Playing on Veeky Forums

Are any kind of roleplays allowed on this board anymore?
Even if run as mechanical tests of homebrews and shit?

Roleplays I do believe are allowed, threads like that happen a lot. I'm also pretty sure mechanical tests would be acceptable. What is not acceptable are quests or what are essentially text adventures, that's been moved to /qst/

The "NO FUN ALLOWED" is strong these days.

Manchildren screaming like banshees roam, looking for weak-willed mods to appease their fickle desires.

Tread carefully, I hear their squeals even now.

Why is everyone who says "weak-willed" such a colossal faggot?

They are here!

Flee! Flee!

Run until exhaustion drives you to unconsciousness. Dulled senses are the only defense from their wails.


All I know is a session of Everyone is John was exiled to /qst/

And threads like this is why Qst was such a BAD idea.

You have a reasonable chance of your thread being moved. And a good chance of it just being deleted due to 'quest like tendencies' if you allow the subject to move outside of the mechanics.

>someone wants to start a quest thread
>it's not allowed on Veeky Forums
>"this is why /qst/ was a bad idea, now quests aren't allowed here!"

Wow, almost as if this was the intended result.

No, games are not allowed on Veeky Forums.

jesus christ you fucking autist. We are not playing rpgs now, can you talk like a normal fucking human being?

This type of cringy shouting happens also irl, and is the reason why everyone who does it is a virgin fat loser. Just stop shouting rpg memes for like 5 min and everyone can maybe spend time around you.

Disclaimer: I know where I am. I just hate it when people think that typing out "Flee! Flee!" is not cringy, not to mention even remotely funny. Just shut up, jesus.

Why is it everyone on this site either act's like a complete fool, or acts like someone's pissed in their cheerios?

You might get away with a fecht thread or two

You called?

What is it though?

An inability to type in the English language.

I get the joke but shouldn't it be "Jesus Christ, you fucking autist" to make it?

I remember the good old times, when people were half-expected to LARP in the board most related to RPGS as a means to make an argument in a comical format... Good times.

>Are any kind of roleplays allowed on this board anymore?
>Even if run as mechanical tests of homebrews and shit?
I asked this question a few months ago and the answer I got was "have to do it on /qst/", which is fucking retarded because this board is where all the people who understand RPGs congregate.

>And threads like this is why Qst was such a BAD idea.

>being this booty blasted

So, it might be worth a try, but chances are you'll just get fucked?

Or just do it on /qst/ and be fine.

Do they know anything about game mechanics there?

People like you are the reason Veeky Forums is dying.

Yes. Despite what some people here will tell you, most quests used some kind of game system with dice. Often rules lite, but not always.

there are 3 I can name

Galactic federation, very welcoming just no MARY SUES or MARTY STUES. quite often theres that one bastard who joins says


and leaves. happens almost everyday

field kit inspection: still pretty nice but you need to know your 40k and if there are rolls neded DONT PLUS ANYTHING TO IT, can be heretical and multiple chars are encouraged. happens on the weekends

and there is a new one imperial navy. I haven't played that one at all.


What do you want to try? If its not a reoccurring, OP-centric wankfest then it can survive here. Otherwise, >>/qst/

A text adventure with mechanics is basically what any TTRPG run on Veeky Forums will look like.

The GM has to describe what's going on and offer choices to the players due to the format of the board.

Can't they just give a free choice, and pick on what's popular?

/qst/ isn't actually about quests anymore. Most of the questfags from Veeky Forums seem to have abandoned it.

It's where five or six people go to post /b/ content outside of /b/.

Why do you think that is?

Well, yeah, though that's still pretty much a text adventure.

Anonymous boards are a shitty medium for text RP anyway.

Been thinking about making a light-ish game, want to check the soundness of some of the basic mechanics.
Thought that I could throw those on a pdf, maybe make a simple character on another, and run a short scenario for that character on chan, see how the stuff holds up, and maybe get some feedback on my own retardation.

Dunno if it's still that case, but at launch it was apparently designed in a way that made running long-term games with multiple chapters extremely difficult.

A lot of the old people running quests finished theirs and left, and because nobody pays attention to the obscure boards, there's not many people replacing them.

Yeah, people would be up for it. Ill keep an eye out. Rules light is my jam, Ill playtest the shit out of that.

Though, I'll probably have the bare basic mechanics in, was thinking of then refining them, maybe do another small scenario here and tacking on more and more of other stuff I have planned.

Well, just make sure whatever you run is more informative than just discussing it.

Roleplays are still allowed on Veeky Forums.

Quest threads and quest generals are not.

If you start a thread with an idea or topic that is, "Here's my idea for a session of role-playing. This is the exposition. Here's the first interaction. Use the roll function of the board, and tell me the option you'd like to select, and we will continue in this fashion from there. The only point of this thread existing is for the user's who take part in them to play a role-playing session during the thread; there is no discussion about games, development, or playing. about rules, design, or even the process of role-playing itself; it is simply anons using this thread to role-play my story," you've made a quest thread.

If you start a thread that is, "Here's this game I've designed. Here's a PDF. Would you anons mind helping me test it here, using the functions of the board?" you have not made a quest thread. If role-playing develops in such a thread (which is unlikely), it's still acceptable.

If you start a thread about literally anything else Veeky Forums related, such as: discussing a certain game, discussing certain components of table-top like modeling and painting, discussing the direction of the industry, sharing art the intended use of which is to enhance a table-top game like character portraits, backgrounds, and inspirationals, or complaining about the people who play these games, and role-playing naturally develops within a single thread (which is, again, unlikely) that's okay, and not a quest thread.

If you are wondering why quests are non grata, it's because quest threads were so rampant that new threads would be made and abandoned and the same thread/general remade at alarming rates, frequently before the old thread hit a bump limit or fell off the board. This was negatively affecting all of the other content on the board (including the well-populated and maintained quests like Joker), so they got their own board, which promptly failed because quests are shit.

Actual role playing games with mechanics and such are /qst/ material.

Veeky Forums allows freeform roleplaying where you, like, actually post as a fictional person who is communicating somehow in text. See the Galactic Federation things.

And Joker died because of that shit, apparently never to have a conclusion.

You are a boring and humorless person, and knowing you in person must be a tragedy.

drama club meetings are wednesday

I almost fully agree with this post except for the very end. I don't really think /qst/ failed, there's a ton of good stuff on there and many quests have hundreds and hundreds of responses and sequels, etc.

I think the boycott by Veeky Forums quest writers during the initial months of /qst/ certainly did no favors for board health, but that's in the past.

No. /qst/ exists as containment for quests, CYOAs, and the like.

>Most of the questfags from Veeky Forums seem to have abandoned it.
>A lot of the old people running quests finished theirs and left, and because nobody pays attention to the obscure boards, there's not many people replacing them.

And nothing of value was lost. /qst/ worked as designed; it killed off the quests and made Veeky Forums welcoming to non-questfags again.

>welcoming to non-questfags
The only people who wouldn't feel welcome are the kind of people who can only use the front page and don't know how filters work.

And the award for least self aware post of all time goes to...

user, for his heartwarming rendition of 'fun-hating autist gets mad at people being quirky on an anonymous imageboard'

Step right on up and claim your award, user, you deserve it. Bravo, bravo.

Ease off, mate. Let a man be goofy from time to time. He ain't Yeezy but he can still play with words recreationally of he likes.

Not in the sense that Veeky Forums uses the word. As far as I know, it's mostly porn boards that call quests that. But what Veeky Forums calls by that name remains here.

That sounds like the sort of thing that would work well in sup/tg/. Does that even still exist? If not, I'm sure there's a discord of something. But I've found that formats like that better suit actual games than does running directly on the board.

>It's where five or six people go to post /b/ content outside of /b/.
So literally quests when they were still on Veeky Forums?