Galactic Fediration: aftermath edition

>the heroes rukkar and carter defeated the corrupted hive and brought home a prize....what could it be?

welcome to the galactic fediration


>Carter's ship arrives,with the Botfly inside.

I am back everyone.Now,where is Goldstein?

Who is Goldstein?

It is an egg, and i will raise it as a child of my own

A friend I used to know.He was back home when I was in the War,and we worked together on research,before I distanced myself and stayed at my house.

Last I heard,he was working on something involving cryo tech and time travel.

Now,he is here.

Ah well it worked then

Carter Rukkar what have you two been up to?

Oh you know, burning planets,getting eggs that i'm gonna raise,summoning space whales

Eggs from where and how did you learn to summon the the Tankhali

Morkaii but the egg is the child of Betus, who left the baby
I plan on raising her

We tried saving Betus,found an egg.
It was awesome.

How is the Dominion,Markon?I hope it is fairing well.

Hm yes fairly well things have been much quieter on the border since we freed Kalsakar and resetablished the republic and its star systems

Well i am needed elsewhere, If any of you direly need me i shall be fighting War

Kalsaker?Is that a rim world sector?Or a part of the Dominion?

One of the Border Region nations I told you about.

I see.It is good you restored it,then.So,any news?Last I heard,the Expedition encountered many things,but I wonder if it is fine.

Im afraid the expedition hasnt happened yet. Merely some probings from stealth ships and skilled operators.

Great the shark man has a little egg and he is gonna raise it
nothing could go wrong

how have the rest of you fared in the late
Oh and carter i have a question you may be able to answer

Yes?What is your question?
Hmm.Do you require help?I could go along on the Expedition if needed.

Do you remember what you called my people,the people of Ferro?
Psionics? if i recall correctly, what does that mean

If you have any "Low profile" forms it would be appreciated. I'm also looking for people from other federal states to join in thought it would be a good joint exercise.

Psions are those that utilize psionic powers through their minds.Like telepathy,or levitation.

There are nulls to psionics,though,and nkt everyone can do it.

There are also other forms of utilizing mental powers.
Low profile?What do you mean?I am not that tall.

I meant something that wont make people think your from the wastes right off the bat.

And you said my people are Psions? though that does explain the Houses and how they can seemingly read ones mind and power our ships through the void

Are,Are there more psions around? perhaps i could speak with them?

>the jenorians guards prostrate themselves as a servant ruses to pull aside the front curtains of the palanquin, inside sits a young and small Jenorian, wearing the traditional attire of the Emperor

>he extends his brass hand,the cogs and pressure valves moving,hoping for a handshake

I am Dell Vapor,Leader Of The Peoples of Ferro

Ooh.So,maybe a sealed suit?Are they afraid of the Wastes?
Yes.There are many species of Psions.Like the So'Vih,for instance.
Hello.I am Carter.Who are you?

This gesture is unknown to me, so I will not take to it.

I am the Son of Heaven Temujin, Emperor of the Heavenly Empire of Jenoria, and. ow a allied state of the Dukedom.

Fine then

>The Emperor waves to a guard
Use your gesture on him if you wish.

Not afraid but them seeing a Waste resident walking about could tip them off to our intentions.

Temujin.Your name is familiar.

Anyways,if we are using titles,
I am Carter,the Biomechanical,Ambassador of the Carnem Wastes,Delver into Unknown Horrors, Tamer of the Regent,Chosen of Her Wisdom,and the Gentleman Scientist,to name a few.

Also,I am good friends with Taxla,I believe.So,why have you come here,good sir?

I get that name reference you clever bastard.That is genius.

Intentions?To explore the Terminus Vaie??I had thiught this was publicized.

>With the cloying smell of blood, oil, and noxious smog, a nightmarish mass of screaming gears and cogs manifests within the area, reality fraying in it's presence

##▪What Would Be The Situation▪##

The expedition is actually going to be more secretive but the Higher ups in the federation will be aware of it. ill expain more later.

I have come to discuss a issue currently effecting the galaxy, these so called "Awakened", and why dealing with them is of great importance to my people.

Hello,DANTALION.Any updates on the Court?We are discussing the Awakened.
Okay then.Meet at the same bar,or are you simpy going to tell me at the Assembly here later?They moved the bar down.I believe.
Yes.They seem dangerous,but we can handle them.Why is it important to your people?

fi̵rs͜t̵ of a̡l͠l if ̡y͠où e̡v͜e̶r di̧sc̷u̵s͜s̷ this͠ ́s͜or͡ţ ̀o͟f ̶thing ̷ne̸ar ͡un͟it ͜o̡ne ͜I w̵ill ̡kill̨ yoų
͢se͡c͘o̵n͞d ̛o̷f ͞al̛l̛ ̀w̷e ͞do͢n'̧t reállý ̴th͝ink̀ ab͜o͜u̷t͠ ̀gen͠d͟ęr̡ but we ̵supp͝osȩ we wo͢uld͢ ̛co̴n̨si̧d̵e̛r̶ o̢u̶r͝selfs male
͟t͝he͘ ͞u͡nit͠s jưst ço̕me ̵i͜nto ̧be̸i̧nģ ͜wh̢e̕n̸ ͡th̴e͘ ͡ov̨erḿin͢d ̀de͡cides͘ w͘e̕ a͝re̵ ͠ne͡éded̢ ͠spe͟ci̢al̕ize̵d͝ ̶f̀or th̛e̴ ̛róĺe͢ ̛w͞e ͜ar̵e̴ n̴e̢e͟de̷d ̸fo̢r͝
͢the v̸ario̸us͡ ̛dŗo͡ne͜ ̨c̀a̡stes̸ ̀re͟p̧r͢o̸d͞uc̷e͝ via ͢t̀he ̡di͘vis͝i͞on cas̢t͜e ͝w͢hi̶c̨h̀ c̡ons͠t̕a̢n̸tly͝ ͜d̶i͝vi̷d͞ìn͘g̵ ̴an̢d ov̕er o͜f t̵ḩe ͝t́wo nȩw͝ ́o̢n̕eş d͢i̡vides again ̛a̴nd ͘the ̷ot̨her͝ s̢p͠ęc̛iali̢z̶èd int͡o͟ ̛a̢ ͢dr̶òn̸e ͡c̨as̢tę ͡t͜h͠at͡ ̢i͟s̵ ǹee̴de͡d

The reason they exist is in part our fault, and why they have awoken again is again in result to our current resurgence to galactic affairs.

Carter the first has been bound to me

I do not know.You have to ask Inkito.
How are you Prethoryn?
Hmm?It is?Okay,explain then,please.
Understood Rukaar.With this and my new developments,we will be able to win.

##Ambassador## //We Act As It's Voice//
++UNTIL++ %%It Awakens Once More%%
>The horrific mass of clockwork and metal pulses, despairing faces etching out across its frame.

las̸t time ̨w̴e̵ go̢t͡ t͜o͠ ̧d̀o͝ o͘ur̢ ̨job̵ ̡a̸nd ̶that ̷waś níce

I now work onto The Hunt,soon we may be able to handle them

After the Cabal shot up the place I guess they would need to relocate however the owner is a good friend of mine so I arranged for the bar to be relocated to the upper levels. The place spaces for us to have conversations in without needing to worry about some spies or assasins causing a mess.

If anyone else is intersted in the expedition outside Federal space theyre welcome to join us at the The Pillars of Heavens bar near the Embasy district.

Fuck it,i just ate a god,I could use a drink

I heard from ASMODEUS that you guys were arguing or something.How did that turn out?
Sure,I'll go.Just gotta talk to Temujin first.
Do your job?And have you arrived on Jhool Prime yet?

When we retreated after the War for Heaven, we left behind ruins on many worlds across the length and breath of the galaxy. Some of these ruins contained some of our technology. One such world was the origin planet of the pre-mechanical Awakened. Using these forgotten techs they advanced considerably and transformed the fragility of their bio-forms and rose to dominance in our absence. Once they encroached on our borders we used the "Engine of Tung-ak" to end their dominance. Our reintroduction to galactic affairs caused the machine to malfunction somewhat due to a lapse in maintenance, allowing for them to re-awaken.

As long as it can help me talk with these people,and if you have drinks please serve some hard liqour

Alright id like to hear more about your recent adventures once were done with the offical business.
I dont believe weve been aquianted.

Well, i'm Dell Vapor, president of the Free Peoples of Ferro. i came to speak with carter about psionics and the fact that my people are psions according to Carter

You are?

I see.And do you require help in fixing this machine?
And by War for Heaven,I assume you mean the fights you had amongst yourselves after the Divines were killed,yes?
He is Dell Vapor,an ambassador of the Ferro.

And yes,we have much to tell.

Oh yes,we must discuss that.With you as well,Markon.
I believe you both will be very interested in what psions actually are.

You want me to tell ya or carter to?

Well the machine requires time is all, we shall fix it soon. You need only hold them off for some time.

As for the War for Heaven, well once the Divines vanished, we were the strongest remaining races, who withered away. We eventually rose to dominate the galaxy, as we were uncontested in rule and might. But we grew complacent, stagnant and corrupt in our powers. Eventually pretenders attempted to take the Mandate of Heaven from my family, and the War for Heaven began. To put it into context of today, the galaxy is in its current form as a result of the great conflict, in which the Yuan faction, my family's supporters won. The shame at what we had done caused our retreat from galactic affairs, allowing for others races to flourish.

We can likely hold them off.As long as you build that machine,we will be fine.

Well,of course no other strong races remained.The So'Vih were locked up,and the humans were simpy reverted.

But it is certainly bad that you did such things.And what is your Mandate of Heaven?

The machine can be repaired, no need to worry, just destroying the awakened this time will be good.

The Mandate of Heaven is the right to rule, a divine right given to my family by the Phoenix. It's our right to control all of Jenoria and its people. The first Jenorian in existence and the first emperor was also Temujin, whose successor Ogedai conquered and his descendants after him.

>The clicking gears hiss and grind, black ooze dripping from them.
$$Have Stilled $$ ^^For Now^^
÷THE COURT÷ ==Rests==

I don't know,if you are seen as unfit I see no issue with disposing of your family.Not like murdering them,just not letting them rule.

I mean,the Dukedom chooses its Dukes through royalty,yes,but also screens them.They all must be approved by the other sub rulers,and seen as fit to rule.It is what prevents a bad ruler.

If your family had a bad ruler,why should they be rulers?Simply wondering of course.

As for the weapon,how does it function? Does it shut them down?
I see.So,why have you come here my friend?

Aye, dantalion i get a wee question for ye.
Does ye want to come with carter and I to markon's bar
Carter said this would be a good idea

>[Location Pillars of Heavan Bar, Upper Levels, Serenity Station]
>[Time 18:42 EST]
>[The group arrives at the bar. A private area in the top parts of the establishment having been reserved under the name Hal Corazo for the memebers of this venture.]

Welcome everyone glad you accepted my invitation. I've already explained the general idea of what im hoping to do with carter but i'll give a brief explanation for everyone else.

The Dominion is trying to get a better feel for the Border Regions and Terminus Vaie and extend our infleunce out there but doing so is a massive undertaking that requires considerable time effort resources manpower and funding. The Dominion has all of that but what we lack is information. These places are at best hazy when it comes to info and thats where you all will come in.

The Dominion wants to launch expeditions to first get a better insight into these people but going out there with my nations tech and starships outside of guarding trade ships is very difficult. So I plan on orginizaing numerous expedition with gear and supplies bought of the markets and slowly go around learn the way of the worlds out there and use it to help plan further expansion. But to do that I need tough people who are good at thinking on their feet and arent from the Dominion of Mankind, which is where you come in.

w̢e a͞re ̡tw͟e͡l͟v͟e n͠ot on̛e
and̢ ̛we̴ a͞r͞e̛ ̢t̀he sp̶y͘m͢a̶s̷ţer͠

Well i get da tough part

If a ruler proves ineffective, he is given the traditional execution ceremony. Our rule was threatened because we had made little progress on restoring the Phoenix.

As for the weapon, it's merely a machine that is connected within the core of them, as they are in the deepest origin Jenorians machines.

I never said it would be a good idea.If we do that the universe may die.Again.

Though admittedly I must speak with the Centre,have not got around to that.
>Carter orders a Southside.

So,you need us to come with?I'm down with it.So,where exactly are we going?Is this a simple exploration mission,or are we looking for more?I know it is the Terminus,but there may be untold treasures.
And are you coming as well Director?I plan on going.

It appears this will be more than a simple outing,I'll tell you that.
And how does Ezekial feel about this?
Excuse me,then.I apologize,I was recently in a scuffle of sorts and was unable to recognize you as well.

So,have you done anything lately?Did you look into the hobbies I recommended?
Then why was your family not executed for not putting the Phoenix together?Or did they misunderstand what you were doing and attacked in foolishness?

And if it is connected to them all,I can help if needed.Why is it taking so long if it is a simple machine?Is a vital component missing?

The aggressors wanted to take the Mandate as to abuse the galaxy. You see blaming the lack of recreation of the Phoenix was a pretext for their greed, as to gain support from other factions. They wanted to abuse the control we had.

As for the machine it needs a certain item that we haven't produced in sometime. We have a Magnus working on it, so fret not.

>Rukaar approaches the the bar,using two chairs to support his massive weight.
>a rough looking man leans over to Rukaar
"hey buddy you want to buy some deathsticks"
No i don't want to buy any deathsticks
>Rukaar punches the man in the face,sending him across the room
>mumbles as he crawls away
"im gonna go home and rethink my life"

>Markon pours some whisky for himself.
My father said this was President Washington's personal recipe.
>Downs a shot.
Ahh this a good drink right here. To start Ezekiel is the one who thought we should begin clearing the fog from the maps. He came to me with the idea after we freed Kalsakar from the Irsalo who had brought the systems in the area low when they toppled the Republic there. And as for destination well lets say half the fun is finding a destination in this place.

>he downs a shot of whiskey
so markon, can you tell me anything about your people are they psions too?

wel͝l͡ ͜we g͝a̕ve ̷ińfo͠r̴mat̷i̸on to ͘t̶he a̷dm͘i̕r̕al
̴w̛e mig͜ht ̵hav̀e̕ ͠t͞ak̴en ͡o̡ut̡ a warl͜ord ǫn b̕eha̷lf of ͠that f̡ell̀o͠w
͡an͝d ͘w̵e lèarn͟èd ͝to͝ pl̵a̵y ͜a ̸chi͞ldre̵n̛ c̨a̴r̀d ̧ga͠me̷ ̀as t̨h̛a̡t ap͘p͟ar͞en̢tl̨y w͟as̀ ͡a̷ ţhin̕g we͜ ̀do̧ he͢r̵e

Who is washington?
>he starts to down several shots
Keep 'em coming

I see.Well,good that they are gone,then.So,if you need any help,I can provide.

How are your people?
Half the fun is of course finding the destination.

>Carter sips from his drink.He seems to actually relax somewhat,for once,though if one looks closely you can see he is still tense and has his magnum at the ready.

Let me tell you,this bar is good.And it is a shock you have such a fine drink here.
So,any details you want us to know?Rules,specifications,details,any potential things we may encounter?I woukd say bunking a shark man is rather hard,but simply accomodating for my cog enabled friend here may be an issue.Plus,some people are averse to seeing walking 7 foot mostrosities.

And why is this so lock and key?Anything,under the radar,as they say?
Perhaps you should order a drink other than Metal Ploraxian Feathers,Rukaar.It will help settle your nerves a bit.
I would recommend a Blood in the Water.
A children's card game?What game was this?

Care for a drink 12?

My people are curious to see how the galaxy has performed after so long. Only one among us has been alive since the very beginning, but he rarely speaks of those times.

Fuck that i'll have five of 'em

The very beginning of the Phoenix.

Times were different before you guys were given sentience and learned such greatness.I barely know myself,but I got a peak.

So,how about you tell us some stories,while we tell our own,and you join us for a drink?
Good choice.

>A waiter comes by,with five.The waiter drops them off and briskly runs away.

>The entire bar is like a mis mash of locals.In the corner,a Birrin sells intoxicants,while a Ploraxian vet asks for free drinks.

Some tea would be fine, thank you.
>The Emperor cautiously steps down from his palanquin, assisted by his guards. It's clear how young the emperor is by his much leaner figure and shorter stature.
I could perhaps tell a tale of the Four Heavens.

A leader of an Old Earth nation.
Its being kept hush hush due to the fact Im not all that aware of whos really our friends and enemies. Some of these states ally with us for simple pragmatism such as food supplies munitions and trade while the rest of their nations arent too trusting of us in the Dominion.
Rukkar should be able to fit in just fine out there so long as he doesnt broadcast his name all over the place. These people are more familiar with The Wastes which is why i suggested you get a disguise. The others im sure we can make accomidations for. As for who will acounter and how we go about way to put it, we need to keep a low profile as im not sure what we'll really encounter out there.

I meant peek.Sorry.

Sure,I would be happy to hear it.

Tea is handed to him.
I'll get a disguise.And are there still bad sentiments after the Cabal?

I will tell of them soon enough my friend.

>A guard takes a sip to see if the drink is poisonous, before placing it before the Emperor

The Four Heavens is another name for the war, and the one our Arch-Magnus Bogodai uses to describe the war. The "Four Heavens" refers to the four factions vying for the Mandate. These were the Yuan, led by my family, the Kipchak led by the Amergon Dynasty, the Chagatai led by the Genghisids and finally the Ilkhan, led by the Tunak.

Care to tell the details?This sounds interesting.

How did your family win,for instance?

Certain factors played to our hand. We not only retained control of the core worlds, but also held sway over much of the elite military forces. The Kipchak were the only ones who could truly match our military strength as they had many talented commanders. However one of the most important aspect to our victory was Bogodai aligning with the Yuan.

Bogodai?A faction,or entity?

He is Arch-Magnus, and is possibly the most ancient living being in existence that is not mechanical. He was the very first Jenorian brought to sentience, while my family was the first group raised.

Well,there are likely more ancient beings.I know a few.However,he met the Phoenix,did he not?How has he stayed alive?

And why is he not ruler if he is the oldest?Is he incompetent?

t̵he o͡ńe with ͡colors͝
w͟e ͢sh̨al̷l

He did not desire it. He is intelligent beyond all measure. Despite his life spanning almost beyond million, he remains young and invigorated because of his mastery over time. He was once a shaman of the pre-phoenix days, he legend says could control time to a degree. The phoenix took a shining to him, and took him on as a student. He has unlocked eternal life, and is more interested with his sciences than politics.

Rolled 34 (1d100)

>A burning starship comes out of warp heading full speed for the station
They're...Please Help!!! God someone help us we.. Urgent news for the Federation..Vox link. Open now...last longer.

Ooc rolling for how bad things really are.

Oh,I know what that one is.I believe Rukaar places it.

So,what shall you order?
Eternal life is rather easy in certain sciences.Controlling time is cool though.

So,what does he study?And is he helping repair the machine?

Hello?Can you hear us?

This is the ringworld,not a station.Just reminding.I believe it is called the Beacon of Liberty.

He devotes his energy to perfection of time based technology, but he has mastered many other forms of science, some of his powers alsmot seem like magic, if you can imagine it. He grows sad when the phoenix is mentioned, as he held a very close bond with him.

>A massive fleet of warships appear from behind it. The fleet composed of Sovietskii class cruisers and Kurov heavy dreadnaughts every last one of them covered in a hated insignia.
>A giant hammer and sickle
>Armed with the latest weaponry provided by their Awakened masters they take aim at the ringworld.
>A very familiar voice heard over the Vox
Oh hello there Carter. I believe they were talking about me and my friends.
ooc guess who.

Mastered other forms of science,you say?

And of course I can imagnie it.I am a scientist myself.

However,if they were close,did he try helping the Phoenix?

Yes, it was almost a father son bond. Although he refuses to acknowledge the instructions the phoenix left behind. He claims there is something more that the Magnus order just aren't seeing as they didn't know him.

>Carter's drink breaks in his hand.

Listen here you little shit.I am currently enjoying a drink.

I can speak,but if you try anything I will board that ship and rip you a new hole bigger than the void in space that remains of your pitiful empire.

You remain diplomatic,and I will as well.

Now,what do you want?

Then can I meet him?Scientist to scientist.

Perhaps he may want to meet someone who actually understands his work.Apparently,some people call it magic from what you are saying.

Well being able to revert somebody's age to their youth, as well as turing someone to dust can be easily mistake for magic as you can imagine. And yes you can meet him, as oddly enough he's ben talking about you for the last 70 years.

Seems we have some unwlecomed guests Carter. I'll call in the Dominion armadas nearby.