/WFG/ Warhammer Fantasy General

Prepare your anus for the one eyed monsters edition.

> Resources (Crunch, Lore and Warhammer Fantasy Role-play)
WFB: pastebin.com/8rnyAa1S
WFRP: pastebin.com/0e6RuQux
Novels: mega.nz/#F!9Lw1WIRZ!eKxkOlAQwuZO3_8pHOK-EQ

> We're looking for these novels for the archive

> Alternative Warhammer Miniatures and Manufacturers
Tomb Kings Alternative: indiegogo.com/projects/tms-undying-dynasties-army-release#/
Bretonnia Alternative: indiegogo.com/projects/tms-kingdom-of-equitaine-army-release

> The 9th Age

> Warhammer Wikis
warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Wiki (most complete)

> Warhammer Video Games
Total War Warhammer: store.steampowered.com/app/364360/
Vermintide: store.steampowered.com/app/235540/
Mordheim City of the Damned: store.steampowered.com/app/276810/
Bloodbowl 2: store.steampowered.com/app/236690/
Man O' War: store.steampowered.com/app/344240/
Return of Reckoning: returnofreckoning.com/
Snotling Fling: itunes.apple.com/us/app/warhammer-snotling-fling/id901638145?mt=8

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Fuck, I've done goofed the thread link.

>when you realize that the Fimir are large looking units, more like Trolls than humanoids
>tfw CA may make the same mistake that GW did, somehow scaling them up but still giving them stats more for a human-sized warrior
>tfw even if they do make the stats more fitting, they're still not the unit they were always intended to be


Hey, has anyone actually tried Snotling Fling? Is it any good?

So, Army of the Moot when?

Halfling Militia (Bow)
Halfling Militia (Spear)

Halfling Riders - light cavalry mounted on ponies, might have bows as well as close combat weapons

Halfling Hot Pot - Artillery unit

Mercenary Ogres - Costly heavy melee units to give the force some melee power

Halfling Fieldwardens - Elite skirmishers armed with close combat weapons and slings, have bonuses versus undead units
- - -

Doesn't Mootland have its own Elector Count? Does that mean we could get a halfling carrying a Runefang or does their representative not have one.

Could also give them the old 'soup'tank Kathleen as a single unique version of a regular unit with bonus abilities using the same format as Regiments of of Renown for other armies.

you can resize the units

> Fimir units have sunder armor and magic attacks
I don't know user, sounds like rape to me.

Find the Citadel Journal list. It's half-jokey but the new Norsca DLC seems to be at least partially based on their Citadel Journal entry.

Previous Thread

It's just angry birds but 5 years too late isn't it?

>I'm growing stronger

Guys... I just miss it so fucking much

Since its perspective instead of 2D its harder supposedly.


In theory you could, but the Moot wasn't a province when the Runefangs were made, just like Marienburg wasn't yet a province (and now again isn't).

Theoretically you could give the halfings the Drakwald Runefang, but why the fuck would you? They're almost literally the Shire and have no use for such things, especially since the sword would be oversized for them.

Still not the same as if they'd actually made them the proper size. Not like most people are going to know or care anyway, so even if I resized them, no one else would.

I hope this means that they're taking steps to end chariot spam. I would've been happy if that was all they'd done and didn't give any unique units or anything.

>doing anything

Because it would be fucking hilarious/badass to see a halfling Elder of the Moot (Elector Count Hisme Stoutheart, which conjures the image of a grandmotherly figure) manage to gut a vampire with a legendary weapon they can barely carry.


Their wardens regularly have to fend off encroaching undead from Sylvania, don't fuck with the halflings when their home and/or next meal is on the line.

Just get some chaps into playing Skirmish.

Since when was a halfling able to fend off anything more than an undead chicken?

You should probably just get the AI composition mod.
be warned though, the end times becomes an absolute bastard to deal with

Forgeworld Fimir are monstrous infantry statwise, GW corrected their mistake long before TWW

You need to learn the lore mate.

Even if they aren't physically intimidating or mighty warlords they have always been excellent archers & sneaky buggers, and sharing a border with vampire-central means they've needed to deal with unholy things shambling across the border.


It takes strength to pull a bow strong enough to penetrate with enough energy kill things, and halflings arent very strong, maybe they are accurate but what does accuracy count against the undead?

Anyway, Isnt sylvania, mostly, meant to be brought to order now , at least before end-times.

I really like this kind of developments

makes it feel like the world got another hero to tell the tales of

godspeed, Surtha

Halflings are literally Ogres with more numbers, Empire/Dwarf reinforcements, and advanced tech.

Remember what Ogres did to the Sky Giants?

>bringing realistic physics into warhammer fantasy
Just accept that you are wrong and are arguing against canon.

Sylvania has never been brought to order.
The Vampires just hide their strength and the Empire is forced to deal with more pressing invasing enemies.



Halflings have Goblin tier numbers but better accuracy on top of Elven woodsmanship and Ogre durability and corruption resistance.

Warhammer Eurasia and Africa, plus the Warp getting its own submap like how Skaven will get theirs.

Dark Lands
Maybe the Mountains of Mourn
Maybe the Chaos Wastes
MAYBE Grand Cathay

Man, I was hoping Norsca would have a Valkyrie unit or something

This is why god invented the crossbow, user, though most halflings make due perfectly fine with slings.

This isn't up for debate, dude, the halflings canonically repel probes from Sylvania and wandering undead regularly. Course you're free to be the dumbass vampire who thinks they're easy prey and catches a god damn silver bullet through the forehead.

I've been using Dragon Rampant to play small 40 figures a side skirmish games.

>Mount Gunbad
come on

Who has best not!-Warmaster?

And does not!Man'o'War even exist?

what are those chaos mammoths called?


But in Warhammer the gun is GOOD?

the penis is evil

I suppose that is true, a crossbow would make a difference

>expecting women in an army roster that has multiple Fimir units

> Not Tusked Titannors
It's like you don't even AoS.

I was saying that it was a ripoff of Mount Gundabad from Middle Earth


No way, I bet Gnashrak is from Grishnak and something just dawned on me about these Orc fellows in general...!

Historicals, X-Wing.

There's never really been women on Norsca/marauder armies?

Though since this sequel takes place mainly in Lustria you might be lucky and get access to Amazon troops as some sort of minor faction?
Which includes women from Norse settlements established by their explorers.

In previous lore they've had ties with Lizardmen so it wouldn't be too out there to be able to ally/confederate with them?

Dark Lands, Ogre Kingdoms and Chaos Wastes would be neat

> Vanilla Empire, Greenskins, Dwarfs, Vampires & Chaos
> DLC Beastmen, Wood Elves and Bretonnia
> The Old World and the fight against Chaos

> TW2 High Elves, Dark Elves, Lizards and Skaven
> DLC Tomb Kings and maybe Araby
> The New World and the Elven civil war

> TW3 Ogre Kingdoms, Chaos Dwarfs and Chaos Daemons
> DLC proper Kislev
> Full-on Apocalypse End Times grimdark

All 16 playable factions, plus Araby. Precedent is that they were a full faction for Warmaster.

>reading 9th age stuff

>mark of "not-khorne" can't be taken by sorcerers

motherfuckers, it was the perfect chance to spice things up and add a blood related spell list and shit

we ain't in the aos
karl is still PRINCE AND EMPEROR

Just mountain my shit up senpai

Kislev is more important than Arabay since they not only already exist in game

Khorne ritualists in place of actual magic manipulators make perfect sense, I say

Kislev units might be parts of dogs of war, but otherwise never.

No slav, no.



Galleys and Galleons by ganesha games is probably the only option. I never played either though, or any kind of naval wargame. You could also try and adapt the naval rules from the generals compendium for a smaller scale.

Lorewise Amazons revere the Slann as gods after killing all the Norscan men and abandoning Chaos, Lizardmen reward them with magitek with 40k equivalents like "sun staff" lasguns.

So Amazons would be mercenaries for Lizardmen.

Wait for the next edition. Major shakeup with 7 gods instead of 4.

>non codex armies becoming playable

At this point even Cathay won't surprise me. This shit simply makes too much $.

I wonder if CA will stick to warhammer world or try to make other fantasy total wars in the future.

I bet people in charge of D&D are dreaming of a game like this now.

Chaos Wastes, which will also flesh out the Warriors of Chaos campaign on the combined map for anyone who owns TWW3 and TWW1

The Chaos Daemons will be split into the devotees of the four major gods, plus new units conjured up from their mortal followers like Khornate Berzerkers in order to flesh out the rosters (because Daemons alone would have the roster be too small).

Chaos Dwarfs and Ogres will be DLC like the Tomb Kings

Kislev will be their own faction in TWW3 so that they have more DLC to sell


>7 gods

Not-Hashut, Not-GHR, Not-Malal? Or maybe Not-Belakor instead of Not-Malal?

Tehy most likely make Game of Thrones Total war for all the normie money

>At this point even Cathay won't surprise me
I doubt about cathay but I'd not completely rule out nice little shit like araby and the other human city states south of the empire

Amazons and lizardmen have a weird relationship.

Amazons appear to worship Rigg which is an Old one that the lizardmen do not worship but acknowledge.

The Amazon priestesses do wear the skins of skinks so they do fight the lizardmen occasionalyl, but they also are allies of them occasionally.

So it seems to be an Empire/Bretonia situation.
Sometimes they fight, sometimes they are allied.

As for the Laserguns, pretty sure the amazons simply loot them.
The Lizardmen also have laserguns but they dont use em because they think they are sacred, the Amazons simply dont care about them beeing too dangerous to use and do it anyway.

Personally i hope for Amazon mercenaries at least, if not a full blown faction.

I could see them becoming one of these newfangled wandering armies.

I asked, like for miniatures. 10mm fantasy I can find, hoped for opinion. Tiny fantasy ships are not normal wargame bread and butter. What scale this game is even in?

Can WH halflings into magic?


wait, it's actually just sins


probably some form of culinary and minds influencing magic

Araby, Kislev and Dogs of War have all had army lists in the past and there have been plenty of Norscan themed units. Cathay would require CA to basically write an entire lore and roster almost from scratch.

I really really really hope that comes to pass.

7 Deadly Sins, each sharing some elements of the 4 Chaos Gods so a single T9A army could comprise multiple types of Daemons.

It lets you make a monogod list without gimping yourself.


WH3 will definitely have Silver Pinnacle too. There is a reason why Coven Throne is not in game yet.


>seven deadly memes

Oh boy the most played out concept in pretty much anything. It always strikes me as funny that no one ever seems to want to add apathy as the 8th deadly sin, since it apparently was considered one by obscure Christian and Gnostic thinkers.

It would be incredibly easy. They are just fantasy China.

> Chaos Daemons
> Horde faction, can only Raze settlements
> Start with a single stack somewhere

> Can spawn an army anywhere where there is sufficient Chaos corruption
> Units get a % buff tied to the local Winds of Magic
> Armies can return to the Warp as a stance, allowing resummoning elsewhere

> Legends are Skarbrand, Ku'Gath, Kairos and N'Kari
> Can recruit from any God but mixed armies suffer attrition, based on the % that is different from the Lord
> Be'Lakor is an NPC faction that exists to dick you up
> Killing Be'Lakor lowers the penalty for Mixed Gods
> Quests are random and catapult you all over the map, frequently require starting wars or betraying allies

Which edition is that from?


Nagash, Silver Pinnacle and Hobgoblin land would all be amazing.

It would be easy in the sense that it's easy to slap a bunch of dragons, floating cloud monks, dragon cannons and living terracotta warriors together and call it a day but more difficult when you consider how easily all of that can go south

There actually is an event for the Vampire Counts where Lahmians come to visit on a Coven Throne.

I think people may be getting a bit carried away with the new Norscan army.

Just because we have this doesn't mean we're getting Cathay, Amazons etc. I think Kislev and Araby still have a chance because they've had army lists in the past, but the others are too much of a blank canvas.

If it makes $ they will make it.

I doubt cathay but an Amazon unit appearing in the game is relatively more probable, it would be much easier and fit in very well to the Lustria setting.

You're forgetting that SEGA never changes.
Currently CA is being allowed to put more effort in because SEGA realise that it gives a higher return in the long run. In that respect they're far smarter than the likes of EA, but they still live for the profit.

If they see demand for those factions, you'd better believe they'll be there. Given that more human factions will be easier to make models for, it will be cost effective as well

I agree, but I'm hopeful we'll get at least one or two more non-book races. Araby and Kislev in particular given the circumstances.

They also have a partial visual basis for Amazons in Blood Bowl.

It won't make them more money though, nobodies holding back from buying into Total War because they're waiting for Lustrian Pygmies.

>mfw Mourkain and Strigoi
>Corruption replaced by Strigoi squatters

I'm 100% sure more people would buy Cathay than Beastmen.

Its more that if people keep buying DLC, they will keep making DLC.

Nudity DLC bundled with blood DLC?

I mean Strigany squatters.

Name them Halfling Hunters instead as their archer unit that can deploy deeply

Then you have Halfling Militia as your basic melee unit Spearmen followed by...
- Halfling Militia [w/Shield] since the game counts the shielded and shieldless version as different units like that

Maneaters, Treants, Hot Pot.

Master of the Pies.