Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

THICC Daemonette edition

Previous:>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Abaddon's work)

FIrst for the craftworld

But how bout the second profile?
2D6 Earthshakers sounds nifty right?
I mean the thing needs minimum 1,080 Guardsmen to take it down. Thats meme-y right?

Cato lost in the warp around the same time as the Tau Sphere.
Looks like we got a warp party boys, who brought the warp refreshments, AKA fresh Eldar

What will my looted Magmadroth proxy as?



>those mold lines

> 360pts for all rerolls within 6" with Bob+Ultramarines
> or get 1 Hit and Wound rerolls per unit and use that points for something else with Salamanders

What would you guys choose?

>First Fag


Rather set on playing Imperial Fists because I love the whole defensive siege style army, Prussian and
influences but i've been spending my day hungover on my couch reading about the Salamanders and I love their protection of regular humans to death. Love the whole defenders of the common man theme for them. With the chapter tactics out, which one is better and most importantly, more fun between the two?

tell me about reivers, why do they wear the masks?

also whats the profile of the carbine? i presume its just a bolt rifle with chopped up range? (if its assault, it will be extremely pleasurable 4 me)

Sallies are far better, especially with a Captain and Lt to re-roll all 1's to hit and wound and still get one other re-roll each per unit.

If just going for the re-rolls, you're not always gonna want/be able to keep everything in your army within that 6'' bubble.

It's an assault 2 bolter.

Exactly the same as the auto bolt rifle. Which is dumb.

Equally as dumb as stormbolters, twin-linked boltguns and combi-bolters all being the exact same gun.

Salamanders, more cool conversion work and less painting headaches

They wear the masks because they're supposed to be a terror unit. Also I imagine that the carbines are just going to be boltguns, but I won't know until they release stats.

I want to run a shit ton of vanguard veterans in my deathwatch army, at least 15. Already built a three hammer and shield, two heavy thunder hammer unit, what other setups are good?

Corvus Blackstar's got a nerf today

Masks are terror weapons.
Carbines are assault 2 bolters.
You're a faggot that needs spoon feeding.

>but I won't know until they release stats.
Literally every last thing in the Codex has been leaked except for fluff and some of the points costs.

Squiggoth, maybe?

>twin-linked boltguns and combi-bolters

Those have always been the same

Necklets btfo

Oh has it? I guess I haven't been paying attention. I don't really care about the game itself I mostly only care about the painting and modelling.

New to the game, whats so great about their rules? Great at lighting shit on fire right?

So Bob's obsolete now?

Just out of interest, it would require 22.1 Arquebus shots sans buffs to kill Guilliman's first stage of 9 wounds, and 8.59 to kill his second stage of average 3.5 wounds if he rezzes. If we slash that second figure in half for him only picking himself up half the time, that's 26.39 Arquebus shots total, or 28 if we round both stages up.
This equals 4.66 => 5 Arquebi firing for every turn of a 6-turn game, or 5.6 => 6 Arquebi firing for every turn of a 5-turn game, which they almost certainly won't get to do.

I'm going to also put that up against the Neutron, but obviously it would probably have other optimal opponents I CBF to work out right now. Most optimal profile for THIS against the NL is T4 5+.

7 shots, 2.33 hits, 1.94 wounds, 3.88 damage total.
NL fires, does 1.33 hits, 1.11 wounds 4.44 damage total.

Obviously against 1W targets the Macrocannon will kill more due to damage not factoring, but still, pretty pathetic given that's literally the best situation and it's killing only about 2 models.

Are you surprised ? Primaris marines are designed as babbies-first-wargame, with snap fit models, pre-coloured plastic and an entirely different scale compared to the rest of the game, making them large enough to fingerpaint.

Fuck off, I've been waiting all week to be the first post.

Which is also dumb, but now that they're also identical to stormbolters it's even more stupid. There's no need for 3 different weapons all used by the same Faction to have the same statline. I understand if there are some Tau guns or Eldar guns that are reskinned Imperium guns or Tyranid guns or something, but this is just stupid.

Are Thousand Sons any good in 8th edition?

A-at least the Bolters are better than a mob of Boyz?


Except when they weren't, and the stormbolter was assault 2 24'' whilst the combi-bolter was a twin-linked boltgun.

Now that Flyer Spam has been killed, what is the next best WAAC list?

Primaris Sisters!

user, no.

Only starter sets and easy to build are snap fit. Regular boxes aren't. And no pre coloured plastic either.

And the fuck are you going on about with scale? That's completely wrong.

This must be bait.

There's a whole world out there user, you've only got one life.


A Trukk!

My friend fielded him the other day and I'm very glad he was on my side because he killed a librarian in termie armor, a mob of cultists, and a hellbrute and I don't think he took a single wound.

So you're mad that they have different text names instead of all sharing the same name? Is that really something worth getting upset about.

>Except when they weren't

Combi-bolters and twin bolt guns have always been identical

>and the stormbolter was assault 2 24'' whilst the combi-bolter was a twin-linked boltgun.

Reread the post retard.


I don't want any more people defiling my precious space egyptian marines. Specially not people that only consider playing them because they might not be bottom trash tier for once in decades

>Primaris marines are designed as babbies-first-wargame, with snap fit models, pre-coloured plastic and an entirely different scale compared to the rest of the game, making them large enough to fingerpaint.
You realize the snapfit are only for the very first releases, most other armies have also had snapfit releases, and they're getting the real multi-kits now?

Let me guess, you're another buttmangled marinelet player lol

The Necron nerf was a sad change from my point of view. But at least it makes sense thematically.
>Crons that dies to loss of morale can no longer be reanimated.

Why do auts freak out about coloured plastic its just a dye

So is there ANYTHING good about the Strongpoint?

Cheap infantry spam.

I also get very upset about things I'm not going to buy, play or paint.

how did flyer spam get killed?

I have so many marinelets... should i just sell them off?

Lol at the flyer changes, I hope everybody who bought multiple stormravens in the past month kills themselves.

>>Crons that dies to loss of morale can no longer be reanimated.

Wait, how the fuck are you suppose to keep track of that ? So when 3 die to enemy fire, and one runs away, only 3 can come back ?

Does the Void Missile Battery configuration fare any better? Im holding out hope its not completely useless

No one was taking halo launcher over auspex anyway, but yeah it is bullshit. Also GSC stealers went to 15 points stealer cult is fucking dead

>So you're mad that they have different text names instead of all sharing the same name?
They have different names AND different models but GW got lazy and gave them all the same rules instead of actually diversifying and giving them different flavorful little add-on abilities. Like Stormbolters could Overwatch on 5+ or something.

At Ld10 you shouldn't lose models to morale often anyway

burn them and put it on youtube

flyers don't count as models on the table for the purposes of sudden death, so if you kill all of the enemies ground troops they auto lose.

>starter sets are afforable and good value
>wow gw has really chang-
>single boxes are the same price as the starters
Nope its completely fucked still

>How do you keep track of that
Put the ones that flee away separately to the ones that are killed.

So you're mad about 11 characters of text on each of their profiles. That's why you're working yourself up.

They freak out about what it represents because they think that people will be inclined to not put any effort into their precious hobby that they think is exclusive to them because the plastic is already colored.

>Eldar starter set is trash.

>that feel mang

what about having models in reserves?
does that counter being tabled if all you have left is flyers?
Also flyers in hover mode don't count as being ground models?

Yes, they are

Flyers don't count as models on the table for purposes of getting tabled.

So if some faggot brings his tourney winning netlist of 5 Stormravens and 6 Tactical Marines, all you need to do is kill the Tac Marines and you win automatically.

And if he keeps them transported inside the Stormravens he tables himself because models in transports don't count as being on the table either.

Finally after weeks of procrastinating I was able to paint my first Necrons that I bought a few weeks ago. I haven't properly glued them to the bases though since the way I'm going to do them requires priming. I like blue.

>burn them and put it on youtube
I'm not really mad enough to do that, and I actually like some of the primaris models, but I can't deny it is hard to stay motivated about painting my current backlog of marinelets

Melt them down and cast them into a giant marine

And units in transports? Do they count?

not, but the transports themselves do count if they aren't Flyer battlefield role

I always just lay down any models waiting for reanimation protocols.

Well, if you buy all four Heavy Bolters you score a total of four hits, and against the two Heavy Stubbers on that Onager you kill 2.66 Ork Boys with the Macrocannon as opposed to 1.66 Ork Boys with the Onager.

1.94+2.66 = 4.61
1.11+1.66 = 2.77
4.61-2.77 = 1.84

1.84x6 = 11.04

Yes user, if you both choose to shoot your antitank weaponry at Ork Boys you successfully kill 11.04 points worth of Boys more than the Dunecrawler. For 442 points as opposed to 151 points, so he could beat you there and still have 140 points left to play with, which is 3 points short of YET ANOTHER DUNECRAWLER. All three together would have more Wounds and better saves, although obviously they'd degrade a bit and are T7 as opposed to T10. However, they can benefit from accuracy buffs. And be repaired. And move.

Plz post stats and I can mathhammer it out for you.

If you're quitting 40k, sure why not.

If it is because you think that marines will get squatted, well guess what GW made a unit profile for not!-primaris lieutenants. There was literally zero reason to waste effort on that, specially considering that it will actively hurt the sales of primaris lieutenants, unless they wanna keep regular marines for the foreseeable future.

>what about having models in reserves?
Not on the table.

>does that counter being tabled if all you have left is flyers?

>Also flyers in hover mode don't count as being ground models?

>Models in reserve
Don't count

>Models in Transports
Don't count, but the transport does so it's irrelevant

>Flyers in hover mode
Don't count, Anything with the Flyer battlefield role is discounted.

Yeah, something like that works. Think of the ones that flee as having buggered off back to the mothership or tomb complex.

Well, since normal marines are for the most part better then primaris, maybe that will motivate you.

>>does that counter being tabled if all you have left is flyers?
Sorry I misread, I thought you said "does that count as being tabled if you have is flyers".

No, it does not *counter* being tabled.

What about models in flyers?

lel, do you just stop working out or going outside if you see someone 3 inches taller than you? Primaris are a supplement to normal marines and are meant to be fielded in unison, the new guys still need the grizzled vets to show them how its done

Is it better to buy SC! X even though I don't need some of its contents, or buy only the individual boxes I need?

Also just realized its only 20pts more wow

Are they on the table?
If not, then no they don't count.

>tfw I run 5 flyers in 2000 points
what do I do?
>inb4 fucking space marines fags spamming flyers, I play Elysians and it's our only viable strategy

Those aren't on the table, so still auto-loss.

Sorry about your all-flyer army user.

Dumb question, but I see the webpage says the new stuff is shipping on the 29th. Does that mean shipping for everyone (both retailers and regular web customers) or would I be able to pick up the new stuff on the 29th at retailers?


it might convince people on the fence to stick around a while if they know they can still use their legacy models

The main issue I am having is I have a whole bunch of painting left to do on my marinelets, and repainting models I originally painted 15 years ago (before I knew the thin my paints), but these new models are way cool.

I already barely go outside

Embarked models aren't on the table.

If at the end of a battle round the only models you have on the table have the Flyer Battlefield Role, you are tabled and your opponent wins a Crushing Victory.

Burn your Elysians and post it on youtube

depends, what army, what do you need and do you convert/kitbash?

You're going to be in for a rough awakening over the next month desu...

Yeah, but I've often encountered that if the enemy wills it so; that 20 blob of warriors will go down to 8 or so.
This will incur loss of crons to morale. The most fun I have is to have a single model remaining from which the rest can sprout back like the weeds they are.
>This efficiently stops this.

The FAQ actually tells you this.
>Put the morale casualties somewhere else ya nimrod.

Which set? It matters
Also just found the 6th/7th rules for the Macrocannon where it had the ability to knock down flyers in a straight line from the gun to the template. I miss fun

Lose I guess.

Disembark your Troops, son.

depends on the faction really, some SC! are crazy good (Tau/Skitarri) whereas others not so much (Eldar/tyranids)

I gagged at your filename and the crons just got nerfed.

I've heard that there's a Tau Codex leak - anyone seen if? Local Tauboy crying over chapter tactics.

For the most part, there are still plenty of things regular marines are better at than Primaris, although Primaris in the Codex definitely got a big bump from the Index and are viable now as a standalone force.

However, I'm sure we'll continue to see more and more Primaris releases moving forward that really do begin to tip the scale and increasingly make oldmarines irrelevant.