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/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
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Is everything supposed to be this cheesed in Imperial Mysteries?
Not on this scale. You're talking about the difference between being able to fill up your car and operating an oil refinery.
Gathering and storing and forcing the flow of that much essence would be an act of Imperial magic unto itself.
Honestly, this sort of grand transfiguration and transformation would be the sort of thing worthy of Sealing an Omen, not some paltry singular spell; turn yourself into a god as a part of your path to Ascension.
I cant find many owod books in the pastebin, coudl you share your alternative trove links? If you have any?
Try this trove:
And tis one...
>Honestly, this sort of grand transfiguration and transformation would be the sort of thing worthy of Sealing an Omen, not some paltry singular spell; turn yourself into a god as a part of your path to Ascension.
I believe the user was speaking of giving his Archmage godly Influences, not actually turning himself into a god.
The Archmage might as well also use Transfiguration to turn himself into an Essence producing wizard.
Isn't the whole point of Transfiguration that the only difference between it and Ascended godly powers is that it requires quintessence to pull off?
TBF Vampires are easily the weakest supernatural splat.
Not all gods are Supernal in nature either. There's no need to involve Omens when trying to snag rank 8 Influences.
The sheer amounts of Essence pouring into (and out of) Rank 8 entities at any given moment is drawn from a global scale. Turning yourself into an Essence generator capable of matching that - assuming you even could - would turn you into a walking spiritual nuclear bomb; devastating the local Shadow with the force of a tidal wave; overwriting all other Resonances in favour of your own.
Even assuming you succeeded in this massively counter-productive effort, expect the arrival of fellow Archmages to put a stop to it. Swiftly.
Pretty sure fuckery of that degree breaks the Pax.
They really are.
If all (Or almost all) Hunter: the Vigil tactics could be used alone, how would that change Hunter's power level?
The spirit ecosystem? Transfiguration would last long enough to form your own within your Golden Road / Chantry.
>assuming you even could
Wouldn't Transfiguration be enough?
If the Seeker abuses his newly gained powers, definitely. He won't be stupid enough to do that.
Not really there's one entente that focuses on becoming their favored arcana.
Becoming, not destroying just by being nearby.
I don't recall anything about that much Essence being used regarding rank 8 Influences. Not even close.
Can we have a /wodg/ that isn't magefags?
We tried. We got /x/fags and tumblr shitting everywhere
We had several. It was horrific.
Fair enough, I suppose the magefags do defend us from even greater autism.
that essentially means replicating spits equal to their own rank. That doesn't mean he absorb essence from places.
What was so bad about them?
It'd not be an ecosystem in your soul, is the thing; it'd be a vast, terrible monoculture, dedicated to whatever nature you gave it through your choices. Pity help you if you ever decide that you made a bad choice.
Also, it'd mean you couldn't go anywhere outside your soul, personally, ever again. So... Y'know. Hope you don't need any Quintessences or anything.
As for Transfiguration... It might not be. Even Imperial spells are limited by spell factors.
As said, they do so by becoming a part of it, not by becoming walking spiritual tidal waves.
That's because IM doesn't detail it; it doesn't actually say what the cost of using that level of Influence would be.
Except that as , it would fuck with the resonances of other spirits.
Plaestine/Isreal + jews + arabs, People who get offended at the word autism, and even a guy who actually believes in magic.
Whenever somebody made an attempt to cut off the magefags, either by putting "NO MAGEFAGGOTRY ALLOWED" in the OP or by trying to falseflag and create a Mages only general in a separate thread, it backfired and just made the magefags worse.
That's not necessarily true you can have a spirit template that doesn't do that.
Would that really matter if the Archmage didn't go back to the material world?
>Even Imperial spells are limited by spell factors.
Was referring more to the 'do anything you so desire' aspect of Transfiguration.
Though all of this is news to me. Would Assumption (if it even exists) be a good alternative for setting yourself up an Essence refinery? IM never actually tells you how much longer the final Practice lasts.
Yes, because how else will you get shit done?
Okay this might be a bad idea to ask but how did the Israel/Palestine stuff come up? I can see the other two but that makes no sense.
Assumption just straight up lets you Ascend.
Brucato cut the Lions of Zion.
Hold on, does the Pax apply to imperial spells remaining within your golden road?
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.
It's not mandatory though
You can alter yourself so you bend with the surrounding environment so you gain influence and numina based on surroundings.
Yeah but why would you not want to?
Fair enough, but that's a lot more limited than giving yourself basically all the influences, which was the original idea.
Some Archmages just don't feel like it, be it fear or other such reasons.
Just look at Aldous.
In the most Please-Don't-Jump-On-This, shitpost-avoiding possible way, why'd he do that?
Who's Aldous?
What's so special about Ascending anyway?
If it was just a singular Influence then, just how epidemic would it be?
Would an Archmage giving herself all the Influences of Luna spell disaster as much as having an entirely *new* set of Influences that haven't been seen on such a scale before?
Just godhood. Nothing too special.
He thought a combative group of Jews would be too hot of a topic.
You don't need all influences. That I agree would probably be an issue. But just a rank 8 spirit wouldn't be an issue. However transfiguration is a blunt as fuck tool that'll get people angry at you.
that and being part of the highest realm in the universe.
>tfw no Nimue gf
You become a living concept, a fundamental part of reality.
An Archmage of Archmages. He can do shit even they can't. But he's pre-Imperial Mysteries. So maybe not as canon anymore. He turned back from Ascension.
Ascension is a magical even horizon there is no going back.
Regardless of what your personal feeling are about the exarchs or the oracles or what is the right course of action for reality you no longer have the luxury of sitting on the sidelines. You're in for an eternity of conflict across all of time and space.
>You become a living concept, a fundamental part of reality.
I don't see the appeal. I would rather stay on earth where I can fuck things.
Wait, if he's pre-IM how is he even in MtAw? What book is he from?
You could become the embodiment of fucking things.
Ascension is if anything a step above god hood.
Aldous is mentioned a couple times in Imperial Mysteries.
Keys to the Supernal Tarot
Only if it was sexy fucking. I don't want to be the embodiment of some desperate loser fucking a drunk landwhale.
That's not true. I mean you can particate if you want but your lustrum can't really be attacked. It's a win state.
Gonna have to read that now.
But you can't really defend yourself either. You're in permanent stasis as an Ascended being.
"Keys to the Supernal Tarot" I believe. What Aldous is, is hard to define. This maybe an editorial error because they still hadn't decided what an archamage could do yet is 1e or it could be a story hook for an archmage game.
Perhaps Aldous has achieved assumption multiple times, maybe he's an Ochemata of an ascended master, hell maybe he's from the time before and just imagined his backstory.
Posting again for the new thread
Would anybody be interested in a Werewolf 2e game?
I'm looking for 1 more player, to, ideally, play an Ithaeur Bone Shadow(we already have one of every other auspice and tribe, and I'm a fan of rounding things out, but it's not necessary).
>Game is set in Portland, Oregon
>PC Woofs know each other through University of Portland
>Game is starting with the Pack having recently formed
>Nobody else in the group has ever played cofd before(I've played a few games and run a few games, but I apparently have the patience of a saint so I'm fine with teaching them as we play).
>Saturdays, Noon-3PM, roughly, GMT -7
>IC text through roll20, OOC voice through Discord
>Yiff is ban, no awoo, $250 fine
Only if you don't mind not attaining any Quintessences personally.
Achieving the 10th dot in an Arcanum may as well be a plot device. I don't think even the manifestations of the Exarchs wield that.
As long as they solely remain within your Golden Road, the Pax does not apply. The Pax only applies to actions within the Tellurian and to Rites of Imperium.
Yes you can. Ascended beings are gods they can create and cast spells. They can make orchmata to effect the world. Trying to attack them in their body is insane. It's why the exharchs have never had an enemy come in.
>implying people on Veeky Forums play games instead of bitch about shit all day.
Real talk, I'm juggling too many games right now as it is. You may have more luck on the official forums, roll20, the subreddit, or god forbid
>Ascended beings are gods they can create and cast spells
Yes, but how the hell are they going to get Quintessence if they can't leave the Supernal? Or do they just not need it?
I remember Dave mentioning that they don't affect anything in the Fallen, which is why I'm assuming they can't do anything other than sit in their thrones.
This is an NPC ogre from my Changeling game, Cazadore. Hes a hedge sherpa.
Isn't making Ochemata a 8 dot Practice? Now make that an infinite amount. Ascendants clearly don't need Quintessence if they can crap out that many sub-souls.
There's your answer.
If ascended mages don't need quintessence, then why are the exarchs even in a war.
or is the Pax literally that tight?
The Ascended ostensibly need Quintessences too. And even if they didn't, Imperial magic isn't even the grandest power they have; that goes to the Rites of Imperium. Those require you to take action in the Fallen World, not just faff about in the Supernal.
I'm writing a bit of backstory for a megalomaniac Ventrue in VtR, but I came across the En bloodline in my reading.
Would it be reasonable that the Ventrue succeeded in overpower the En and subsequently diablerized her, only for the now-destroyed En's alu to make the same symbiotic relationship with her rogue? Or is that not something that can happen?
What if the ascended have 10 dots in an Arcanum like the siddha assume the exarchs have?
why do they need ochemata like the general fellow or the chancellor if this is the case?
I know not all are going to have 10 dots but still.
Probably because the Siddha are wrong.
I bet the Exarchs don't even have access to Transfiguration.
They cheated with the Celestial Ladder.
If an Ascended mage/Archmage had Assumption, we would probably be under his/her heel.
That's the exact question you're supposed to ask as a player.
Why is there any dissent at all? Why do the exarchs need middlemen? etc.
Perhaps they aren't as all powerful as the Seers claim. Maybe the Oracles are real and have been opposing them from the start. Maybe they're too busy bickering with each other to really put the boot down. Perhaps The Gate has gone rogue and everyone is too scared to commit to anything until they figure out what that crazy fucker is up to. etc.
It's your game and your story choose what you want.
Wait, what's the difference between Imperial Magic and Rites of Imperium anyway?
>He thought a combative group of Jews would be too hot of a topic.
With "combative" largely defined as the banal support for Jewish national self-determination, i.e., Zionism.
Brucato continuously insists on inclusion of virtually every minority group he can squeeze in the books, no matter their background, but Jews (and anyone else) who supports Israel is just far to triggering for him and his ilk.
In any event, the rules and setting changes, no less the writing and editorial oversight, of M20 is so egregiously piss poor that the book and supplements are no more useful than paperweights, all without consideration of Brucato's casual and virulent antisemitism (that's apparently shared with RichT, the "Creative Director" and owner of OPP).
>The Jews obviously got to Brucato or he wouldn't need a Patreon to beg for money to pay his rent...
Rites are an accumulation of the Practices, I believe. Or what you do with them, rather.
I know you're just trying to talk about stuff, but can we please not do this again?
Ok, there's never more than a hundred Seekers at a time.
Surely they would have cataloged those who've actually managed to cast Assumption.
I'm convinced it doesn't actually exist, and that the Siddha are just fucking retarded. Nine dots is it.
Shhh..., I shouldn't be telling you this, but DaveB and the Gate are the same entity.
>Woe be to us all
Okay now I'm really confused. I probably need to reread Imperial Mysteries, but until I do that could you explain how that works?
Would there even be a Mage's Book of World Records?
Would there even be an Archmage edition?
The Rites of Imperium are how Archmasters seal Omens so they can Ascend. Each one is not an Imperial spell but, rather, a brute-force rewriting of reality by affecting how the symbology of the Supernal interacts with the Fallen World.
Imperial spells might create self-aware magic, even new supernatural templates. Rites of Imperium rewrite the entirety of the world; changing history, guiding Bound to Ascend, etc.
Fucking up slightly on a Rite of Imperium can see the continents change shape.
Ok so i am reading all i can about Requiem to start my first campaign. I read all the covenant books and secrets of the covenants (it sucked), blood sorcery and Damnation city.
Should i read ghouls? Or any other books? I will be using 2E Core.
Any good city book anyone can recommend?
>there's never more than a hundred Seekers at a time.
There's no cap or quota on archmasters. It's just so difficult to attain such a state and then not fuck up reality so badly that others equally or more powerful than you erase from existence, that there are few beings of this power level as a simple practical matter.
Since reality, time and memory alter upon an mage's ascension (in a manner similar to when they breach the Threshold), no one really knows how many mages have actually ascended over time.
Fuck, the truth hurts.
Maybe archmages are a mistake and there shouldnt exist in my mage campaign.
>Fucking up slightly on a Rite of Imperium can see the continents change shape.
I like the tidbit in Imperial Mysteries where the ascent of Christianity was a mistake by an archmaster which he promises to one day correct.
I think Aldous is a perfect example of an Archmage who has reached Assumption.
I'm only saying this because he's explicitly above even normal Archmages.
But again, he's pre-Imperial Mysteries and is quite contradictory.
Nah DaveB is clearly The Komodo. Exarch of mage supremacy. This general is an elaborate ruse to harness the energy of countless shit posts and finalize his spell over reality.
>which he promises to one day correct
Clearly he won't.
>DaveB and the Gate are the same entity.
I knew Dave was an oppressive Exarch, but I didn't realize he was *that* Exarch.
Well, we're fucked!
Is there any way to play as an ascended archmage?