How do you play a PC with this philosophy without making him grating to the other people at the table?

How do you play a PC with this philosophy without making him grating to the other people at the table?

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Ensure he keeps getting away with it, to the incredulous dismay of everyone else.

Your PC must, for the most part, see the other PCs as "strong", or else you'll be too antagonistic to the party.

Also, ham it up.

Make them a musclegirl.


By also being the weak.

>without making him grating to the other people at the table?
That kind of misses the point, doesn't it?

For real tho, why did they make Doomfist a villain?

Have him flogged by a mob of disgruntled peasants or guardsmen for his shitty attitude. He's free to espouse it, but he needs to back it up with quality as a fighter or mage, and quantity is a quality all its own.

A Roman legion isn't full of superlative master swordsmen, its full of soldiers, and they ought to suffice to put down any given martial PC with various casualties. Be as churlish as you want, but know that if you challenge an army or a town you don't face a champion or a sheriff, you face the mob. The mob is always stronger than a given man.


In your heart of hearts you already know the answer

Because otherwise they would've HAD to give Terry Crewes the VA job?

> I want to be an edgelord without offending anyone

Don't make him antagonistic. Rather, make his belief one that he thinks is true, but he doesn't necessarily like.

He thinks it's true that the weak should fear the strong, but that doesn't mean he likes this fact. He thinks it's a cruel and unjust feature of the world, but also immutable, and thus people must adapt to it or die. He doesn't see it as a justification for being an asshole to others, simply a fact of life; if someone is stronger than you, they have the actual ability to impose their will over you. Whether or not they have the RIGHT, the moral justification to do so, is irrelevant.

So, he tries to help others become stronger, and instead of offering direct aid (i.e., I'll fight off all these orcs for you), he prefers to train and educate others so that they themselves can become strong (i.e., I'll help drill you peasants into a militia so when those orcs come, you can kick their asses this time and every other time they come; you won't need me or anyone else anymore).

Make him more like a cynical yet well-intention mentor, instead of just some asshole bully. He doesn't have to be nice about it, but his goal should be to identify people he sees as weak (party members included) and try to toughen them up. Maybe he goes about it like a military drill instructor, using negative reinforcement to force someone adapt to hostile conditions and learn how to operate under severe stress. If the people he's doing this to don't understand why he's doing what he's doing, he can soften and "break character" to explain to them why he's being so tough on them. Once they understand the logic of his actions, he reverts to his drill instructor mentality.

Interesting approach, to say the least.

Because he's trying to start a global war for extinction.
Because the game doesn't have enough antagonists with only Reaper and Widowmaker.

Just because they believe something doesn't mean they have to shout it all the time, or act against everyone's interest just to do things that are "most inline" with their ideology. Just have it more subtly influence their decisions.

Also important is why they came to this conclusion. How did he develop this view?

By making this sure it's not all he talks about.

I once played a PC like that. He was an old veteran who believed that might made right, life was cruel, and only the most cunning and brutal made it on top. He ended up working with a team of young, naive adventurers looking to right the wrongs of the kingdom and save the land. Eventually they ended up becoming fairly important political figures and then moved up to basically forming their own kingdom in defiance of the corrupt current ones, with my guy serving as the loyal right hand of the party leader. In our last session, when we were fighting the BBEG (A wizard emperor kinda dude), he turned to my character and said (roughly, it happened awhile ago): "I know of you and your beliefs. Surely you understand that these fools don't stand a chance against the forces arrayed against them. Eventually, they will fall to the people more willing to commit evil for the sake of power, and the world will be like it was before. So why? Why have you stayed with these idealistic "heros", knowing that they are doomed?" My character's response was pretty simple. He just lifted up his sword and replied:

"Because I really, really want to be proven wrong."

Roadhog and Junkrat are also evil.

by making them laughably insecure about the fact that they're constantly getting their shit handed to them by random encounters

"Fear" like "God Fearing". The strong have earned the right to rule through thier proveb strength and the PC believes it is in the weak's best interests to defer to him.

He isn't mean or evil and will attempt to use logic and reason ti have others see his point, but he also isn't above being corrected, after all the weak can always become stronger with a good example to guide them.

Question; do Tracer's guns actually have bullets?

No, this isn't a question about what kind of projectiles they fire or if they're energy weapons or anything, I'm literally asking if they're even fucking loaded.
Has she actually shot anything in the animations? They spark blue and people flinch away like they've been sprayed with water but that's about it. Are they just firework guns Winston gave her to spaz out with away from him?
Because against Doomfist, a man who just broke out of jail and was shirtless mind you. Someone who wouldn't have a shield belt or anything, fucking TANKED her shots. Two machine pistols, firing at a massive, stationary target and he just looks around angrily. He doesn't pick up a car door for defense, he just sort of takes it like's he's fighting against Jubilee or something.

I'll give Genji a pass because he actually did some shit in his animated short with Hanzo, he cut an arrow in two and deflected a dragon, so sure maybe his shuriken are shit but he's still got a sword.
But I'm not convinced Tracer even has working guns by the way she fails to actually hit or injure fuck all.

Set phasers to stun.

The fight with Doomfist you see in the video happend way back. The little boy from the very first OW cinematic talks about this fight. Also Doomfist has a shield, but you can barely see it in the video.
Also its rated T and Blizzard propably doesn't want to show blood in their videos.

Assuming you're playing D&D or some other system where PCs usually wield significant personal power (and not The Call of Cthulhu or something), The Tome of Awesome pdf has some might-makes-right justifications for a PC-centered world, e.g:

"/.../ Remember: noone has written The Rights of Man. Heck, no one has even written Leviathan. The fact that survivors of an attack may appeal to the better nature of adventurers is pretty much the only recompense that our gnoll posse might fear should they simply forcibly dispossess everyone in your village. /.../

That doesn't mean that there isn't a peasant who runs around with a ring that casts charm person once a day or there isn't a minor bandit chief who happens to have a magic sword. Those guys totally exist and they may well wander the lands trying to parlay their tiny piece of asymmetric power into something more. But the vast majority of these guys don't go on to become famous adventurers or dark lords - they get their stuff taken away from them the first time they go head to head with someone with real power. Good or Evil, Lawful or Chaotic, noone wants some idiot to be running around with a ring that charms people because frankly that's the kind of dangerous and an accident waiting to happen. If you happen to be powerful and see some small fry running around with some magic your natural inclination is to take it from them. It doesn't matter what your alignment is, it doesn't matter if the guy with the wand of lightning bolt is currently "abusing" it, the fact is that if you don't take magic items away from little fish one of your enemies will. There is no right to private property. Noone owns anything, they just hold on to it until someone takes it from them."

The section "Temporal Authority in D&D" in the pdf is also a pretty good source of justifications.

They're less evil and more CN "We do what we want, because we like what we're good at." rather than true evil like Talon.

All guns in Overwatch shoot paper-machete. In one of the comics, Soldier gets point-blanked in the back with one of Reaper's shotguns and walked it off.

A handful of the characters have already figured this out, and started using melee weapons. They always wreck shop in whatever comic or short they're in.

Wait, they didn't? They just turn down an a list action hero who WANTED to do that specific character? Do they just hate success?

"The weak should fear the strong. I don't need to prove that to you, because you're weak. I will however, protect you from other strong-but-not-as-strong-as-me people, and help you to live a productive life so you can farm my food and stuff. But you're not allowed to vote or anything. Because you're weak."

Apparently he'd "steal the show".

Because he's black?

That says more about the characterization of the other characters than the actor in question.

They made him Nigerian. He's got this African Warlord sorta feel, with a rather intimidating voice.

I don't think Crews would have quite worked. Although I do hope he does something in the game. It'd be such a missed opportunity if they didn't.

>intimidating voice.
More like bored and kinda like the VA is phoning it in

What's even the point of Doomfist if he punches with the non-covered hand and his most useful tool is the shotgun?

>Your favorite Overwaifu is about to get BLACKED

I love Blizzard for the salt this will cause when Doomfist starts slamming his BBC into Mei or something.

What's even the point of Genji if he melees with his short sword and his most useful tool is the voiceline spam?

To play Little Mac in Overwatch.

Seriously. Go compare their movesets. It's downright silly.

so basically roland in books 1-3 of the dark tower

The quick melee is there for a quick, but minimal, burst of damage on a target. You can't have him use his big-ass gauntlet for that, and still have his gauntlet have the visual effect of "Real weapon that his actual damage comes from" so they used the regular fist. It's why Genji doesn't use his katana, and why Reinhardt doesn't even have a melee button.

Also his most useful tool isn't his shotgun. It's projectile, terrible at range, and if you're in range where it's decent, the better options you have are to use his big-ass gauntlet 'cause it'll still kill them, and give you a shield in the process.

Because he's black.

Try right clicking. It'll blow your mind

Terry Crews can't really do a good Nigerian accent. I'd like to see Terry play some other character, ideally an American cop-turned-superhero so we can get lots of Brooklyn Nine Nine references

But isn't Overwatch a game for girls?

I've seen a LOT of girls thirsting over Doomfist.

Also, a good number of those girls have waifus anyway. I know one who has the desktop shortcut for OW named "Shooty Lesbian Simulator

The weak should fear the strong.
The strong should protect the weak...for a price.

Have them be the protectors of those that are weak. They may be weaklings, but they're your weaklings. In exchange they will give you payment for your services which to a powerful egomaniac might come off as tribute.

It's like some weird reverse TMNT. The most efficient weapons are the least effective.


>so sure maybe his shuriken are shit but he's still got a sword.
Genji also wasn't fighting to hurt Hanzo in that short.

Like Kaito from Gaim treats children.


Zarya and Doomfist would be a cute couple, so I'm ok with this.

>not posting the edit

He was presumably fighting to hurt Doomfist though, and couldn't scratch a shirtless man.

Is he strong? If he's weak he could actually be a rather interesting character. Like a Chicken Little who's right ever so often.

To use Game of Thrones; is he The Hound or Littlefinger?

The mentality of 'The Weak should fear the Strong' isn't that of a physical caliber, but rather refers to the strength of character. Any jackass can have big biceps, huge swords, and devastating spells, but what about the person behind those things? Are they really strong, or are they cowards who use whatever gift or talent they may have to do whatever they want? This character respects and admires those who are strong where it counts. Honor, valor, honesty, mercy; traits that define a person of true worth. Those who would not show any effort or desire to be strong on the inside are worthless, and no amount of brawn or brain will change that. So this hero travels around, supporting the strong, and providing a lesson for the weak; fear the strong.


Watch them make him gay for the lulz

>destroying Omnic scum

>The mob is always stronger than a given man.
That is entirely untrue depending on the PC in question.

That's stupid, you're stupid.


The mob can consist of the guild of magical educators or regional druids' moot just as well as angry peasants. There is always some union of relatively lesser men that can overpower a given individual. It might be a coalition of kings, it might be the other PCs, but no man can fight all men.

You don't.

If they're strong, it won't bother them. If they're weak, it won't matter if it bothers them. That's kind of the point.

Be the pragmatic ruler rather than the amoral murder hobo

This. I recently. began playing a Lawful Evil Tempest Cleric in 5E from a foreign culture. Essentially he sees the trade of adventuring, which is alien to him, as the perfect means to establish the brutal doctrine of his homeland of the strong devouring the weak. He's also a raging drunk who makes uncomfortable references to his ritual castration and generally thinks the other PCs are awesome strong boys, and treats the Lawful Good PCs as lovable buffoons who will come around to his way of thinking eventually.

No matter how hard I squint, I can't see where you explain how that is stupid. Please don't type with a font size of 1 next time.

Honestly this. Players can debate philosophy with in the group all day but they still need to respect the rest of the group. Or else why would he even be there?

It obviously refers to power and the possession thereof. It may be using the other, more ancient definition of fear (worship/respect).

Make him weak

He fears the rest of the party and offers to give them his share of the loot and suck their dicks if they even so much as look at him funny

I'm sitill salty about that. Terry Crews would have been perfect

Play a Lawful Good fascist with lots of charisma. The weak should fear the strong, but that doesn't mean they should hate them.

Crews's Old Spice voice doesn't fit the philosopher-king angle that Doomfist is going for

No fucking way TC would have fit, if Doomfist was a hero then maybe but not if he's an edgy villain.

Such a great comic.

This here. Or that he sees potential in them. So he acts like a personal trainer towards them.

>What you spared this orks life? Now make 20 situps and bite this bat heads off!!

The other players will probably be roughly as powerful as you, anyways. So it shouldn't be a problem.

Subservience. You don't always need to kill them, but they need to still fear you. Essentially read The Prince and then listen to it.

They defeated that orc. That orcs life is to do with as they please.

I think there has to be some sort of personal shielding technology going on.

The way Doomfist just stands in the dual future-time Uzi fire and shrugs it off is ridiculous otherwise.

I maintain that he could be written as an anti-hero of sorts. Kind of a chaotic neutral kind of guy. I think that would fit him a ton better (as well as get him in the game!)

>Come along now my friends. We have innocents to kill and walking orc corpses to plunder!
>Did I mention? I have no balls!
>Now, AWAY!

Tracer a shit, she deserves to be bullied


Make him a cute girl

I love you.

ALIVE! With their lives on the line!

You can't.

All I wanted was to hear Doomfist scream "POWEEEEEEEEEEEEER!" while doing his rocket punch. Was that too much to ask for?

Make him discuss philosophy while talking like a professional wrestler.

The first 2 stanzas of this are basically my outlook on real life.

So basically a right-winger.

>"tries to help others"

The kind of people who care about that are the kind of people who wouldn't have a Chinese waifu in the first place.

>shoot paper-machete
Summer cannot end fast enough.

If either of you happen to be curious about where I get most of my inspiration for playing him, pop on over to pg. 172 of this:

Symmetra is evil by proxy too.