ITT: That guy in your group.
ITT: That guy in your group
He's right you know. You're the literal brainwashed bigot here
>this is what Veeky Forums has become
Come on! It's 2017!
>that guy who always plays as greedy mercenary without loyality or honor.
I'm fortunate that everyone in my group is far right and so we always have a lot of depth and interesting dilemmas in our games.
I've played ONE session with a bunch of Leftists and it was the most shallow, boring, and retarded hyper-sexual cringe game I have ever forced myself to endure.
I strictly now only run games with those who identify as far right for this purpose. Generally speaking, they are more intelligent, more widely read (and so bring to the table a greater sense of depth and interest), and are actually more willing to participate in a complicated world as opposed to this trash who are more interested in the character putting on dresses and make up.
Disliking a mental illness isn't bigotry.
Stop trying to normalize your deviancy. I'm so glad my country wasn't infected by western """"values""""
Is one of your players an eagle named Small Government?
It's been very interesting over the last ten (kill me) years on Veeky Forums to see the political creep into every board.
It's because politics have been forced down the throats of everyone for the passed twenty years.
Haha no but that's an idea.
Unfortunately this is the era we live in where we are given very little choice. You can clearly see the battle lines being drawn and polarization is only getting more intensive.
My point was that the far right guys I play with were far more open to everything as opposed to the Left-wing group I played with. For example, the far right guys don't get offended over pretty much anything and actually are more satisfied with a complex world with complex situations, religious strifes, ethnic tensions, etc.
They want to see realism in my game and they aren't really going to shed tears over the harder realities I like to put into my games.
I just don't have patience for the immature Left-wing that is more concerned with playing with their dicks than they are enjoying a fleshed out game.
I've played with a lot of different groups and now that I think about it. You're right. Maybe not the far right stuff, but anyone who was self-affirmingly a lefty was a shitty, shallow player, with meme characters and often played lolsorandumbXD when the mood really wasn't that kind of speed.
Just nuke this thread.
>a complex world with complex situations, religious strifes, ethnic tensions, etc.
>harder realities
calling it now, your campaign's RaHoWa-style remove kebab shit
I have an issue with one thing you said. and it can be summed up here.
>immature Left-wing
The issue isn't the leftist views. Its the immaturity that's the problem. There are plenty of right-leaning people who are just as stupid. The problem isn't politics, it's that every idiot and moron under the sun can only think about politics.
see, you're instantly triggered. that guy was right.
If someone is playing a game of socialist utopia where everyone is a transgender transracial transfat fighting against the patriarchy, I could'nt give less of a shit, but somehow this guy is making you mad.
Hahahah not quite. For instance, there was a nation state that formed out of the flames of a previous war and so it contained a mix of Elves, Dwarves, and Humans and these groups wound up actually hating one another.
Believe it or not but the far right guys actually eased tensions and helped put into power a Half-Elf who was able to settle the flames and make the country at least somewhat more stable than it had been when it first arrived.
But man was I looking forward to some good ol' RaHoWa.
>inferring something is automatically proof you're mad
lol 'k
Well, that's interesting...
War over borders, cultural differences and religion has defined civilization for millennia.
When did it become unacceptable for fiction to reflect history? Or do you deny the Reformation, the Reconquista, the fall of Rome...
My personal opinion is that you're just making things up.
I've played with people across the political spectrum, with good players and bad players on either side. I've played with horseshoe leftists who find it uncomfortable when something doesn't align to their values, and I've played with fervent members of the right with a bring their politics into the game and project it on everything in the setting.
The idea that people are any less retarded on either end of the political spectrum is completely fallacious, though I have to admit, the horseshoe leftist is easier to deal with. They at least can be shamed into silence by an infodump about why their idea of how things are doesn't apply to a 1500's-ish fantasy setting. My experience is that when a super conservative decides that [insert downtrodden group] must be the bad guys because he's made them [insert RL minority he doesn't like] in his mind, he has to go, because he won't ever drop that bone.
It is just from my experience that every Leftist I have ever encountered was stuck with a child mindset and incapable of legitimate conversation without falling apart or resorting to name calling. And all of their characters were empty shells probably reflecting their own worthless existence. It was like trying to reenact Lord of the Rings with the cast from Naruto.
Yeah sure, exceptions exist to any rule or observation but after everything I have encountered I'd rather just stick to the guys who are more interested in story, depth, and fleshed out worlds and characters than penises and vaginas and how they still can't figure that one out either. I'm not interested in playing the role of an ad hoc therapist for someones sexual frustrations or fantasies.
The fuck's a laevvel, anyway? Are they Blue Rose AGE's totally-not-elves?
No, they're Blue Rose's term for trannies
Obviously you're upset, otherwise you wouldn't post your epin back to pol pics and automatically assuming he's playing some deus vult campaign based on his comment on a "harsher reality"
I am fortunate in that the guys I play with do not really bring much of their politics to the table and if they do it's at least far more bearable than having to deal with this gender fluid nonsense that is so firmly occupied in peoples minds.
t. proud kekistani
It could just be a group of outliers, I don't know. These guys are far right because we have conversations outside of the game world but they also all happen to be very well read guys who enjoy roleplaying for the sake of roleplaying.
I'm not saying this is a law, I'm just saying that from the experiences I've had in my games I would rather take my chances with guys on the far right.
Really makes you think.
>capitalizes Leftist and Left like he's talking about the fucking Devil or some shit
Yeah, I'm sure you're an entirely unbiased source with no ulterior motive or narrative whatsoever.
Please tell us more about how you schooled those liberal Muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professors and abortion doctors at D&D.
t. butthurt antifa
this is gonna be a shitstorm
put me in the screen cap
Sure, I have my bias but this bias was formed from years of experience, observation, study, and research.
I didn't school anybody, I excused myself from the group and found guys that I enjoy playing with for specific reasons.
>like he's talking about the fucking Devil or some shit
Are you implying it's not the case?
Luckily, my more regular groups don't really bring any politics to the table either. Considering where I live most of those groups are probably center-left in general, though I don't really pry about it, that's rude as fuck.
But I've been playing D&D (fuck, let's be real, I've been DMing, I don't think I've played a PC in half a decade. Fuck everyone) for a long ass time now. Long enough to know that there's an equal number of overly political shitheads on every inch of the spectrum.
>this gender fluid nonsense that is so firmly occupied in peoples minds
It's really not in everyone's minds. In fact, I don't think I have EVER come across this specific issue in a real life game. Not once. I've had people who feel uncomfortable with sexist societies existing, who will generally shut up about it when you explain that this isn't YOUR fantasy, it's a fantasy world designed to provide conflict for a bunch of players, but I've never had anyone get uppity about gender fluidity shit. Not once.
It's mostly an internet phenomenon that is blown out of proportion by how echo-chambery the web can be.
>instantly and unironically prove him right
Settle down and take your pills /pol/
Ditto, I've had would-be groups derailed by autists of every stripe. It's not political alignments that's the problem, it's being autistically unable to separate your political views from your hobby.
Unfortunately, this sort of thing is going to be part and parcel of playing a roleplaying game now. D&D 5e introduced pro-fag, pro-tranny language to try to bring sexuality and gender identity inclusiveness into the game, so now if you don't allow sexuality to feature in your game, they can turn to the rulebook and say "look! you're oppressing my character!" Merals wanted to virtue signal, and get some pussy from the writers at Mary Sue, and as a result he left us all out to dry. Hope she was worth it, Mike.
Mix this with the hordes of casuals flooding into the hobby, and roleplaying games are basically ruined. Skyrim and Dark Scrolls players are flooding in, "memes" have become an actual part of real-life conversation, and hordes of roasties join up to acquire beta orbiters. I've seen pathetic, limp-wristed nu males buying snacks and soda for the woman at the table, buying them miniatures, even an entire collection of the books. There ought to be some kind of law against taking advantage of the mentally disabled like that, but I digress. The game has become all about welcoming new players. Even requesting a player use real dice, is considered "gatekeeping" now (see pic related). The rules have been dumbed down to attract new players, and most RPG players (including a good 90% of Veeky Forums) have been brainwashed into thinking the hobby will die without a constant influx of new blood. Sort of like how European governments convinced their citizens that their countries would die out if they didn't import hordes of Muslim immigrants. See how well that worked out for them? Thing is, the hobby isn't dead, never has been dead, and probably never will be dead until they invent a computer that can do everything a TTRPG does. This whole scare tactic is just marketing, and you all sucked it up like shit through a straw.
>been playing with this group of 5 for 3 years now
>There is a NO POLITICS rule at our table
>Whenever someone starts about how there are or arent gays in the game, how this or that is or isnt sexist, how communist/fascist this or that setting is others remind him of the rule
>no drama whatsoever
Y'all a bunch of autists.
Dude, just play the game, never get concerned with the politics. Seriously, what kind of game are you running where "leftist" and "rightest" even come up in play?
>has strict rules determining what can be part of the tabletop discourse
>calls others autistic
This is probably the best way to play, though I feel someone is going to say in a few minutes that this is "suppression", that if someone wants to object to the fact that there's gays (or aren't gays) in the game and you say "no politics", then you're something something cucked something.
There's literally no point in banning digital rollers. It has zero effect on the game.
It really is just you being an elitist.
I mean, can you actually tell me how letting players roll digitally 'dumbs down' the game? Can you explain in a rational manner why this isn't just you getting your panties in a twist over something that doesn't matter in the slightest?
>futa elf god is new to 5e
>numales and roasties
>muslim immigrants
Wow, you sure packed a lot of stuff in there. No wonder you're so butthurt.
>There is a NO POLITICS rule at our table
the moment you have a story about kings and.nations and shit you're bringing up politics you stupid fuck
Why does nobody bat an eye when this kind of subject matter is in a scifi game, but when it's in a fantasy game everyone gets up in a fucking tizzy about it?
I'm not sure if you've noticed, but this thread is full of autistic trolls who are constantly strawmanning their betters.
Put me in the screen grab
>dark scrolls
Oh hi Virt, back to shitpost some more I see
Not RL politics. You'd think a roleplayer knows how to distinguish between the two.
>straw manning their betters
Who are you implying that is? Because this whole thread is some high octane autism, and if you're trying to say that one side is more correct in their screeching than the other, you're fucking crazy.
>There's literally no point in banning digital rollers. It has zero effect on the game.
Table has an open roll policy gm included. Phone dice bypass this rule.
Table also has a put your phone away this is a social gathering, you fuckwit rule.
just want a that guy bread REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Traditionally, sci-fi is about looking forward and exploring new possibilities whereas fantasy is about looking back on an idealised past.
He probably means real political issues, dude. Realpolitik being something that happens in-game is very different from some snowflake getting upset because he thinks the elves are a parallel for Native Americans and he finds any mention of them abrasive to his worldview.
Speaking of realpolitik, has anyone ever tried running a game of D&D while another group of players decide the moves of an in-setting war via a game of Diplomacy? I'd recommend it, it's fun as hell.
>when you are so autistic that you do not understand a simple NO POLITICS AT THE TABLE rule.
This is exactly why no one wants to play with people like you
You wanted That Guy.
You succeeded.
They're probably also exactly why the rule is necessary.
>Baiting this hard
Shut up cuck, you know what's happening
>table has a REEEEEEEE MY DICE AUTISM rule
You know you could've just posted that, it'd have saved a bit of effort
I've gamed with a variety of folks.
The best have always been those left-of-centre social democracy types. They tend to be more interested in the basic economic concepts of providing for citizens and keeping the country prosperous rather than the far-left social-justice bullshit.
Contrary to /pol/'s thinking, you don't have to be a fascist to not believe in genderfluid dragon-kin, the "wage gap", or to oppose Islam.
you got me there user, cheeky
My table has a phones and tablets are fucking useful for looking up obscure rules rule.
That said, sure, if you outline beforehand that physical dice make it easier to keep rolls visible to everyone, that's your prerogative. Though, really, it's not hard to just show what you've rolled on a phone.
>the tt RPG nerd had his feefees hurt by someone else's choices
>muh safespace
The only thing worse then a pansexual demikin is the faggot who gets genuinely assmad about xer.
Obviously. We actually had to turn down a bunch of people who wanted to join in the past because they were not okay with that rule.
It works great as an autism filter.
>invent a computer that can do everything a TTRPG does
I have bad news for you user, better brace for that Islamic cock.
>Contrary to /pol/'s thinking, you don't have to be a fascist to not believe in genderfluid dragon-kin, the "wage gap", or to oppose Islam.
Given how people treat those who hold those beliefs publicly, you may as well be.
Only the gm needs that tablet if that's the case.
The gm should also be able to snap out a judgement call and look up the rule later instead of holding things up.
>the world is the internet
Go outside you stupid faggot.
Most far left media (twitter attentionwhores included) is a representation of Bay-Area bullshit distilled for general consumption. It is not actually how most people see the world, only urban hipsters and a contingent of University students.
Basically this. The image above is a perfect illustration: I can't tell who's male, and who's female. They just blur together into a weird, amphorous blob.
I entirely agree that games with far-right players are the most fun, while decrying the insanity of it. Like, I consider myself fairly liberal, but now the goddamn far right are the only ones who have anything approaching the values I was taught as a kid. How the hell did we get to this?
This is why Trump won.
>ingame politics
>real politics
They're different, go figure.
>hold those beliefs publicly
>h-how dare they judge me for sperging out about my opinions in public!!
Freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences, tardo. Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt.
>now the goddamn far right are the only ones who have anything approaching the values I was taught as a kid
What the fuck values were your kids teaching?
So we should just become fascists right?
Huh, or we could stick to our values instead of becoming edgy faggots because of peer pressure.
>It is just from my experience that every Leftist I have ever encountered was stuck with a child mindset and incapable of legitimate conversation without falling apart or resorting to name calling.
You can visit Veeky Forums on some recurring threads to see the same idiotic dribble from right wingers.
>There's literally no point in banning digital rollers.
They can easily be programmed to give false rolls. Not to mention they cannot easily be seen by the rest of the group. No, it is much easier to abuse something with aspects I can't see (code) as opposed to something I can see (dice, and I know how to spot weighted dice).
Use. Fucking. Real. Dice. If you have an issue with that, get out of my game. I am the Gamemaster, and I am the one providing value here, so if you don't want to be part of that, you can get the fuck out of my house.
People can be hyperbolic in arguments. Whooptidoo. Do you see me crying that some underage anime Nazi thinks I'm a degenerate cultural Marxist cuck?
> What the fuck values were your kids teaching?
I'm Chinese. We hate homosexuals, we're not keen on Islam, we have traditional family values. I was also raised Christian, and my mother's quite devout.
Basically, modern Leftists (With a capital 'L') fill me with disgust and revulsion.
>being this spergy
>thinking anyone but the autistically obsessive would go to the trouble of getting into an app's code and adjusting it to cheat at elfgames
How come so many Chinese are converting to Christianity?
That's a valid point. No one cared who they were until they put on the mask.
Phones can be really useful for stuff like conveying secret dialogue without disrupting the flow of the session.
Besides, having a phone doing some rolling doesn't mean the player will be using it to text all the time or constantly looking at it. As long as you make it clear that people should be using their phones only for rolling and answering calls that seem important, you're good. If your players don't listen then why the fuck are you playing with these retards?
I dunno. Christianity's simple and has the least fuss, probably.
Does gender change magic exist in this setting like in D&D?
If so, why would transitioning even exist
Just bamf, you're a woman now. No muss no fuss. You can even day trip back and forth across the genders if you want
I understand what he's saying, many left-wingers are very sensitive about stupid shit now.
But that doesn't mean we shouldn't express our opinions. Better to open your mouth and be honest, than to live in fear of your ideas.
I don't understand.
This text seems to apply that almost ALL Laevvel change sex during their transition. That means that all Laevvel are born the wrong sex. Does that mean you can solve the issue quite well by, you know, taking a children at birth and raising him as the other sex?
I mean, if all Laevvel boys want to be girls, and all Laevvel girls want to be boys, why is there even an issue? Just make all the boys girls, and all the girls boys.
And half my family's Ukrainian Orthodox. Didn't stop me from realising it was a bag of shit in my teens, although my dad's agnosticism and general practicality probably helped.
>hating gays
>muh traditional family values
How's your countrymen killing their daughters working out for you?
Christianity has very strong growth in Vietnam, Korea, and China. Japan is resistant because Japan, to the north is orthodoxy and to the west Islam and Hindi
As for why, idk better deal than their foll religions i guess
>Not keen on islam
Depends on the chink bud.
Don't let that Han chauvinism get to your head, it's not allowed you know? Chinese constitution and all.
They actually did away with the one child rule.
> How's your countrymen killing their daughters working out for you?
Very well, I suppose. I don't live in China - I'm Singaporean Chinese.
it's super hard to press a screen 20 times until you get the result you want, and then pretend to press the button a 21st.
>Phones can be really useful for stuff like conveying secret dialogue without disrupting the flow of the session.
I'll admit they work better than notecards. They just come with the risk of people getting distracted the second they're out, what with the fucking abysmal state of our world where Nomophobia is considered a thing.
Have you considered that the beliefs instilled in you as a child are at fault?
I know looking inward like this is hard, but shit, there's nothing that makes your parents automatically right about what they taught you. I don't really give a fuck about all the gender whatever stuff tumblr goes on about but I'm capable of looking at my beliefs and trying to inspect them logically.
Agreed, something being traditional doesn't mean it's good.
You can embrace your heritage and traditions while still moving into the future.
Hell I'm a left winger but that doesn't prevent me from wearing symbols of my heritage. I also call people on their shit when they criticize my origins.
But what if I actually like those beliefs? I've seen the opposite, and (to be blunt) they look like trash. I'd honestly rather be right-wing and conservative.
Gay people fill me with disgust, because there's something inherently wrong with them, like people who are attracted to little children or animals. Meanwhile, I really dislike Muslims because their culture is so alien and they keep pressing to institute Sharia law. The immigrant flood is also a direct threat to my economic well-being, so I hate them too.
It's simply what is in my best interest.
Most important question: Who's the artist? I like that bard