It’s about to be Christmas, and I want to play Santa Claus. I’m going to give out .5 BTC to 10 different anons...

It’s about to be Christmas, and I want to play Santa Claus. I’m going to give out .5 BTC to 10 different anons. Post something that makes me laugh, makes me think, just something that makes me like you. Also post your wallet.

Other urls found in this thread:

Merry Christmas.

Pug life Xmas Edition

Ty user


Merry Christmas!

Normies are literally going out of their ways to buy this shit. Get rekt, BZC is the only one they'll buy for fun.

Merry Christmas, kind user. Maybe you can help a father to be kick of a college fund?


You will never be able to cash out, Merry Christmas user.




i would love that. im so pathetic this year that i wasn't even invited to this brainlet party


Hi op


I have something of value to trade, 9/11 was an outside job.


merry xmas user

plz accept my lowly trump stunner


Merry christmas

What is santa caluse's nationality?
North Polish


Merry Christmas
Im just comfy this Christmas with family, friends, and Texas beer.

Remember other anons if you win pay it forward to other anons.


Reported. Merry Christmas, retard.

MFW I went all in on BCH at 9K

Pls user



Reported and saged

I made this gif about 3 months ago, took me like 4 hours, but it is my finest piece.


Merry Christmas!

You've pulled a cracker.


Hahaha enjoy your ban santa



i'll put it all into dogecoin


merry christmas

Merry Christmas!


Only God knows when you'll die
Just like only God knew when you came to this world
Merry christmas


Sent to both. Merry Christmas!! Ho ho ho!!

dis pretty good senpai. mind if i save?

Daddy trump wants your gains




My the beach be with you this Xmas eve op


What gets wetter,
as it drys?

If I weren’t full of shit, id send to you. Good work.

You can't take it all with you when you die, but who says you can't be buried with your lambo?


My gay brother in-law just made Xmas eve snackies sorry awkward by walking into the bathroom while my other, homophobic brother in law was pissing.

Too drunk to post a link to my wallet but I thought I should spread some Xmas cheer regardless.

Damn, OP. You could have at least teased it a little longer lol

Have at it my friend, I love seeing other people use my work. I also created this little gem a few months ago and I've noticed several people using it for the past 3 days, although they all use the smaller version of it.

With how fast BTC transactions are, it’s be obvious within mere seconds.


Merry Christmas user

We all get banned

My true gift - get you off of Veeky Forums during Christmas.

It's all good man, I didn't really expect you to.

One of the most fascinating documentaries I have ever seen, check it out.


Hello Opie Merry Christmas I have a huge migraine rn and can't do nothing but wait it Lough. Attached demonstrates my last couple of days trading but I ain't mad.


Don't worry, women aren't worth it anyway.



op if this amuses you please donate your bitcoins to a worthy charity of your choice. maybe something that helps kittens or children. ideally some smaller organization that is goign to be surprised and shocked at so much money coming in at christmas. maybe they're able to afford surgeries for dozens of cats or life saving medication for some brown children or something. it's all good.

apparantly this is the first usage of the word hodl, and it describes the philosphy of hodling


How I stay motivated while playing League :)

Oh, how I hope this isn't fake. Oldfag here. I got laid off from my job of 4 years. My last day was this past Friday. Yup, right before the holidays. It was hard telling my wife who also works, as we have a one year old. I have been saving with my buddy to finally start our business that we had been talking about for years and had completely planned out. A half a bitcoin would send me that much further and would actually make this shitty Christmas an amazing one. Not something funny (well maybe to some people) but that's my story.


Merry Christmas user!

Here's a classic that I've enjoyed since childhood:


Mods, shut this thread down. user never delivers.

Ps 1KFefgr3N8TuA4AcQuHPdXTwmfZND43A43

i jack off with sandpaper

SAGE this shit before Veeky Forums turns to canc- wait..

Well, ya know, I don't really tell jokes. I... I like to tell stories from my life and let the humor flow organically from everyday situations. A-hem. Yeah, my aunt Frieda was a real card. She always had the most wonderful spirit, even when her mind started to go. I remember once, she wrote a letter to my uncle Tom from whom she'd been divorced for several years. And in the letter, she'd misspelled his name T-O-M-M. And I said, "Frieda, you've spelled Tom's name wrong. You need to take out one of the M's." And she said, "Which one?"



merry christmas ya filthy animal

what did he mean by this?

WOW! 13.735,26
wonder which shitcoins im gonna buy with my 12.428,72
Gonna all in 11.009,31 into mcaffes next shill!
NVM i bought Linky Stinkys for 8731,72



For you, a script pitch.

"Crypto Cuck" ~ A coming of age story involving a young Veeky Forums kid entrusted with a Russia mob member's small fortune after they discover his ability to acquire gainz through cryptocurrency investments and day trading. Under this added pressure our hero manages to lose it all in a series of high stakes investments. Now without a bankroll to reinvest, he must enter the grimy world of cryptocurrency fueled cam modeling on the blockchain in an effort to regain the mob's lost money.

The catch? He's a boy. Will he pass as a girl and rise to the top of the CryptoDrag race by shaking it for some obscure ETH based tokens? Or will the Russian mob end up having to mail him enough anthrax to kill a small village. Find out in Crypto Cuck. Showing in select theaters January 2018.

I was in an airport bathroom once droppin' down and some seriously mean farts start bellowing out. Satan's trumpet calls, real partystarters, and as I'm the only dude in this massive bathroom I'm just lettin' em fly. After a few go past there's a break and a little kid comes in by himself and I see his shoes walk past me under the stall door. He goes over by where the urinals are and here comes another one, bap bam bow, like my ass is taking tuba lessons. And the kid, he doesn't react. To the first one. Two more big farts and he's laughing so loud it's echoing, and I can't help it, so now I start laughing, which of course makes me fart even more. So me, a grown man, and this kid, are just cackling in an airport bathroom as I blast elephant calls. Literally the most positive pooping experience of my life, and I wish it was always like this.


take this


I don't want any Bitcoin, just hopefully make you laugh. Merry Xmas anons here to many moon in 2018

Bitcoins fucking my ass

Lies, first guy didn't even post an address. Fuck off OP

We've been had!!!

Merry Christmas OP!

An oldie but a goodie

Hey Richboyeslim.

My mates and I love the short shitty cartoon Ive pasted. Called the Mike Nolan Show.

I have some shitty Tinder pickup lines for you rather than jokes:

- I can blow air in your asshole and make your ears wiggle



Is my address, however I dont desperately need it since I have enough to live off and buy food/shelter etc, however if you are offering and just super rich, it would be awesome.

Im trying to start a company and I guess most of the funds if you send them, would go toward that. If I end up making the product somehow Il be sure to send you some/one.

Thanks mate!

Well user, I know the odds are slim, but life is about taking chances, isn't it? I mean really, what are we but the dust of stars, drifting through the universe on a fractal path that none of us will ever be able to appreciate. It could make a person feel small, but really, why not revel in the fact that, for the briefest of moments, we are alive.

Merry Christmas to you all, anons. If you don't celebrate, then Happy Holidays. If you hate the season, then hooray for the days getting longer. May 2018 bring us all the peace of mind we deserve.


Me: "Hey dad, can I have 1 BTC for Christmas?"
Dad: "Jesus Christ, it costs $15,560 for one of these?!... I can't pay $13,498 for this shit"


... in the time the dad finished his sentence, BTC dropped 13% :D

I got nothing, but I will totally suggest you read "The Game is Life"by Terry Schott.

Actually everyone should, it's good stuff.



the discovery channel is looking at my family for doing an offgrid tv show and i am going to secretly push almost all of that money into crypto.
Veeky Forums has warped me.

Merry Christmas user.

Ill leave my personal favorite quote.

"We judge others by their worst outcomes, but ourselves by our best intentions."

I think it really helps me stay grounded.

Oh, and: 1PqnHGCyucd6x7uR5su7GrUnSypURhY44W

Merry Christmas, OP


Alright I got jokes.

What's the difference between a chick pea and a lentil? I wouldn't pay a hundred bucks to have a lentil on my face.

Why couldn't the bicycle finish the race? It was too tired.

Why couldn't Micheal Jackson finish the race? He was always coming in a little behind.

Merry Christmas guys.


You have never stepped in the sunlight. Your feet cast a shadow so you are always stepping in shadow.


Tomorrow i get to meet my super Christian girlfriends super Christian parents, all they know is I'm not Christian 6 years older and i gave her genital herpes (type 1 from my mouth actually but i don't think I'll earn brownie points for mentioning i at least go down on her)

So if you could spare a bit of coin for a man who's gonna have an awkward Christmas dinner (at noon...)
I Would gladly appreciate it.

Pic related my families metal Christmas tree, notice the subtle differences.

Deposit sympathy tokens here.


I don’t wanna fuckin go to church mom Jesus is probably in heaven rn shilling cryptos I gotta keep up u bitch

Also isn’t it dope that Jesus has a birthday on Christmas?


What did the Homeless guy get for Christmas?

Really hungry.



Merry xmas

17LDUknU4VAwJJdr BqwpqDnWm3SaXykwCr i would lve to buy some decent gifta for my family

What do you get when you cross a rhetorical question and a joke?

... Merry Christmas user.


Happy holidays.


I banged a girl in the ass, and then she told me she had cancer, then i had to fuck her four more times and i couldnt nut cause i was turned off cause cancer.



What is the color you see as red and the color I see as red are different and you actually see what I think to be blue, but you have always been told that color is red...


Merry Christmas user.


how do u fit 20 babies into a bath tub?
you blend them

My trading experience so far is perfectly captured from 23:00-32:00.

user, what a kind heart you have. You should spend less time on this website before it ruins it :)

Happy holidays. Keep your chin up in 2018 even if you have to break your neck to do so.

Oh yeah --- 1KCbtpoy7ywt7XKNAKghjWP37SvmcsZujf

Enjoy life with good friends while it last...


Now soemthing to make you think

There are about 6.5 million Finns if you count emigrants as well. About 5.5 million of them live in Finland. That means that out of 7,15 billion humans, Finns make up 0,092%. And in the other way, 99.9% of the planet are not Finns! These stats are taken from Government censuses. Even the best government censuses have a margin of error of at least 1%, meaning that Finns make up 0,092% of the planet, plus or minus one percent So my conclusion of this is, that there is 50/50 chance Finland does not exist!

17LDUknU4VAwJJdr BqwpqDnWm3SaXykwCr if you like it please share some love!

I tell you what. You send me 1/2 a BTC and I will take it, go to the orphanage with a carload of presents, fill out the paperwork to adopt a kid, then not take him home, tear up the paperwork, and play with the toys in the yard of said orphanage while the kid weeps uncontrollably.



I dated this chick back in high school with epilepsy. We were fucking and she all of a sudden slumped over on top of me and started violently shaking. I felt my flacid dick start rattling around limply inside her shaking vagina. I had to call my dad upstairs, get her unconscious body all dressed before her dad arrived to pick her up.

If you send I'll do 500 situps in your honor.

I am a poor neet trying to get into photography and gear is very expensive, half a bitcoin would be life changing for me right now.

i won't let you down op



You get what you get and you don't get upset!

Merry Christmas, OP!

Merry Christmas OP
I dont have much to offer, and by this point it is more like begging, but Im an international student from venezuela struggling to pay rent and tuition in canada, being one of the selected anons would pretty much be a miracle to me. I would forever be grateful. Bless people like you. Merry christmas