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/cyoag/ - CYOA Thread - Pure Edition
Tell me, user. Which CYOA do you desperately wish was real?
Is cyoag the only place on Veeky Forums where user will claim the Twilight Saga is just as good as Madama Bovary by Flaubert and it's all just a matter of preference?
Royal Revival.
My own desu.
I don't want to start a shitstorm, but I actually would love it if Eronomicon became real, if only for the ability to Planewalk to different universes and use the lewd powers I have
A significant portion of the current literature and art scenes would. We've been living in the postmodern era for decades now.
Royal revival
Mindslaver is just as good at that
Hero Academy or Comfy God for me; Hero Academy for my next life perhaps, as I'd miss people in my current life too much to lose them.
C'mon anons, lets leave that behind in the old thread, okay?
There's a reason I mentioned Gombrich last thread. Art isn't objective, but it isn't fully subjective either. No experience of art can be "proven", but it can be explained and assessed assuming the one doing the explaining is recognized as having the correct knowledge. You might still not agree with his assessment, and you wouldn't be flat out wrong, but it does nevertheless carry more weight than your uneducated one.
TokHaar now I know, I was wrong
I messed up, and now you're gone
TokHaar I'm sorry I neglected you
Oh I never expected you to quit this way and leave me feeling so empty
For a response right now, I'd go, no matter how far
Please come home, cause I miss you TokHaar
TokHaar come home
TokHaar come home
TokHaar come home
TokHaar can't you see I was blind, I'd do anything to change your mind
More than a king, you're a lewd god
Too cool to forget, come back cause we're /d/ refugees
And forgive me for making you want to roam
And now my heart is beating like the saddest metronome
Somewhere I hope you're reading, my latest three word poem:
TokHaar come home
this is just a joke, please don't start another shitshow
The issue is that nobody in this thread has credentials or is accepted as an authority.
That's now how this thread works. Bringing the issue up WILL start something.
Weekend OC user here again, I think I've hammered out that short and sweet Space Marine concept I had, with a bit of luck I'll keep the streak alive this weekend after all, even it its just with a silly little thing.
One thing I wanted some feedback on was art choices; it'll come down to what I can get that'll fit at the end of the day, but I'm broadly looking at using either actual models, 80s 90s era art like pic related, or modern, more realistic art. Any preferences?
I prefer realistic art.
If current trends are followed, how will cyoas look like in 2020?
Mouse still in kitchen. Exterminator can't be here until tomorrow in the afternoon at the earliest. Running out of water. So hungry. Emergency snacks under my bed have been finished for hours now. Dying.
With thanks to whoever posted this on reddit, and additional thanks for the one who found a typo. It has been fixed and the paragraph reevaluated.
>wanting him back even ironically
>If current trends are followed, how will cyoas look like in 2020?
VR/AR CYOAs baby
Get yo' skellies, lads!
>no shota
>no feminine penis
>no build
Sorry, but your gf cyoa is lacking fundamentals.
He's a namefagging drama queen, but fetish cyoas are literally the best.
I think Helen or Laura would be most compatible with me; Laura would require some sacrifices, but a bit of give and take in a relationship isn't a bad thing. Also she's damn hot.
Looks wise Kaylee is cute but I'd never want to date her. Melanie was a contender, but I think I'd burn out on trying to alternate between being a rock and a manic pixie dream boy. Gloria seems like she'd be a good game bro more than a romantic partner.
Why the new arrangement each time? What are you even trying to achieve?
I wished to create a subtle visual association between different characters and create a distance between ones I felt were too similar. I've created several different versions so I could see which ones, if any, better achieved this.
>Witch (Male)
>Crowmancy 5
Not because they're edgy, for what its worth, but more for the fact that they're incredibly common where I live and smart for birds. Also gives me a crow that can turn into a bro or waifu, which is nice.
>Transmutation 5
>Enchantment 5
The former giving me a wide selection of ingredients for the latter. A slow path to power, but should be reliable and I have time to spare.
>Charm Charms
>Witch Hut
I think I made this complaint last time I played, but I think this would be better if hitting tier 5 was harder, making immortality something you had to make a sacrifice for build wise instead of ending up with multiple redundant immortality options with most builds.
>Perfect Hair
>Good People
>Romantic Trip
>Consent not required
>True Friends
>Love Bites
>Her's forever
Elizabeth, Helen, Laura and Courtney are good
But again
Altering History
This should be the second version. See how it works for you.
I'm off to work.
>make a promise to finish your CYOA this summer
>do a single panel out of a few dozens of panels for half a month
>proceed to spend another half a month playing a shitty japanese mobile game on an emulator like an idiot
I guess I won't be able to keep my promi-
>Emulator no longer works due to an update and all of my progress is likely lost forever
Nevermind, we're back in business.
Get back to work Symbiobro!
I want to fuck symbiotes!
your'ee objecktiflly rong
Wrong author.
>anything resembling 40k
take your pauldrons and go
Then nobody on Veeky Forums should be able to explain anything unless they show a timestamped image of their college degrees?
Where I disagree with the other user is that it isn't all just based on credentials. You can establish credibility through the cogency of your argument.
It lacks some good options
Then who the fuck are you and what are you making?
I dunno, theres some interesting realistic takes on the setting.
Alice user, you spend way too much time thinking far too much about shit that's way too irrelevant for your health.
No one important, user.
I like early era art because it's cheesy and fun and metal.
>Alice user overthinks irrelevant shit
In other news, Pol Pot and Mao Zedong: radical?
From this I can tell that Alice user likes black and arab chicks.
Looks nice, the coloured bars are alittle too bright I think.
If it's Go, it's time to start on the english version, eh?
You always pic nice art.
It WAS the english version.
>Emulating the English version
But why?
He mentioned this trend the previous time he updated this thing. He called it the "diversity bingo" method of putting characters together. Apparently he put some maths into ensuring some kind of ideal balance of white and colored chicks, for whatever purpose.
Which I got to say, is very in character for that autist.
Sounds subjective, probably incredibly wrong, secretly driven by personal taste, and autistic as fuck.
So yeah it fits.
Maybe he's a tv executive. It's standard practice in America.
It works even less well on tv than it does in a cyoa.
Such as?
I don't know about personal taste, since iirc he said his own girlfriend is blonde. More likely he's aiming to emulate TV or something.
Blacks are probably a waste, though. It makes them less likely to get picked.
Conduit, especially Bevin though in my recent build (made minutes ago) I'd also gladly get some Prison access. It's like comfy CYOA but without making comfy too much of escapism. A home away from home, where knowledge can be studied, body and soul rest.
Read above - I'm an idiot. It was a stupid fucking idea that I decided to do on a whim. Also I don't have a phone for it, so PC was the only option I had.
The tough choice is what do do with the last few points. Witchery 5 and Catmancy 5 are the mandatory options, they give me maximum utility with minimum effort. Their immortality options also complement each other very well, ageless+extra live.
What I really want after that is Charms 4 (or 5, but at least 4). Sadly I can't buy that as a sorceress no matter what. I could spend both items on pre-made charms to fill out 2 of my 3 slots, or I could only buy one and use a potion of witchery to settle for level 3 charms. Stamina, Perception, and Quickness are the ones I want most.
Really I should just go with Average Witch to start with. I don't even want cowtits, I prefer a more lithe body type, but I still want "beautiful" within my preference.
Fair enough am. I used to do the same before I had a smartphone.
Though now that I read it again, the really mystifying part is how many fat girls there are.
I'm up for him getting back but TokHaar really should read and consider the drama from the last thread, both for making the decision on whether to be here and what should he do and not do if he'll be here.
That stuff doesn't really work on TV though.
I'm trying to do this cyoa but I can't stop crying someone call the fucking police
Trisha has been one of the most popular choices since introduction. The new ones are yet to be seen.
Lewd symbiotes for fucking?
Color me interested.
I don't believe you.
I think toks cyoas are great, but eronomicon seems really imbalanced and undercooked. Great concept though
Two? Arielle and Johanna. Shanni looks fat because of the angle but he confirmed the girl's built like a muscular tank in real life.
Traveller. If it was real, then anything is possible.
Check the archives. She's even more popular when this is posted on /r9k/ every once in a while.
He used a pic of someone he knows? Ew.
Homo sapiens
>Hands: 2
Assuming it starts with 1 point in each stat.
>Good Tools
>Bow and Arrow
Coonan am spirit of twenty men in one
Coonan kill Bigtooth pack by own
Coonan kill entire tribes by own
Other men lusting after Ugg, Coonan skin them for pelt like hairy Bigbigtooth
Coonan then put heads on stick after skinning, make strong warriors make yellow water when thinking of Ugg and Coonan
Coonan then get mate from killed tribe like the dindu tribe and the paleskin tribe
Wise chief say only one waifu from tribe but fail to say how many from other tribe
Coonan have sensitive side too, brig pretty flowers for Ugg and other mates, then make white water to have strong sons and daughters
Coonan become chief with strong sons and rule over land!
Still don't believe you. I know from statistics that people generally rate black women the lowest in appearance (and they are damn ugly) so it doesn't make much sense.
Really? She seems pretty good in terms of personality and being easy to along with.
Activate cat mode 2 points
Chocolate ice cream
Chosen of the notice god's 1 point
Literally shit gold 1 point
She's ugly as fuck, so yes.
Omnipotence CYOA XD
As was said in another thread, different strokes for different folks. She's not my first pick but she's not unattractive either. I'm glad the author gave us a variety though, hopefully something for everyone is in there to some degree.
>tfw edging and orgasm denial are my fetishes
I've pretty much broken the system.
>she's not unattractive either
Shockingly wrong.
Anyway, my main point is that people rate black women very low in terms of appearance, so strictly from a picture choice perspective, giving any profile over to a black woman is giving them a handicap in regards to being chosen.
"Average" intelligence, smokes, drinks, no hobbies, left leaning. Doesn't even matter she's black, she's already shit.
At least she'll die of cancer in a few years, I guess.
OK overstating on the drinks, that wouldn't bother most people and once a week isn't bad. Smoking though is disgusting.
>Shockingly wrong.
Attractiveness is a subjective quality user, but no one is forcing you to like her.
Witch (Male)
Potions 5
Charms 5
Witchery 5
Bottle Stash
Charm Charms
Witch Hut
Can we not ignore my main point just to complain about me thinking she's an uggo?
Agreed on all accounts as I did before despite my own scathing criticism of his recent work. But let's leave this drama in the last thread for him to read.
But your main point is that you think black people are unattractive; another user mentioned that she has been popular in the past, which you disbelieved, and I said I thought she was fine, which you disagreed with.
I am sure there are plenty of people who will disqualify her based on appearance, but it also seems there are plenty who won't. What is left to discuss?
More physical features and more yandere traits