Big Butter Effigy Golem
The Big Bad is a Big Bard (for you)
>big bad
Eh. Kinda cringe inducing, but not as cring inducing as BBEG. Prob why Whedon went with that for Buffy.
Bobby "B-tier Emperor" Guilliman
>People have been making fun of the BBEG troll for YEARS
What? You think saying "bwig bwad ebil guy" makes you cool?
You think that your one-man shitposting crusade will have any result other than people calling you a faggot?
It makes it clear what role I'm talking about in a story when I'm brainstorming with players and GM's. Shocking as it may sound people actually can have nerdy hobbies and have friends, maybe one day you will manage to make friends too.
I'd rather just say "the villain" and not sound like I'm brain damaged, but you keep being a cringey fuck.
You do you.
I think it's hilarious that BBEG user tried to force a meme and ended up becoming the meme himself.
To be part of a pretty overrated band.