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Who are you guys siding with in the Campaign? Fighting the Imperium here, don't like how they gave Guilliman so many wins.
So, Klan Taktiks predictions?
>Evil sunz get fast as fuck boii
>Goffs get more attacks the more models in unit
>Deffskullz get fnp/invulns because lucky
>Bad Moonz get gitfindas (extra ballistic skill if stationary)
>Blood Axes get +1 cover saves
>Snakebites get... extra attacks too? Extra toughness? Poisoned ccws?
Snakebites: shootas and sluggas drop 2 inches, gain 4+ poison on shooting. Makes them hardcore against daemons and monsters.
I am currently building a kult of speed army. Trying out all elites in Trukks.
Kombi-skorcha nobz in trukks for AA and horde melting.
Tankbustas in trukks for obvious reasons.
Big Choppa Nobz for thwacking.
I'm not sure what to use for anti-teqs though, Orks don't get great plasma outside of mek gunz.
>Snakebites get...
Hopefully squig mounts or some badass new unit. Ever since boarboyz got retired, they Snakebites haven't had a real gimmick. At the very least they could give them savage boyz or something. I figure Evil Sunz might get more speed in vehicles, but Snakebites might get more speed on foot (perhaps as a bonus to advancing).
death skulls get old looted wagon rules, using keywords as benchmarks for what can be looted, or Lootas as troop choices hehehe
If I had a store nearby, I'd probably fight against the Spikey 'umies, or flip a coin.
Like seriously they're exactly as expensive as last edition but are so much tougher than before, and ]transporting them in battlewagons is very viable as battlewagons are also tough as shit now, so they won't be left stranded. And they kill literally everything in cqb with killsaws. Like, everything. Especially if you throw a WAAAGH! banner in with them. I'm so happy with how they've preformed in every game I've used them in.
Think they'll put in anything to promote single klan armies, or no since most people play mixed? Back in 2nd ed they pushed mixed klans so much, that you had to have a mob of boyz for certain klans to take more of other elite choices.
I admire your optimism.
In their little descriptions the snake bites are known for their squigs. So probably some big squiggoths to ride around on.
MANZ are extremely risky to transport due to the way transports now work when they're destroyed. You really don't want to have a MANZ squad in there and roll any 1's.
I haven't been impressed with them so far. Hitting on 4's is bad for a unit that costs that much. Yes, you can toss a WAAAGH banner in but that just pushes the cost higher on a unit that already costs a ton, and then you face the problem of getting the WAAAGH banner nob into combat, or at least close enough to the combat, when the MANZ charge in.
Haven't tried MANZ with Da Jump yet, which may be a better way of getting them across the board. They also synergize well with Ghaz, since +1 attack on guys with two killsaws is really fucking good. What will make or break using Da Jump is what GW FAQs 'Ere We Go to be: either dice or both dice. If it's either or both dice in a failed charge, sensational. If it's both, then I don't see it being that useful for a melee based unit.
They have a system with chapter tactics, and incentive with the keyword system, so I doubt there will be any emphasis for mixed klan armies, as that would require real ingenuity. I don't like it, as it means grotsnick and ghazzy can't be part of the same force without fucking up your stratagems and taktiks, but it makes sense with how they've set the edition up.
>Can bring a Looted Vehicle per Loota squad
Blood Axes
>Friends(?) of da humies gain the IMPERIUM keyword
Bad Moons
>Kwality Flash, shootas/big shootas gain AP1/2, +1 to hit for Flash Gitz
That's my wishlist, but all of them are probably too OP
Fill up the battlewagon with an understrength grot or boy squad, you don't roll for each model individually, you just roll equal no no. models, so they can soak up the one or two 1s you roll if it gets nuked, but T8 16 wound battlewagons screaming up the battlefield can soak a shittone of damage. Obviously try to keep them out of LOS of your opponent's scarier weapons, and there's nothing you can really do about deepstriking melta, but a battlewagon with 5 ks MANs, ghazzy, waagh banner nob and 7 grots will serve you well, and if you deploy them right you can use the battlewagon to deploy ghazzy and the waagh banner right next to blobs of boyz who can then daisychain to better targets.
Essentially, orky deffstars are much better this edition, and can confer their bonuses to other units. Obviously MANz aren't effective against gaunt hordes and are a waste against single tanks and monsters, but squads of highly expensive heavy infantry or single model big things like bloodthirsters and knights melt to them.
Post your scratchbuilds
Still trying to figure out how to mount this on a flyer-height base.
Do not toast the dakkajet
more pics of this guy? hes PROPPA
>tfw all Xenos are getting squatted
soo FW is going to eventually give us datashits for the battlefortress, mega dread and grot bomb launcha, but what about all the other units that are left sheetless?
especially the planes, I WANT ME SOME BLASTA BOMMAS
Can someone clearify the rules of the Tellyporta Blasta? Does it hit against current wounds or max wounds?
Can anyone point to anywhere in the rules that would clarify what "wound characteristic" means specifically? (The options being printed wounds or wounds remaining.)
>One user said it got answered in the FAQ; it seemingly didnt.
Please help a fellow Ork enthusiast out!
take a guess of what the RAI is, this isnt a RAW ruleset
personally I'd say current wounds. I don't have any reason to believe that other than the gun is already kinda weak and doesn't need any help getting worse.
I have to assume, unless corrected, current wounds. The sidebar in the rules says characteristics can be modified (though mostly talking about modifiers from other sources), so I have to assume your wounds are "modified" as you take damage.
Would Characteristic has to be the wounds on it's profile. Because the character rule doesn't work on characters with a wound characteristic larger than 10.
Why would a Swarm Lord or other big Tyranids be untargetable now that it lost a wound? So as long as you're fighting someone with 5 wounds on their profile, you can kill them instantly.
that one with the helicopter hand should be lifting itself up by it
Thanks a LOT for quick answers. It's sorta meh that it wasn't addressed in the FAQ, but I guess we'll just house-rule it in our group and see what the consensus is there.
I just hoped I could get either a solid clarification or an overwhelming amount of a single interpretation.
I always assumed when he goes down off of buildings it helps slow his landing
Those are great user. What are the heads you're using if you don't mind me asking?
if its based on the current W characteristic, its barely sorta useful
if its based on the W characteristic, then its pretty garbage
either way id rather have a kmk on the plane T B H
But to further address your point; doesn't the book specify that the Char rule applies to models with a -starting- wound characteristic of 10 or more?
Pretty sure it emphasizes the word 'starting' or printed. Don't remember which one it used.
bodies are micro-art studios I've had forever. Heads are maxi-mini pirate orks I think? I've been plying 40k since '98 and my bits box is vast and wide
That is beautiful. The best my deffskulls have are repurposed tau weaponry.
What Klan does everybody play?
What Klan would you play if you didn't play that Klan?
I've been meaning to go back and paint him in my buddy's nid colors
Goffs here
>the smoke launcher
>tfw want to play orks
>tfw can't afford to
>tfw can't paint well enough anyway
I play Death Guard now, but my my heart will always belong to orks.
Blu Starr Boyz reporting in boss
>That Terminator chained to the front of the battlewagon.
Deathskulls for life. Bugsnik's Brass Lads are the specific tribe.
uhhh, Bad Moons I guess? I like yellow a lot.
those look great! did I buy that mega dred off you?
Nice. But put another chain on the terminator, from his right armpit up across his face, to explain why the helmet is to the side like that.
Gimme da quick rundown on ork flyaz
If I wasn't adding more shit to my guard army I would go with bad moons and blood axes for a vietnam GI ork army. With blood axe nobs in a naut, boyz and kommados (frog foots) and bad moons dakka jets, warcoptas, defcoptas and flashgits to back the blood axes up.
And I would use them as mercenaries/pirates.
Freebooters. So i will probably spend a lot for ki-bashing things and then use spare bits from those i already have. Totally worth it, tho
was at a tournament and saw this
Naw, it just says wounds characteristic. Pg 179 of the main rulebook, or just on the start of the Shooting Phase page for the main rules pdf.
If I'm running a lot of KMK's in the back, how many meks should i have nearby for when they inevitably start wounding themselves?
I nominally have a big Blood Axe representation, but I've got enough Deffskullz, Evil Sunz, Bad Moonz, and Goff representation to simply be a united banner under Ghazghkull.
What are you gonna do when they add Clan abilities?
Da Deffskulls, Boss.
An' probably da Bad Moons, if I wasn't.
Is the Lifta-Droppa any good this edition? d6 mortal wounds seems low, but mortal wounds are pretty nice. I just can't decide if it is good or not.
Don't use meks, use spannerz. Meks cost more, spanners come with long range shooting or burna troops.
Not a bad idea, with lootas and kmks and maybe a big mek thrown in there I can pretend I'm playing guard
Probably go Goffs, Deff Skullz, or Evil Sunz depending on what's cool or what whim I am on.
James you Git, I'm gonna krump you Monday at the tower
Pardon me, gentlemen, but mayhap you have a bottle of mus-tard from DeJohn?
sumfing fishy 'bout dis 'un boss
Why aren't there girl orkz? Misogyny?
What if we all went one way one week and the other way the next? Keep things interesting, and we'd be able to effect the outcome without just picking a side.
Same place as the boy orkz.
this, you don't ask where a girl mushroom is
go to bed firecam
Primaris Orks when? The Beast series already showed us what these would look like, and ironjawz were somewhat of a preview for it, this has to happen. Would anyone object to primaris Orks?
Tip for when putting Nobz or Meganobz or really anything valuable in a Battlewagon: Always put 10 Grots in with them
They'll take half the capacity, but if the wagon dies you can assign all the 1s to them when rolling to see how many passengers die instead of losing a model or two that could be worth more than the 10 grots combined
Primaris Orks are Nobs
How are Orkz supposed to deal with gunline armies? Weirdboy? Trukkz?
I just play against a Necron gunline and got my ass blasted off the table. How the fuck are you supposed to get into cover with the boyz if the entire unit needs to be "within"?
or honestly just go forcefields, they're cheap and can overlap
I don't play a klan. Pretty much all my orks are painted differently except for my old metal orks which are painted like their respective klan. Nominally I call myself Goff so I can use ghaz
Oy boss, help me wif dis 'ere list!
++ Patrol Detachment (Orks) [58 PL, 746pts] ++
+ HQ [7 PL, 136pts] +
Warboss in MA [7 PL, 136pts]: Kustom Shoota [4pts], Power Klaw [25pts]
+ Troops [18 PL, 250pts] +
Boyz [13 PL, 180pts]
. Boss Nob [6pts]: Choppa, Slugga
. 29x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa [174pts]
Boyz [5 PL, 70pts]
. Boss Nob [10pts]: Choppa, Kustom Shoota [4pts]
. Ork Boy W/ 'Eavy Weapon [12pts]: Big Shoota [6pts]
. 8x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa [48pts]
+ Elites [25 PL, 218pts] +
Nobz [21 PL, 153pts]
. Boss Nob [17pts]: Choppa, Slugga
.8x Nob [17pts]: Choppa, Slugga
Painboy [4 PL, 65pts]: Power Klaw [25pts]
+ Heavy Support [8 PL, 142pts] +
Deff Dread [8 PL, 142pts]
. Deff Dread [7 PL, 142pts]: Big Shoota [6pts], Skorcha [17pts]
. . Pair of Klaw Arms [45pts]: 2x Dread Klaw [30pts]
++ Total: [58 PL, 746pts] ++
>Primaris Orks are Nobs
What if everyone moved up a size?
I think it is good at killing super-elites, the units that come between teqs and dreadnoghts. Killa Kans, pentonent engines, custodians, etc.
That's exactly what happened in the beast war. Boyz were the size of boys and Nobz were the size of dreadnoughts, and the beast was mistaken for a gargant when they first saw it. A new ork line would probably see the upgraded boyz being ironjawz sized, with everything scaled up fro
Big Mek on bike with Shokk Attack Gun?
Thoughts on this list? Ghazzy with meganobs in the wagon and tankbustas in the trukk. Aiming to trade a meganob for more stormboyz once I have the models.
It looks good, not much else to say about it though.
Deffskullz. I like lootin'.
If not them, probably Blood Axes. I like the idea of Guard-based Orks.
It's the Forgeworld Warboss on Warbike with a head from Maxmini if anyone's curious.
I am literally the same as this guy except the other way around.
I could imagine there being a strategem that you can only use if you have at least one unit from every Clan in your army.
I doubt they'll go more in-depth than a small range of stratagems meant for the faction as a whole
probably. But Codex SM will have 7 strategems in it... wouldn't be out of the question for Orks to get 1 general and 6 clan ones. One can but hope.
Thanks a bunch for actual numbers and book references! This helps a lot!