You getting on board for the next moon?
About to hit a new ATH
I'm ready!
keep this shit on the DL goddammit
>Tfw only 460 xrb
When it was sub a dollar i thought it wouldn't go much higher
no no no buy LINK, TRX, and DGB!!! Those are the future
DGB > Replacable
TRX > Replacable
Link > Potential
Don't worry, I fucked up even worse. Only bought 137 when it was 60 cents.
This is gonna hit $100 by EOY 2018
Hm step into their community and its all western chads
Tfw only 22 XRB. In never going to make it.
Better than 0
ez 2k USD if you just HODL user. I know its not a life changing amount of money but its better than 0
Why is this shit blowing up all of a sudden? You couldve literally became a millionaire with this coin if you bought the precious months
>he didn't buy 6 months ago
Because DAG/TANGLE is serious now and IOTA is a shitcoin whilst XRB is the real deal.
Gotta keep up dude, aren't you noticing people are more off put by Bitcoin? Its only a matter of how long people will tolerate the shit they have to put up with Bitcoin in the hope of selling it higher to those goldbugs.
Once people are fucking done and realize this space has evolved enough for it to be able to continue without Bitcoin the real game beings. the TECH game. Not PnD shitcoins and speculations but real investing.
No one knew about it until very recently. Those who did know about it were smart enough to keep their mouths shut and accumulate.
Like seriously people are only putting up with Bitcoin because of its position and role. If they could there would be a mass exodus, now if you're smart you'd prepare for that
(always have some BTC though)
Reason why i'm getting into coins like Monero, XRB and co
No, it was PnD'd a few times.
The 2 comfiest coins.
Perhaps, but there's only a small percentage of people who keep track of coins out of the top 100. Only within the past 1-2 weeks has it become "crypto mainstream" and thus the rise in price. However still so many people don't know about this compared to ripple or IOTA, so the potential for this to grow is still insanse.
>always have some btc
>t.most overly shilled pieces of rubbish
barely anyone talks about raiblocks til the past couple nights but k.
where the fuck are some good charts for this coin anyways?
listen to yourself.
That doesn't make a good product nor does it negate shilling across the board. look on twitter DYOR and come with some facts if you want to sell your crappy coin
RaiBlocks is a monster. DAG tech, like Iota but actually works. Super fast, free transactions. A new coin wants to build on it's code already to make a DAG privacy coin. This shit is keeping together like a freight train even when bitcoin drops. Store coins in a special "raiwallet" which gives the coin more inertia and stability in a volatile market. This has been the best purchase I made in the last few months. Here is a guide on how to buy.