Unpopular opinons thread
>8th edition is the best thing to happen to 40k
>the fluff is perfectly fine, and good
>primaris marines are a fine addition, good memes
Unpopular opinons thread
>8th edition is the best thing to happen to 40k
>the fluff is perfectly fine, and good
>primaris marines are a fine addition, good memes
Other urls found in this thread:
>good memes
it's basically just the one meme, and as much as I like making fun of manlets it's not particularly fresh
8th is fine tho
at my local FLGS, people love 8e
so either, Veeky Forums is lying or my LGS is lying
Squats are the best.
>8th edition is the best thing to happen to 40k
No opinion.
>the fluff is perfectly fine, and good
Provided it doesn't lead to AoS 40k, sure.
>primaris marines are a fine addition, good memes
Provided they remain as they are and don't lead to the entire game's scale going up while GW lies about it and tries to sell the backlog of little marines, sure.
Most people here don't even play the stuff they complain about, they just enjoy the echo chamber. So your LGS is probably in the right
Settra the Imperishable survived End Times. He's currently the Warhammer equivalent of pic related.
Best Dorf is Ganondorf.
I neither like nor dislike the Ultramarines. I just don't care.
40k is still ironic, it's just gotten more subtle (by being more audacious with its stupidity)
i don't see why people like chaos
So is this just unpopular opinions about WH40K, or about anything Veeky Forums related?
Because man let me tell you, I miss playing tabletop RPGs with more than one character at a time. It was easier to set up epic battle encounters because between about four players we'd have a party of over a dozen characters, and people didn't get as butt hurt if a character died since it was only one of multiple that they had on hand.
After playing them like that when I was younger, it always weirded me out a little that nobody else seems to play tabletop RPGs that way.
Malal is my favorite chaos god.
mine too. I don't even play chaos but the idea of a god being based around hate and spite towards everything is awesome.
Now, I must say, I haven't seen the written proof that marines could be turned into Primaris. Where the bloody hell is it said?
8th is the best edition yet. plenty of oldfags coming back into the game and having fun, game feels more balanced than any addition I can remember.
lore is fine.
primaris are fine.
I haven't seen it either, but there's no way GW would let their named characters disappear when they squat the marinelets.
th edition is the best thing to happen to 40k
This isn't unpopular even on Veeky Forums. The fact that Veeky Forums can't even get a majority hatred for 8E proves just how damn good it is.
Every primarch and legion are pretty interesting and have high and lows, their fanbases ruin them for the rest of us
I really like Blood ravens with or without the meems, dow3 was a mistake but in happy to have chaplain diomedes
Always trust the ones who you can verify play the thing they're talking about. Why? I've posted stuff about 8th, do you think I play it? Fuck no. I don't have the time. Trust meat-men over digital-men.
yup - oldfag here - from rouge trader days - came back because primaris and simple rules. Thank you
I have seen very little criticism of 8E here.
i miss his meme voice every day
i was hoping for it when he showed up in DoW3 but no
there were no baneblades
only sadness
Angelos and the dreadnought were the biggest blow for me, i would have taken well everything else if i had them
Unfortunately a few elements of modern game design and assumptions got in the way of this one.
>overly complex and bloated rules - when running one character requires an excel spreadsheet nobody is going to want to run multiples
>Bloated combat systems bloat even further when you add multiple characters
>Muh roleplay - games moved away from their simulationist roots to narrative play focussing on individual characters and the GM's railroad where multiple characters don't fit.
>Muh balance - design went away from an organic emergent world to 'my series of perfectly balanced encounters' which a player playing multiple characters messes with
>Trying to shoehorn one system for everything. There's a reason why in OD&D players played chainmail when they needed to resolve a larger battle, D&D isn't that well suited for simulating mass combat well.
i thought the popular opinion was that 8e is the best thing to happen to 40k
Isn't that kinda what the Slann are up to?
I've only been playing since 7th and 8th is signifigantly better but the people that have played before 7th said the the core rules are a bit mediocre but the factions are general a bit more balanced.
its like loyalist but more EVILE.
Isn't the Great Horned Rat built around the Skaven's malice?
t. hipsters
The drive for perfection element of Slaanesh is infinitely more interesting that just weird sex shit and should be the focus of the faction.
I liked chaos because when I got into 40k I had Moorcock in mind.
With what happened with recent lore and the odious chaos-wanking I've seen everywhere I am not sure anymore.
I dont think thats an unpopular opinion at all, thats why people love Heresy EC, and I would appreciate the minor flavourshift as long as we finally get new Slaanesh Releases that arent just reboxings.
Just gimme my Elesh-Norn style Keeper of Secrets alongside Plastic Palatine Blades/Noise Marine (Bikers)
You should be able to target and shoot characters in 8th edition at -1 to hit normally. -2 even, not just only disallowed.
Guilleman, Cawl, Ghazghkull Thraka, St. Celestine, Dante, masters of Ordinances need to straight up die.
The wound chart was better in 7th.
Thinking primaris marines are a good addition is not an unpopular opinion at all. If anything liking the old marines more is the unpopular opinion.
Now this is a real unpopular opinion !
It's this edition's version of letting characters join units. You can't shoot them until the unit's dead, just like the previous editions.
My LGS was in love with AoS too. For like 1 month.
Now no one plays it anymore or fantasy. Everything GW is dead there.
>masters of Ordinances
"Hey, see this guy there in uniform yelling orders, among all the other guys in uniform yelling orders? Yeah you know the one I mean, shoot him!"
Who the fuck is pic related?
Skull Knight from Berserk. He's pretty good.
My favorite factions are Tau and Necrons
The HH series fluff is getting progressively more retarded.
MoM makes it sound like the emperor can't handle a particularly strong demon, and yet apparently chaos gods are afraid of him.
Everyone is secretly plotting. Malcador is being retarded, the alpha legion is betraying then double betraying everyone and going off about how great they are, and the convoluted mess that they call plot gets more abd more retarded.
Then on the new Dark Millenium, I fucking hate that they are making Roboute just become emperor 2.0. Shouldn't he take the lesson that he should care for his sons? Also, the fuck is with Calgar being so emo and thinking he's being shat on by his Primarch? Oh, and Motarion is a whiny bitch.
Yes, no, and no.
The problem is that a character can be in the open and alone and immune to being targeted, as long as at least one other model is closer.
Which leads to scenarios like Tzeentch Smitespam (take a bunch of Horrors and force your foe to waste shooting on a bunch of 2 point models with 4+ Invulnerables), Tau running Commanders and never running Crisis Suits, etc.
Shooting was more *sane* in 7th, because you could only inflict casualties to enemies in range and line of sight, and "closest models first" eliminated the need for "50% cover" or "all or nothing" cover
Since "fast rolling" is optional in 8th, and you separate shooting by "targeted unit" (These 5 guys shoot squad A, these guys shoot squad B) rather than by weapon-class (Frag Grenade, then Bolters, then Plasma), this actually can really slow the game down, especially when shooting a multi-wound unit with a mixed squad.
As an example: 5 Devestators, 2 Grav Cannons, vs 3 Centurions or so (bonus fun: They're Iron Hands).
Grav Cannon 1 shoots, does 3 unsaved wounds. You then roll a d3, that model makes D3 rolls of 6s to see if wounds are ignored, rinse and repeat. Let's suppose you kill 1 Cent, and leave the 2nd Centurion with 1 wound left, you now roll to hit, wound, save, and FNP with 1 Bolter at a time or so. Then you roll the last Grav Cannon.
And yes, that guy is out there and will drag the game down to a halt in order to minutely optimize mathhammer with a system that encourages slow rolling.
The only time you could've correctly used quotation marks you chose to use asterisks. Pro move.
In what way is 40k ironic at this point? It may have started goofy and over the top, but they've clearly made more out of it since then.
It's the opposite for me and lot of other communities. 8th ed is filled with oldfags to everyone's joy, all the 7th fags have completely died away
Dunno, the "big YMDC thread" just keeps growing. The multi-damage one is pic related. (The first one really comes off more as "are you sure you want to put Orks on suicide watch?" more than anything else).
There is nothing wrong with tacticool in 40k
The Tempestus Scions being added to 40k actually are not that bad of an idea but need some fixing on their lore and they actually look cool as fuck
the greaves on those guys look terrible
>Actually like Reviers and think they look good in Raptor colors
This guy took the helmet of a guardsman off his grave? What a cunt.
S6 scatter laser faggot detected
Blood Ravens are the greatest space marine chapter ever and anyone who says otherwise is wrong!
Call me cynical but I really don't get the enthusiasm for 8th edition and New GW, when they're still doubling down on renaming everything for maximum Trademark, and removing options they don't produce models for.
A lot of that it just autism though
i find the concept of primarines dumb and bland
no i don't play marines, the concept of bigger-better marines is shit, when we already have termies/custodes/grey knight. They should have just continued the sizecreep like for the deathwatch models and whatnot
I appreciate that 8th edition trimmed away a lot of the fat but I think they couldve gone further. Having different units hit and wound on different numbers add unnecessary complexity to the game and might turn away newcomers. This could be easily solved with codexes. Change all dataslates so that every unit moves, wounds and hits on a 4+ while all having 2 wounds each.
I fixed ur game GW. Youre welcome.
Not only do I unironically believe Pathfinder is a good game, I honestly don't see a reason to stop playing it due to the fantastic third party support it has.
They could remodel them. Coincidentally they could end up being around the size of guilliman. So that they could add more details.
Primaris marines are great because they give fluff to the ultramarines. They're
not just generic "da bes der is" and actually have something defining to them.
The only problem is GW isn't going to just leave it at that. It seems they have
plans to release a primaris version of every space marine unit. It's a cash grab
and blatantly obvious they plan to phase out old marines.
Dude, are you me?
I thought of the same thing, but we can modify the face/helmets in case.