Surrendering Power?

Here's an interesting question, Veeky Forums. Is it ever worth surrendering power for love?

I ask because this situation has come up in a recent campaign (I'm the DM). There's a particular kingdom which worships a God of War (it's not quite the state religion, but the military pays homage to him) who has a certain kind of cleric: Effectively, in return for becoming his handmaidens, he bestows supernatural advantages upon the women (invariably young and lovely) who agree to serve. The advantages are quite substantial: Superhuman strength that surpasses a male warrior's, slowed aging, the ability to heal from mortal wounds, and a potent magical weapon keyed to the user.

The covenant comes with the implicit understanding that the God of War is capable of claiming his nuptial rights at any time. In practice, however, he doesn't. Basically, these women are elite warriors who are directly favored by the War-God. For what it's worth, he also has standard clerics and champions, but they're not eligible for the same deal. They don't get the same level of obviously supernatural aid.


Now, the thing is, there's a slow-burning romance going on between a PC Paladin and one of the War-Maidens. Given that the Paladin is charismatic, noble, just a little roguish (Chaotic Good) and looks like a muscular angel about to do some righteous smiting, it's not hard to see why the girl's fallen for him. The issue is, while she can leave the War-God's service, he'll promptly withdraw all his boons: she'll be a mortal woman again, and significantly weaker. This also means that her political and social position will also be torpedoed, because obviously she can't hold the same religious or military rank she previously held.

What I'm wondering is, could a relationship like that *ever* work out? It's a major, major sacrifice on the War-Maiden's end - the loss of physical and political power, as well as the implicit knowledge that God no longer loves you. It just feels like a huge investment to make in someone, and you have to wonder if it could work out without a slow-brewing resentment on the girl's part.

What do you think, Veeky Forums? I know true love is supposed to conquer all, but the way I see it, one side is giving up a fucking lot. I mean, you could say that there's an inherent irony in basically trading one 'lover' for another, but you're actually trading DOWN in this case.

What happens if a warmaiden is raped?

It's unlikely to happen, but if it does there's a decent chance of deific anger. She still loses her powers, since the War-God's no longer interested. Unfair, but it's the rules.

Clearly the paladin needs to take this up with the war-god personally. I mean, if dubya-gee ain't fucking his ladies anyway, maybe he won't mind if the paladin breaks off a chunk as long as he asks nicely and bros it up a little.

But the issue is that he could if he wanted to. They're free to leave his service, but he takes his gifts back since the pact no longer holds. It IS a bit harsh, but it's a War God.

See, that's the beauty of it, he still can. He's a god, he doesn't even have to feel threatened, since the paladin's never going to measure up to him anyway. Hell, he can get a godly thrill out of pulling the lady out of the paladin's bed for a quick go-around every once in a while.

Unless he's like super insecure or something, which would be pretty weird for a war god.

I wouldn't describe it like this user did but yeah, this.
If your war god is similar to mine, then he would gladly accept a bargain (in the form of battle with him or two of his champions) more to prove that you are worthy of being with one of his daughters.

That's actually the point. The God *is* a dick in that regard, especially since he rarely collects. (I'm not sure if that's better or worse, in that regard.)

Also, as the DM, I'm actually interested in having this question be a dilemma with no 'correct' option. It's not a moral choice, it's a matter of the heart. Having a third option would be easiest, but I'd prefer not to offer it in this case.

I mean, it's supposed to be a hard decision.

>I guess I have to be cool with the war god maybe fucking her some time
seems just as "incorrect" as
>she has to give up her cool shit
>I have to have give her up

I reiterate my suggestion that the paladin have a sit down with the god and see if they can work something out. Can't hurt to ask and he may learn something that influences his own feeling about the matter.

Ah, I see the misunderstanding. My bad, I should have specified: the girls are virgins. Their only lover (if it comes up) should be their God. If they ever want to take another lover, they have to leave his service first, which would mean surrendering both power and position.

It's not a case of "God can bang her sometime". It's "The ONLY one who can fuck her, if he chooses to, is her God. For he is a jealous God, and will suffer no other man's claim to his bride."

Totally unrelated: is that Chris from Symphogear in your picture OP?

I don't think so.

The unicorn dilemma? OP, this is actually WAY WORSE than at first reading. So she cannot have sex, ever, except with a god who may never show up? AND she gets punished if she doesn't abide by that? That is actually a shitty thing to do.

Yes, but that's the deal. The advantages are significant, too. It's not like she can't back out, she just doesn't get to keep the perks.

Still not seeing why Mr. Chaotic Good shouldn't see if he can get an exception. After all, he's pretty exceptional if she'd even consider it.

It's more interesting that way.

>you can't even try this
>more interesting
I assume "paladin falls" is the next in the bag of tricks?

Obviously not. If I ask you to choose between saving the holy artifact and saving innocents, you're right either way. The choice just says something about your character.

Not that guy, but I agree with him. Let your players (and the NPC) make a quest out of it if they want. Off the top of my head you could go full Hercules and have the wargod give them increasingly difficult tasks to complete until the head god (or a whole bunch of the other gods if the wargod is the head) from the pantheon steps in and bullies wargod into just allowing them to marry and the warmaiden to keep her perks already.


One alternative could be to remove the perks but let the NPC keep class levels or equivalent so the fall isn't quite as bad. She'd obviously lose her political and societal positions, but could join her hubby on the adventuring life. Do make sure the other players are alright with what's pretty much a DMPC and player's waifu joining the party, though.

And why the fuck wouldn't Veeky Forums let me type more there? There's no way I was over the character limit.

Asking the god of war if you can fuck his wife is a hilariously bad idea.

Way better than not asking him and doing it anyway.