So the Doctor Who Roleplaying game is on Humble Bundle this month and I bought it really to just have a look. Anyway...

You're correct in your assumption that I wouldn't want to play cuck Rory
But I'd play the fuck out of Amy if you know what I mean

Honestly I'd just make it the end twist of the first session and not even bother trying to hide it long time. Player 1 is the first incarnation of himself, player 2 is freshly regenerated incarnation having the usual post regeneration stuff, player 3 is grouchy and has a grudge against 2 for some sort of past issue, and 4 just thinks it would be rude to spoil it right away.

If I did a Doctor Who game I think I'd have the players all be UNIT agents or time agents.

It doesn't have to be, only if you play it with the Doctor/Companions party format.

What I'd always intended to do that is to have the Time Lord character be a revolving door. When the Time Lord dies or the player voluntarily gives it up, they regenerate into a new incarnation played by another player, and the first player rolls up a new companion, so that eventually everyone gets a shot at it.

Also, it's an unfortunate consequence of the series writing (especially the classic series) that companions are useless most of the time, but they don't have to be. In my view, companions are best when they have legitimate skills of their own that can contribute to the group (Adric's mathematical genius, Jack's Time Agent experience, Martha's medical knowledge, etc)

Here, have a printer-friendly character sheet I made. The ones in the core rulebook have a starfield background which makes them use a shitload of ink.

In a very recent episode, Missy didn't remember what her previous incarnation did.
Probably that "wibbly wobbley timey wimey" stuff or that fixed points bullshit. I mean the Doctor knows a shitload about history, but everytime he drops some place, he doesn't know what's about to happen. Just bring the same effect.

Moffat's leaving, next season's going to be made without him. Don't know about the Christmas Special.

When I played it, all players were UNIT personnel. Sometimes the Doctor would turn up to help out.

>In a very recent episode, Missy didn't remember what her previous incarnation did.

The excuse used was something along the lines of "when our timelines converge, we won't remember it."
The same thing was used for 10 and 11 for the 50th anniversary special if I remember correctly.

>Don't know about the Christmas Special.
Christmas Special will be Chibnall
Moff is officially gone

>I'll just pass it on here and see if anyone would like to share how THEY would do this idea if running the doctor who game.
A rogue TARDIS who's camouflage circuit ISN'T broken is kidnapping those its strange eldritch consciousness deems to be "time criminals" by transforming into doors and the like.

In exchange for their eventual release, it conscripts them into "fixing the timeline" wherever it believes the timeline is "wrong."

Basically you have the DIrty Dozen, meets Suicide Squad, meets eXiles, meets Quantum Leap, with everyone pretending to be badass while all looking like silly fucking Dr Who monsters/villains.

Damn I would play the fuck out of this