Does you local game store allow "vaping"?
Does you local game store allow "vaping"?
Oh absolutely. I would go to a store that didn't let me blow my big, billowy clouds of cotton.
I can't imagine they do.
Likewise, mtg isnt the same without chunky rips off my fat lightsaber
You killed a good thread for this, OP. You bastard.
Hi Griffin. Looking forward to the end of The Adventure Zone!
Only full blown retards use this shit
Say this to me IRL and I'd blow a thick, cottony cloud in your face so dense that you'll never escape from.
Not living in the same area as retards, I haven't had to find out
Before my LGS switched owners, they used to allow vaping indoors. It was the biggest turn off in the fucking world since about 80% of the regulars vape.
Cloudchasers are the worst. You killed a thread that had actual Veeky Forums related discussion for this shitty thread.
Uhh, can we have some posts from those whose Veeky Forums acquaintances vape and are not hipsters/assholes about it?
t. DM who started vaping but is self-conscious about it
Don't think so. Although, didn't visit one for a couple of years now. I get PDFs via internet and run games at my house.
Choke on your mouth fedora.
Every player I have played with who vapes at the tanle or takes "vape breaks" has been an asshole about it. They blow their disgusting flavoured garbage all over the place and stink up the whole room. I no longer play with anyone who vapes during game sessions.
I would report the store for a public health violation in the presence of children. Go outside and smoke cigarettes like a normal degenerate, you gaping vags.
Seriously vaping is like being a brony, it's an irredeemable sin that makes you look like a tool.
>not hipsters/assholes about it?
i'm not sure that's possible
everyone i know who vapes is horribly obnoxious about it, and there was a guy a while ago in the shop who just blew massive clouds of smoke about the shop while playing magic because 'it's safe brah!'
if we wanted fog we'd buy a smoke machine.
>t. DM who started vaping but is self-conscious about it
You're right to feel self-conscious about it. Vaping is basically the most uncool thing a human being can do; it looks stupid, and it shows a lack of common courtesy and disregard for literally everybody around you. Despite the terrible health effects of smoking cigarettes, at least that shit looks cool.
>if we wanted fog we'd buy a smoke machine.
You found your own solution there, bud. Buy a fog machine, set it up to blow right in his retard face.
Just don't vape while DMing. How hard is that?
>Not blowing huge clouds of smoke while you describe the dragon
Nah, it was just an autosaging /40kg/.
Talking tough in a anonymous board...
One of the owners of my LFGS started vaping to stop smoking (he became father recently), but he still doesn't vape inside the store.
One member of my group does, we all just cringe and ignore it. He doesn't do it inside, though, he goes out the front and does. A couple of the employees smoke, so I guess they don't care. The store is very clean and smells nice, even with the presence of dozens of bearded autists on a nightly basis.
>Uhh, can we have some posts from those whose Veeky Forums acquaintances vape and are not hipsters/assholes about it?
Do you even hear yourself right now? "Somebody doesn't like vaping so they must not have experience with vapes or non-hipster vapers." You are one of the very hipster assholes you are complaining about right now.
This is why people don't like vapers.
>Smoke Malboros on and off
>5 years ago, "Eww dude gross."
>Now, "Fuck man aren't those nasty, at least you're not a vape kid, can I bum one off ya?"
A blessing in disguise
come here to post this
Hipster/asshole/unacquaainted has nothing to do with it user. If you smoke indoors in a public place you are cancer and deserve to be splattered on the pavement.
I don't use e-cig near others. Tbh also would be content with little to no smoke.
I don't, go out to the balcony for that.
It's not hurting you, bruh.
I didn't know neckbeards like the taste of synthetic mystic pineapple from their mechanical juice box of smoke.
I've yet to meet a vaper who wasn't a major asshole, it's been 100% foolproof so far with determine what kind of person they are.
btw you know that vaping - by recent reaserch is as harmfull as smoking ? Not saying anyone should quit - Im all pro choice but saying im healthier then a smoker is just ourtight lie
My own personal conspiracy theory is that the anti-vape meme has been created by big tobacco, because of statements like this.
I smoke, i never vaped, but i can still see the advantages to electronic administration of nicotine.
It's much more healthy than tobacco use, it's cheaper and it has the advantage of more freedom of choice in regards to flavors etc.
The fact that you can be a giant dick about vaping is besides the point. I personally never do anything that'd bother someone sitting in the same room as me.
Smoking, playing music, eating smelly food, it's just common courtesy.
Just can't help to wonder why though, that a new popular technology made by new startups which aim to replace the expensive defacto vice of a huge percentage of americans all of the sudden gets branded as something for hipsters and fedoras?
In which case, I'm going to bring along a tinny sound bar and use it to play Ariana Grande's biggest hits for the duration of the session. I mean, you've got no reason to protest, it's not like it's hurting you.
So if I opened a can of soda and poured it on your head then you have absolutely no right to be pissed at me because "It's not hurting you, bruh."
Matt Ward vaps so theres that
>can of soda
>not hurting you
nice try
Anyone who vapes in an FLGS should be put to death. End. Of. Story. There is no excuse for that nasty smelling shit.
I actually unironically love Ariana Grande
>causing material damage to my clothing and any electronic devices (vape pen included) on my person
>not hurting me
Try again, asshole.
Just replace can of soda with bottle of water, same concept. Your picking apart small insignificant details in a larger argument.
Smokers as well. Most smokers smell like fucking shit. Also unwashed fatasses.
>That spoiler
How the fuck is that even possible?
If I hear One Last Time one more time, I'm going to fucking flip a table.
It was an analogy jackass, I was trying to get you to understand that going around blowing foul smelling clouds of bullshit into people's face is incredibly rude and a great way of making you look like a fucking asshole. I can think of other things if you want:
>smearing jam on your face
>kicking up dirt on your shoes
>drawing on your face with a marker
>high pitched shrieking
I mean you don't like vaping so you've already demonstrated your shit taste. I guess it just continues into your taste in music.
If you don't want a facefull of god's good cotton, you shouldn't come at me with your vapehate, friendo.
And it was still better than this thread.
Your post and gif made me want to die
Hopefully every store accommodates Homosexuals, it'd be immoral otherwise.
It just doesn't appeal to normal people. It's that simple. No normal person legitimately likes vaping.
Responding to people's hate towards you by being an asshole only reinforces people's hate towards you. That's my point.
>vaping is indicative of good taste
OK, when did I enter the Warp, and how do I leave Nurgle's Garden?
Thankfully no, any kind of smoking vaping etc is not like even outright prohibited, but just looked down upon so much that its just common sense for everyone not to do something like that.
>My own personal conspiracy theory is that the anti-vape meme has been created by big tobacco, because of statements like this.
No, big tobacco just had decades of free reign to force cigarettes into EVERY SINGLE form of popular culture we consumed to give it that cache. People think smoking looks cool because cool people in movies right now smoke because cool people in movies 20 years ago smoked because cool people in movies 40 years ago smoked because cool people in movies 70 years ago smoked because tobacco companies paid them to do so. Vaping doesn't have the same kind of branding and is also hurt by a huge number of of vegan-style sanctimonious douchebags who need others to not only accept their choices, but also laud them constantly.
Have two local game stores nearby that I used to frequent pretty evenly. One started allowing vaping inside the store. I no longer go to that store.
Yeah no shit the meme was started by big tobacco, that doesn't make it any less true. Two kind of people use vapes: people trying to quit smoking and assholes who've always thought they'd look cool smoking near other people. People who vape are the kind of people who would go around some shitty party spraying peoples' wrists with hemp oil telling them they'll get high if they inhale it.
>vegan-style sanctimonious douchebags
I once had the displeasure of attending a friend's dinner party where another guest brought a vaping vegan as her date. This creature spent the entire meal complaining about how disgusting having to look at our steaks was while blowing her foul smelling smoke right at the table (never once asking the host if it was okay to vape inside his home). When they finally left everybody else just breathed one big sigh of relief.
Lol no but I have a fried that does it outside. Good riddance.n
I quit smoking after 11 years and started vaping. I own a very simple one, one that doesnt even rips fat clouds, more like a large puff on a cigarette, and even though we have laws against smoking and vaping indoors, the management lets me, because I dont cloud up the place and Im not a dick
>we have laws against smoking and vaping indoors
>not a dick
Pick one, user.
What's your argument? "No normal person likes doing something that is potentially harmful for their health"? Well yeah. Anything else?
I hope you spend enough money there to make up for the business they lose due to your inability to walk outside like a decent fucking human being.
Yes. Its not a problem. Until someone decides to blow vapor all over the playing field. I get it. You play prossh. But damn it man, humidity and cards do not get along. And my playmat smells like artificial flavoring now.
That cant be healtht.
>tfw vaping is banned like smoking is in pubs/shops/trains here
>generally just old people trying to kick their 40-a-day habit and not some obnoxious stoner-esque culture
God Save The Queen
Vaping helped me quit cigarettes after 5 years of 1 pack a day. They allow vaping but I understand that the people around me can be annoyed by the smell so I do it outside out of common courtesy. Doesnt matter how good you think your shit smells it doest mean other people want to smell it or be enveloped by an autistic cloud of vapor.
You're a good egg mate.
So it would actually cause you physical injury to have a can of soda poured over your head?
Wow, man. I'm sorry you have to live like that, that's pretty pathetic.
>that's pretty pathetic
Says the guy who thinks a cloud of water vapor is cause to throw a shit fit.
fouls smelling water vapor blown directly into the face without permission and against the will of the person being subjected to it.
>a whiff of a smell I don't like is comparable to being doused with soda
Oh, so you're just a retard. This is starting to make sense now.
More like dense cloud of vapor that reeks of synthetic fruit that I didn't ask to have around me.
Kill yourself senpai
Why the dislike for vaping?
I'm not a vaper myself, just wondering.
I just dislike the smell, and I'm a little worried it might harm my minis.
[Citation needed]
I believe the current consensus is the vaping is probably safer than smoking but we won't know if it's actually safe for another 20 or 30 years. Then if vapers start dropping dead from new and interesting forms of cancer we'll know it wasn't that safe after all
My FLGS banned it after it got really bad with the Yugi-oh crowd. On their night there would be almost a foot of smoke on the ceiling of the shop from all those guys trying to do vape tricks over their games. The worst part was they all had these really obnoxious flavors(scents?) so the place smelled like a candy store on fire. The owner banned them cause the place started to stink real bad.
>Why the dislike for vaping?
If you keep that shit to yourself it's mostly okay, it just makes you look like a bit of a tool, but that's neither here nor there. The big problem is assholes like who think that blowing smoke in people's faces or on their property is okay.
Don't forget the jerks who think filling a room with their unwanted stench clouds is doing a favor to others.
in theory it should be safer, the problem is the autistic screeching that accompanies calls for GMP, quality control and drug registration means there's very little regulation and a number of liquids have fun contaminants like benzene in.
I started vaping to quit smoking, 1 month as of yesterday. I don't do it inside establishments or other people's homes. If you still think I'm a faggot then feel free to jog on and keep being a judgemental prick.
It's an analogy, I'm not saying it's comparable, I'm just saying that the "It's not hurting you" argument is fucking retarded because it's still unpleasant. Also it's not a "whiff" it's a massive, dense cloud of visibly congealed water vapor.
>Not smoking cigars
Vapers are nothing but poor limp wristed scum.
I used to smoke cigars pretty often before I switched to vaping. I still wouldn't do either inside a game store.
Lots of things are unpleasant when you're out in public, especially the unique mixture of BO and Axe that oozes out of the hambeasts that come out for Friday Night Magic. If anything, my vape cloud is probably a moment sweet relief to most.
So did I. Just don't forget the final step. That is to quit vaping. Otherwise you never truly intended to quit.
Yeah, working towards that. Tried quitting vaping last week but couldn't make it last, gonna try again in another 2. On the low nicotine stuff at least, so there's that.
Look up 'popcorn lung'
Mate I guarantee you smell like the back of your Gran's drinking cabinet.
That's a Straw Man argument. Just because other people happen to smell, doesn't mean you're completely justified in deliberately blowing clouds into people's faces at point blank range, it's a difference in intention here.
please kill yourself
Good luck, user!
The same 2 chemicals that cause that are also in cigarettes, in much higher dose I might add. Also there is not a single recorded case of popcorn lung from either cigarettes or vaping, although that could be because nobody is looking for it autopsies of cig smokers with lung issues.
Thank you, I appreciate it!