What the fuck is wrong with GW modern artworks?
Just look at pic related. It looks like it was drawn by an eight-year-old retard.
What the fuck is wrong with GW modern artworks?
I disagree. Modern GW art is great.
It's fine, it;s just a fantastical map.
it's SHIT
this is what a map should look like
The books have more art in them than they used to, but its padded out with not-so-great artists to compensate.
Basically you still get the same amount of incredible pieces but you also get some bonus content that isn't to the same standard.
What bothers me most about that map is that it serves no purpose. Maps of complex geography help you understand the physical shape of a world and it's borders, relationships and main features. So you know how long it takes to go from City A to City B, or from Castle Cliche to Typical Town. And plan a route if you gonna go through Prolly-Goblins mountains or Bandit-Wolf Forest.
A map like that represents just places that exist and has no care for scale or geography, it's there just to inform you those places exist, making it useful if it was part of a vidya interface, so you could click the area you want to play at. But since we are not talking about vidya and there's no important geography, why even bother with a map? Just list places and make awesome, isolated art for each.
holy shit, i hope thats just a few inches of a board game or something
thread i guess
that's one of the better pieces
It's roughly what maps were before modern cartography. Since travel took so long and variable time, exact scale was not needed or possible to get for faraway places. Seeing as mortal realms are very nebulus, it makes sense.
The problem is that it's just too fucking clean and smooth. And by doing so fails to create any atmosphere to the scene it is presenting.
This just looks like a generic piece fantasy art
that's fucking garbage
>why even bother with a map?
There's usually a battle that goes along with it.
Nope. It's official Age of Sigmar "art".
You guys just have bad taste.
jesus, this looks like deviantart warcraft shit
Digital art interns are cheaper than actual artists.
From AOS only a hand full of pieces are actually decent, and they tend to be from the older artists (karl the man kopinsky).
They need to fire the art director and purge the art department...
I'm sorry, but it looks like ass no matter how you spin it.
Not only is it aesthetically unappealing as hell, everything on it sounds either painfully generic or incredibly stupid. Is this really a map actually published by GW?
>Adrian Smith aka mister sameface
>I'm sorry, but it looks like ass no matter how you spin it.
It looks fine and it serves it's purpose.
Why does that dwarf have an armored tophat? Why is the balloon made of metal? This looks more like 40k than fantasy.
what the fuck
the AOS book is full of shit like that
>Why does that dwarf have an armored tophat?
He is a pioneering merchant. He must dress for the part.
>Why is the balloon made of metal?
To contain the potent aether gold. It's unstable and dangerous I hear.
>Why does that dwarf have an armored tophat?
>Why is the balloon made of metal?
It's not a balloon. It's a magic floating engine.
Wow, this has been a real eye opener. I didn't realize it had gotten this bad.
We're actually heading toward the point where Warmahordes art is better than Warhammer art. Dear fucking lord that's depressing.
especially whoever is drwning the maps
holy shit are they terrible
>JewElfLow Pools
Dafuq is this garbage.
Fucking this.
On this map you can tell that there's a 30 mile trek from Brigstadt of you want to to get to the Watchtower or Maylhof.
I'll take sameface over this garbage
You have bad taste.
Is this modern GW art? I think its kinda cool
Also, just seeing the 'ruin' rather than 'ruin of the city of lost souls of drakrazor blackmarch skulltown' is refreshing as fuck after looking at one of these AoS images.
The WHFB map feels like a world full of places, small and great, important and unimportant. The AoS maps look like empty plains with random scenic battle locations dotted at arbitrary points.
>Necron just grabs a blood letters face
fucking hell
Nah, everything he quoted there is pretty atrocious.
>Young Kairos
I was a fucking child when I first went through the warhammer rule book, but I still think this is what warhammer should look like
They are representations of the players playing the Silver Tower. If you look closely,
one of them is rolling dice
I spent hours staring at the WHFB art as a kid, it's one of the things that got me into the game in the first place
except players are human and generally play in someone's house
Mfw when for a second there i asked my self what chapter of SM is this?
>Elves = Jews
>Propaganda the Dwarves as the stereotype instead
It all makes sense now, nobody tell /pol/
I really really hope this isn't art in a book
I think thats true for alot of people in the hobby and rpg's as well, but then again look at dnd 5e art and its the same problem, overall art quality keeps getting worse.
I like how those two on the left still attacking the pile of flesh, knowing he can regenerate.
But their get projected as mysterious and horrible beings within the Silver Tower.
There is an event where the PCs gets a glimpse of the players and then freezes for turn trying to process what he saw.
>Wow, this has been a real eye opener. I didn't realize it had gotten this bad.
Most of these are from the launch or near launch books from AoS which had horribly rushed art
where the fuck have you been?
A few of the newer artworks in this thread are... sort of ok.
What's really depressing is how far they've fallen. GW used have unquestionably the best, most flavourful art in the business. Now all this new stuff is pretty much just the same drivel everyone else puts out. Some of it's alright, but it doesn't hold a handle to anything done in the older styles.
All flash, no substance is what comes to mind when I see most of this new stuff.
I did to.
Not ANIME enough.
I tried the game once or twice, found that it was boring and new fluff looked uninteresting, and I tuned out. I haven't really paid any attention to what GW has been doing in ages.
Did they fire all their real artists or something?
Wait a second is that D4C?!
It's not even a case of this stuff being ANNIE MAY.
A lot of manga have seriously impressive art. This stuff is just dull, lifeless trash for the most part.
you're looking at stuff thats about 2 years old from when Kirby tried to get away with hiring deviant art tier artists for cheap, rushed work.
I think they realized their mistake as pic related is pretty representative of the new art pieces in books released this year.
I love how this idiot keeps posting examples of shit art for everyone to make fun of, in the hopes that people will somehow have an art-induced aneurysm and start liking it.
Taste. You. Have.Not.
Just stop it please, its becoming unsightly.
See this? This is ANIME.
The design is salvagable, but what is the point of trident head?
It's cool.
No, this is trash.
It's not a trident. The Eye of Sheerin is just Firing a LAZOR.
That's dumb.
Then he killed the Tyranids
So many people. Little taste.
No jokes no this is hard to tell that is is not WoW/LoL art at first brush.
>sounds either painfully generic or incredibly stupid
So exactly like something published by GW?
If GW wanted to go with a surreal, vast multiverse full of infinity possibility sort of setting, they should have at least gotten some artists that can make that look believable and interesting.
I cannot fucking believe that most of the webcomics I read nowadays have better art than GW.
I know, user, but it basically looks like a trident and I am sure this wasn't intentional, so what the heck, artist?
Wow, this is particularly shit.
Like this?
>but it basically looks like a trident
No it doesn't, unless you can't distinguish between a red beam and horns.
This is a good piece.
No, that looks like a whole lot of nothing.
Even the individual points on this 'map' are uninteresting.
Great artwork. The brave Empire Halberdiers, wading knee deep in filth water, hacking away at puking River Trolls. Each deep wound seemingly knits itself close before the next blow can come.
I mean seriously, fucking Goblins has better art than this stuff
Quick question, just for context on what kind of AoSposter we have here.
Artguy, do you genuinely believe that
are better maps than
Oh man I'd forgotten about Goblins.
Is that travesty still going?
>mfw people around me have bad taste
Don't be delusional, if that piece was part of an AoS book then it would be listed in this thread as a prime example of how AoS is shit.
Face it, unless the maps are all like then bitches are gonna bitch.