Reason I ask is that the fluff and setting is interesting but the mechanics don't work right, is there anything like what I'm asking about?
Is there any system like RaHoWa but not broken?
Is this actually a thing that someone made?
Just refluff PF.
Apologize for shitposting.
Tragically, yes. It's literally one of the worst RPGs in the world, both mechanically and lore-wise (even if you ARE a 1488 type, the way the game handles the associated themes are schizophrenic). Like, they forgot to explain how combat works. Really, it seems like someone tried to distribute their bootleg Turner Diaries by poorly stitching the pages inside the cover of a D&D manual.
Why are you assuming this is a shitpost?
I like how the books keeps droning about the superiority of the white race, yet, they lost.
Yeah, from what I remember the PCs are some of the last white people left after an apocalyptic race war has turned most of the world into a wasteland which would be a pretty funny setup if the creator of the game weren't 100% not tongue in cheek about it.
It's basically if /pol/ tried to make a game and failed miserably.
>the fluff and setting are interesting
>the night terrors of a drunken stormfag
To be fair, that is interesting from a morbid curiosity standpoint.
I've been wondering, what's up with OP's image? Did Molyneux just shoop a fake DVD cover for fun?
You could get a better setting by lurking /pol/ for a bit, though. If you were enough of a masochist or genuinely believed that shit.
Maybe it's because the only people who'd play this shit are inbred mutants
This thread is now a "Make /pol/tardation a setting" thread.
Sure you could get a better one, but sometimes it's more fun to take the product of someone who is clearly mentally unstable and trying to figure it out rather than just enjoying something well made. It's why people like movies like The Room.
It's a photoshopped dvd cover of The Hills Have Eyes.
>failing miserably at creating something fun
Pretty redundant. You already knew that though, didn't ya? You sly dog.
They are also objectively inferior mechanically. The book lists a number of racial bonuses for various non-whites (e.g. blacks get a bonus to spear chucking, Jews get bonuses when wheeling and dealing, etc.), but at no point are any of the mechanical benefits for whites listed. They are simply left at the default in every category single category.
Minorities are portrayed as objectively superior to whites in RaHoWa and I find that hilarious.
It says rev. Molyneaux, not Molyneux.
I'm on board with that.
>the old ones are actually a race of highly advanced beings that were overthrown by cave men and devolved into not!orcs
My keyboard app had Molyneux suggested and I didn't feel like double-checking it.
Player races:
-Asian because fuck the different Asiatic ethnicities
-Injun (Joe)
-Pony (Aryan only)
-Indian (modem not totem)
What should the storyline be? Modern times? Post-apoc?
Can we use this system?
what in the goddamn
>Minorities are portrayed as objectively superior to whites in RaHoWa and I find that hilarious.
Gee, it's almost as if a setting about white supremacy in a dystopian society is trying to make the players understand the whites are the underdogs. It's almost as if the whole satire is flying over the heads of all the thin-skinned tumblrinas who have been clamoring here with their "g-g-go back to /pol/...please" whining these past few months.
But then again, Veeky Forums has long forgotten WH40K was supposed to be satire, and look where we are now.
Do we go "plausible" /pol/, like standard racism, Jewish conspiracies, and the like, or esoteric /pol/, like the pill charts are lizardpeople stuff?
Go big or go home desu.
This probably says something about /pol/, but I'm not sure what that indicates.
>merging we wuz kangz with we wuz vikangz
Also, I'd play a game in which the enlightened immortal desert-kangs in their flying pyramids were in a shadow war with the stereotype of world-controlling Jews who were themselves in a war with [I dunno, clone Hitler or something?].
The only races permitted for PC use are white, super white, slav (slight negative to all stats but automatically begin the game with Kalashnikov) and gook.
>i-it's satire! that m-makes it okay, right?
Sure, they were only pretending to be retardes
Depends on if we want "Illuminatus Trilogy but comically racist" or a post apocalyptic Turner Diaries flavored thing closer to RaHoWa.
Maybe every race's stupidest claims about themselves all in one setting. Aryan supermen vs. KANGZ vs. whatever else we can dig up.
I want both tbհ.
moon clone hitler who uses kraut space magic
Will there be subspecies of a sort for non-player races?
Go plausible but throw in the retarded pill shit just to throw people off.
>the no true scotsman fallacy causes the entirety of north Britain to be inhabited by one 6'6, ginger, oat porridge eating nutcase
Not exactly on-topic, but not worth making another thread for; does anyone remember the name of that abolutely shit-tier RPG, the one that tries to make a roguelike on pen and paper? It had these long, self-congratulatory passages about how it restricted all action to the bare minimum, and you had things like how if the players run across a merchant, you roll a die to determine what the merchent has for sale, which the players then have a binary option of buying or not buying. This avoids "problems" like the players trying to haggle for a better price or just stealing their shit.
How do we implement /pol/'s constant soul searching about who's white, really? For starters, maybe we could make an entire social skill called Intrigue, and one of it's uses is proving that your opponent is a crypto-jew, or even worse, an anglo.
Has anyone got the screencap where Trump's dad stole Tesla's time travel tech?
And I suppose the equivalent of Ao is the Bogdanoff twins.
>/pol/ gets buttblasted because Veeky Forums is the only board that takes their dumbass ideology as seriously as it deserves
>None of the PCs are actually white
>They have no idea what a white person really looks like, save for ancient, moldering paintings
Yes, including Turks, pygmy negro men and the rare deepwater jew.
Via The New Legends.
Come to think of it, meme magic isn't a bad idea for a system mechanic.
high levels of this skill can retroactively make someone's grandad a black pimp
Well, we need 72 Virgins in Heaven (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Fuck the Goat) at least. Also, Grorious Nippon Genes (actually just a bunch of white weebs) and WORLD SUPERPOWER BY 2020 would be good additions. I'd say just the classical world-controlling "DA JOOZ" stereotype is fine for their slot.
Any other good ones?
>the rare deepwater jew
Shit I think that's me.
Thank you!
Sufficiently high Intrigue will allow you to convince people of your pure aryan heritage, as they stare at your pitch black skin.
Strayans live in underground bunkers fueled by online anger while the surface is ravaged by Emus, giant spiders and drop bears.
The out-there claims about native americans could be good material.
is billion folded nipponese steel in there too?
Australians are a playable race despite it happening exclusively on the territory of United States - they are like deckers in Shadowrun, contributing through the internet.
>the rare deepwater jew.
As opposed to the common shallow water jew?
I thought /pol/tards were supposed to be good at bantz. You sound like you're on the verge of crying.
You'll need to tell me about those, I'm not familiar.
What do you think all the fucking weeaboos are carrying?
He said not broken
What is this and why isn't it on /d/?
you know, Sea Jews
In contrast to High Jews, Wood Jews, or, god-forbid, Samaritans
He's a canadian, don't bully him. They're "special".
A /pol/tard wouldn't be saying it was satire, a /pol/tard would be saying it was right.
This guy is what they build in the character creation chapters as an example.
>it's not unintentionally poorly-designed, it's just satire!
So the lack of combat rules are actually a sophisticated critique of the Left's gun-grabber culture that's gotten to the point in-setting where the game itself isn't even allowed to have rules to model combat?
>What do you think all the fucking weeaboos are carrying?
There are better melee weapons.
>High Jews, Dark Jews and Sea Jews
Namely, the ones that did emigrate to the Holy Land when beheading them for doing so was no longer allowed, the ones that did NOT emigrate and since the voyage by sea was perilous the ones presumed "lost in the waters", respectively
Alongside world domination, you could add something about how The Messiah is just around the corner, for real this time for Jews, since that's the kinda thing the ultra-orthodox idiots spout.
I never bothered reading the whole thing. Interesting. I am from the caribbean, so still probably the closest you'll get outside of someone giving birth in a submarine.
So does this make Native Americans a Jewish subrace?
Man, you're gettin' shit mixed up. There's the glorious aryan whites, and then there's the grorious "I'm 1/8 asian on my dad's side so I'm basically Japanese" white. The latter are weeaboos, while the former would, if anything, be reichaboos.
Although yeah, one of the perks of being white (or, more likely, "white") would be bonuses with improvised weapons, while the Weebs would get a bonus with blades, but only katanas.
Only if you believe the Mormons.
But only a /pol/tard would get that upset over people making fun of /pol/.
Everyone except the PCs is assumed a jewish subrace until confirmed otherwise.
isn't everything true in this setting
if we're gonna have flying pyramids, at least let me have Elohim and his endless sex
/pol/ already made a videogame though, Angry Goy.
Pol pretty much picked the president of the US. What have you done lately, tubby?
Through cultural marxism and mass importation of immigrants, the Jewish pedophile rings are close to completing their great mission in Moloch's name. Unless they are stopped, the white race will soon be bred out of existence, the nuclear family unit will permanently be destroyed and humanity will be nothing more than a slurry of brown flesh, a slave caste bred for sacrifice to the sinister master of Zion. Only you and a few thousand others throughout the world have avoided indoctrination. The fate of white conservatives everywhere lies in your hands, in...
>Troll: The Happening
Fight the influence of cultural marxism using:
>Esoteric Numerology. Invoke the vast power of an ancient Egyptian chaos god through random number generation.
>Redpilling. No one will be able to refute your arguments after you force them to confront over three hundred totally factual infographics.
>Safety Squads. Your altruism and human decency will be beyond reproach, after you force the closure of dozens of illegal venues that lack adequate fire safety.
Face horrific foes, such as:
>The Chromatic Sextuple-Gender Porkfiend, capable of accusing you of discrimination in over fifteen ways just for being in his/her/its/their/xir/murr line of sight.
>The Thieving Niggerbeast, armed with an unlicensed handgun, twelve cases of unpaid child support and a fistful of food stamps.
>The Spontaneously Combusting Islamist, who will detonate in a devastating explosion at the slightest offense and it will all be your fault.
Will you fight them in:
>The migrant paradises of London, Berlin, Paris and Malmö.
>The darkest corners of the Internet, forgotten by humanity.
>The dread citadel of cultural marxists everywhere, San Francisco.
Do you have what it takes to save the world from the slavering hordes of genderqueer transnigger pansexual Islamic democrats? In the face of the coming Happening, will you be... a Troll?
/pol/ has a pretty extreme split between christfags (mostly protestant, but there's some orthodox shilling and catholics exist too) and fedora-tippers.
What can be done about that? An aligment system of sorts, in addition to the political compass?
The other day I reviewed another /pol/post, and made some erroneous implications. I'm going to take this opportunity to fix that.
Why do we have /pol/-posts on here? In the previous review I stated that it was because impotent /pol/ posters couldn't get their viewpoint in after the election... I stand by that. However I failed to really grasp why that was at the time. Now though, I'd like to clarify:
It's not that they're impotent, as it were, it's that they've been flooded by stupidity caused by the election.
The /poltg/eists that shitpost on here aren't the idiots of /pol/... They're the bright ones. The ones that realize they have to go somewhere else to even begin talking with someone able to NOT constantly use the work Cuck and Trump-post. The level of Trump-posting on their board is worse than our degree of MtG, D&D, 40k, Martial Vs. Caster, Dwelf-posting, Arguments about Quests AND the Presence of Quests pre-ban... COMBINED.
And so... these semi-sentient refugees have come here and done what everyone does when Veeky Forums and /tv/, and other boards go to shit... they move to Veeky Forums and learn to phrase their posts to be Veeky Forums-related, and try to move on with life.
As for this particular post... 6/10, nostalgic system, nice to bring up old memories, but way too hamfisted in delivery.
I can see a pretty interesting faction splits between christfags and atheists, just like between libertarians and stormfags. Maybe not an alignment, but a number of factions, like in Demon: The Fallen or Paranoia.
Bugger off, Wayne, we're doing something actually interesting here.
what are the x and y splats, since this is clearly some WoD shit
>What can be done about that?
A system wherein the strength of divine magic is determined entirely by the ratio of white atheists to white christians. Other races and religions have no effect as they don't have souls, obviously.
Oh boy, and this is coming from someone who thinks that a little political discourse that conflicts with his viewpoint is going to forever taint his chatroom for children's board games.
Ever think that you might be the mentally retarded one? I mean, half of the left wingers in this day and age can't even locate and identify their own genitals. Sad!
No there should be like a million kinds of whites and none of them consider the other ones white.
>past few months
m8 this game has been a meme for years
>Pol pretty much picked the president of the US
>thinks /pol/ is reddit
Praise Kek for holding my sides together!
What about white Pagans (WE WUZ VIKANGZ AN SHIT) in the vein of Varg? Some sort of pagan magic mixed in?
Hell, maybe there's Arcane/Pagan/Christian magic, and how strong each faction is determines their power. All the other races get their own unique magic, which is always at full strength, which is why they're able to invade Europe (the rise of atheism weakening the divine wards).
Whiteness should be like a reputation system, and different races start with a different score. If you pump enough experience into it, you can be white and somalian at the same time.
Now this is an idea I like.
bonus damage to other whites because they're clearly not as white as you are
So, Degenesis?
See now this just sounds like Unknown Armies.
Also some faggot is totally going to ruin this by making it all unironic.
I like this idea
Basic setup for the races, I think
>"White" (Papish)
>Black (normal)
>Black (woke)
>Indian (Modem)
>Indian (Totem)
>Da Jooz
Also, aliens. We need aliens. Ideally, a build-your-own system so you can make whatever extraterrestrial invader happens to control the world this week.
Degenesis has Africans as a united, organized collective and Europeans as thousands of tiny splintered disparate and savage tribes though.
I mean, it's explained by the setting and there's reasons for the Africans to be more advanced and unified than Europe, but it doesn't work in that setting.
that's why you have to make it so blatantly ironic it loops back into poe's law
we basically need a fuckin pseudonym for this. we need to make rahowa II
>Trump winning was because of /pol/ and had nothing to do with the democrats fielding a controversy ridden candidate running on a platform of "I deserve this" who completely ignored every potential voter who wasn't already an "I'm with Her" neolib
Memes don't win you a presidency if everybody looking at them is too young to vote.
mexicans and aliens need to have identical stat sheets
Just straight up go to the paint store with it: Vanilla, Eggshell, Magnolia
Whenever an alien and a Jew encounter each other you have to roll off to determine which one is secretly in control of the other.
Mexicans ARE aliens.