content drought continues edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
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content drought continues edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
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After 40k rules were "Sigmarized", will the two systems have a unified ruleset? Some key differences still exist such as shooting in close combat and ranges for melee weapons. And 40k is lacking Rules of One. Will Generals Handbook 2017 sort this out?
We will see a new rules of one in GHB2 so everything is possible but I'm sure we will never see a shared ruleset for both games - there will always be differences
>And 40k is lacking Rules of One
No it isnt
And the two systems are still far too different. As long as AOS uses flat To Wound rolls while 40k uses a S/T comparison they can never be played together
Could someone post the formula to calculate skirmish points for units with no official renown tables? I want to give my greenskinz a try
>implying 8th isn't the beta test for AOS 2.0
>doesn't realize AOS was the beta test for 8th
If I want to run 1000 points of Tzeentch daemons, how many units of how many horrors should I run since each pink splits to two blues and each blue to a pair of brimstones? The whole splitting thing along with the great colours and greater daemon and heralds are what attracts me to this army as my first.
Helblaster Volleygun vs Organ Gun
Which is the superior artillery piece?
>each pink splits to two blues and each blue to a pair of brimstones
I think you just answered your own question
Doesn't the splitting end up costing points out of your summoning pool?
There's no points cost listed for brimstones and blues that I can find..
Must be covered under pinks cost.
its in the tzeentch book, it came out after the GHB
In the Age of Sigmar fluff, can Lords or Champions of Chaos mortals still be summoned by their gods to momentarily fight in the Great Game in the Realm of Chaos or traverse the Realm of Chaos by themselves to partake in a challenge?
X/unit size/25
But then isn't the multitude host formation shit?
You mean 5, right?
Seems more like 6 from what I've tried rounding up, with an extra point added if they are spellcasters, another point if they are heroes...etc
Adding models to existing units doesnt cost points
20 renown for a warboss seems to be reasonable I think
It's not uniform, some heroes get 3 points added, some none.. There seem to be other factors for unusual units.
Does that include the blue horrors they split into then?
Yes, yes. The Nurglite dudes in "Plague Garden" make pilgrimages to Realm of Nurfle and know how to navigate that realm.
did you add a new unit to the table? pay points
did you add models to an existing unit? do not pay paints
If there's no existing blue horror group to add to then pay up, but otherwise they're free
Skirmish starting renown for campaigns, 25 is too low, some armies like sigmarines can't take anything different from the shittiest hero with 2 of the shittiest dudes.
Wich one?
35 I say. It gives you the starting variety but still leave some space for expand
Much improved.
Thanks user.
square bases are disgusting
But then what's "the starting amount if they're being added two at a time as the pinks die?
40 was what I was planning to do when I run mine. Enough for a hero and a few guys, on average.
I don't know why they suggested 25 renown to start with, considering that quite a few heroes are 24 renown.
GW game-testing™ I think. They didn't even give a fuck to look at the tables before release and try to build two or three lists for each faction
don't be a gonard, when you split add them to existing units or don't bother. The idea is you charge in with brims and retreat before they get wiped out, then charge in with blues and as they die they refill the brims, then retreat the blues before they are wiped out, then charge with the pinks and refill the blues then retreat before they're wiped out then repeat. If you want to summon a full unit during the hero phase then pay points otherwise just use the method I just described.
Oh, ok. I was thinking of just using them as an annoyance with point holding, but that sounds like a good offensive strategy. Why charge with them though if they have shit melee?
>Why charge with them
to keep the target unit locked in perpetual pointless unwinnable combat while you maintain board control.
Good idea. So I'm guessing run the pinkies in 10s, and the blues and brimstones in 20s?
What's a better way (in appearance) to do pink horrors?
-white primer
-carroburg crimson wash
-pink horror
-emp children
Duncan blue horror method on pinks:
-white primer
-pink horror
-Druchii violet wash
-pink horror drybrush
-emp children drybrush
-emp children highlight
The first method would look similar to the silver tower horrors in being dark, and might fit more to the model's shape. The latter I'd expect would be brighter. What do you like better?
Maybe use the same method as the nurgle user from wip threads? White primer, white base and bath your shit in shades
>GW game-testing™
like how the re-balance team for GHB2 was like five guys eating pizza one evening for a couple hours pulling shit out of their asses before doing their exhaustive play-testing of all the changes the following afternoon...
par for the course
also daughters of khaine are neat
Thats pretty much what I do for all my nurgle stuff, just without the white base. But I find other gods more deserving of painting.
Don't suppose anyone in the UK has one of these for sale?
Orruk Great Shaman for 18 renown (Ironjawz Warchanter is 16 and Weirdnob Shaman is 24) and Oruuk Warboss for 24 (Savage Big Boss is 24 and Megaboss is 28). Is it balanced?
Does anyone have know how to go about building a castle/tower thing like pic related?
I'm starting to think about building an Armies on Parade board.
Foam board and card stock /wip/ will be of more help.
What is a nice starting 500 point Moon Grot army?
I was thinking a Warbos with Squig and Prodder with a core of 40 Night Goblins.
Wasn't too sure as I don't have the General's Handbook handy but from the army builder I gather you need at least two "batallion" units?
Fistly, AoS functions poorly at 500 pts, the minimum the book has requirements for is 1000. Second, it's 2+ battleline, 1-4 leaders, 0-2 artillery, 0-2 behemoths, and any number of other units
Right, I was just going by the Army builder in the OP so didn't know 1k was the minimum recommended.
Sounds good then I will try to see what I can get together with 1k.
Would you know a source of the magic items? I saw some listed in the army builder but I don't have the GHB.
Is it better to run gryphon hounds in units of 3 so one per unit can get extra attacks, or should they all be in units of 1?
For your army you can choose between six.
1. Meteoritic hammerblade. Pick one melee weapon the bearer can use (Not a mount's weapon) instead of attacking normally with that weapon they can smash the hammer into the ground. If they do roll a dice for each model (Friend or foe) within 3", on a 5+ the unit that model is from suffers a mortal wound
2. Talisman of protection. Roll a dice each time this model suffers a mortal wound, on a 4+ that wound is ignored
3. Gem of seeing. In your hero phase, pick an enemy unit within a foot of this model, add 1 to all ht rolls made by this model against the chosen unit until your next hero phase
4. Blade of vituperation. reroll one failed wound roll for this model, per enemy hero within a foot
5.Collar of Domination. At the start of the enemy movement phase, pick a monster within 3" of this model, then roll two dice and add them together, if the totals higher than the target monster's bravery, then it MUST make a retreat move instead of any other movement.
6. Battle Brew. In any hero phases, the holder can take 0, 1, or 2 swigs of the brew. If they take 0, nothing happens, if they take 1, add 1 to all hit and wound rolls for the drinker until your next hero phase, if they take two, add 2 to all hit and wound rolls for the model till your next hero phase, but for every future hero phase, the model takes 1 mortal wound. The brew does not run out
Magic items are one per hero and you only get 1, plus an extra for each battalion you have in play
So anyone know where I might find Throgg's rules? I've checked the WoC scroll and he's not there.
Thanks man. Seem super situational.
I'm thinking of building a force of waywatchers, hounds and warhawk riders... thoughts?
The hammerblade is meh but mite be okay for an army with low mortal wound output.
Talisman is purely defensive but not that bad
Gem is very situational
Blade is good for hero hunting
Collar is SUPER situational
Battle brew is the one everyone takes cause it's REALLY FUCKING GOOD
Is there any real reason to take halberds on chaos warriors?
If I'm running a multitudenous host at 2k (should I even do that?), how many blue and brimstone horrors should I run in a unit?
In my headcanon, Settra survived End Times & is currently killing Daemons like some sort of Egyptian Skull Knight.
You're not wrong. Round bases frame a model much better. If you're playing AoS, you should recognize round bases as the standard and the norm and base your models accordingly.
Shoo mr bones. You're dead and never coming back.
Does this mean that Archaon is Griffith?
wanna start playing sigmar but torn on what army,
help me out
Well Archeon is a faggot so that makes sense
Does archaon enjoy pleasing old men for money?
i thought that was a given
So MengelMiniatures posted a review for Path of Glory.
>Still uses the same recruitment system
>Elites can now cost double (2 units basically)
>Subfaction+Grand Alliance specific recruitment and upgrade tables
>Seems like the support is really wide and that you can play whatever your collection is.
>Start Collecting boxes get a special starting roster with either benefits or drawback dependoing on the power in the box.
From it looks like in Path to Glory I cannot use my beastmen, unless they are in the Beasts of Chaos section. Can anyone confirm that?
can anyone give me a quick rundown on what this path of glory is?
Campaign supplement. You choose a Hero, who then gives you a certain allotment of units.
Bigger/more expensive characters get fewer starting units. After playing a game you can buy a new unit, or upgrade a hero or unit.
By winning games you win Glory points. First player to reach a certain preset amount wins the campaign. Glory point can also be used to buy units, upgrades, etc.
Age of Cucks!
Nice original meme friendo :^)
I'm gonna make a 1000 point gitmob list. Should I go war machine, or wolf? Personally, I like snotlings, so pump wagons are going in no matter what.
Why not both? Get some war machines and some wolves? They serve different purposes after all.
We're 2-6 weeks away from the new GHB, what are you hoping to see?
>nerfing stormfiends
>skaven allegiance
>not pestilens
I feel like I just got cucked harder than before. This might mean tho that pestilens will get something in the nurgle battletome... hopefully.
>changed frost wreathed ice such that it has a hit roll of what it used to have, but the same damage and range (which was what we all hated)
>extensive playtesting
This is just one big fucking joke, right?
I'm hoping magic will be made a bit more interesting. Modify the Rule of One for magic so that you can attempt to cast a spell more than once per Hero phase, but it can only be used to buff once per unit. I'm also hoping for a small pool of spells per grand alliance.
I'd also like to see some point drops for some elf units, since a few of them seem to be a little overpriced.
>infinite arcane bolt spam
no thanks
I like this guy
>Changing rampaging destroyers
Why though? That shit was great.
Honestly a Skaven allegiance is one of the things I've been wanting the most. Hopefully this means we're also going to be getting a Battletome: Skaven at some point as well, which would be great.
However since Verminlords don't have the 'Skaven' keyword I wonder how they're going to get around that.
its tedious as fuck, slows games down
You squeak-speak the truth. I think they'll tackle the verminlord deal in the tome with clan allegiances. For now, we'll have to use warlords, bells, and THANQUOL
Wait, is this a wish list or confirmed info so far?
Just getting I to AoS and got a tomb kings lot for dirt on ebay, I have a game tomorrow and want to know of this list will hold out
++ Pitched Battle (2,000) (Grand Alliance: Death) [1960pts] ++
+ Leader +
Liche Priest [120pts]
Liche Priest [120pts]
Necrotect [100pts]
Settra the Imperishable [360pts]
Tomb King in Royal Chariot [160pts]
+ Artillery +
Screaming Skull Catapult [120pts]
+ Battleline +
4x Skeleton Chariots [560pts]
+ Other +
2x5 Skeleton Horse Archers [280pts]
+ Battalion +
Royal Legion of Chariots [140pts]
++ Total: [1960pts] ++
>0 necropolis knights
why even play tomb kings if youre not going to bring at least 6 of those
TK are getting tgeir points costs raised
Working on either finding some for cheap or doing some kitbashing, but as it stands I don't have any
why? it's just like running all the units
no it isnt, run rolls are added to move value
an extra d6" move in the hero phase bogs the game down
Maybe... I wanted to theme them as either tinkerers or autistic huns. But doing both does sound more competitive
Maybe, nothing is final yet
All the competitive feedback has been that the TK nerfs were unnecessary... except for necro knights, those absolutely needed to be nerfed
>a unit can only be affected by one instance of a names ability at a time
Rip my skeleman archers causing extra hits on a 2+
I bought "Skirmish" some days ago and I'm pretty hyped to build a mini-army with a Wight King with Black Axe, 5 Black Knights and 20 old ass skeleton warriors I bought 11 years ago, my very first miniatures. (pick related)
I'm not even re-painting them better, just adding some rust effects and verdigri
Really hoping to have some fun and get back into the game, I still have some ruins and a tower I made myself for the scenarios.
¿Any tips for Skirmish matches and Deathrattle itself?
From a competitive standpoint I can see them not being great unless you bring some cheesy bullshit, but from a friendly standpoint they can be kinda anti-fun
There is no conspiracy to make traditional games politically correct. Characters in fiction and gaming communities simply change with respect to the latest cultural values. But you fedora-tipping cancerous fucks always blame imaginary SocJus boogeymen when people start hating you for the shit that you do. As long as you continue to refuse act like decent human beings, people will keep noticing.
But of course, you will keep blaming imaginary "SJWs", "poseurs" and "normies" when you the public hates you for the scum you are. And let's not even get started on how you all react to games becoming more popular and easily accessible.
autistic huns can be done with warmachines and wolves, since the warmachines are really simple in their making.