Yfw he ends up being the Chapter Master of the Fulminators

>yfw he ends up being the Chapter Master of the Fulminators

who even an ultramaerine theyrs so gay wow guy


Sicarius is already dead. But replaced with primaris, not Titus.

>Moderate Muslim.jpg

when ur the pirmarch of the most important 40k chapter but your model looks retarded

is there a sequel coming out or what fuck dawn of war

Rumor has it Relic is getting back into the TPS genre once they are finished with DoW3

Expect heavy Primaris shilling

God damn that would be awesome. Hope them rumors are right ill shill right along side them

Dow3 sold like crap even with discount and has minuscule amount of players.

i refunded the day i bought it. no regrets

Like finish the first DoW3, or after the DLC/expansions?

I guess after they are done with the expansions.

can't be the only one thinking he's wearing a hat from the thumbnail


I didn't until now.

>Mfw my screenshot and faceapp edit being posted lots now anytime people mention Titus

Feels good man

>that guy on the bottom
Holy shit my sides

Go away. Return to the bowels of Facebook political pages.

No. You go return to the space beneath the tires of a truck of peace, fag enabler.

Wen u iz autistic but stl cant spel

this desu

Wigger please. Fag enabler? Who is more of a faggot? The shitstain who drags his frog politics into tg, or the dude who's here for fun?

Why no Grey Knights hack'em up TPS action game by Platinum instead?

As a former infantryman who had a blast in war, I can attest that it is you who are the gay.

Do you read Sutter Kane?

Stfu boot. You haven't even done shit.

Just finished this game today. This guy either got offed by the inquisition or made into a Gray Knight. Most probably the second option.

>made into a Gray Knight


They didn't take his weapon.
There's no way in fuck that the Inquisitor thought the accusation was legitimate.

The fag who says he's here to have fun but can't have fun with politics.

He was either folded into he Death Watch as a blackshield or returned to the Ultramarines
