Why are Redditors so fucking retarded with cryptos?
Why are Redditors so fucking retarded with cryptos?
>redditcoin moons 400% in one day
>Veeky Forumstards are bagholding LINK
They're liberals, what do you expect? Women, niggers, and numales.
that truck is like 0.1 btc
fucking coinlets
sums it up quite well
>He cashed out
Sorry op but this is it right here. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me throwing 500 into ETH 8 months ago and cashing out earlier this month in exchange for a beautiful, comfy old 80's mercedes. Take your gains while you have em.
Damn that looks tasty.
Plus it doesn't require oil changes or gas. No insurance...
haha with Veeky Forums its more like my initial $ 12 investment into $ 6.50
buy high, sell low and never change
whoa I heard that's the best fast food sandwich
>person puts money into crypto
>cashes out after reaching a certain target
>buy something they want
go to bed dad
What kind of old Benz did you get? I'm sitting comfy with my triple ETH gains in my '84 190E. But not sure which coin to follow next...
are you calling your dad a nigger son?
guess who ain't getting shit.
No joke user I have a '91 190E 2.6 in that same colour. Hope you love it as much as I do
I cashed out 35% to buy Toyota Hilux and Chevy pickup truck and preparations for Christmas. Did I do gr8?
Remember this day in q4 2018
Nice, reliable, practical. I don’t see the issue.
Don't worry my gains thus far have taught me crypto requires serious attention and also decided that significant, well researched investment is warranted :^)
spill the beans
>poorfag is poor
>complains about being poor
>beautiful opportunity arises
>makes gains, cashes out and buys shit he does not need
>once again poorfag has no money
>complains about being poor
>putting a large amount of money into a depreciating asset
A car should be cheap and used to get you from one destination to another.
He made a reasonable financial decision.
That vehicle looks like it can go from A to B without all the unnecessary shit that will keep you poor.
Because let's get real here
Buying a shit car and having a lot of extra money is a lot better than buying a Lambo and having no money.
And I'm sure the vast majority of you guys want a Lambo to either
1) Impress a girl
2) Impress friends
Which are both retarded reasons to buy a Lambo.
He ain't gonna make it
You don't see the issue. The issue is that the bastard acted like a vagina and cashed out.
Okay enjoy your used 2003 autotragic Honda Civic you FWD cuck
Not everyone has the same goals. I'm sure for this guy buying that car meant a lot to him. I bought my first car trading stocks 5 years ago it was only $8k but it felt cool as fuck knowing that's how I got it.
And it says he cashed out his initial investment. Not that he cashed out all his crypto holdings.
>Makes a profit
>Cashes it out to buy a car
>Still has holdings in crypto
>Some assblasted retard on Veeky Forums makes a thread about it crying and moaning
Why am i not suprised?
>mfw 50% of posts here are about either req/link/ICX or TRX
>mfw Veeky Forums is equally or more retarded than reddit with cryptos
the cycle of poverty
>can't cash out because why cash out when it'll be worth 2x next month
Not to mention he's unironically probably made more money than 80% of bag holders on Veeky Forums
Nice car man
everyone thinks your parents handed you down this car
t. poorfag that does not understand capitalism
They don't realise the whale shills control their boards. They actually believe people are genuinely trying to give them good advice.
It's worse than here desu.
That Ford will need a new transmission/engine every other year. Money pit.