You guys are soo fucked. Like really fucked. I don't know about you thirdworlders but do you guys even pay your taxes when you cash out? Like it's not a matter of buying and selling. You gotta pay your taxes, right???
You guys are soo fucked. Like really fucked...
All you guys talk about is coin this coin that, but you never talk about cashing out and paying taxes. How fucked are you right now? I feel like the underage faggots that got into this crypto thing don't have a fucking clue about taxes
>sell for cash
>pay for rent/food/clothes/everything with cash for the rest of my life like a fucking drug dealer
>no tax
Only need to pay taxes if you want a car or a house bro
The only tax you pay on a house is property tax, right?
you love you lose
I mean if you buy a house you will need to report the capital gains on that amount of money lest you get butt fucked. You can't buy a house for cash and not report it
You guys are soo fucked. Like really fucked. I don't know about you thirdworlders but do you guys even pay your taxes when you cash out? Like it's not a matter of buying and selling. You gotta pay your taxes, right???
Shut the fuck up cunt
Holy fuck what am I going to do!? It's all over!! Oh man I regret ever getting into crypto! We didn't listen!!!
Lol this guy from the IRA thinks he knows shit
Yeah, i just feel bad for the brainlets who don't understand this shit
You aren't even answering my question?
What, retard?
Answer me you faggots. I know some of you are escaping this!!
Wow, this thread failed badly.
Don't forget to put sage in the option field.
Don't cash out.
Why would you?
Eventually your going to be able to do more and more with crypto. When you cash out to Fiat, you go straight to losing money. First you lose some to tax, then you loose more to inflation over time. It's a bad trade. Only cash out when you need to make a purchase, and of course pay your tax on it. Crypto is a better financial system that n the kike controlled fiat mess, i'm out of that game for good.
More like no one wants to even answer the question because they are clueless themselves
Also every fucking thread is about coin shilling retard.
The fuck? I mean, no fucking faggot thinks this way. It's all about, " w-we are gonna make it bros!" Every one on biz is here to cash out eventually. I know cryptocurrency is great technology but no is using it properly. All you fags do is buy a shitcoin ( or a good coin) , hold it and cash out. And forget to pay tax
You guys make a shit thread after a shit thread after a shit thread. You fags make 2x more threads than /pol/. And /pol/ is fastest board on this site.
Veeky Forums
> 9,339 expired threads from the past 3 day
>6,275 expired threads from the past 3 days
like most problems, i'll ignore it and hope it doesn't bite me in the ass later.
I knew crypto is too good to be true.
The fucking state of Veeky Forums tards