We back on the Pro Tour edition
Playing, Haitng etc
>Current Modern Metagame
We back on the Pro Tour edition
Playing, Haitng etc
>Current Modern Metagame
First for my huge dick.
is liliana casting necropotence?
Geralf's Messenger??
Chalice on 1. Other than that I'm pretty peachy.
user with the mono green stompy deck that runs hardened scales, you here? Deck looks dope, I just want to know how it does against others.
Can someone explain what makes eidolon of the great revel so great it does damage to you too (building a burn deck)?
in burn you don't care about your life total because they're going to be dying first
Naya Zoo, Soul Sisters & Cheeri0s
Control-heavy decks in general
Makes sense, how's this deck look then?
When will they ban what is ACTUALLY warping the format?
>Urza's tower is banned
>Grapeshot is banned
>Empty the warrens is banned
>Eldrazi temple is banned
>Stoneforge mystic is unbanned
>Splinter twin is unbanned
It's a removal magnet that will always do atleast 2 damage no matter what. Sometimes it does more than 2, sometimes you can even get a hit in with it.
looks suboptimal. you should definitely be running 4 rift bolt and 4 lava spike. 3 mana for 4 damage is really inefficient.
goblin guide is a big must-have for the deck but i can understand cutting it for budget concerns
simply epic my dude
Get rid of flames of the blood hand and deflecting palm. Run rift bolt and a full playset of lava spike.
Ball lightning is hot trash save up for a playset of goblin guides. Get some fetchlands and shocklands while you are at it, assuming it is in your budget range.
You could certainly do worse
I play burn almost exclusively, here is the dumpster fire I'm running.
ignore the lathnu hellion it's a meme
4C Splendid Valakut
Tron and all it's bastard children
>4C Splendid Valakut
You found a way to make the deck consistent?
Devoted Company
Noble Hierach's price.
Ball Lightning is surprisingly good only because most people fetch on their turn because Fatal Push hits everything in Burn without revolt so Ball can sneak in
Xmage server is shit
Is woogerworks down again? Or do you just have 3rd world internet?
Will they ever print more cars? Or are the just a kaldesh meme?
They're in Ixilan.
See pic.
I'm sick of my opponents always getting what little sideboard hate they have for Affinity.
>all those obvious china fakes
>still playing bolt in GDS
>still playing kitty burn
lmao my man
i thought you would be more angry at him for playing storm
>all those obvious china fakes
>calling real cards fake from a low-res picture
>still playing bolt in GDS
Um... yeah. It seems fine.
>still playing kitty burn
Actually I haven't played it all year, but maybe one of the days.
I figured someone would call out the amulet deck... it's pretty shitty and I only play it between rounds.
Did they leak?
Most people play a one-off or two-off bolt in gds.
>Most people play a one-off or two-off bolt in gds.
Most people have cut bolt entirely because it's not good right now unless you're playing burn. The more optimal lists play 1 mana negate instead.
so, are modern zombies a thing, or are they the same shit as usual?
(asking bc I wanna make a zombie deck)
How do I know the number of copies I should take of cards? I mean, How do I evaluate the number of counters, or removal, etc to put in a deck?
there's dredge.
>How do I evaluate the number of counters, or removal, etc to put in a deck?
Test against meta decks and see what works.
Stinkweed imp is pure gas, I've got a couple wins on turn 4 but a lot of games end up being just life from the loam and slowly beat face.
Snapcaster lets us hit splendids in the yard, and most hands are keepable if they have
A) acceleration and or
B) either splendid or snapcaster
Dakmor Salvage+trade routes works well for filling our yard with any extra mana we have kicking around, and serves to let us dig through land drops and hit splendid if we didn't have one in hand or if it was hit by discard.
So far the list works reasonably well, as we have quite a few slots dedicated to disruption, and ancient grudge and ray of revelation out of the board to deal with hate ((note for ray, we can only cast it if it's hits the yard, as we don't run any white sources.))
Stinkweed imp is also an excellent blocker for most of moderns threats.
So can this work in modern?
can you kill your opponent on turn 4 in a combo including this card?
Hey guys, I'm a long time Esper Control player who's decided to play something a little more meta. I've decided that I'm going to change as little as possible and have gone for Jeskai Control.
Here's the list:
4 Snapcaster Mage
1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
2 Ancestral Vision
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Path to Exile
3 Serum Visions
2 Spell Snare
2 Lightning Helix
2 Mana Leak
1 Disallow
1 Sphinx's Revelation
3 Cryptic Command
4 Nahiri, the Harbinger
2 Supreme Verdict
4 Celestial Colonnade
4 Flooded Strand
2 Ghost Quarter
3 Hallowed Fountain
3 Island
1 Mountain
2 Plains
4 Scalding Tarn
2 Steam Vents
2 Geist of Saint Traft
1 Dispel
1 Hurkyl's Recall
1 Lightning Helix
2 Rest in Peace
2 Stony Silence
2 Timely Reinforcements
1 Crumble to Dust
2 Supreme Verdict
1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion
The whole Sheet of uncut rares/mythics where leaked like a month ago. and one of them looks like its Vehical.
Ad nauseam + grace?
Probably not, which is a shame since I like the art and it seems pretty dope.
a very blurry page of rares/mythics did yes, you can tell there's a pirate ship with colorless mana cost, a brown box around it's power/toughness and the a similar border pattern to aether vehicles.
is ethersworn canonist waifu material?
is it possible to fuck a metal skeleton?
>not master transmuter
Shit taste senpai
i like my waifus white and in my sideboard
Nice face but not enough meat desu
The most fuckable mtg girl is Monastery Swiftspear
i would bone chandra desu, but i im afraid that i might get unintentionally creamated if she came and burst in flame
>not hanna
>not nahiri
>not heretical cathar
mediocre taste desu
Haven't played modern in months and now I saw that Death's Shadow seems to be everywhere.
Any idea on how a Burn deck would sideboard against it? is it just a bad matchup for Burn?
Almost a free win for burn is what I imagine. They pack a lot of removal that's effective on your creatures, and they have some fast clocks too, but they pretty much do half your job for you.
It's a decent matchup for burn. You'd bring in your graveyard hate of choice, most likely RiP but some run Relic of Progenitus apparently, keep their graveyard small. I'd bring in Deflecting Palm as well because it helps you survive a turn and it can randomly do a lot of damage if they attack into it with a big Death's Shadow. Could also see Ensnaring Bridge being relevant.
> nu-Wizards will never let artists like Terese Nielsen make beautiful artwork again on good cards unless its for a special set with limited supply and high MRSP
> We're stuck with unimaginative CG trash forever
Was wondering about relic since I do not see grixis death shadow using the gy much if they have deaths shadow out.
Also they always seem to have stubborn denial in hand already
here's what I've been running, sideboard plan for jund shadow is usually -4 eidolon +4 dpalm -1 lavaman +1 rest in peace -2 blaze +2 path, vs grixis shadow would keep in eidolon for all their cantrips. sideboard could easily be changed up.
mainboard is designed to have a lot of fun vs shadow decks and burn mirrors.
T2 or T3 Tasigur or Angler happens more often than you think, also stopping Snaps can be big.
Nahiri was a fad, the current meta conttol deck is UW with Spreading Seas.
I would just stick to Esper though. It's at a similar power level, it wrecks the mirror, and it's more fun.
It's really poorly positioned at the moment, bolts and helixes don't do shit and AV is really hit and miss.
This list looks particularly clunky with a jammed up 4 drop slot. This is one the the problems with the new nahiri decks, you kind of have to play more 4 drops.
It's actually not a free win. DS can just wait for you to drop the life total for them, and focus on stripping out the good parts of your deck or priming the graveyard for K command and big black fish.
Game 2 is much better however, so long as you're packing yard hate.
>Top finally banned in Legacy to kill slow play
>meanwhile Lantern is STILL legal in modern
Why hasn't this been banned? It's had a decent showing on camera and it obviously does the same thing as top so why is it still legal?
>crying about a low-tier 2 deck
Literally stop playing creatures-only aggro, fag.
Top was banned because a format-warping deck abused it. I think cb should have been hit instead because they clearly just wanted to kill miracles, but they ended up hurting a lot of interesting/fringe decks that used top to keep up with the cantrip cartel. That's not the point though. You can't call for a ban on a card unless it actually starts to warp the format. Lantern shows up in exactly ONE deck, a tier 3 one at that.
Not an argument.
>You can't call for a ban on a card unless it actually starts to warp the format
A card can still be unhealthy for format and not be warping and that alone should be a reason to ban it regardless of the decks tier.
>A card can still be unhealthy for format and not be warping
in what way? It's not like eggs which had the issue of super long turns or anything
define "unhealthy"
>define "unhealthy"
"Things that hurt my feelings"
t. user
When your opponent doesn't get to play because all they draw is lands they aren't really taking a turn.
>t. Alberto Babybosa
What are you running that folds so easily to Lantern Control? Why don't you play something else?
Not an argument
Similar to top it can result in people slow playing and presenting logistical problems in tournys.
Not good for the format as a whole and detrimental to the goals of the format.
How is it not good for the format?
What would you say are the goals of the format?
Lantern is only boring to play against if you're already playing a deck that doesn't intend to interact with your opponent. Playing against lantern with decks like skred, control, or jund can be really fun.
>We'll never get art by UDON
It was even featured in a story article magic.wizards.com
shit, I posted the full card one
>What are you running that folds so easily to Eggs? Why don't you play something else?
>Not good for the format as a whole
What is "good" for the format?
>detrimental to the goals of the format.
The format has a goal?
When someone wins on turn 4 their opponent doesn't get to play for the rest of the game either. Lantern is no different, except some retards will opt to draw lands for 5 minutes so they can cry. This is the competitive modern general, not modern weenie hut junior.
Similar to top it can result in people slow playing and presenting logistical problems in tourneys.
No it doesn't. The problem with eggs wasn't just that it was slow, it was that it was slow all in one turn. The 5 extra turns after going to time rule did not work with eggs. It works perfectly with lantern control, which has extremely quick turns once the lock is in place, and on par with the rest of the format all other times.
Back when it was a thing, I ran RUG Delver. It wasn't a great deck, but it beat the shit out of Eggs.
>Muh not an argument
Make a decent point that isn't based off your feelings and you'll get an argument.
Not an argument
I'm not comparing Lantern to eggs you retard so stop making the pointless comparison. There's a reason I used SDT as an example and not eggs.
>fast turns once the lock is down
Just because people can play fast with top doesn't mean its a fine card. Again go look at the top ban for precedent.
>how is a deck that results in slowplay similar to top not good for the format?
The slowplay reasoning from wotc was bullshit. They were just bracing for the autism apocalypse that would result when a good percentage of legacy players find out that their $2500 pile of cardboard is now unusable. What it sounds like to me is that your feefees were hurt when a lantern player found his ensnaring bridge and your timmy creatures couldn't finish him off as he assembled his lock.
>He's still trying
>results in slowplay
You're not talking about Lantern, right?
I'm sorry, that's not an argument.
>lantern players don't take 5 minutes deciding if they want you to mill a card or not
Huh, must just be the guy here.
Home-baked just for you user.
Wow, what a nice and well thought out argument addressing the points I made. You're the one that should "fuck off retard". Also not an argument.
>make a normal modern thread
>everything is fine
>make a #competitive gp winners only modern thread
>goes to shit fast
Really makes you think.
>thinking you deserve an argument
making fun of you is so much more fun
>everything is fine
The only difference between the threads is the brand new to mtg people don't come and the shitbrewers stay away for a little while until people start to troll with shitbrews.
Because "help me with my tier 14 boros angel deck" and "what basic land art do you like" are such great modern discussions. I think this guy shitting himself in anger that lantern isn't banned is a fucking ape but at least it's modern related.
>How dare he not spend his time refuting my shitty ideas!
In case you're blind, forgetful, or both, the land discussion was specifically to get away from some autist complaining about grammar in reference to trannies.
Magic > Not Magic
>y-y-you don't deserve an argument
So you can't argue against the points? Nice to see that you're as retarded as your gay little ms paint comic. Keep it up with the non-arguments though it's fucking hilarious.
>helping someone with a modern legal deck isn't modern related because the deck isn't tier 1
It's not like anyone would help with a tier 1 deck anyways, they would just say netdeck off top8 or some shit.