content drought everlasting edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
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content drought everlasting edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
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First for the One True King.
Tomb Kings re-release when?
>Tomb Kings re-release when?
probably never. Not trying to be mean, but don't want to lie to you either.
A man can hope, even when he knows it will never come true
I could see a surprise Battletome about them, actually
So many cool models and characters
I would really like to see them get a re-release, particularly since they had a much cooler, more unique aesthetic than the mostly-generic undead designs of Vampire Counts, and Settra is one of my favorite characters from WHFB.
But I'm not holding out hope that it'll happen. If it does, though, I'll be very happy and jump right on it.
I don't know, man. Skirmish and Path to Glory seems to be what players have been asking for, other than the obvious battletomes of course. I don't think they are a joke waste of time/money.
right, all of that is true. But it only caters to people who already own the models, since GW doesn't sell them anymore.
In the previous thread there was some talk about the difference between Godbeasts and the constellation gods or zodiacal monsters and so far, from what I've read. they seem to be synonymous.
Here's the list of gods in AoS so far.
I have no idea about that topic, but now I'm interested lol
>Settra is Skull Knight
>Archaon is Griffith
>Other Chaos Gods are God Hand
Who shall be Guts & Zodd?
I don't know much about them only known some details. Also I forgot to update that image with Khaine and Y'ulea.
Hydragos and Chimerac were introduced at the same as Dracothion, but not much else is known about them. Hydragors, the Guardians of the Realmgates to Shyish that were slain by Sigmar, are probably the children of Hydragos. They might've held Nagash imprisoned too.
Drakatoa, the living avalanche of amber, held Gorkamorka imprisoned in it's body, so I think that's also a godbeast.
It's kinda implied that Grimnir and Grugni were held by the Volc-Giants, which I think might be related to another godbeast.
This gives me the impression that before Sigmar came the godbeasts were actively suppressing the Incarnates.
>Who shall be Guts & Zodd?
Fuck, I like the idea but I'm not able to tell tho
Zodd would be Ka'Banda or another high ranking Bloodthrister.
So no Tomb Kings re-release? Damn that sucks
>no Hashut
so where can I find some decent fluff on Hallowed Knights? I just started painting some SCE in their scheme since silver is obviously better than gold, but wanted to know more about them
Has far as i'm aware Hashut hasn't appeared in any Age of Sigmar lore.
Check out the Mortarch of Night audiodramas, starting with Prisoner of the Black Sun. The Hallowed Knights play a central role in that series.
They're in one of the megas, if you don't have the money free.
Anyone know if the new Perturabo book is any good?
oops wrong thread
So is the AoS Grimnir the original or is it Gotrek?
Its probably an memory/echo of Grimnir that was brought back by Mallus hatred.
Stop hoping already. They're dead, dead and triple dead. Your chance to mourn was many months ago, and you're still in denial.
Needs more minor deities. Where's my manaan equivalent?
I know the hope is eventual battletomes for every faction, but I kind of doubt they will make every faction capable of fielding a full, legal, all in faction army. They will make them capable of being the focus of your army, but not fully your army. Two factions as an example would be Ironweld Arsenal and Troggoths. In the case of Ironweld, I would expect more warmachines and maybe a new hero, but not a battleline choice of any kind. And then for Troggoths, maybe new troggoth types and possibly a battleline in the form of newly spawned troggoths or a hero in the same vein as Throgg but not all of them at once. These armies would exist to primarily bring variety to armies that are lacking what they bring to the table.
They should just make a legions of reclamation battletome for free peoples and have several of the sub-factions in it.
Really enjoyed that one. Gave SCE a good deal more personality than I expected.
Better question is who'd be the most beloved character from Berserk, BIG DICK BAZUSO
Troggoths need a troll hero and a bigga troll. Maybe some weedier trolls as battleline but that's it
It would be nice to have "Battle tome supplements". Tiny books for tiny factions. Perhaps giving them conditional advantages and battalions? Not to mention some juicy lore too.
That is exactly what I am thinking of.
On the topic of troggoths, I feel they need one more wound than they currently have. Four wounds makes them tough, but not tough enough imo. They don't need a better save or automatic d3 regen, just 5 wounds rather than 4
I mean, they just seem to crumple before that tasty regen ever gets to show up in every game I have used them in, especially Skirmish
Does this mean that Gotrek is still killing daemons even now?
But user, pic related is the most loving & beloved.
>Fyreslayers Start Collecting
So it begins.
Oh wow.
Too bad these SC battalions don't have any points.
They should finally add point values to these battalions
still waiting for free people, ælves and dispossessed starter sets
Anybody got their hands on path to glory as a pdf or equivalent? Would love to check it out.
Anybody got their hands on path to glory as a pdf or equivalent? Would love to see if its worth getting the physical copy.
If GW was making a free peoples/freeguild SC box, what should be in it?
My thoughts:
20 freeguild guard, 5 demigryphs and a general on griffon.
That'd be nice
And for what says
20 duardin warriors, 20 thunderers a cannon, a Duardin Lord, and maybe 10 hammerers.
Aelves is quite hard since they are 3 different kinds all merged together, so I would honestly make 3 different boxes, one for each.
>That much stuff in a SC
You'll take your ten Longbeards, Gyrocopter, Dwarf Lord and nothing else. And you'll like it.
That's wayyyy too much for a SC box. They never exceed twice their value.
Gyro is ironweld arsenal now. It'd look more like a warden king, 16 warriors (if pre-rebox, 20 if post-rebox), 10 longbeards and maybe 10 irondrakes.
Reading it again it's true lol
Maybe It would be more like this
>10 Hammers
>5 Thunderers
did the path to glory book get uploaded yet?
whats the sigmar equivalent of pic related?
Still looking, if anyone's selling one.
Probably something related with Deathrattle or at least Summoning.
> I would honestly make 3 different boxes, one for each
What about
>SC box for high aelves to round up the Spire of Dawn aelf half
>Forest aelves in new starter set
>Big box for edgy aelves like Icewind Assault for Beastclaw Raiders and SC box in the future
I recently Bought "Skyrmish" and I'm feeling forward to play, but I have an important question
¿For playing do I need the "General's Handbook" or I'm already good to go?
>General's Handbook
Is mainly based on campaings and history based matches with big armies, while Skirmish focuses on really small forces.
They are totally independant from each other. The handbook does have a point sistem, but Skirmish does too, so you don't need it at all for what you want.
How would you guys build ~1500 points of either Tzeentch/Slaves to Darkness, Tzeentch/Slaanesh, or Slaanesh/Slaves to Darkness. I am torn between what I want to play and I like the idea of all of them.
>Slaanesh/Slaves to Darkness
The combo Lord on Daemonic Steed + Chaos Knights with spears is amazing. I would definitely start from there.
Where’s the best place to grab the Lord? Seems to be out of stock online.
Also what about other battleline, because the knights wouldn’t count anymore right?
Is there any point to starting wanderers? I've always liked the look of them, but they seem tricky to collect/play at this point.
I was looking in the app and it seems they gave the wanderers keyword to several things that didn't have it before. Like glade riders, the non-hero waywatchers, mounted lord, etc. In the GHB, those units are still listed as wood elves not wanderers. Do you think this might be fixed in GHB2?
I want to make a wanderer cavalry army because it would be cool, but right now it's a mess to deal with in terms of matched play.
Much of the line is OOP, so I don't want to shell out tons on eBay or buy a bunch of shit to convert if it's not going to be valid anymore.
[spoilers] I want to make them desert themed brown elves to match my khorne army. Pic semi related.[/spoiler]
>Is there any point to starting wanderers?
They look cool, you like their aesthetic. You want to play an army few others do.
Don't worry about an army's competitiveness, because that generally comes later. We may see some good adjustments to them with GHB2.
A desert theme does sound cool btw. Like they were forest elves, but the age of chaos stripped their forests and they had to survive the hundreds of years in the inhospitable deserts.
In need of advice for a fluffy sigmarine defense list.
1500 points bunker list.
1 castellant with gryph pup
1 relictor
1x 10 liberators
2x 5 bow judicators
2x 3 raptors with longstrike bowguns
2x 5 protectors
its for a mini tournament. Aim of my list isnt to win, just survive against the onslaught
Oh I'm not worried about competitiveness. This army will probably be bad. But that's not the point.
I'm more worried about the actual validity of an army list. For example, in the current GHB, glade riders are under the compendium section as wood elves, they're battle line, and their minimum size is 8 models for 200 pts. But in the app, they have the WANDERER keyword and a minimum size of 5. I just don't know if GHB2 will reflect those changes. If it doesn't, is the new warscroll still battle line? How many points is it? Or do I need to use the old version in matched play?
I mean a reasonable opponent would let me still play them as battle line and could agree that if 8 are 200 pts, then 5 are worth 125 pts, but buying and building an army on the assumption I'll always be playing reasonable people seems risky.
This is important because I want an all mounted army because I like the theme of fast desert raider elves. This means glade riders, sisters of the thorn, wild riders, and mounted heroes. I want to avoid infantry battle line if possible.
So we know nearly nothing about the game but the tournament is already announced
Fuck I want to know more about this game. The minis look awesome, but we really need a release date and price.
It's a smart move. The LVO is big for GW, and they want their game played on it and they know ticket sales are going on right now. It would be stupid of them to wait, The game will be out before the end of the year, and the LVO is in february. So people will get a chance to collect, paint, and play their teams before the tournie.
That image breathes joy into my miserable existence
youve got most of an aetherstrike force there
so how can I melt super glue without fucking up the models?
Get some tzaangors in a trade and the guy built them in the worst loadout I can think of: 7 paired savage blades, 2 greatblades and 1 mutant.
He put them together well so I can't really wedge anything in there to separate the pieces
>so how can I melt super glue without fucking up the models?
Freeze them. Stick them in your freezer and get it as cold as you possibly can. Superglue becomes really brittle when frozen and can be chipped off.
good luck
Any cheap alternatives for round bases other than GW? They're pretty EXPENSIVE at 54 per 100 a pop
Aliexpress or LGSs?
I really want gamesworkshop to update lizardmen to look like the ones ca are doing in warhammer 2
would i be a dirty hipster if i started a chaos dwarfs army ?
Playing AoS makes you a dirty hipster mate
Probably will come with the new RPG.
Anyone play some brand of Ogres with Moonclan?
I plan on mixing some Ironguts and Leadbelchers into my Moonclan force if that counts. What's up?
Tzeentch StD are pretty legit. Army wide -1 Rend from Fatesworn Warband shores up one of the main weaknesses and a Lord on Daemonic Mount with Paradoxical Shield is jokes.
Add in big blocks of Marauders with a 5+/6++/6++ from the battalion and Warshrine, and backed up by the likes of Sorcerer Lord and Gaunt Summoner makes for a decently competitive army.
Destiny dice are also very nice, especially with Gorebeast Chariots to ensure the doubling of attacks that all have Rend -1.
It's not going to be a tournament list meta-buster, but it'll serve you well in casual-competitive games.
As long as you paint better than that faggot from a few months ago.
Always shoving his shit painted dwarves down our throats.
Did a fucking unboxing thread. Ruined Chaos dwarves reputation with his shit
Lots and lots of chinese sellers on ebay. Just search like "25(or whatever size you need)mm miniature base" and you'll find a bunch
If you bought exclusively big hat vintage sculpts and painted them in bright primary reds and yellows that would be sort of hipstery
So what's Bretonnia like in the gameplay department?
I think they're fine, but GW doesn't sell them anymore, so good luck making an army of them :c
I'm not worried. Fireforge Games has some alright historical minis that fills all the core units. It's also fun to convert my own stuff.
There's the fan made battletome Deus Vult on TGA that's reasonably well thought out, if a little basic. All it'd need is some polish and a few battalions to make it pretty decent.
No Path to Glory pdf/epub yet?
>No Path to Glory pdf/epub yet?
literally why? its a terrible cheap distraction instead of actual support for the game.
fuck off. it's a supplement many players are asking for. GW can release books for the game and they don't all need to be battletomes. It's going over well for narrative players. Same for the skirmish book.
'sup aosgen, long time no see.
been caught in 40k hype and haven't played aos in a long time
nor 40k actually, im not having a game from almost 6 months because I moved to a shithole and my lgs closed because Gw are assholes
So, im deciding to go back to my roots and expand my nurgle army.
this is what i have so far(plus 10 comverted Plague orcs but no one will ever let me play them. also they suck by themselves).
What should i get next?
My fav unit is probably the plague monks(killed a full Gordrakk in one turn once)but they die too fast, so i was thinking maybe more plaguebearers?
Also, I play as morbidex a heavily converted Araknarok spiders(not at home so no pics)
Would that be allowed in a tournament? I just want to play the model but its useless as an araknarock in a Nurgle Army(and also its modified to shit Nurglins from his belly)
Also: do we have any rumor on new Nurgle's releases? Im going to make an order at GW store but i want to order eveything at once, and I'm waiting ince dark imperium launched for those.
Would Donovan be Slaanesh or Khorne?
still mad your precious elves havent gotten their update yet? you dont have to take it out on the supplements, sheesh.
I expect they'll place the smaller factions into larger ones similar to how Blades of Khorne and Disciples of Tzeentch work. So the battletome will be Dispossessed but you'd get further benefits of running an Ironweld Arsenal army.
Do I need to swap square bases for round bases to play or not
According to the basic rules no, you measure from the model rather than the base. No-one actually plays this way.
according to every casual game I've played and most tournaments you measure base to base. Any base that the model was released with or any modern equivalent (e.g. 20mm square to 25mm round) is fine.
Some tournaments do enforce round bases and current sizes (e.g. bloodletters must be on 32mm). This seems pretty rare though.
Basically, if you're playing a lot of tournaments I'd check with the TOs and it may be worth doing anyway but it's unlikely to be a problem.
What about gluing them onto round bases, then magnetising that base to a square base
Or would fantasy shuttters complain about LoS changes