Is xlm dead?

Are whales doing a slow exit or wtf is going on??
The rocket is fully fueled with my profits.
IBM cant participate in a scam right?
Am i going to make it?
Most of my portfolio are 11k Stellar rn.

have some patience

the coin that never gets out of the 1500's?

>not holding XLM for 2018

Sell. You don't have the proper sense to hold this coin.

Sold and bought ICX and already doubled. Stay mad stellar bag holders

im doing good profits with swingtrading other coins and always park in xlm.
considering to remove my xlm stack for more profits. When should i rebuy?

It's the coin that doesn't move until it does and then you post wojacks reeeeeing about not buying earlier

i also got around 10% from icx. it was 50% of my portfolio.
sold at 0.0067 eth and parked that in xlm

But there is something with this coin.
Insider trading or 90% bots from whales. idk anymore

Yeah then a whale or the chinks kill your rally and it goes back down to 1500. Lol

They're artificially inducing a slow and steady climb to attract buyers. slowly dumping reserves

Go all in on ICX and ride this to top 10 coin.

I'll get back into XLM next month. That's when the big stuff is coming.

what is the end goal? spread it as much as possible to replace eth/btc?

This is what you get for investing in centralized coins.

You can save yourself, BTS will go to $43 by eoy 2018

Hypothetically if I were the stellar foundation I would want "equitable" distribution and to show "organic growth"

will the price rocket at some point early 2018? or keep on the slow gains?

we get fairx beta 2018

My Spidey senses say a steady climb to 3X over 2018. No overnight moon. But I'm just speculating

They are waiting for OP to sell. The moment that happens whales will rocket off like spacex

Anyone figure out the clue in the source of

You were smart to look here.

Can you take on the next step?

ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBOKGEKYjpEGmRrtoGdf79CJljyk1y/GbMFCXt9AoKnk5Lw9r5Snv63xYZ5WLBNkozVe4sNLXIaUGti/pMOy4akk=

maybe its the wallet link of a pajeet dev who wants some gibs