guardians of the Galaxy and Deadpool.
Murder bunnies, lizard people that literally bottle up their feelings, and lots of "because this is some trashy 80ies/90ies show, obviously happens".
Isn't he also trying to get hired on at another game company? Gotta fill that feed with progressive tweets if your gonna get hired brehbreh.
So mirrorshades.
>Ork in full hajib attire.
I'm sorry what? Is that a setting thing or..?
Also thats such a statement that it starts to go backwards and is now actually the things he claims to hate.
She was a stronk feminist Muslim Orc Mage from the middle east who was a world famous speaker for metahuman rights. And was being attacked by evil white Christians who hate green people.
He failed to see the irony in that she'd be executed in the real middle east for half that shit, let alone the mess that is the Shadowrun middle east.
>Adam is an SJW
>Steven is an SJW
Also the fact that she's an orc, a race known for raping, murdering and invading.
... In Shadowrun?
Well they got 2/3 in Shadowrun
>Also the fact that she's a muslim, a race known for raping, murdering and invading India.
I haven't seen it. What did Cox do that was shitty?
hey this is a nice thread dont ruin it with racism
Cox is just a dumb memer that can't play serious
Irl christians are way worse than Humanis is portrayed in Shadowrun though. Some Humanis member have some basic common sense occasionally.
based trips of truth
That's a weird way to spell itmeJP.
Seriously, the only games with JP in it that are bearable are Swansong, Neals old game and any game with Coxx in it because he's one of the few people that can wrangle JP.
Neal's original campaign was about as exciting as chewing cardboard. I mean, it was probably about the same as games we have in our RL group but that's not something I'd spend time watching
Its a mixed bag. On the whole, I think most of the shows are adequate at what they do, but there are some things that seem weird to me every so often.
>Court of Swords
While the game was introduced as hard, I think it was overdone. Ironically, Berg is the longest-surviving character in the series despite Max seeming to have the most trouble with mechanics of the regular cast. Dan is the most interesting to watch, since he has the most solid grasp of mechanics of all the players and often has good roleplay contributions. The guests tend to slow things down, though I did enjoy/am enjoying Morgan Webb and AnneMunition's characters.
>Nebula Jazz
Lots of memery and weird trope invocations, but I like it. Except for any time Pokket opens her mouth. I don't know if its her not being used to RPGs, or if the FATE system itself is tripping her up, but I find myself (and in recent episodes, the other players as well) constantly trying to figure out what the hell she's doing. There's a few key episodes where it shows that the group isn't playing anywhere close to optimally, but the narration and humor is pretty fun, as long as you don't try to take it too seriously.
No opinion; haven't watched it. Just couldn't find the interest.
>Balance of Power
Dark Side was an amazing snowballing shitshow of bad decisions. The players are all trying to play "That Guy" types of characters, and manage to find that balance where it works, IMO.
I liked Dogs in the Vineyard, Tales from the Loop, and Feast or Famine. YMMV.
>the maid RPG sessions
That's what convinced me Steven was a good GM. Some of his early West Marches stuff he'd fall into the "I made an encounter and I want everyone to see it!" trap that irks me (there was a particular bit early on with an exploding traveler that the group was intent on avoiding but was pretty much forced on them), but the way he handled the Maid RPG game was fucking spot-on.
And yeah, Jessie Cox is a spaz.
Unrelated: Koebel's a good GM. He's a gay hipster (literally a gay hipster) and he wears that on his sleeve, but he knows how to handle a game. I imagine his content is as inclusive and touchy-feely as it is because, as a game designer, he's used to having to run demos at conventions for strangers so he just dials everything down to "everyone's included, nobody's offended" by default. That's fine with me.
Most informed and useful posts ITT. Thanks.
Is playing "optimally" even really a thing in FATE?
>Oh yeah, and he has an absolute boner for dungeon world based games.
He is one of the creators of the system, so yeah, kinda to be expected. The Blades in the Dark guy was peddling his game super hard as well
You flatter me user.
I mean, not in the same way as there is in a d20-type system.
What stands out to me at the moment is there being a moment during Qin's arc where the group decides to confront the Empress of Slynn. Qin/Jesse has to fight a notAbomination!Lizardman, and the rest take their turns to create boosts and scene aspects to help him. Adam makes an aside comment to the audience along the lines that FATE's "combat" works best when there's a healthy split between players making boosts and discovering aspects and players actually doing the combat rolls and using those aspects.
The very next round is everyone splitting up to fight various groups of guards, and Qin instantly starts getting overwhelmed because he can't get his rolls high enough.
Or more recently in "What the hell is Aurora doing," her solution to trying to weasel her and Rex/Strippin being inspected and taken for questioning is to handcuff herself to the rail, try to compel Rex to swallow one of 4 armed soldiers, and then complain when he rejects the compel because everyone but Pokket seems to realize that they can't take on 3 heavily armed soldiers + a commanding officer.
It wasn't very exciting early on anyways, though I enjoyed it for the sheer amount of work he put into the world
Just the size of it made me get the feeling that even though the PC's were doing something very important it was never centered on them. NPC's didn't have any sort of plot armor to them and he kept things fair while always making it clear that there are some pretty strong guys in the world and the PC's while important and if they worked together they could take them out, weren't the only tough guys out there. Neal also seems very good at rolling with the crazy shit his players would do and somehow bring it back on track
At least until one of them decided to challenge a 9th level fighter and 6th level fighter as an 8th level fighter without any armor on and alone, then everyone except Gen decided to funnel in and 1v1 that same fighter. That's where the first one ended
Muslim is not a race.
>one of them decided to challenge a 9th level fighter and 6th level fighter as an 8th level fighter without any armor on and alone
Was it Geoff with his ridiculous sword? If yes, he had a chance
Yes it was Geoff, with one of those sentient dragon killing weapons. He never was successful with those duels though, nearly died to that one guy in the arena way at the start, and then got fucked up by that paladin.
He basically killed the 6th level guy in 3 hits, but the higher level guy took him down. Then it was a disaster of everyone rushing in like made 1 by 1 to die trying to kill those two while they displayed Geoff's headless corpse to the town they were in
Lovely ending for their misadventures
>My name is ricky and im the last of the brown elfs
gets me every time
it's racist though
Be Cox?
"Guys I haven't said something in the past five minutes, shut up and let me blabber some bullshit and be the center of attention." "Guys, my character is not winning I'm gonna Bala blah blah so I can win. Guys my 'pure pure' character stabs the other players character in their sleep because reasons."
Cox can't do anything becides lol random jackassery and he's proven It time and time again.
The only person that can honestly wrangle him is TotalBiscuit and that's on his show.
samefagging hard to get (you)s
he'd actually be pretty good on a rollplay show, good voice and you know he'd get into it.
He was in their dark heresy one that never did get finished.
He's said he's not a fan of rpg stuff and prefers board games, though I don't know if that's changed because I stopped paying attention to him years ago
I think the "camera" thing is interesting and usually enjoy him narrating as if it's a movie, describing shots and stuff. ... It went too far for me though whenever he described the locations that players were in as a "set." E.g. in a recent Court of Swords, "This is a verdant jungle set."
I know he disagrees with immersion as a concept, but there's being unreasonable about immersion and there's completely destroying any concept of a fictional space.
Pls explain
Muslims themselves believe they are a race, or members of a tribe. National borders mean fuck and all to them.
You're really construing a lot from a one shot.
Cox is pretty amazing in the short Numenera campaign Steven ran. He's great in Balance of Power, and great in Nebula Jazz.
He's been in two, one Dark Heresy campaign Steven ran that never got finished because TB was diagnosed with cancer.
Then he played in another Dark Heresy one shot that was run by Geoff which apparently was also good.
>He disagrees with immersion
>He disagrees with anything more mechanically complex than D&D
Immersion is important as hell, especially if you want 'group storytelling' or other concepts his hipster mind wants to transform RPGs into. I mean, I don't think he's ever used things like Journals, Diaries and letters to convey plot information and character, but that would actually require writing out a goddamn letter to show your party wouldn't it?.
Mechanics are important to contain the reality of your setting as well as providing a way to structure and build stories or encounters in a way to provide challenge and excitement. The last campaign I saw him ran 98% of it was just walking around and discussing politics with narry a check to be made in site, you might as well of thrown the system out of the door and sang kumbaya around a fire.
>He disagrees with anything more mechanically complex than D&D
Dude practically jacks it to Burning Wheel. He fucking loves his mechanics.
Neal is best DMfu
I stopped watching rollplay after they cancelled WM and fucked over Steven.
I want Neal to party wipe me!
Steve did nothing wrong
Also JP is a boring faggot, I have no clue how he got a following
Starcraft 2 is why
Huh. I rate MOBA/RTS streamers at the bottom of the pile, nothing is less interesting than some guy playing an RTS
I don't even think he was a pro, he just talked about the game
that astounds me even more.
People only watch him because of Rollplay. No one would give a shit about him anymore if not. He spent his E-sports celebrity a long time ago.
>People only watch him because of Rollplay.
People in mass only watched because of TB. Soon as that happened his popularity exploded.
>He's great in balance of power
Wasn't the dark side a train wreck of "lol random" bullshittery and the fact all of them were fucking each other's plans over that somehow they stumbled forwards in the game through a lot of GM intervention?
I couldn't into past the character intros. Star Wars bores the shit out of me.
Longtime fan, been watching since the very beginning with Neal but haven't had time to watch anything of theirs for like the past 10 months so I'm out of the loop with their recent stuff.
For the big three...
Basically is a poor/passive role player who focuses much more on being a "lol whatever" character or simply optimizing himself mechanically, but actually gives a shit about the production quality of his shows. He doesn't role play for fun anymore now that he has to manage ~6 campaigns/times/miscellany.
Kinda like a really good Ham and Cheese sandwich, his style isn't exotic and he lacks a bit of flair but he has all the basics of how to be a good GM down to a master level. He puts more work into his games than anyone I've ever met. His personal streams shows he also knows a bunch of (unphotogenic) grognards who understand rpgs. Wish he'd try something that isn't D&D 2E.
>Adam Koebel
His beard is disgustingly unkempt and he's had that stupid pink hair die for almost as long as he's been on the show. For all the shit he gets for being a literal gay pink haired sjw, listening to his 'office hours' videos shows he actually understands a lot about the underlying societal interactions and mechanical benefits/flaws to systems attempts to facilitate role playing. Smart guy, plays NPCs well, has a habit of jerking off to 'narrative games'.
The rest of the cast varies of course.
He's like if you tried to mix Adam and Neal. He was always a bit wacky, and not in a good way. Overall a competent GM and a fun and engaging player.
Started confrontational as hell and basically gravitates to 'combat' characters, but has probably become my favorite personality in the history of the show. He gets comedy, improv, and is an ok streamer.
Was a bad roleplayer but a fun player. He was an idiot and he had some of the stupidest/funniest lines from the first 2 roleplay shows.
Was a lolsorandom french gamergrill who evolved into a minimally exceptional roleplayer. Never got used to her voice.
She's good, but not out of this world. Entertaining to watch but lacks a lot of 'gamesense'.
Fine. He's good at speaking and improv which is probably why he has his job. Geeks out too much sometimes, but good.
>Honorable Mentions
Ezekiel_iii, Dansgaming, Annemunition, TotalBiscuit, Trump (Hearthstone), and JesseCox (alot of people here seem to hate him but I thought he was genuinely entertaining).
JP is really good at interviewing and working with an audience, surprisingly. If you watch any of his talk show stuff (Like the show he does on Wednesdays where they talk about upcoming games and reviews of games or something, if he's still doing that), he's surprisingly apt. He's good at asking good questions, keeping the ball rolling, that kind of thing. Although, I never watched his earlier stuff so I dunno if he's always been that way. He doesn't do lots of Esports stuff anymore, although he'd be good at it.
The streams where he plays games are okay, but not great. I enjoy watching him because he's fun to get relaxed for an evening while he plays WoW or whatever but otherwise it's kind of dull.
He's one of the low points of the TTRPG sections of the channel, but he runs the show well.
Neal has changed 2E so much they call it 2.Neal on his shows.
Sure, that makes for a more entertaining show. It's the fucking Dark Side.
here's a better one m8
I used to watch some episodes before, but haven't really watched anything in a while because I have my own weekly gaming group to deal with.
I liked that geoff guy. But I heard he got kicked off the show because he someone's gf a bitch or cunt or something? Can someone confirm this?
I liked steven and neal as gms. I liked totalbiscuit. I liked DJWheat too, especially because I used to watch his stream, epileptic gaming, when I was in high school.
I also liked that one bland MLG guy. He was fun because he would make stupid mistakes all the time that new role players make.
Don't know about the gf thing, but the shows geoff was in ended, and he was a guest in court of swords but his character died.
The bitch thing happened a long time ago near the start of rollplay they then figure it out and geoff came back on the show I don't know if something like that happened again or not but I would assume not.
esportsexpress com/2014/01/whiny-bitch/
This honestly covers what happened fairly well as it there wasn't much to it.
We don't have youtube threads on Veeky Forums for a reason.
That was a long time ago. Basically Gen was being a whiny bitch and Geoff in character said something along the lines of "Now, no one likes a whiny bitch etc...". They cut to break and JP started white knighting for Gen against Geoff, and I suspect this was exacerbated due to the community generally harassing Gen as a bad role player. JP ends the session then and there.
Que next session and JP & Geoff both come on at the start and say they've worked everything out. That was like 2 1/2 years ago now. If Geoff's not playing now it's probs just cause he's busy or doesn't want to, not drama.
Actually isn't Blades in the dark still running? He was in that aswell.