I am 18 years old working a shit teir fast food job making around $300 per week. Should I dump 2k into ICX and ELIX and hodl in the hope they go atleast 3x???
Should I risk it all Veeky Forums?
No, you should get an actual education.
ICX, OMG and ETH. Split between those in 2018 friend and you'll do just fine
I recommend allowing your prefrontal cortex to fully develop because you're young and dumb as shit
What do you have to loose?
It certainly a better place to throw your money than what most 18 year olds do. You have a steady job, and if you have no debt you haven't fucked up yet. I say do it.
I'm gonna dump 2k into ICX myself if I can get rid of these fucking TRX bags
I mean the days of 10x and 100x are long gone from crypto. By 2018 you will see most coins doing at most 10-15% per year.
I don't think it is worth it anymore.
Ripple will at most 2x.
ICX at most 3x.
BTC is done.
The crypto fad is DEAD.
RIP all lambo dreamers.
>mcdonalds employees are buying in
Do this without REQ
Lmao I guarantee you it’s not. I just want you to take note of this so you can think about how wrong you are right now at a later date.
Anyway, Raiblocks is mooning and will continue to moon for the near future.
>You dont have anything to actually risk yet. Go for it.
man the fuck up and go for the moonshot: ICX
>risk it
What you'll eventually realize is that even of you get your 3x it'll never be enough. You'll say oh I can just 3x again and have 18k, and again and again until you realize that you could realistically retire at 22 but you still won't be happy because you're alone on Christmas with no qt 3.14 to hodl you.
I'm in your position as well OP, but I'm 20. I have been putting in $300 each month and am up $7k already. I would say my total capital was $1100. ICX is a good choice too even if it's ATH right now. It's going to be a top 10 coin in 2018.
Never risk it all. Not even rich people do that.
I make 350$ a week because iim a poor student, risked about 2k savings 6 months ago, now at 160k...
Isn't this that chick who used to post on /cgl/ long time ago. If so i fucked this bitch at anime expo around 2011.
I want to give her the fucc
This bitch was a major slut back in the day. She gave me blowjob in the bathroom. Then i took her back to my hotel and fucked her. Then we ended up finding out she was not only fucking me but a bunch of other tripfags from that board. Posting on /cgl/ at it's prime was free pussy if you ever went to the meet ups at these conventions.