Mtg Lore thread

"Samut goes to theros and has a tantrum" edition

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Phyrexia cannot come back soon enough

How bad do you think wizards can fuck it up, lore and gameplay wise? Im hoping the set is pretty powerful when it comes around.

If Garfield does it it should be fine.

Is this going to be an actual lore thread or is this going to be another muh we waz kangz degenerate whine thread like yesterday?

Dominaria is coming back, surprisingly it's not all Slivers, it's barely any Slivers at all, it's mostly just fags and dinosaurs.

Ixalan is not the dominaria set

>Gatewatch is gone
>Phyrexia begins to expand unopposed
>Return to Theros ends in a Phyrexian invasion and the plane being compleated

I'm ready for "Legendary artifact enchantment creature - Praetor God"

Make it 5 color and we're set

Legendary artifact enchantment creature planeswalker

make it 5 color in Phyrexian mana

And it can Transform


Phyrexians for the most part have never been artifacts

It should be the next Conspiracy set.

>Narset sparks but doesn't go anywhere because books
>Samut sparks but goes immediately back because muh goddess
>Nissa sparks, does a retcon and goes immediately home because muh plane
why does wotc keep making planeswalkers that don't fucking planeswalk? what's the goddamn point?

Because Phyrexia is going to bring the party to them.

Because they're making Planeswalkers backwards. They need to either:

A) Introduce new walkers that are on the current plane because it was their first jump or something. Make it do they jumped and have either adapted to their new plane or are working on it. They can make them special by making them stand out just enough.

B) Have this special character they want to make a Walker just fucking leave right at a critical moment. Imagine how much better the story would have been if Samut was just gone with everyone just sort of standing there, and she doesn't just return instantly.

Honestly, I'm just sick of there always needing to be a new Walker from wherever we are. The whole point of walkers is that THEY CAN BE USED ON ANY PLANE. We have like 40 Planeswalkers that we could explore, but instead we keep getting new ones we'll never see again. What if we replaced Samut with Narset? She could have literally done everything plot related that Samut did.

The transformed side has the Kamigawa flip mechanic.

Nono, the front side is a Kamigawa flip.
The back side is a meld.


Except none of them is an explorer. None of them has a purpose jumping from place to place. Dack does, as a thief. Kiora does, dealing with her want for bigger summons and more power apparently. As does everyone in Tamiyo's circle(I swear they're the ones in story making the Planeswalker's guides). You're just not going to see an explorer Planeswalker pop up in every single set. The closest we've seen to that lately was Jace on Innistrad.

I hope we see Domri or some other newbie who just wants to explore the planes, but that kind of meandering exploration isn't in the cards. It's in the artbooks.

Did someone every update this?

Know what would be smart? Have new walkers who are from a future set. Could you imagine having an Ixilan walker hanging out with Kari Zev? Or Sharkan running into an Amonkhet walker still loyal to the God- Pharaoh while doing his thing in Tarkir?

*smacks lips

What needs updating? Sorrin got stoned, Nahiri turned out to be a psyco bitch, Samut joins Domri in the 'Why do you exist' tier, Tamiyo turned out to know about both Eldrazi and moons, and did the Milf-wolf do anything or she another G/R walker who was just kinda there?

Replace "Should have listened to Sorin" tier with "Trying to make as many bad decisions as Urza" tier

>the other meld is an instant that only melds into the mega creature if you manage to exile the spell and recast the card from exile

Obby needs to be upgraded out of shit tier. I'd put him in bro tier, but he's at least ok teir after wreaking the gatewatch's shit the way he did.

Could they do a non-canon "What if" set where they show what would happen if oil was placed on certain planes? The cards would show how the oil proliferates and how the plane reacts to the problem.

If you were suddenly flung to the middle of somewhere, the first thing you would probably do is find out if you can get back and not catch too many details of the place.
Besides, there may be business one needs to attend.

>not Bro-tier
>same level as Chandra




>Could they do a non-canon "What if" set
I'd love that. Doesn't even have to involve Phyrexia. You could do things like "What if the Eldrazi landed in Ravnica" or "What if Yawgmoth actually won"

Maybe they didn't like that garbage Phyrexia book and Koth isn't written well?

Only nuwalker with a cannon and decent book as appose to ensomble web blogs or discontinued web/paper comics.

Maybe this was done before we had anything other than, "I showed up in Innistrad and studied a moon"?

My guesses.


>gains planeswalking powers
ugh again?

>Dack 2nd best thief in the multiverse
Who's #1?

Kiora for stealing Thassa's bident, presumably.

This is one of the best ideas I've heard in years, actually.

didnt they do that with fate reforged? Taking everyones favorite tarkirr tribes and turning them into 2 color boring dragon worshiping tribes

and a living ugin, that didnt help with the eldrazi, or bolas

DTK actually, FRF was a look at the past of the Khans when dragons were around

thanks Poindexter

point still stands with time travel is just another way to express another reality, the whole different yet same.

So, a non-canon Time Spiral?

A proud, independent phyrexian of color who doesn't need no man

Phyrexia will basically be Tyranids but colored and slivers.

All Gold.

That Tier List off base though. No base Gatewatchers should be above OK tier.

This is just good ol' hubris
>Be given the power to see the vast realities beyond your own
>Waste it dying to defend something that will just be destroyed in a few millenia anyway

All the return home ones are small minded and can't conceive a world beyond their own little corner that could be better. It's just like those kids from highschool who stayed in their home towns and never did anything but thought they'd found everything.

>a proud, colorless woman who don't need no mana
>only mana symbols are colorless Phyrexian mana
>spoopy waifu like Norn or Sheoldred

Please Wizards! I'll keep buying your dumb underpowered cards if you do his one thing for me.

Eldrazi versus Phyrexia?

That'd be cool.

Phyrexia confirmed to win that fight

>A non canon set where Mishra wins the Brother's War

Any they don't need to justify the cards. Alternate realities existed in Time Spiral, and the first two Tarkir sets are "nonexistent" because the time travel, so fuck it. Give us fun!

Just Khans.
Fate Reforged still happened since that was the 'here's what's going on right before Ugin bites it' set

>what is future sight


Is Elspeth stuck on Theros as a returned, or can she still planeswalk?

I was under the impression someone had to almost die for their spark to ignite, am i wrong?

>Honestly, I'm just sick of there always needing to be a new Walker from wherever we are. The whole point of walkers is that THEY CAN BE USED ON ANY PLANE. We have like 40 Planeswalkers that we could explore, but instead we keep getting new ones we'll never see again. What if we replaced Samut with Narset? She could have literally done everything plot related that Samut did.

This, but unfortunately we're on the minority. I guess this magical thing WotC has called "Market Research" says we need new planeswalkers every set. Besides, MTG lore is not character driven, it's setting driven so I guess it works? I dunno, we'll see now that the Jacetice League is no more.

I think he's confusing Ixalan, which is the next block, with Dominaria which will be the set after Rivals of Ixalan, and also the first set in the new Set format which is 4 big sets a year, no more small sets.

Dominaria will probably focus on Liliana given she's one of two current Planeswalkers from there if you include Bolas.

yes. it's always been about a heightened emotional state. pain is one way. bliss is another.

iirc sarkhan sparked off of the high of killing an enemy commander in battle.

>4 big sets a year

No more blocks? So one year each set could be a different plane and the next year is a 4 set long adventure for a single plane?

while channeling a dragon ghost

So sarkhan had a killing orgasm while a dragon host penetrated his soul? Thats hot

The spark ignites during any moment of heightened and extreme emotions. Severe trauma and life-threatening injuries are just the most common variety.

No blocks of now. I should also mention one of those sets will be a Core Set, where reprints will be focused.

Mostly correct (since one set's a core set), but they could well stay on a plane past said core set if for whatever reason they felt like doing so.
I'm guessing we'll mostly see a single set plane and one two set plane between each core set, with the occasional three-plane being next most common and the three-set plane being the rarest.

I want to speak Phyrexian.

You mean "nuMTG lore thread." This thread has nothing to do with the actual good lore, which is understandable since none has been printed for more than a decade.

Phyrexia is never coming back.

Unless you mean nuPhyrexia, which is an embarrassment to the name and should stay gone forever.

>Unless you mean nuPhyrexia, which is an embarrassment to the name and should stay gone forever.

Jesus Christ, user.

Nu Phyrexia is fine. At least there was SOME lore, and the whole philosophical approach to the colours/fractions was masterful compared to what we get now. I also appreciate the updated edgelord robot thing they have going on. It's neat and elesh norn is a cute. A cute I tell you!

>Time Spiral was one of the most acclaimed blocks ever
>WOTC refuses to ever do that format ever again because they hate money

Literally meant to be unspeakable by vocal cords

>yfw Gix returns and becomes the new Father of Machines

That's not Yawgmoth.

You're right.

The Raven Man is.

I fucking wish.

nahiri did nothing wrong and sorin dropped her in a cell full of demons for no reason

While she was a bit irrational, emotional and prone to violence, Sorin was still in the wrong by refusing to even apologize for not assisting with the defense of Zendikar. Then when she lashed at him, his response was the 'mercy' of imprisoning her in the Helvault for as long as it would exist.

Everything that happened after she emerged from the Helvault was her own goddamn fault and makes her the worse person out of the two of them by far though.

She's gone fully off the deep end but it's all Sorin's fault. I hope Sorin puts her down like he put down Avacyn and feels like total shit for the rest of his immortal life for being the reason his creation and his pupil went insane. This whole situation never happens if he goes to Zendikar for 24 hours.

They were both jerks which is what made soi story so fun for me. A horrible person doing awful things to another horrible person. And the awful thing being unleashing the biggest motherfucker in the multiverse right in front of Sorin's doorstep.

You cant planeswalk when you die because soul becomes seperated from body, and the spark lies in the soul. We know this is still the case on theros as since eidolons are wandering souls and bodies are shipped to the underworld. So no, she cant walk. I also believe the underworld on Theros has additional planeswalking safeguards to prevent it, though I may just be thinking of Nyx.

Except they're not doing it again because they LOST money on it.
As great as it was, it was objectively bad for them in the way that matters the most - financially. Doesn't matter that it played great and that everyone who wasn't brand new loved it to pieces (and even some of the people who WERE brand new), the fact that newbies and casuals were confused as shit hurt their bottom line enough to be a noticeable drop in profits - and you DON'T want that to ever happen when Big Brother Hasbro is always looking over your shoulder and only cares about cold hard cash.

Eidolons only happen when someone puts on their mask to become a Returned - soul and body stay together until then in the Underworld in Theros. And yes, like Nyx one can't planeswalk to or from the Underworld because of how it's situated.
She's currently not a Returned. She made a mask, but she didn't put it on - instead staying in the Underworld.

Hey douchebags, Nahiri didn't create Emrakul, just merely pulled her away from zendikar. Just because Emrakul decided to fuck up sorin's little man cave instead of zendikar doesn't make Nahiri evil.

>Just because Emrakul decided to fuck up sorin's little man cave instead of zendikar doesn't make Nahiri evil.
>Implying that Nahiri deliberately pulling an eldritch horror she knew would destroy his plane and more doesn't make her evil
You're a fucking faggot. If you want to fellate Nahiri, go ahead, but don't try and lie to everyone about it.

Emrakul is gonna fuck up everything she sees and when she finishes, is gonna move on to the next plane. Nahiri made the tactical decision to save her plane and get a little justice at the same time. Just because you want to suck sorin's 3 incher doesn't make Nahiri evil.

>Gotta get back! Back to the past!
Samut-rai Jack!

Was Mishra a planeswalker like Urza, or was this before either of them sparked?

>how much better the story would have been if Samut was just gone
full stop

Mishra was corrupted into a phyrexian, and Urza was forced to kill him before Urza sparked himself.
t. person who just finished the book, shit was cash yo

Hating New Phyrexia is the line between being a grognard and a connoisseur of an MTG lore.

When you're ready to actually debate this, let me know. Zendikar was already saved by the time of Shadows, so your argument is invalid. Besides, you're the last person who should be arguing about dicks when Nahiri can craft the strongest dildo in the multiverse and fuck you with it. Faggot.

>Zendikar was already saved by the time of Shadows
Did you even read the story? Nahiri escaped the vault and saw the eldrazi rampaging before Shadows started, and started pulling Emrakul away long before gideon and the girls saved zendikar. It's even likely that her pulling emmy away from zendikar is what allowed the planeswalkers to be able to save zendikar since they only had to deal with 2 titans instead of three.

Even then two titans required a insane plane to beat because Kozilek litereally hid in Sea Gate for the longest time before bursting Ulamog out. They probably did think that Emmy was possibly present because they said that Emrakul hasn't been seen for months.

It doesn't matter what they think, it matters what they can handle. They were barely able to handle two titans, if emmy had been there they would have been fucked. Let's be fair here, they should have been fucked anyway since wotc sucks at writing nowadays.

Either way, Nahiri actually saved zendikar and even managed to make innistrad more interesting since a john carpenter movie is much more interesting then night of the living dead reruns.

They weren't able to deal with emmy on innistrad as well Until Emrakul wised up, and even then Emrakul is able to talk directly to Nissa to lead her to the tentacle side.

The titans were only defeated because the Plane was alive, mana filled, and able to use the mana to destroy them.

And if Emmy was on zendikar with no moon to seal her, zendikar would have been destroyed.

Nahiri saved zendikar.

How come we have magic lore threads and no magic anti-lore threads?

Lorewise they'll fail by focusing too much on the Gatewatch. Rather than getting to witness the weirdness of the New Phyrexja we'll have to sit through Jace and buddies liberating the Vulshok. It won't have the potential of being a cool story that explores new territory like the old ones did either. No separating Vulshok territories from Phyrexia and melding it with another plane. No bringing the Vulshok to a foreign plane to let them build a new society. No, because this is the new age of storytelling where everything has to be neatly tied up by the end of the block and planes need to be separated from one another so that people aren't confused.

Fucking horseshoe really. Fuck the Creative team. I hope they all die in a ditch.

Even if we ignore the fluff and all the old artifacts named Phyrexian something, New Phyrexia says hi.

That would require the Creative Team to actually put in effort to their work and is therefore out of the question.

It won't. Phyrexia, Yawgmoth, and that entire story arc came close to killing the entire game, to the point where Maro is still eternally salty and bitchy about how Hasbro/Wizards literally brought somebody else in to fix all his rampant masturbation over it and close it out ASAP so they'd save the story. The Phyrexiafags need to get it through their heads that Phyrexia is over and done. Finished. Salivating at nuPhyrexia is just going to lead them to tears of bitter moaning and bitchy disappointment. Not that I'd mind laughing at them normally, but it shits up threads harder than /pol/.

Right now tumblr is shitting up threads about as hard, if not worse than, /pol/ by constantly complaining about /pol/. It's like the clash of the autists was going on right here.

>phyrexians meld all the gods in one omnipotent, omniscent deity-weapon that can rival oldwalkers in power

Discussing the lore in a way you don't like is still discussing the lore you whiny little bitch boy.