Who is enjoying ICX like i am friends?
hope you bought when i told you on 2$
Who is enjoying ICX like i am friends?
hope you bought when i told you on 2$
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you buying WAN when it's listed m8?
What's the latest on QSP?
Im balls deep in ICX.
Cheers, brother
we holding that one friend soon moon
RIP to the faggots that haven’t bought after it being in front of your face on biz for the last few days. RIP to the faggots who still arent buying kek mainnet in less than 2 weeks, wallet and korean exchanges. Still a steal at 5 buckaroos
only got 100
well if it get me something like that I might meet icx too for a little bit atleast
>that feeling when I only bought 10 eth worth at ico
Senpai, im all in on you call from icx, want to go all im on qsp to retire but dont know when to sell icx
lol stfu man greedy jew :D
i only got 650 ;_;
Yeah hard to tell, if your in ICX its a hold to retire anways. You can sell 10-20% and put it in QSP just in case
Woke up 5 min ago, typing like the biggest fag alive
Thx a lot! God bless you
Any guess on vechain btw? Just got a call that it might explode soon
I dindt focus much on VEN, if you have info for me would like to know it so me and my team will put some focus on it. You cant catch everymoon tho
Is there an entry for me?
Oh great drunk whale I'm 10,000 in PRL and QVT, how F'ed am I?
g-guess not
missed your call. What were you expecting IX\CX to hit EOY 2018??
I put half my shit(.1 btc) into ICX and it's doing well (the other half regrettably went into TRX). cheers I guess
=) not bad desu , risky tho
I think it will go to 20$ soon, as in with in 1-3months depends on the market overall.
on 20 to 50 will take around 6months then is when i will start selling btw
Anyone sitting on over 500 grand in cryptos now will be fabulously wealthy in 5 years from now if they don't give in to temptations and sell when they are worth several millions. A lot of bitcoin holders gave into temptations and they would be worth over 100 million.
After you qsp call i did my homework, not talking abiut gettinc listed but, is it about right? Pic rel.
Well i wont comment on how much i have in the next 5years according to plan but i might be able to buy a island ;)
Thats 1 of the Points of interest yes.
QSP is going to be big in the future, in mid 2018 when normies will start buying ICOS in big numbers
Thanks Senpai I'm planning on sitting on it till binance pump for prl and qvt's altcoin USD app
man I fucking love you, any suggest what to buy on bittrex now? got a bit money left there
SALT is okish for quick profit
thx a lot!
following all your posts with great joy, by any chance u using any other forum too?
You're gonna hate this question but what are your thoughts on XVG and TRX?
Well they had some sick moon missions,
Sold XVG on 30cent, TRX is ok to hold long tho ,im holding it but not too much
too late for icx?
Bro I made my first crypto purchase based on your advice. A meager $6000 to my name. As I type this I currently am holding over 14k worth of ICX
This is almost surreal, and I plan to hold this for quite some time. However this won't be enough alone for me to "make it"
What move would you suggest I make next assuming I have 2k more to invest? And what do you think about ETHOS?
All in CND or QSP to make it but risky
Merry Christmas Drunk Whale friend.
Wished I bought icx when I knew it be big under $1.00. Regardless it slipped my mind for a bit and I am ready right after my burst moons.
Even if one of these "side bets" flop, it really doesn't matter because I believe ICX really is this fucking good. I'm about to read up on both of these coins bro thank you.
Any preference of one over the other?
And again I really want to thank you. I'm honestly hopeful that my life may have a positive outcome thanks to your advice, no meme.
Merry Christmas bro
if this guy ins't a trip, how do ya'll follow his posts??
Same story, also got 12.5k now, will invest too in his call
thats what i hope to achieve help other people,
i came from the bottom aswell
thoughts on NEO?
You made my life a bit better, will follow the qsp call tomorrow with all my icx gains.
Not sure how to thank you mate
bullish long term
im always looking for "soldiers" to help investigate the interwebz =)
Small time fish here, going to research these two also. Thank you stranger and happy holidays!
Anything under 5
im very bullish on QSP
LONG and SHORT term
Do you normally post using trips? How can I follow your calls in future threads?
1000x people calling for different coins all day, hard to separate manic shilling from real opportunity most of the time.
What is your current strat for the big coins now? You in it hodling, out of the market on tether, waiting to buy low?
Time to short icx now for qsp or wait a bit longer? Hardest part for me is to find a good exit point
Only bought 85 @ 4.15 am I going to make it?
i always use this bitch as a pic, i might make a crypto news site in the future so u know for sure its me, not sure if i will do it tho.
Anyways I dont speak native english and i use a certain style how i write i guess
Dont short ICX lol that shit isnt done yet
I got 150 tonight, hope this was smart on my part.
I HOld and i always have 20% in Fiat to buy crashes
Confirming the style
U could start with a telegram grp to see if its a thing for u, id glady join u
Bought 31 @ 6900 ETH sats
Thinking of selling now for a slight profit. This coin does not impress me.
ICX = short or long term gains? Basically how long should I hold
sold at 3700, buying back in at 3500
Long long
At least until end of Q1
Careful day trading this coin
Many people lost money predicting a dip but it never reached the expected values. It's quite resilient to that
If it goes back to 3500 more power to you and congrats on your extra gains
Thanks, I've only got 4.6 icx but always trying to accumulate more lol
Are you actually drunk Mr whale?
No only the first time when i posted :p
nice one xd
kill yourself faggot
Been holding a little over 11k icx since $1.92... lets fucking goooooooooo
GJ happy 2018 for you
put my whole binance stack on qsp. let's ride. merry christmas pal
What do you think of req
It's had a lot of hype and support but had lacked so far value wise?
this guy will fuck
Trying to hedge my side bet on QSP with my main stack on ICX but my ETH is frozen on cuckbase AHHHHHHHH
use trip plz
Put 0.1 BTC on it tonight, I have only done that with 1 other coin I have high hopes for. I hope it will be a nice deal for next year. I need something to lift me off so I can start investing with a real chunk of money
i meant too but was lazy lol,
too late now? I'm throwing about 10% of portfolio on this
hehe good job guys start researching QSP :P
its a gem
Man how lazy can you be.
3500 order got filled now we're going back up
feelsgoodman. i might get drunk tonight out of happiness rather than self-loathing for once in a while.
we called it here way back ;) but nice OP
how do you feel about ven?
I am about this idea and was actually looking at this a bit before seeing your post.
When do you think this will take off? I would like to see if i can get some gainz prior as my stack is relatively small (3,250 USD).
Should I dump it all in now, or keep realizing gains on ICX and BRD?
Hey i have about 165 eth
And like 1k icx
Should i pull more from my eth stack into icx?
Or should i put 10 ltc into icx
thanks brother.
everyone has a diffrent style of investing, looking at your porto you dont make much moves and just HODL
put 5-15eth in it and keep the 150 ETH
how far is qsp going? long hold?
THE CEO is a big whale aswell, he knows the struggles we daytraders ( big and small fishes) have on a daily basis. He is from the field he will make it work how far it can go? No clue but atleast 10x
Will I make it with my 35k req, 34k qst and 2,7k Link mister drunk friendly whale
Hold for how long? Til EoY? Mid Q1 2018?
how much money you need to make it?
Anyone who asks if they will make it will NOT make it, also drop the link meme, buy coins with actual potential
Honestly closer of 10mm suits me for life.
Fucking no, qst, req and link is the holy trinity you limpdick
you mean qsp? you cant even get the ticker right, just proves you are brainwashed to the shills.
Just evaluate Link objectively, it has zero potential.
Also, it is funny how you stinky linkies always resort to weak ad hominem
Ok Guys i do hold some link no so much tho,
High risk high reward coin but not super bullish on it, its in the we will see section
Link is going to grow and I love the memes