If the Fists are so good at breaking fortifications and sieges, then why did they fail the Iron Cage and also not realize it was obviously a trap?
If the Fists are so good at breaking fortifications and sieges...
Because pottery
The Fists were masters of breaking defences.
The fortifications of the Iron Cage weren't defending anything and thus had no single focal point that's capture would provide their victory.
Dorn and his lads basically stuck their own genitalia into the meat grinder, then kept turning the handle.
Because GW writers have a hard-on for plot-induced stupidity.
When did you think of this metaphor, and how long have you been waiting to use it?
>Literally destroy your own chapter just to get through the fortifications, only to find it was an empty room rigged to blow
Boy howdy the fists must have felt retarded
As I was writing the post.
I realised that I needed something that summed up the "ultimate self-inflicted wound", recalled that battles of attrition are termed "meat grinders", then tried to find a blue board (SFW) way of expressing it.
Because their pride blinded them.
>IWfags autistically missing the intention and point behind someone actions
Surprising stuff.
Are you seriously implying that the Iron Cage was anything other than a completely embarrassing fiasco for the IF?
>and also not realize it was obviously a trap
they realized just fine
The iron cage was a metaphorical "pain glove" to get the legion to accept the new direction for the imperium in the same way Dorn had. One final throw down to get all that horus heresy anger out of their systems.
>"They were just pretending to be retarded!"
Hey Dorn I have a cupcake for you please come and get it.
>Dorn and his lads basically stuck their own genitalia into the meat grinder, then kept turning the handle.
All part of the plan, he's a masochist. Fists won in the end.
>the undisputable masters of siege and fortification
>lose to fucking nids
Embarassing enough that pert never left his hole. Meanwhile you couldn't even keep a lone IF in your ebin fortress while he was your prisoner, you let him run away and on top of that he got back and destroyed everything. Good fucking job.
I was waiting for this screenshot because I couldn't remember the exact way user had said it.
>Was getting caught part of your plan?
>if I turn this action into an ebin Veeky Forums meme someone that didn't act in a logical way due to outside influence and internal struggles will look stupid!!
Kinda sad, but I guess IW have little to be proud about.
Just accept the Fists lost for once
Dorn won in the end because he got his punishment, Pert won in the end because he became a Demon Primarch, Guilliman won in the end because he could show Dorn how awesome he was once again.
The only losers are the Fists
>Pertards echochambering about how awesome they are even though Iron Cage was a complete embarrassment where they were on the verge of losing despite having every single advantage possible
>muh masters of fortification
>get destroyed by nids
What did Iron Autists mean by this?
>having every single advantage possible
>dorn knew this
>attacked anyways
>I-I-I-I-I-I meant to l-l-loss half my l-Iegion
I dont know that much about 40k space marine tactics, but couldn't dorn just have bombed the thing from space?
That was literally the only way to bring them to codex size
>On the verge of losing
>had Ultramemes not showed up, IF would have been decimated
Nice joke
Since pert is an expert in decimation I'm willing to trust your judgement. Good job in getting the whole point of going in the iron cage anyway.
10% losses? Sounds like a bargain.
>Dorn mentally broken
>his Legion doesn't want to split
>use Pertardo to snap himself out of his depression while strengthening his Legion's resolve
>embarrass Pertardo AGAIN as a bonus
Read above. It was never about Pertardo. It was about reforging himself and his Legion, or dying in the attempt.
>Literally outright stated that the Fists broke every ambush and beat back every assault by IW and that Pertardo had to decide was he gonna go all in or run by the time Guilliman showed up
Nice memes. Read the lore.
So your telling me he thought that perturabo, often considered his nemesis, was in this building. and He decided to symbolically sacrifice half his army, his own children instead of attempting to kill Perturabo, a traitor primarch.
>I was being retarded on purpose!
>Its another thread of an user claiming his favourite Primarch has no flaws and did nothing wrong when the HH is built on every character being fallible.
nuh uh. its two different anons throwing shit over eachother thinking their own primarch was infallible.
Dorn never considered Pert to be his nemesis. That relationship was entirely one sided, it was Pert being an obsessive man-child.
>literally only one answer to try and disprove the fact, and it's the same old meme
so he still didnt think to just get rid of a chaos primarch.
He knew it was a trap. Like i said, he used Pertardo for his own needs. The Iron Cage was just a giant pain glove for Dorn and his sons. But since the Fists are so much better then the Iron Autists (a third of the Legion led by a captain was on the verge of destroying the entire IW Legion and killing Pertardo when they were recalled to terra), they STILL started winning. Guilliman was just the excuse Pertardo needed to justify running away with his tail between his legs to himself, since ''Dorn fucking destroyed me while suffering every disadvantage possible'' would have driven him to suicide, and landing and going all in would have meant death at the hands of Rogal.
>Be Pertardo
>get destroyed, bamboozled, made a fool of and JUSTed every single time by a brother who never once held any ill will for you and became your bitter enemy solely due to your own unspeakable autism and butthurt
The state of Pertardo.
>Be Pertardo
>Have every advantage possible and a suicidal Dorn willingly walking into your masterpiece trap
>STILL start losing and run away with your tail between your legs
>''...m-muh losses...''
Absolutely JUST.
your missing the big picture. Dorn was being a selfish douche not just bombing the fuck out of pertrubo then. He should have just murdered perturabo like any sane person would have and saved the world alot of trouble.
That still would have left him with a big bunch of unsatisfied fists. And it's not like perturabo did much in the following millennia
Dorn was MENTALLY BROKEN. He's still a man, for all his power and knowledge. And his sons were, for all their loyalty and love towards him, not about to be separated from him and each other no matter what. Dorn did what he always does, he adapted and he overcame. He remade the Fists into the Legion The Imperium needed them to be.
So what im hearing is that even if peturabo was being a mega autist and this wasnt just a massive prank to pull on the fists, that both primarchs were being retarded about this. There really is no way to justify letting a traitor primarch go like that.
This is just one of those things that women will never be able to understand.
>both primarchs were being retarded
not really?
The iron cage was entirely symbolic. Not strategic in the slightest, and everyone involved was aware of that. Both sides of the story have been told already, and if you've got a brain you can tell the result was inconclusive because of Guilliman's arrival. The Fists were bloodied but unbroken, and reformed into chapters to build the Imperium anew. Perturabo gained his ascension, but fell back to the Eye alongside the rest of the traitors.
Space war doesn't always have neat winners and losers.
>letting him go
Guilliman was being a mega autist about The Codex and The Fists were having none of it, they were literally on the verge of a second civil war right after The Heresy. Dorn made the best out of a very bad situation.
>Guilliman was being a mega autist about The Codex
Yet every single Legion came to see his wisdom in the end. That's not called autism, it's called being right.
Why did a whole almost civil war thing happen over Dorn, weren't there two other Primarchs that were against the codex and seemed to have ignored it on many aspects?
>Yet every single Legion
Do you mean the near legion strength Dark Angels, or the complete codex disregarding Space Wolves and Salamanders?
>Dorn and his lads basically stuck their own genitalia into the meat grinder, then kept turning the handle.
All of my keks. Bravo user, bravo.
Vulkan was against it initially, but he had a chat with Guilliman and came around.
Russ likewise conceded and created the Wolf Brothers. He wished to create further successors as well, but due to the nature of his gene-seed could't.
Dorn was the only one who got pissy enough to fight about it.
Dark Angels only act in secret, and only for their mission.
Space Wolves and Salamanders didn't disregard the only tenet strictly enforced by the codex, the dissolution of the Legions.
Because Dorn (rightfully) called Roboute out on how he wasn't present during the Siege of Terra yet somehow feels he has the right to wave his dick around and call the shots. Also, i think Dorn is the only one who outright refused to have anything to do with it, in no small part because his Legion wouldn't even think about splitting up.
For the record, both of them are in the right, and that's what makes the story good (if was a different time, before chaos worshiping edgelords and autists with daddy issues were allowed to have anything to do with the story):
Rogal is absolutely right in his anger. He suffered unbearable trauma, probably the worst thing that could have ever happened to him, and now Gulliman wants to separate him from his sons. On he other hand, while Rogal did save The Imperium, Roboute's reforms are, without question, the only thing that has allowed it so survive as long as it did.
>Dorn and his lads basically stuck their own genitalia into the meat grinder, then kept turning the handle
>mfw the meat grinder broke before their junk did
Based Dorn, based Fists.
>TFW my oc gets copied and spread across different sites in less than a few hours
In all honesty, though, the only reason Rogal won was because of girlyman and his codex coming in.
Perturabo was just smart not to be in the blastwave when the bomb would go off.
Tl;Dr: Rogal loves building golden sandcastles but is essentially braindead in anything else.
Dorn didn't even win
>w-why are you p-pointing out the obvious f-flaws in my fantasy wank?
Lmao get destroyed.
if you count Pert not being there as "Winning"
Other than that, it was a literal sign of Rogal's incompetence as a general. Had it not been for smurfs, I'm pretty sure all the fists would've been wiped out.
>girlyman had to come over and pull dorns hand off the handle so he would stop squeezing his balls off
a-another just as planned moment for the imperially fisted
>Rogal loves building golden sandcastles but is essentially braindead in anything else
I don't know, he seems to have a natural talent for absolutely destroying Pertardo whenever they're even remotely involved in the same thing.
>Pertardo holding back tears, knowing he has to either run and never look into the mirror again or go all in an face the monster that is Punished Dorn
>Guilliman arrives
>''PHEW! I-I-I m-mean, d-damn you G-Girlyman, j-just when i was a-about t-to w-w-win''
>iron warriors
>masters of siege warfare and fortifications
>best fortress outside of perturabos BTFO in a single week by tyranids
Fucking embarrassing for both IW and IF. Nids achieved in a week what a primarch and a legion of space marines completely failed to do in several on lesser fortifications
>The engagement was not the decisive victory sought by the Iron Warriors, with both the loyalist and traitor fleets suffering significant losses in equal measure... Following the Imperial Fists withdrawal, Perturabo smashed the consoles on the bridge of the Iron Blood in a fit of temper when it became clear that his forces escaped defeat only because of the Retribution Fleet's sudden suicidal withdrawal.[3c]
>In the months after the battle, Perturabo became increasingly saturnine and volatile, to the point where even his closest captains could not be sure of his favor or the rationality of his judgments. One sure way to provoke the primarch's rage, Forrix later remarked to Barban Falk, was to speak of the Imperial Fists in any terms other than hatred and contempt.[6]
>Nids achieved in a week what a primarch and a legion of space marines completely failed to do in several on lesser fortifications
>Dorn and Fists literally LEEROY JENKINS
>still start winning
The only one who got embarrassed was Pertardo and his boys.
Absolutely based.
>perturabo is just sitting on his couch with a beer watching as he continually pranks the shit out of imperial fists and then bails when it goes bad
This whole thing was a prank and you walked right into it.
>literally helped avert civil war and break Dorn out of his depression
>lost with the best odds in his favor since the Siege of Terra in which he was also involved in
>being Pertardo
Just imagine.
the only two people in this thread who got it right was
everyone else is just wanking to different versions of the same story.
This. Dorn was the autistic retard the Emperor knew and loved, Pert did not give a fuck about his legion and Guilliman was GWs big hero again. All as it had ever been
Those are Tyrannids though. They have plot armor and are suppose to be the "unstoppable force". The Iron Warriors in that story onlynserved as generic fodder for the Tyrannids.
>autistic retard
Literally describing Perturabo.
and Dorn and half of the other Primarchs. Guess it runs in the family
Ecspecially the emperor.
>Since pert is an expert in decimation
Killing 10% of the enemy isn't THAT impressive
Because Perty couldnt take the Palace with like 9 times the Loyalists number and demons and shit
Do you post this in every thread? Its poor taste to screencap your own posts
So it seems to me like Rowboat and Rogaine and the two dumbest Primarchs by far
Oh god no, there are dumber. Though, if you were only counting loyalists then they'd be pretty high on the dumb scale.
>literally every traitor
Killing 10% of your own men without aid from the enemy surely is
Reminder Rowboat saved the Imperium when
Big E sat on the throne.
Dorn is just stupid stubborn.
Russ is still dumber though.
I know hating the wolves is the way to fit in here, but the only thing he did was literally just following the orders of the current warmaster, how is that being dumb?
He was also defeated by the subprime trap
Its a meme on here. Veeky Forums identifies with Perty and magnus because they are both autistic man children. They are envious of the Chads/Russes of the universe so they claim he is retarded.
What I find sad is that they don't even know that the hate meme started as a backlash to the wolves being powerful in tt for one edition, but I guess it now is self sustaining
>I know hating the wolves is the way to fit in here
>calling out retards, hypocrites and sues for being those things is trying to fit in
Nice try Wolf Wolfsson.
>but the only thing he did was literally just following the orders of the current warmaster
Valdor was literally screaming into his ear to follow Big E's orders.
>projecting this much
>a smelly drunkard hypocrite that lost every peer fight he's ever been in
top kek
I love how people who callbthem furries are always closet furries. Its like a self perpetuating hate cycle, very Perturaboish.
t. a world eater player
>implying im wrong about Veeky Forums, magnus and pert
Calm down with the buzzwords tough boy, you already got a pass on the cool guys club
>throwing so many buzzwords around that he says someone being a retard and a hypocrite can also be a sue
Stop posting anytime, you clearly don't know what words mean
>he says someone being a retard and a hypocrite can also be a sue
>never suffers consequences for being a retard and a hypocrite
>everything always works out for him
Not really hard to grasp.
Pert, sure. People like Magnus because he was a decent guy who fucked up out of the best intentions. Leman was just an asshole who kept getting away with his mistakes.
>fucked up out of the best intentions
>Valdor was literally screaming into his ear to follow Big E's orders.
>don't follow the orders from the guy the Emperor told you to listen to as tho he were the Emperor
This is the stupidest argument to make, and is entirely based on omniscient knowledge AND not knowing how military orders work.
Holy fuck this NEERRRRDDD is going nuclear
>want to save everyone
>ruin something you had no idea existed
>the wolves being powerful in tt for one edition
If we're being technical about it, wolves have spent the majority of the game's life as marines+1.
not really worth the amount of hate for them, though
>The Emperor tells you to do one thing
>somebody else tells you to do the exact opposite
>guy in charge of The Emperor's personal guard whom he trusts more then you or your brothers is screaming at you to do what The Emperor said
But Magnus did know about the webway and the emperor told him to keep his cock holster shut about it
>being surprised a first founding chapter doesn't get flak for killing some idiot inquisitor or a drunken priest
>thinking that factions in 40K are a unified hivemind instead of being made up of individuals busy dicking each other
>conveniently ignoring that the SW already got fucked more than other chapters anyway because they lost their only successors to chaos, they jobbed to Huron and pretty much got fucked out of fixing their flaws by the TS every time they actually bothered.
Weak and pathetic.
Are you retarded?
>But Magnus did know about the webway
Holly shit, how can one statement possibly contain that lack of knowledge about the lore?
Are you?