How would one play an undead paladin?

How would one play an undead paladin?

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Step 1. Be paladin
Step 2. Die
Step 3. ????
Step 4. Undead Paladin


"Not even in death, does duty end"

Next time remember to post your System and Edition.


Just because you died doesn't mean there still isn't justice to be delivered

I meant in roleplay terms not gameplay terms since there would be almost no differences besides being affected by undead spells/abilities

A paladin that doesn't realize he isn't alive anymore, and he just keep smiting shit up

>I meant in roleplay terms
You are a Paladin
You're Undead
Your personality is whatever it was before you died
You probably have to hide the fact you are a skelington
You don't have to sleep or eat so that's cool. Pretty relentless
Extra 8 hours for knitting or smiting evil
>implying piercing damage
Downside: no feelings, no taste, no dick
Also very spooky
Need aura of courage to not spook party


Something from Dark Souls.

>sir dan

I mean, maybe by the end? Remember Fortesque was actually a coward and a useless piece of shit in life who happened to get a second chance

Full plate armor to hide appearance, stuffed to the bones with potpourri to cover the smell. That should do the trick

that or go full Plague Doctor

Baelnorn it up. Some use a "not evil" process to be a not evil lich through magic, although others are specifically divinely empowered.

It's unusual to see Paladins as a Lich or Lich type creature, although it's also weird to see the Elvish gods create something like that, or at least unexpected.

>in life

Well op did say undead after all.

> Group is on quest to stop a genocidal priest from using an artifact to cleanse the world of anything he sees as tainted
> Enters a clockwork city in race to beat the priest to the artifact
> Clockwork city is guarded by the last knight of [Female Space Jesus], whose faith is so strong that it kept him at his post even after his heart stopped beating
> Knight judges our quest worthy and decides to tag along
> Along the way, interacts with our LG cleric, who's a priest of the same religion and is acting like a fanboy at the chance to talk to someone who had exchanged words with his goddess
> Knight tells him that the founders of the religion were corrupt monsters, and that the priest they're chasing is cut from the same cloth
> Irreverent atheist wizard pipes up
> "If they were such monsters, why did you stay at your post for a thousand years?"
> Knight just stares at him
> "Because She asked me to."
> Cleric admits that he's not sure whether the priesthood is suited for him, as he fears he's too weak to stand against the evil he's found there
> Knight tells him that even when there are dark times around them, there are always those -- especially in the priesthood -- who can be found keeping the fire burning, which gives him faith
> Even if it's just a small flame in the hands of a gentle man

> Later
> Evil priest is about to activate the artifact
> Priest tells the undead knight he has nothing to fear, as the artifact purges only the fallen
> Knight's mummified face is impossible to read, but his voice is sad
> "I do not fear for myself, Hierarch. I fear for you."
> Priest and knight battle as the rest of the party approaches
> Priest blasts the knight with lightning, destroying him a few rounds before we can reach him
> Light fades from the knight's eye sockets as he whispers "I see a great fire" to us as we reach the priest, ready for a battle at the end of the world

We won.

We also all cried like little bitches.

He died but he didn't care he just kept on going. no magic no miracle of the gods just a testament to his will.

Ghosts linger in the world because they have unfinished business. A paladin's battle against the forces of evil never ends. I feel like the result is pretty obvious.

In my case my paladin was killed and revived by a different god posing as her god. Got some sick wings out of the deal, but was also considered undead for the rest of time. the campaign didn't last long enough for it to happen, but eventually her flesh would rot away and just leave the wings and a skeleton.

Essentially the same as a militant Human Supremacist that happens to be a full-blooded Elf.

T'Lan Imass are the way to go. Eternal Warriors for an eternal war.


Basically .
Paladin is just AIN'T NO DONE YET.

We're on the same page.


Before Ds3, I cooked up this theory that Allfather Lloyd was actually just Nito. My idea was that he started the Way of White to get rid of the Undead that came from the curse, since he didn't like forms of undead that weren't made by him.

I think the best term for it is a "Revenant" there not evil undead, there just so driven to achieve a goal or settle a score that they comeback with super human strength and are really hard to kill until they fufil there goal. But if you make your guy a revenant he has to be super focused on that one goal, never slowing down or waivering, basically obsessed.

>While I yet stand, no innocent of this village shall suffer to your ilk. I may not draw breath, but I STILL STAND!

Awakened skeleton, son

>How would one play an undead paladin?


What is this
This is neat
IF a bit fedora

>How would one play an undead paladin?

Be a free-willed Bone Warrior Paladin. All clerical based abilities are switched to the Repose domain.

You can also be a revenant or Juju Zombie.

That sounds amazing and cool and I love it. Thank you for sharing!

I hope that I can also have a moment where I feel invested in a character like that.




Assuming you're not in All Undead Are Evil DnD town, or you group aren't autists and the system doesn't matter, is one answer. Spirit held to the mortal world because their duty hasn't been fulfilled is another. Cursed knight trying to uncurse himself is one. Maybe an old paladin, raised once again from the grave by their god, or a necromancer, for a greater purpose.

They weren't really paladins though, more like an unstoppable force of vengeance.



An undead paladin skeleton in full armor filled with dead flowers, plants, spices, and essences.
I like this idea so much xDD

The monster manual also says that humans are all Lv1 warriors. Why do you have levels in Druid, user?


nice made up story

Well a pot pourrie in french mean a medley of dead flower, so that the dead paladin smell good.
What else do you not understand ?

that last line of "I like this idea so much xDD" I couldnt tell if this was advanced irony or what.


>How would one play an undead paladin?

By first talking to the GM and other players and if they were ok with it, and working with them to address and issues they may have.


A lich paladin, undead paladin, is a somewhat nice troop that I like waaay to much.
I don't know but imagine:
>You die vaillantly during a battle but still >willing to fight, and maybe even fighting FOR >EVER SMITING EVIL IS YOUR >CONVICTION !!
I just love this, I FIGHT FOR MY CODE kind of fealing

>We also all cried like little bitches

Tell me about each player and about how sessions we're set up.

I've never ever seen a game were any player ever cried.

Undead Player characters are actually a speciality of mine!

There's so many ways to play undead that aren't evil.

Of course the classic is the paladin/cleric that becomes so embodied with divine energy they return from the dead to serve again or finish what they started, but currently I'm dabbling in the ancient dead reanimated by nature spirits to serve the wilds as a protector. Reviving Rangers, Druids, hunters, wood cutters, animals and other such things. They would of course be covered in moss, flowers and plants and mushrooms. They carry the wild with them wherever they go, acting as an ambassador

This is definitly the kind of topic i want everytime on Veeky Forums instead of :
muh my player are bad
muh sad story
meh W40K faggotery
meh D&D vs Pathfinder
meh anime fag vs USA fag
meh stat me
meh etc...

You know what? I'm tired of this meme as much as Necromancers always being evil.

There are so many ways to make non-evil Undead that it's a wonder why WoTC didn't make Undead take any character alignment depending on the ways and circumstances where they died and later returned/remained/reanimated and such.

This should also be a thing with Necromancers. Their alignment should depend on how they treat the dead, how they use their powers and especially under what circumstances and in what ways they create undead that work under them.

Very conflicted and self harming, like all undead that lovely grin hides a sad reality.

If you know of a ghost or ghoul falling into depression please call the unsuicide prevention hotline, dont wait, save a unlife.

You could also make undead from people that died at sea who are revived by the divine energies of the lord of the oceans and seas. those would come back in large groups along with wrecked ships that are magically brought back from the abyss with parts of skeletons of whales, sea serpents and other sea monsters that make up part of the ship. This new sea undead scours the waters for pirates and other thieves of the sea. and even at times, these ships of undead gather together as flotillas to go against larger foes

it's an obviously made up story m8

cool, I'm tired of the meme of undeads and necromancers not being evil. Maybe we should meet up and touch dicks?

They can, though. The monster manual entry is simply the generic typical NPC.

What's the setting like?

Robocop is biologically alive.

>Fleet belonging to the Dark King is sailing strait for a small island where there is simply a small port city with a skeleton crew of an army and with a whole load of civilians
>Admiral is about order a bombardment when all of a sudden an entire armada of ships pop-up out of the waters and start firing at the fleet while some charge in order to do boardings
>Admiral is barking out orders when he sees closely that the enemy are undead
>Moments later a skeleton in fancy clothing flies from one of the ships, lands and while unsheathing his sabre challenges the admiral
>Skelly cuts down the admiral
>The entire fleet of the Dark King is cut down
>Undead Armada submerges back into the depths
>People that saw the spectacle
>Since then there was this tradition started of sending gifts to the bottom of the sea

But he did die before they rezzed him.

It was an ongoing campaign that had gone on for 2 years at that point. That arc of the game had lasted for about a month.

The DM kept very detailed notes on Facebook.

This was the session where we met him.
