Is it really so evil to send everyone's minds into a paradise? You see this crap everywhere
>hurr hurr but it isn't real!
Aaaand? How do we know anything is real? It doesn't matter
Is it really so evil to send everyone's minds into a paradise? You see this crap everywhere
>hurr hurr but it isn't real!
Aaaand? How do we know anything is real? It doesn't matter
It's considered evil because it's done without consent. Fucking with somebody's thinkybits without their OK is generally 100% badwrong.
Is it really so evil to close off a part of land so they can be inhabited by a dying race? It hurts no one,
>hurr hurr but Humanity strong
"Humanity fuck yeah" is a mental disease. Humans and Non-humans are Equal
Evil? Maybe. The action isn't evil but the fallout from it is. You would have millions of people in a trance, oblivious to the world outside their minds, literally putting the world to a standstill, eventually leading to all of humanity starving and withering away, destroying civilization in one, non-violent, action.
>How do we know anything is real
Cogito ergo sum
How do I know you think?
Honestly, I'd agree with you, until it comes down to the wire. Gotta protect the species.
I'd say if I say I think, and you say you think, by and large we benefit more from just taking each other at each other's word I think that might be paraphrased from Pratchet You agree?
Honestly I think that is generally an argument that is pretty hard to win, that a perfect dream with no chance of death is inferior to real life, but I look at it as real life, by virtue of being an entire universe, is superior to anything designed to simulate a universe, and in reality you are depriving yourself of reality. Besides that, reality is where all the progress is made - if people live in a VR headset in perfection, then all progress stops, and I really don't think we will ever reach a point where we cannot progress, technologically speaking. Anyone else got a philosophy on this?
>You agree?
For sake of argument, no.
I can make my computer say it thinks. I can make a tape recorder say it thinks. Give me some time and I can make an integrated circuit hooked to a speaker say it thinks.
Does that mean they think?
If the continued enjoyment of this paradise is contingent upon the welfare of their bodies then neglecting them is evil, clearly.
>the actions are not those justice
A better question would be why do you think you think? If you can doubt the existence of thought in others why can you not do it for yourself. Solipsism is mental illness disguised as philosophy.
Because I am able to perceive my thought, and more importantly perceive my perception. I may or may not think, but I undoubtedly perceive. Hence, I exist.
I cannot, however, perceive your thought or perception.
If solipsism is "mental illness", please do win this argument.
>Solipsism is mental illness disguised as philosophy
This. If you have no Theory of Mind, you are mentally ill.
If you can't argue a position you don't support, you're intellectually crippled.
I think in the way I would expect myself to think (with emotions and a sex drive and pain and such) if I were a being very much like a human, this implies that I exist in an environment that could produce such a creature, which implies that I can trust my senses. It also implies that there are other humans out there for me to want to love or have sex with or hate, which implies that they are also like me, which implies they are conscious.
Your concept of "human" is entirely founded in your perceptions. If your perceptions are flawed, so is your concept of "human" and thus your argument falls apart.
Actually it's more in the category of deficit or disability than mental illness. A learning disability is more a problem with functioning as a person and learning, it's an intellectual thing potentially, or a deficit in an otherwise intelligent person. Like being childish or even infantile in understanding other people and communicating at all successfully. Or not being able to read well.
Mental illness is about distress and emotional turmoil and disruptions of perception and reality. There is overlap and people with learning disabilities suffer more mental illness due to the consequences of being broken as it were, and also due to genetic overlap, sometimes. They are broken both ways.
There is also the aspect of otherwise healthy people experiencing poor mental health, a passing thing, causing distress but fading in time, and faster with help, like a breakdown or ptsd.
Has she ever been depicted as a strait up villain though as opposed to just the antagonist?
Bakugo a shit
Nigga you can't come in here and try to change our vocabulary because it offends you
>Double dubs adding to quads
Checked and confirmed
That actually an official work though? And hell regardless yokai aren't generally considered evil for acting on their nature in japanese mythology. You wouldn't call a hurricane evil just because it acts on its nature.
You mean your.
And, your "vocabulary" makes you sound like a retard, Mr. "I-say-Big-bad-evil-guy-and-don't-think-I'm-a-faggot".
>BBEG preforms ancient ritual, trapping everyone in a paradise dream world with no suffering
>PCs included
>everyone can interact with each other in dream world due to magic
>PCs slowly realize they have been bamboozled and wish to leave
how do they escape?
You never know, japan can be wacky like that.
That only proves that the person doing the thought experiment is real.
>And hell regardless yokai aren't generally considered evil for acting on their nature in japanese mythology.
The probably with this is that Touhou Youkai can think and know right from wrong, unlike a Hurricane. So claiming they are a force of Nature is wrong.
So can many in mythology. There are a few stories in kwaidan (written 1918 from a collection of folktales) where people go years married to a yokai with children only to find out when they inevitably break some arbitrary rule that they're wife was literally the personification of dying of frostbite.
>comfort women
>not real
Are there any examples of stories where the heroes actually let people who want the simulated paradise stay/go back to it? All the stuff I can think of just has the hero make everyone leave the dream/simulation/whatever regardless of how much better their fake lives were.
my BBEG motivation: accidentally dooms the world and then tries really hard to fix it, but is already condemned in the eyes of everyone. The party slays the BBEG then finds out the BBEG's plan to undo the damage would have worked, but now it is too late.
>Are there any examples of stories where the heroes actually let people who want the simulated paradise stay/go back to it?
The Matrix, if you accept the short lived MMO as canon, which is was since the Wychowski's wrote for it
i never understood what is up with that giant pizzacutter boy, is he froma game or something?
he;s the protag from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, a SRPG where a small handfull of children are whisked away to a fantasy world where on the surface, their lives actually seem to be better. The cripple kid can walk and has his mom back and is a king, the tomboy can go on rad adventures and nobody gives her shit, etc.
Marche, the protag, just wants to go home - and eventually he gets his chance, but in order to do so he has to destroy the fantasy world and force everyone to go home. Many anons joke about him being the stories villain.
But they're missing a very important detail: the book that transported them there is actually a cursed artifact. It's revealed it's trapping them there by giving them their hearts desires and slowly siphoning away their life-force in order to sustain the illusion. It's a malevolent entity holding them prisoner
Antagonist is intent on revealing the true essense of all things to everyone
Problem is, true essense of things is nothing, so there will be nothing when he is done
Is it a problem? Or are you enlightened enough to let go of the falsehood you call reality?
It's short hand, makeing it quicker to type. Get of your fucking high horse dipshit.
Don't give your BBEG a legitimately justifiable motive that you personally agree with, fuckface.
My being human is the only conceivable explanation for my existing as I do. There may be other, inconceivable, explanations as well, but they can't be conceived of, so they're not even within the realm of possibilities to contemplate, meaning that the "I'm a person and other people have subjective experiences too" explanation wins by default.
Why not though? It's just bringing forth a situation to the PC's, who then decide on how to deal with it. They can renounce the BBEG, join with them, or do anything in-between. I think it'd be interesting to see how the players would react.
Reminder that the brother literally was a cosmic horror who bent the rules of that universe they were transported to to his whims.
His bro was being very reasonable when he told him to can it and deal with the shit-sandwich instead of raping the fundament of other people's reality for his pleasure.
Jap's strike again.
Not a canon work, and not even yukari at that.
Forcibly altering and affecting people's minds without consent and effectively rendering them docile sheep? Sounds pretty evil.
Isn't Yukari's plane to slowly dehumanize gensokyo and elevate her kind into becoming true Demons, which she is unaware of constitute the like of Lovecraftian horror, having slowly use a combination of Eiriens Shady Drug and other such shit to literally dehumanize the Main girls on more than one occassion?
A lot of what she does fits into the "trying to become Great Old one" trope, and it's even noted she has a higher grasp of mathematics to the Lovecratian degree.
You might have a case if you were typing something that wasn't replacing something that was likewise short.
It's just your way of feeling tvtropish and waving your butt handkerchief so everyone knows you are gay.
Which game is this from?
We been saying it for decades cumrag
Fuckin millennials and their grammar
>Is it really so evil to send everyone's minds into a paradise?
>Is fucking with somebody's mind without their consent evil?
As you can see, the majority of humankind thinks the same: taking away free will from humanity is something that we, as humans, think is evil. Because we think so highly of ourselves, we think that our choices matter.
We believe that we should have in what happens to us and that everything else is wrong, ergo Evil.
Fuck off. It's never going away.
This is getting a little solipsistic for me, frankly.
If you assume that you are the figurative centre of an empty universe then morality as a whole becomes meaningless, so the very concept of a villain is invalidated.
Choice is the important factor. Just as well reality is a definitive of the world in which your conscience was developed in if you think of the different segments of reality as a plane then it can be made slightly more clear. One could technically travel to another universe and still have it be reality, because it a on the same level of plane as which they were developed, However if one was to retreat into a fantasy of the mind that would be essentially traversing into a sub-plane of the segment they grew up in, thus being a fantastical retreat and not reality. retreating into worlds of the creation of your own is regression, however if you were to escape reality by rising to a higher plane and unraveling it's secrets you would be ascending.
> This week on "user is a faggot with no Environmental Knowledge"
"No matter how tender, how exquisite, a lie will remain a lie."
Imagine if you will, a pair of lovers, who've known each other for many years and care for each other more than any couple has cared in many centuries. Their greatest and deepest wish is to live a long, happy, and fulfilling life together. But your illusion system doesn't create group illusions, it wasn't designed to. How would you resolve the inconsistencies formed by colliding desires? It's much, much easier to simply send each individual into their own personal heaven, by themselves. So these lovers, they are granted perfect and eternal bliss with not each other, but imperfect copies their minds and desires have created, spending an eternity without ever meeting.
Wouldn't you call that tragic? Would you really call that a paradise?
"Perfect and eternal bliss" sounds like paradise to me.
I'm preparing an adventure, and the motivation of the first 'boss' (not necessarily a BBEG) is basically that he was a spirit/god that was forgotten by human beings. He got pissed that he was forgotten, decided to mind-control some of them, but they retaliate by burying him together with his temple. Centuries later he is finally free and doing the same mind-control shit.
I'm still looking for peaceful solutions the player might try with this guy, anyone got ideas?
Oh, also looking for some sort of 'theme' for him; like a spider spirit, nature, etc.
>guy loses his closest people to mischief and shittiness of world
>at first he gets angry at those who didn't help, betrayed or killed his "family"
>gets his revenge, halfway through he understands that right and wrong are mostly relativistic concepts
>and that his "family" was killed by matter of things in the world mostly, not by concrete people themselves
>still gets full revenge because it's tradition in his society, and he respects traditions of his folk
>gets married, gets decent job as security commander in big organization
>paranoia about world being unsafe place for his wife and children strikes
>he dwells into machiavellism and insanity
>proposes alliances to those he deems worthy, fucks up badly those who refuse
>kills tons of people deemed by him as threatening to stability of both society and his position
>tons of sick, disgusting deeds like killing police chiefs and their families, governing drug empire, selling unconventional weaponry to extremists of his species
>wife knows and approves
>family is viewed as patrons of art and science, huge charity investors
>all this to get his family as secure as it's possible
Is this BBEG motivation shitty?
What is needed to him for sustaining life? Is it rituals of people who know about him, or just belief in his symbols, name and etc?
>BBEG wants to turn everyone super immortal by manifesting them as perfect souls, saving them from suffering. This includes people who have already died and those in other timelines
>Hero ask God if that's fine. God agrees that plan is sound and beneficial for humankind
>Hero still wants to stop villain because being mortal is necessary to be human
>After defeating the villain, he goes on to be immortal with his girlfriend in their personal paradise
Fate Apocrypha fucking sucks.
Hey, the message, as it came from Sieg, was honestly understandable, since he got that lecture from Chiron about how he had to really think on how he wanted to live his short life.
Even if he got it extended, that feeling of impending death motivating him to live a life where he did things that really mattered to him stuck, so it's understandable that he feels that making everyone immortal takes something vital away from people.
Yes, and he then fucked off to live forever afterwards, which kinda makes him look like a huge hypocrite. Like, even Chiron was immortal and was working to get his immortality back, and no one seemed to consider that he lacked anything vital.
To say nothing of countless people that would get resurrected as well. Because fuck them, they can get their soul crushed by uncaring universe.
He basically gets energy from offerings/worship. People used to make offerings when he helped them, gave blessing to crops and shit. He became lazy and/or people didn't need him anymore, so it stopped.
>Yes, and he then fucked off to live forever afterwards, which kinda makes him look like a huge hypocrite
It was either that or let Amakusa's wish come true.
>Like, even Chiron was immortal and was working to get his immortality back, and no one seemed to consider that he lacked anything vital.
It's not like was human to begin with though.
> they can get their soul crushed by uncaring universe.
Nasuverse souls reincarnate.
So, kind of a "Would Heaven really be a perfect paradise if the person you loved most ended up in Hell?" situation.
Uh, no? His brother was just a cripple who was happy to have working legs now. Mewt and Marth weren't related.