Guys I'm starting to lose hope. Even with Rowboat back...

Guys I'm starting to lose hope. Even with Rowboat back, even with the possibility that Vulkan may come back if we find his relics, even if we believe that Dorn is still alive because all we found is his hand. I'm still beginning to think that Papa Sang is gone for good.

I mean, yeah, good riddance. The point of his character was that he was too good for this universe. Bringing him back would also devoid his sacrifice of meaning.

Then you're a retard.
Sang is Primarch of one of the big four and has one of the most distinctive looks of the Primarchs.

>Sanguinus was permakilled in the old fluff
>Lady Atia recently said BL is going to retcon Sanguinus dying
>Now starting to lose hope that Sanguinus will return
Something here isn't adding up.

>liking one of the two transsexual primarchs
>fulgrim is the prettier of the two

>>Sanguinus was permakilled in the old fluff

Only in that death is usually permanent.
Horus strangled him.

Guilliman died too when they took him out of stasis. Every Ultramarine in the room heard his death rattle and I forgot if they got even more pissed or if started losing morale.

They will probably just release a much buffed sanguinor, comparable in size and power to other primarchs. Primarchs sell well and there's heaps of blood angels players.

As a BA player, I really don't want Sangy to come back. I'd rather them do something like

Didn't they have some weird angelic warp creature that would Izuna Drop Bloodthirsters when Sanguinus' boys are in trouble?

He turns up every now and again.

Primarch is a literally money printing machine. Despite all the complain about how bringing him back will cheapen his sacrifice, GeeDubs knows people will buy it anw.

>his sacrifice
In which he managed to inflict a minor wound on Horus and stall for time?

He witnessed Saint Ollanius Pious deal grave wounds to Horus, so Horus had to silence him.

>Sanguinius was the Heretic the whole time! Horus was trying to save his father!

No, it's about how he already forsaw hiw death when confronts Horus but he still go regardless.


He knew his death would be immortalized in one of the most famous images in 40k history, worth it.

>Not having your Primarch back already

> Implying that being fabulous makes you trans
user please, you're just making yourself look like a dumbass.

Magnus never left, he didn't have to come "back"

Well he's back in real-space now actually getting shit done.

I really hope Mort gets BTFO in the Konor campaign. Feels good having a useful Primarch.

And he should stay dead. He didn't sacrifice himself just to come back to a shittier setting

Yeah because he's not a true hero like Guilliman, who actually did do that.

>I really hope Mort gets BTFO in the Konor campaign. Feels good having a useful Primarch.

You mean like how Magnus got himself BTFO on Luna despite having the ambush on the other guys and had to run like a bitch when the Sisters of Silence turned up to spank his psyker ass?

>Wasn't even near Terra during the siege
>Said fuck the imperium I'll make my own
Sure buddy

>loyally followed orders to go far away from Terra
>Sanguinius agreed to go along with non-canon BL Imperium Secundus

lol nice arguments

>You mean like how Magnus got himself BTFO on Luna despite having the ambush on the other guys
He invaded the most heavily defended sector in the entire galaxy just for shits and giggles and still got out just fine.

>when the Sisters of Silence turned up to spank his psyker ass?
You say that like Guilliiman didnt get his shit pushed in another Primarch fight and had to be saved by some shiny bolter bitches and more Eldar.

Either way Guilliman knew better than to try again and stayed away from Magnus during his 100 year crusade.

Yeah, at least with the Blood Angels they have a smooth way out.

How the hell is Ferrus Manus coming back?

Fulgrim keeps cloning the guy so

Why would that make you lose hope? Im worried theyre gonna bring him back, when he really really should stay dead

Fulgrim clone OR his spirit leading the legion of the damned (which is canon now btw)

I kind of want to see Horus being the one on the Throne.

Fulgrim clones him continually, so it's not exactly hard. Just have one of the clones escape.

who is that behind him ?

Might be the emps, he needs to be bigger.