Do you guys use a screen for your in-person games?

Do you guys use a screen for your in-person games?

Yes, because I don't want my skivvy cunt players cheating or metagaming.

>Keeps players from learning important details on an enemy they're facing.
>Gives me access to all the information I'd need to run a game without having to consult the book.

The table we game on is too small, and the players aren't metagaming assholes either.

I used to for 4e cause my group were metagaming dicks but now with 5e I never seem to play on the same table twice so I usually end up unable to use it cause the table is too small or an irregular size

depends on game and players
in some situations, my players and I know the material well enough that we only need to occasionally do a rule look up when someone tries something extra janky (if we don't feel like homerules)
Otherwise, i'm playing with a bunch of pen 'n paper virgins, and the screens helps me remember what the hell is going on, since i'm answering questions so damn often

>Do you guys use a screen for your in-person games?
yes, because I need those notes on the back and I don't need players reading my notes, or my dice.

Yeah, I like the reference tables and it means i can fudge a roll or two so I don't triple crit a player who's already having a hard time.

>i can fudge a roll or two so I don't triple crit a player who's already having a hard time.
Or conversely have the Dungeon boss land at least 1 decent hit so the fight isn't a complete joke.

I build a pillow fort and keep all the books in there.

For some reason, my players demanded I use a screen. I must admit the list of status effects is very useful, though.

Yes. I use a landscape oriented tri-fold screen that allows for custom inserts on both sides of the screen's panels.

Usually I keep some nice art on the outside for the players to look at and set the mood while the interior has assorted charts for quick reference. Any important stat blocks or story beats, locations, NPCs, etc. I keep written on sorted index cards. I also keep my dice (unsurprisingly) and a 1 minute timer behind the screen though I will roll openly if anyone ever expresses doubts about whether or not I am telling the truth.

My current set-up works well but I still experiment to find potentially better configurations.

I use my laptop as my screen, connected to a TV that we use as a map. It's more because it's useful then caring about keeping something secret. No actual screen though.

Nah, I use a laptop. I run a system that it's a bitch to get physical copies of, if they exist at all, so I need it to check rules and charts anyway

This. Learned my fucking lesson the very first time I DM'd when one of my players saw that an NPC had way better gear than they did and bullshited rolls to allow them to steal that gear.

What is the name of that system user?

Gurps dungeon fantasy. Finding print copies of just the core books is a massive hassle, and basically all of the DF supplements only exist as pdfs.

I do hear they're making a big print omnibus box set for Dungeon Fantasy to make it easier to get into, so maybe once that happens I'll switch to a screen.

Kickstarter set is about to ship next month or september I think

When I'm learning a new system, yes. Afterward I drop it. I roll everything in the open and keep notes on a tablet, so the only practical application of a screen is easy access to a large number of tables and mechanics aids.

Absolutely. Not to hide shit from the players, or to lie to them.

It's got handy reference info on one side for me, and reference info on the other side for the players.

It's also a place to stick NPC portraits on top of so they can see a picture of who they are talking to.

Yes but only really to hide my notes and because of tradition. I do all of my rolls in front of the screen.

Landscape screen. I'm surprisingly shit at balancing fights and I'm notorious in my group for my streaks of luck (bad or good) when I'm a PC, so I'm constantly fudging dice rolls or the number of monsters, their health and to hit bonus or their stat block in general. I'll usually stop fudging once the fight is half way through and let think stand or fall on their own from there.

only if I have pillows to sit on and its wider than it is tall. Most of my height is below my waist, and I look shorter than some of my short friends when sitting down.

Yes, but mostly just for the convenience of having reference sheets handy right in front of me. I don't care so much about the "hiding stuff from players" side of things.

I have one, but I mostly just make use of the reference sheets on the back. The way the room we play in is set up, a screen isn't really useful.