Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Fucking idiot edition

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Raven Guard Stormravens edition

First for renegade heretics being the worst army in all 40k editions

When using same total number of Vanguard Vets, would it be better to go 2x units of 5 or 1x units of 10? Carrying Shield+X.

If Grey knights get the Primaris treatment expect giant Grey knight walkers. Think about it.

Carcharodons are Raven Guard right?

Does this mean the Knightmare will be canon?

Speaking of Carcharodons, can geen-seeds be 'mixed' while generations go down?

Is this thing still a thing? It's a bit of a hike to the nearest GW sadly

cadian heavy weapons teams no longer avaliable through gw. new imperial guard soon?

Stormraven Guard

Storm Raven Guard


Whats the most obnoxious amount of usable IG i can field for 500 points ?

I'm playing Either my orks or Space Marines depending on what I guess he will field

>he doesn't know

Lol no

It's just the single box. The box of 3 is still available. GW is reducing product redundancy opting for the larger boxes. Like the single Carnifex is gone but the box of 2 is still around

I meant Im playing against a Waacfag IG saturday, I just know he likes conscript a LOT and we have a 500 points mini tournament

$5 in china.
Dont know why you want a marinelet tho

2k Ynnari 7CP
Battalion Detachment
Autarch Skyrunner, x2 avenger shuriken catapults
x5 Corsair Skyreavers, shardcarbines
x5 Corsair Skyreavers, shardcarbines
x5 Corsair Skyreavers, shardcarbines
x5 Corsair Skyreavers, shardcarbines
x5 Scourges, dark lances
x5 Scourges, dark lances

Vanguard Detachment

Skyrunner Warlock, singing spear
x10 Shadow Spectres, exarch
x10 Shadow Spectres, exarch
x6 Shadow Spectres, exarch

SS get -2 to hit with conceal, get two phases of shooting with soulburst from Corsair screen, farseer with 24" range casts fortune on a unit of 10 rerolling misses to hit on prism rifles that generate an extra attack per hit up to 3. Autarch gives rerolls of 1 to hit for the other units. Yvraine gives free soulburst in psyker phase allowing a unit of dark Lance scourges to attack again.


>9th edition
>primaris gene used on all marines
>all marines use primaris stats
>doesn't matter what models you use anymore

Salamanders Chapter Tactic will be
>Add 1 to Wound rolls made in the shooting phase against targets within 6"

It's a boost that would be great for Flamers and Meltas but isn't actually specific to Flamers and Meltas

Screencap it.

Doesn't change the fact that the marinelets have incredibly odd proportions and going back to them after working with Primarines is really awkward.

Well, they're roughly 50 points for ten, so 100 of them. Bring lots and lots of bolters or lots and lots of ork goys

If he's being a scumbag and spams Conscripts, just spam Ork Boyz. Da Jump one squad of Sluggas in front of him, advance another big unit with Shootas. And then add some Tankbustas to deal with any tank he might bring. Season to take with Doks and shiet.

If he's being a retard and spams a meme he's going to lose hard. The armies you actually need to worry about are someone bringing three+ vehicles at 500 points and tabling everyone who didn't bring anti-armor

Just like playing a rogue trader era model along modern models would look odd but would still be considered acceptable.


Not seeing too much of a problem with that. The only vehicles I would worry about at those sizes are Land Raiders and if you bring a Land Raider, you'll likely bring a Patrol with a bare-bones Troops and HQ choice, so yeah, the other 150 points can cower inside the Land Raider and hope you don't get screwed on objectives.

Whereas at 500 points someone can just bring three blobs of Conscripts with Commisar babysitters, sit them down on one objective each and have nothing more to worry about.

Most vehicles however simply don't have the raw firepower to table anything, just look at the poor poor Leman Russ.

True that.



Again and a again the Primari fluff is just pointless
We do not need explanation for thing getting bigger.

Looks like you could recreate a part of Terra with this stuff

Alright. Have fun :)

Eh, primaris have far too human proportions. They look weird next to normal marines and there's no overlap between primaris models and any of the old units beyond that Intercessors are basically Tacs.

I've only got a few deathwatch models at the moment, but if I moved into normal marines I don't think I'd buy any primaris stuff, it clashes too much with the main range.

what would have happened if they just released truscale without a lore transition would be autists setting fire to their armies again.

SoB haven't got new models in decades.
Vyredian and Celestine hardly count.
One no longer has rules and the other is slot to fill for HQ in other imperial armies.

What is a 'tactic?' Is it kind of a passive skill for more narrowly-keywarded army, or an active skill used with CP?

>SoB haven't got new models in decades.
>that's the point

Nothing of value was lost also this Size creep is nothing new in 40k

Eh, most people ignore truescale autists because it's really obvious marines are to scale with most armies already.

Wanting them to tower over everyone like Custodes or Stormcasts means you don't even care about the actual lore and want to feel bigger and more important than other people.

But user that is just generic gothic terrain, not SoB terrain.
Hence my confusion of your comment

Chapter Tactics are unique rules for marine subfactions.

Deathwatch and cult Chaos are already larger than old marines.

Boring minmax, but at least it's not space marines

Every thread for 3 days

Wait, so what would orks do against raven guard storm raven spam ?

It's something 40k doesn't have

So, Chapter-wide passive rule than?

That is why my not! SoB are towering Amazonian in power armour.
The bitching and moaning I got from the marine player that just got Primaris due to how big they are was delicious.

Not my original intention but, just something to have a a side project, but good god the
>buu...t Primaris a bit teller!
Make me smile more than it should.

Same as any other cus Chapter Tactics doesn't apply to them.

>ork goys

i don't think that list would be kosher

Yes. Other armies will get them. IE: Legion, Clan, Hive Fleet, Kabal, Regiment, etc.

>stop adding stuff
>just purity seals and some shrines for decoration

Fluff them as being from a world that only barely avoided being classed as abhumans.

>Okay, near as we can tell you're just really tall... But we're watching you.

Am I understanding this correctly that:

My marine in 6" of CM shooting an enemy with -1 to Hit rule; If I roll 3, it's technically a failure but I can't reroll?



Seems pretty crazy good
380ish points is a lot though.

Bit too expensive IMO, in terms of both pts and $.

Needs more Ork

It's cool, but given how much it costs on points you may get more out of the Marauder Destroyer even at BS4+.

It's a lot of points, but it's pumping out what, 36 shots a turn with it's various guns? And given it can fly, it can't be tied up in melee, either.

P2W FW bullshit.

>roll a dice

>t. sand sphinctered poorfag


One singular dice, yes. A dice is what he will roll. He'll roll one dice. user's dice. For rolling.

Hello, you seem to be new. Yes, both GW and FW have been using that expression for years. If you open any contemporary dictionary, you will find that this expression is perfectly acceptable these days.

>418 pts
36" Heavy 10 6 -2 2
36" Heavy 24 5 -1 1
72" Heavy 4 8 -3 3


The state of /40kg/

>dice is the plural of die

>singular form of dice

> he should die
> she should die
> you should die
> roll a die

SM: July 29th
CSM+GK: August 19th
DG: September 23rd

>contemporary dictionary,

Contemporary dictionaries are a disgrace and actively detrimental to language and culture by normalizing misuse in the name of "descriptivism".

Linguistic descriptivism is the left's soft power method of normalizing cultural erosion and ignorance as desirable - which suits its agenda of supplanting cultures with external sources.

Getting back into 40k after a long hiatus, but honestly the toxicity of these generals is kinda putting me off again

>muh Burgercuck English is the real English
>y-you fuckin limeys have no idea how the language you invented works



It's pretty much a thunderhawk more effective vs medium/heavy infantry but without the transport capacity

It's good

what cultures would they be user?

> the toxicity of these generals is kinda putting me off again
keep out of the generals, just join in on the wip threads.

Linguistic prescriptivism is literally the worst

this level of annihilation is a thing of beauty

>Waaaaaaa languages aren't allowed to change

God people are retards about this. The only thing that matters about language is if it's communicating your point.

I don't even know what kind of retard standpoint you are pushing. Speak to any Professor of English Linguistics and they'll tell you that a dictionary should always record language the way it is currently spoken and written.

That is not to say the language as it once was should be forgotten, though. I think people who translate Shakespeare into Contemporary English deserve to be bludeoned to death, for example.

16 dark lance shots from one unit of scourge using yvraine, suffice to say the mecharius won't live
Except it hasn't been every thread it hasn't even been every day and I'm trying different timezones

yeah man, that cheetah poster was so autistic it hurts

I still don't get what happened here that was worth screencapping.

Sure thing bro.

>doesn't block LOS at ground level

So 6.66 hits, 16 hits and 2.66 hits respectively.

For an extra 42 points, a Marauder Destroyer gets you:
>+4 wounds
>6 S6 AP-1 D1 hits
>6 S7 AP -1 D2 hits
>3 S5 AP -1 D1 hits
>4 S8 AP-2 D(2D6 pick highest) hits
>12-cap bombing run.

So less good against light infantry due to less Heavy Boltering and AP, but superior AT capabilities, tougher and can drop a pile of Mortals on something annoying. Probably comparable, at the very least.

I'm not sure either. Reddit-tier unboxing? Eldars BTFOd? Shitposting? Autism?

>Based RH

no. I'm french and I'm actually ashamed of that shit being french.
Also, literraly none of those building make sense in an actual city, thats what happen when you design wargaming pieces instead of actual ruins on 28mm scale

>people who translate Shakespeare into Contemporary English deserve to be bludeoned to death, for example.

Whoever made that Leo DiCaprio Romeo and Juliet adaptation set in modern times and -didn't- translate it to contemporary English deserves to be bludgeoned to death.

See the Lion King for recontextualised Shakespeare done right.


You mean Disney's Hamlet in the bush?

>The secret of autism eldarfags don't want you to know

Between Alpharius and Miranda Irene, which is the better recaster?

English and American.

Consider how "literally" now holds a precisely antonymic definition. It is normal, now, for a word to mean its opposite - as if truth or precision of expression no longer matter. This suits a politics of untruth - that criminals are victims, that those who have not and will never work are more valuable citizens deserving of wealth than those who work, and so on.

Doublethink. The ability to believe two opposing theses. Can you see how we slide toward it if we let words lose their meaning?

>look mom! i posted it again!

Nothing worth screncapping, just an autistic user trying to force a meme

An Eldar player getting fucking REKT