8e haters, tell us something you like about 8th.
8e fans, tell us something that you dislike.
If you are on the fence, one of each.
8e haters, tell us something you like about 8th.
8e fans, tell us something that you dislike.
If you are on the fence, one of each.
>If you are on the fence, one of each.
I think it's gay that Failbaddon is still around.
As a Fantasyfag, it pleases me greatly that 40kids are suffering what we did. Also I like that Eldar with the backfur.
I don't like the combat phase's gamey replacement for initiative.
I do like the ability to escape melee.
i like the keyword system, it straight improved the game
i dislike that vehicles also suffer when moving
I like the focus on synergy, and that Cruddace wasn't around Tyranids.
I dislike that all the core rule changes buffed AM (read: Cruddace's main army) to oblivion.
Dislike hicles getting hit with the heavy penalty; could be resolved with tank mounted heavy weapon class.
Dislike character -> squad interaction regarding close combat. It fucking sucks. Heroic intervention should count for charges as well as combats happening within 3"
Like: everything else so far.
I love how Guilliman as a man out of time. The passage about him dreaming of throwing a cherub-servitor out of an airlock was comedy gold.
I don't like Xenos being shunted off to the side again. The Great Rift would have been a phenomenal opportunity for the IoM to lose some ground/prominence. Instead? EVEN MORE MARINE-FOCUS
Like - that I bailed out of 40k a while ago and now get further validation it was right decisions.
Dislike - that the possibility of Specialist Games coming back remains close to zero.
As someone coming back next year:
I like that the narrative is actually moving forward, as janky as it's been.
I don't like that the "NPC" races are getting shafted due to Imperium and Chaos wank.
>8e fans, tell us something that you dislike.
It's a bit TOO streamlined. All the people complaining about blandness aren't wrong, when you compare it to the older editions. There must be a better balance of complexity and good rules.
>Individual unit movement speeds are cool I guess
I like 8th, but I wish blasts did a few more hits like d6+x number of hits as opposed to just a d6 in most cases.
Like: AP and Movement.
Dislike: Everything else. Everything.
I like that things are simpler. I hate that the game is still imbalanced as all getout, even when its so stripped down.
Pretty much this
Why aren't there Assault Vehicles? I either have to deploy out of my LRC before the move (abandoning our adamantine shield) or stay holed up inside for a full turn before I can deploy my guys out (after I've charged the LRC in and let my enemy pile around the vehicle.
Yeah, that is weird, especially now that DS is more reliable than ever. They may just be making a slow move towards phasing out the importance of transports to get people to buy new tanks.
The transport LRs are some of the better vehicles SM get, and pricier too. I can't do my Templar Armoured Spearhead under these conditions!
Really? Huh. I would have assumed they would try to make all the shit choices from last edition great. I fully expected Whirlwinds to be better than Vindicators.
I have played ~ 20 games of 8th, 7 against Imperial Guard, and I have gotten fucked every single time, but every other game I have played has been pretty good.
Necrons feel actually balanced this edition, which is refreshing.
I mean, I can deploy them out and charge the LRC in, have it eat overwatch and deploy frag launchers, then charge my guys in. I just feel like I ought to be able to do the first part as the last step, thematically.
Like - summoning rules got appropriately nerfed, keyword system is a lot better than the allies matrix, deepstriking is much better, berzerkers are back to being the melee rape trains they should always have been.
Dislike - Primaris should just have been a scale update rather than a new unit/army, muhreens vs chaos muhreens cranked up to eleven while the rest of the galaxy kinda sits there hanging out, and the armies feel too bland without codices. The last one will obviously chsnge but for now I'm definitely feeling the loss of a lot of unique wargear and rules.
bad and stupid shit
>Flat out removal of initiative instead of charge bonus
>Removal of vehicle facings
>Shoehorned in vehicle CC
>Retarded movement handicaps for moving vehicles
>Removal of blasts/templates
>Flyers moving off board/destroyed
>Total and utter gimping and gutting of USR’s and some flavorful faction mechanics
>Old cover system seemed more flavorful
Nice additions and good decisions
>Pistols blasting away in CC
>More diverse CC weapon effects, bonuses and modifiers
>AP modifiers weapons
>strength goes over 10
>Mortal wounds
>Different movement stats
>Diminishing effectiveness with extra wounds
>New deep striking
>First round charges
>Damage stat
Meh and “why the fuck haven’t you fucking assholes changed this yet”
>I Go You go (alpha strike still possible, struck me as odd that firefights don’t occur simultaneously with activation and reaction fire taking place).
>Current to wound system needs a tweak
>EMP/Poison Tweak
>Psychic power & summoning (single use stuff, pay points for summoning)
>Blind grenade tweaks
I like most shit, but flyers need to just get deleted. Flyer spam is dumb and flyers starting on the board turn 1, flying anywhere to get into range of your important shit, and blowing it the fuck away with nothing you can do about any of that is stupid.