So what chapters would suit a larger number of reivers?

So what chapters would suit a larger number of reivers?

Other urls found in this thread:

Night Lords


Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Black Templars, Raven Guard.

Any Chapter with a stealth or melee focus, really.

this, but erm, loyalist

The Scary Sams
The Spooky Dookies
The Screamo Syndicate
The Tactikoolaidmen
The Operational Operators
The Caped Crusaders
The League of Orphans
The Inheritors of Wayne
The Knights of the Moon
The Shadows of the Bat



Raven Guard.

do we know what the bolt carbines do yet?

no, but I'm guessing reduced range, and Assault 2 rather than Rapid Fire 1

Assault 2 24" S4 ap-

The Edge Masters
The Personnel Kids
The Cod Blops

>Interiors of Wayne

That's pretty unusual for marines if true.

Raven Guard, Raptors, marines as part of a non-extermination inquisition force, any chapter that prefers being high speed low drag to the heavy thunderbolt - excessively honourable chapters may eschew them or have very limited numbers

The Emperor's Trenchcoats

Boltguns have no AP now.
Only the older editions has them with an AP value.

Raven Guard and Space Sharks.



Sanguine Shields


None of those are big on terror tactics.

Why hasn't any other SM force put fins on their backpacks and jumped out of of a plane before? Shouldn't all PA marines have access to deep strike now? If they can help a big Reiver descend, they must work for regular PA marines.

I wonder if I could, instead of the fins, give mine camo cloaks and use it to represent them sneaking up to the enemy undetected.

Any homebrew by edge tacticool kids playing too much cod

Alpha Legion

They just charge out of the bushes screaming, how is it any different from rocketing out of a treeline with jetpacks?

They're just a shittier version of an Imperial legend.

>blond hair
>peach skin

What are the best colors to achieve maximum shark week?

Excuse us, but we are here with a Cease-&-Desist order, due to the copyright infringement that your name invokes.

...the hell's wrong with his legs?

I can appreciate not having them wear giant metal bell bottoms, but couldn't they have come up with something better than that capri-pants look? It's utterly retarded.


Flesh Tearers

...why is it spelled that way? This can't be a Queen's English/American English thing, can it?

It's a copyright thing. GW wants all their shit copyrighted, hence everything getting less generic/more idiotic names lately.

It's an archaic spelling used for IP purposes.

whelp, i enjoyed that, i guess i'm autistic

What's wrong manlets? Afraid the chaos primaris are gonna steal your job to?

Space Sharks, Space Wolves, Raven Guard, Blood Angels, Flesh Tearers.

All the chapters that you'd expect to appreciate skull-faced psycho murderers, desu.

I would say Carcharodons, but I'm not convinced that they'd pop in and grab the recipe for Primaris until their next supply run is due, which could be a couple of centuries away.

>Melee infiltration and masters of terror
They're practically Carcharodons

Much better.


Trips of truth. Thank you. That is much better. I only had that very early mock up.

That is awesome

Sexy like a shark.

Those look like regular SM arms. Wonder if they're compatible or not. Also, shame the right shoulders are modeled on.

aw yis



bolt rifles have ap -1 and so do the heavy bolt pistols used by reivers.

Reavers are already at least one, maybe two things, so another would make it even more potentially confusing.

Also copyright

You looking to update your army? I'll take those dirty squats off your hands bro.

t. guy that doesn't have tiny dick syndrome.

Any chapter, dang it. Every chapter has every thing, it's how chapters work. I hate threads that are just
>Does Chapter have X? Or, What chapter(s) should have X?

wait do Raven Guard actually accept primaris marines? i thought corax would be salty about new mutated marines due to his mishap

all chapters accept primaris marines without question because geedubs said so.

Except Gay Knights

Don't forget about The Coldsteel Revengers

I guess that's the way to maximize sales.