MTG modern general

Humans edition
didnt see one so i made one

and a new question
>what deck would you kill off if you had the chance?

Other urls found in this thread: tournament deck

tfw general so dead thread is archived

Kill off burn.

It would bring a new era of shitposting.

kill off abzan
btw i have b/w token im thinking upgrading this deck but i dont which steps should take to make it stronger (esper morph maybe?)

t. Can't afford goyfs

My challenge to you guys is to build the best helix pinnacle deck you can

GDS with 4 Helix Pinnacle in the sideboard. You're welcome.

Looking for a budget deck to get into Modern at my locals. I like playing beat down and my budget is about $100 for cards. Which deck is the better choice, Mono-Green Stompy or Little Kid?

Little kid can cheese wins off certain decks just from white sideboard cards. Probably better than the welfare deck

>what deck would you kill off if you had the chance?
Any goodstuff.dec
Whichever is the most played one right now


I'm thinking of building UG humans based on +1/+1 counters. His badly would I need CoCo?

are those supposed to be cards? i can't recognize characters from cards unless they're qts

if your deck is in green and running creatures that can be found by coco you should be running coco

you would probably need it but i would throw in hardened scales, it doubles ur +1/+1 cpounters
No, just some art of some cathars i found

I think lantern should be killed not by banning opal but by banning a lantern specific card. Banning opal would kill affinity which doesnt deserve the hammer at all.

Second deck i would kill would be storm bc fuck storm its the gayest shit to sit there while they "combo off". Like fuck go play by yourself.

Pic related What im playing now

Fuck i hate when it rotates my shit

id reccomend selling off deaths shadow when its close to banning day

Ive thought about it.. what should i replace it with. Ive been playing this deck for years. I built it in 2015 its my favorite deck to play and im sad DS may go..

Please.... I can only so erect.

Ban Rift bolt, Lightning bolt, Lava spike and Goblin guide. Fuck aggro as well, we are all mid range now.

i hear grim flayer and goyf work well together in jund

DS is in there and works really well with Varolz.. if DS goes varolz will probably have to go too and with that vexing devil would too and id be stucj with going full dredge.. thats why im so reluctant

oh, well, sorry to hear that your beloved cards are going. maybe you could brew somthing with humans and the mirrodin swords.

lantern is tier 3 trash and that deck deserves to be killed off more than affinity?

just put together esper death shadow
dont know yet, but tron is a pretty queer deck so without anything else, that
B/R control list kind of like free win red but with a B splash for discard and the occasional turn 1 bitterblossom

>what deck would you kill off if you had the chance?

So I have four aether vials, one from darksteel and three from from the vault. The three from the vault vials have a very bluish tint to them, beyond any coloring I've seen on other foils. Could these be chinaman fakes or are they just printed that way?

It wins GPs theres no doubt. The point isnt power its how fucking annoyingit is to play against. Please play against lantern so you can experience how fucking gay it is.

Try the light test to begin with.

of course I'm running scales. I'm trying a version with phalanx leader right now but it's a lot of effort to make him go off since my only self target spells are dromoka's command and blossoming defense. I'm getting better results with the Winding Constrictor variant which doesn't run humans apart from servant of the scale and experiment one.

give me a good white vial human list to play

What does all the moon say?

no idea hopefully only nice things about her

Look at mono white d&t as a base, alter to taste. Or go with a knight list.

Well Veeky Forums?

new guy here, I want to buy a Planeswalker deck. Are there dice for the lifecount in there or where do I have to get those?

Because the cards that cost life have other good effects stapled on them like hand disruption, Mana fixing, creature removal, and drawing cards.
Life gain doesn't do that.

you can just get an app on your smartphone, plus people (at least in my area) are pretty willing to give out extra life counter dice they've got

>I want to buy a Planeswalker deck

I would advise against that unless you are planning to play against your friends who also use PWs decks, this is because they really are terrible and if you want to learn the basics of mtg you would do better in trying out Magic Duels on steam (just don't spend any money on it as they dropped support for it).

And also you can buy a D20 in any gaming store.

Just a heads up, planeswalker decks are terrible, and are intentionally made that way so that pros don't have to buy them to get good cards. spindown die are included in bundles and deckbuilder toolkits. I like the bundles since they give you a nice box to keep a small set in, and the toolkit gives some lands. Your best option is to look up a budget deck with a mechanic that speaks to you and is not too difficult to use, and buy the singles. A lot of times they'll end up cheaper than a PW deck and are better to play with.

Also make sure to get a spindown dice instead of a normal d20, they are easier to use for life tracking.

dont buy a plainswalker deck, buy a budget deck and a bundle

>implying I am going to talk to other people
Yeah I figured Id just stick to paper at first but thanks!

I plan on mainly playing with my brother and maybe (maybe!) going to some friday night magic (more than likely not).

Do you guys have any decklists you would recommend for beginners? We know the fundamentals pretty well but we just never bought any cards or commited to it.

That's a really broad question. What kind of playstyle do you like? What is your budget?
If you're really new I'd personally go for mono green Stompy, which is just summoning big creatures and attacking with them.

Well "comming" from Hearthstone, I really enjoy control decks there but I dont have a problem with playing other types of decks.

I have a budget of around 100€ for cards and ill buy some foils for them too.

Currently I would be able to buy the last 4 planeswalker deck pairs (8 decks) and the two deckbuilder toolkits for 110€.

Someone recommended some decks from card kingdom to me and those seem to be nice but I am not from the US and border tax like doubles the price for me.

vial knights as that other user suggested is pretty dope and you get to be the only person in the room playing it, and you get to just do totally different things as most other creature decks.

non-eldrazi death and taxes is basically vial humans. I even have Cavern of Souls in my list because there are so many humans. That's a great deck right now too.

Thirdly you could play the actual human tribal list and just add vials, since vials would theoretically fit totally fine in that list. there are good mardu and junk humans lists floating around.

Just made a G/Blk -1/-1 counter deck centered around Hapatra. Seems decent to me. Next I'm gonna toy with either a G/W or G/R enchant deck. Any ideas?

Basically Gx Tron. And seeing as thats shit, a spot in soul sisters is next, but thats just a worse zendikar sovereign. So not its not playable

You should into Pauper, it's a format where only commons are used and it's relatively inexpensive while retaining the complexity of MTG as a whole.

Assuming you aren't a braindead retard like WOTC assumes new players are when I say "complexity" I mean that you can find any playstyle you prefer from control to aggro to combo, using keywords and mechanics from a bit all over magic as opposed to planeswalkers decks which get boring very quickly and are just dumb as fuck.

That thread has been archived but contains all the links you need to get started in pauper, the decks range from 20$ to 50$.

Control in MTG is a lot harder to use, so it's not beginner friendly at all. They can also be quite costly, so I would advise against that until you have a better feel for the meta and the game itself. The biggest cost in a deck is the mana base, so I'd suggest running 1 color, or 2 colors and some taplands. Green is the easiest to play, blue the hardest.
Please do not buy Planeswalker decks, they are a waste of money. The best thing you can do is Google a bit for budget beginner decks and read up a bit, but if you don't want to spend the time I'd suggest getting a green ramp deck and a white aggro deck, they have quite a different playstyle and you can learn a bit about mana management while playing with just your brother.

Mono green stompy is powerful and easy to play its 80$ to build that is my recomenation as this guy says go easy mono green build

>thread Question

Eldrazi tron because wizards seems to refuse to ban anything from that deck.

It's just Thalia is CUTE and some artist commentary about drawing her

U/R storm
Still mourning SDT in Legacy.
>what deck would you kill off if you had the chance?
Death's Shadow as far as Modern goes.

They already banned eye of ugin are you seriously telling me you still can't handle it you babby?

Your feelings are not an argument.

Chinamen don't do foils though, do they?

Just because you can handle something does not mean it is not annoying to play against.

battle decks from Card Kingdom are decent and you can find decklists for them on TappedOut

>annoying to play against
people say this about every single fucking deck. This is literally the sign that you are a babby if you have to whine about it instead of dealing with it like a man.

Call me babby some more daddy, I like that.

You're talking to people who advocate fetches being banned because shuffling takes too much time and thus is annoying and not fun to play against/with.

Let that sink in.

im new and i wanted to get a hold of some of the older cards, is pic related a good way to start or should i look elsewhere?

also, if i go through with this what are some value cards from this set? tournament deck

If you want to invest - don't do it, you're not gonna make money if you know nothing of MtG to begin with.

If you're asking to get cards for starting to play Modern:
Buy singles. Always buy singles. Just buy the cards you need. Never open packs.

>tfw you resolve unburrial rites targeting Grave Titan
I get spooky as fuck boners doing that shit.

im sort of new and i just want to get ahold of some older cards, and i hear that mirrodin has a lot of artifacts in it.

>kill lantern and storm
>plays a trash deck
Like fucking pottery

Being "annoying" isn't the reason why it should be banned. Plenty of decks that aren't prevalent can be considered annoying. Broken archetypes aren't broken because they're annoying to play against its because of the cards they play.

are weenie decks good?

Just booked a hotel for GP Birmingham. £250 for just 2 fucking nights at some pimp place because the cheap ones were all sold out. Now comes the desperation of trying to find a roommate from the guys I know going.

I never said it was broken, I just answered the thread question.

That's retarded user. When was the last time someone said burn was annoying to play against? Or scapeshift? Or humans?

And if you're this user , then you're a double idiot. Eye of ugin was broken for a different reason

Why the fuck are half of blue cards so expensive to cast? I'm wanting to make a white/blue cycle deck but it won't happen. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if you could shit out two or three lands per turn but it's almost impossible to get any creatures on the field. Why pay so much for so little, when you can just make an aggro deck and end the game in five turns?

not the same guy but wasnt eye of ugin broke because it allowed you to shit out eldrazi even faster than affinity can with artifacts?

Turn 1 eye, endless one, endless one, mimic, mimic. Followed up with t2 temple and you thought-knot gg

Flayer is a fantastic filter piece, and with Shadow likely leaving Jund will rise back up.

so yes?

Very much yes

good, let it be banned then.

Good to see people leaving that shit game, fuck Brode

If you're looking to start in Modern, there are several budget burn lists floating around for under 50 USD that can be upgraded fairly easily. Standard is okay right now, but there's a delayed rotation coming on in the fall that will likely delete whatever deck you build from legality. I've seen some budget Mono-U mill stuff, but I'd just avoid it until this blows over. Legacy is AHAHAHAHA WOW, and Commander, while certainly the safest and healthiest of formats to get into at the moment, requires more than just two people. Avoid the PW decks and build either a burn list or pick up one of the Commander precon decks that are actually good (anything from the 2015 cycle except the R/W deck is a great place to start).

Have fun!

>Ezuri, Claw of Degeneracy

>healthiest of formats
Loving every laugh

more Qs
>first set
>favorite set
>least favorite set

You don't have enough money for anything remotely good in modern. I would do like this user recommends and play pauper. Lot's of different decks to play and they're all affordable too. Come back to modern in a couple of years or when you have more money because getting into this format isn't worth it if you aren't at willing to put some money into it.

Because when you're playing an aggro deck and you run out of gas you're now praying you top deck something good while your opponent is sitting on six lands and six cards in hand and the world is literally his oyster.

That's a day 1 question kiddo.

>implying blues can shit out 2-3 monsters in four turns faster than red can
>implying murder doesn't shut that six mana 3/4 as soon as it's summoned
>implying my hasted creatures don't just fuck your shit up from the jump

Blue doesn't get aggressive creatures, that's the design of the game. Why are you complaining about blue not doing something blue is not designed to do. That's like complaining that red can't destroy enchantments or green can't counter spells.

Are any of the old mirrodin theme decks worth getting?

Not if you're trying to play Modern.

just for collecting/value cards (probably arent any)

Merfolk, I dont like the idea of blue in modern and storm never lasts.

> Playing
> Hating
Scapeshift and Devoted Druid
> Brewing
U/W Hatebears type deck, Spell Queller being good again in standard doubled his price before I bought him :(

So yeah here is a similar list I'm basing the deck off off .
I don't have Flickers in my list, while I think Queller + Flicker or Flicker + Reflector is cute, its too much investment or a one time use. I would rather have a couple solid beat down plans in that slot (Brimaz/GeistST/Mirran Crusader) OR Displacer, which has repeatable bounce for my mages or opponents blockers.
4x Restoration Angel in the 4cmc slot? Something better maybe? Cut the 4cmc cards altogether and run more 3mana utility/beat down? Also missing Draw in the deck without Traben Inspectors and no Horizon Canopies (I wont run them too expensive + need U/W duals) any tips? Maybe Bygone Bishops?

My original point is that blue spells and especially creatures are too expensive to cast. Yeah, it's the best at what it does, too bad it takes three mana do do literally anything useful. Meanwhile every other color just seems more appealing.

I want to make a deck using some blue but everything is too expensive to cast to be useful and I can't find a good balance.

t. Bad player

What tier is Eldrazi?

Merfolk, I dont like the idea of blue in modern and storm never lasts.

I know Delver of Secrets is out of the limelight right now but he didn't just vanish, he's still one of the most efficient bodies Modern has. I've always thought Clique and Snapcaster Mage are both aggressively costed for their bodies and text boxes.

Blue is a support color in the format for the most part, similar to white. You're not playing blue to make big flashy plays, you're playing blue for things like Serum Visions, Stubborn Denial, Vapor Snag, Sphinx's Revelation, Spreading Seas.

If you want to play blue and not wait until turn 3, I'd recommend Merfolk. It's a solid deck.



Modern isnt a format for blue, time to shake you loose so modern can truely be the format it should be.

> t. Tron/Burn/GDS player.

No need to get salty you got run over/shut down by fish

Where the fuck do I begin with a RW Angel deck? Anybody run something along those lines? Suggestions or lists will help immensely