What would be some good privileges for nobles?

What would be some good privileges for nobles?

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Like, the right to wear certain colours and eat certain meats, sure. that is very historical, kind of boring though.

getting money from taxes? owning land? first night? having the privilage of being judged by peers?

The right to hold, buy and sell important offices, military ranks, etc. The right to collect special taxes. The right to be judged only by the king himself.

>first night?
Cant resist the urge to history-sperg!
First night was never a thing. But there are lots of references to "our barbaric neighbors" practicing it. which I find highly amusing.

the right to chainsaw

Just like syphilis was always named 'disease from our neighbors'. It's really amusing.

Cool, is that just on Wikipedia or do you have a preferred book on the subject?

Oh sorry, I never remember these things.
So don't consider me credible. go out and read!

i saw somewhere about that certain social ranks had different coverings for beds based on social status, such as sqirrel fur and so forth

Not him, but it seems like it was made up by 19th century historians to make the "Dark" ages seem less enlightened.

Alain Boureau, The Lord's First Night: The Myth of the Droit de Cuissage (University of Chicago, 1998) is a book talking about it.

One I can think of is, in addition to taxing the peasants on their land, the peasants had to give a certain amount of physical labor (building/repairing) the lords properties

It's crazy how much shit was made up about the dark ages by renaissance writers .


Yeah. The Dark Ages weren't really all that dark, it's just that the Enlightenment era people were elitist assholes who wanted everything that came before that wasn't Greek or Roman to look like it was total shite.


yeah, they used to think that vikings fought with like outstretched arms. cus they couldnt bend them while wearing maille...


Sumptuary laws are always fun.
Deny peasants the right to grow beards. Only nobles may wear gloves, peasants when cold
or working must wear mittens. Tassels on the clothing of those below nobles may not exceed the length of 4 inches. There may not be more than 8 yards of cloth used in the combined clothing of a peasant, whereas nobles may use up to a total of a bolt. Only higher nobles related to the king may use more than a bolt of fabric in their regalia.
prostitutes must wear a scarf at all times. This scarf must be either bright yellow or patterned in houndstooth.

Automatic (or trivially easy) acceptance into trade-guilds, or magic colleges.

Free "credit" at liveries so that you could always have a fresh horse on long-distance journeys, and they annually settle with the noble house.

contacts, of course

That is absolutely retarded. Did they not have any illustrations showing medieval folks beating the shit out of each other?

A house to run, slowburn in the background, an unwritten rule that you don't tell them that the more they put in the more (good or bad) they get out.

It made good political sense. If you tell everyone that the past was horribly barbaric, then they won't mind the comparatively minor oppression of their present-day lords.

Right to wear a crest
Right to have a royal Family name
Right to reserved royal property (it can be sold or traded but only between nobility)
Right to un-taxed investiture

however nobles also have restrictions

all Royal Property is part of the expanded Levy and is expected to provide extra materiel during times of war, and all royally owned or royal majority owned companies may be seized during times of emergency as declared by a joint act of parliament and royal decree, but if the company is left of lesser value after the emergency the owners are given a tax waiver or such.

If you were looking for something farcical then maybe the right to ride pure white horses, and any commoner caught riding one will be stockaded even if he is the owner.

Right to fuck your waifu


Ask the most privileged nobles.