Coinbase will release cripple and XLM on christmas

It’s fucking here boys RALLY

Get that info from somewhere or just speculation?

>releasing shit on a holiday and having to pay all the engineers time and half to be there and keep the site up

They already said no to cripple.

They make over $2m in profit a day easy. I'm sure they can afford it, but I doubt they'd do it.

What the fuck is this, skin cancer?


Can confirm XLM will be added to CB tomorrow :)

>not salary

Already confirmed that both XRP/XLM will be added Christmas day.


Let's get real, Coinbase can't even keep up with what they already have.


It's true. Tomorrow will be the most exciting day in crypto all year. Focus on XLM specifically. We may see $3 tomorrow.

Why tf are you all saying xlm and xrp are going up to coinbase on christmas? Am I missing something

Why do pajeets keep saying this. I have 4.5k xlm

holy shit i'd rather be poor for my entire life than look like this

its true, they only have 3 coins. THREE fucking coins.BCash is a shitshow. And somehow they think they can handle more. Pajeets running the whole ops

I honestly think that most of what they play off as incompetence is really just straight kikery. No user, these "people" at coinbase are not just normal average everyday pajeets. They are something much much worse.

It's chistmas today user, where is it?

it's 11pm on the 24th where CB is located

Pacific time, you retard

Pacific time, you retard


This thread is cancer

Proof is that they haven't even finished the bcash rollout and so op is bullshit. Oh and Merry Christmas.

>tfw literally own over 100k XLM

I might become a millionaire soon if true, don't let me down normies

Merry Christmas :)