Fuck, Marry Kill: Your Current Party Edition

Pick your answers in-character as your current PC. Tell us who he or she would choose and why.

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You should go fuck marry and kill yourself you stupid piece of shit

>When the Chaotic Evil character works by thyself

What happened to good 'ol indiscriminate murderfucking? Seriously, kids these days.

Fuck the cute but stoic thief, to get a smile on her face.
Marry the cleric he's dating.
Kill the wizard because fuck magic.

Kill them all and fuck the bodies, reanimate the bodies and murderfuck them again.

Male human fighter/barbarian.
Fuck the elf druid because she's a well-built woman.
Marry the half-dragon dragon shaman because he's a fighting bro.
Kill the cleric because them being a reincarnated old human man in the body of a young aasimar woman is something he has trouble wrapping his head around.

She would fuck the gay boy with the nice hair, marry the boy from the rich family, and kill the boy who proposed to her aunt.

Human Male Cavalier:
Fuck the halfling girl because he loves impaling bitches on his lance.
Marry my war raptor because she's my soul mate.
Kill the magus who sold a set of magic horse shoes instead of trying to make a deal with me. Fuck that guy.

Marry all the women, fuck all the older unavailable men; kill any male under the age of 30.

Which one first - fucking or murdering?

>Marry my war raptor
Does it pass the Harkness Test?

I think it's more important that she's JRHNBR.

Playing elven "green knight" paladin with an animist vibe. Definitely kill the blaspheming asshole CN dragonborn. I swear to god I would strangle that player if he wasn't my bestie's fiancee.

Most of the rest of the party is other women she gets along with platonically, so I'm assuming they aren't really in the running here, the paladin PC being striaght. The only other dude besides the lizard is a neurotic self loathing half-orc druid; she deeply respects his station and faith, so maybe there's something to build on there, but that also creates distance, and besides, he's a goddamn weirdo.

Fuck the drow bard, because obviously he's a bard, and an elf. He knows what he's doing.
Marry the quiet, meek wood elf ranger. He's one of those gentle, near-pacifist types who would support you unfailingly.
Kill the half-dragon Sorcerer/Favored Soul. You can probably see why.

Fuck the girly looking boy, from behind though.
Marry the street urchin girl so I don't bring shame on my family.
Kill rich daddy.

Fuck the drunken cleric.
Marry the paladin.
Kill the ranger.

Fuck the Ranger
>Cute Elf is cute, but we don't really see eye-to-eye most of the time.
Marry the Paladin
>I don't think his goddess is opposed to gay shit if it's between two giant, strong warriors, probably. Even if she is, then she can fuck off the edge of my barbarian dick.
Kill the Rogue
>I don't fuck animals, even hot ones.

Playing a paladin.
Would kill them all without a second of doubt.

Fuck the elven druid
Marry the warlock
Kill the assassin

>fuck my own character
she's fierce and takes shit from no one, she'd be a great lay
>marry the deserter from the imperial army
he's got good morals (why he left) and generally seems like a caring well adjusted husbando
>kill our escort/face of the group
dude is narcissistic as fuck

>fuck my own character
masturbation does not count

Fuck the Warlock
Marry the other Rogue
Kill the Cleric

It was a great game, guys

S-sure does.

My character is a gold dragonborn paladin living in an underground city in the middle of a labyrinth.
>fuck human warlock chick who gets bullied more than a healer
>marry gnome treasure hunter and scholar
>kill halfling rogue who has never even once cooperated with anyone.

>fucking or marrying monster races

Guess it's kill them all then.

Female Ravenqueen paladin focused on emforcing the natural life cycle here.
Roughly fuck trap bard who has probably wanted it from everyone anyway, marry the honorable court bard who has accompanied us as an advisor, and re-kill the cleric who I know has resurrected people before.

From my character perspective...
>fuck no one
but I mean if my god told me to (///,///)
>marry the ranger/paladin
he's a real warrior, righteous, kind and strong. he also help her through getting disowned by her god.
>kill the edgy CN rogue type guy
fucker won't even tell us his name but insists on following us around and being a massive self righteous dick (OOC: I know he's taking more then his share of the loot)

In my Shadowrun game the GM flat out stated he's not going to use the comforts, security, and neighborhood rules against us, so the entire team except me are either squatting or living low lifestyle in Redmond (despite a low lifestyle in Redmond the human mage always looks well groomed and clean). I'd rather shoot my dick off than stick it in any of them.

> Fuck the male human monk obsessed with MASSIVE GAINS
>Marry the female halfling warlock who's courteous and a bit shy(god help you if she gets mad though)
>Kill the dumb fuck illiterate human barbarian who tries to fight everyone he meets

There's only one girl in my current party so I guess I fuck and marry her and then kill her because she's insufferable.


wtf does this mishmash of letters mean

I play a female kitsune wizard with high charisma and knowledge, she is easily jealous and annoyed but tries to show her sweet side too.
Fuck -" I fuck nobody outside of whoever is my lover, I simply don't see the point."
Marry - "Probably the dragonborn paladin, he is reliable but a little stupid. But I don't mind as long as it's him, he can be based if the situation needs him to. But in the end I have to lead him."
Kill - "That dwarf priest is unbearable, annoying little drunkard who's only personality is alcohol and screaming racist slurs at elves. I can't kill for nothing though, so I'll wait for a reason first.

you are autismu

You don't need to stand on a bucket to fuck a horse if it's short enough

>kill rich daddy
Will you at least do it in a way where you can get some of his money? Like maybe take out a life insurance policy then make it look like an accident?

flip a coin

I play as a cute but sometimes holier than thou and emotionally troubled paladin girl

I don't think she's fucking, marrying, or killing anybody

They don't need to be female to play fuck marry kill, user. It's just a game, don't let it shake your fragile heterosexuality.

>Squatter Lifestyle

Dude, what's the point of pulling in thousands for murder and mayhem for hire if you're not spending it doing the finest tripchips and coke in your penthouse suite?

Fuck the Gaira Dragon Manah Razz but only in the wake, where I'm more likely to survive it.
Marry the Gaira Dragon Manah Razz fusing your soul to her is the same as marrying her, right?
Kill the Mentalist for being an idiot that 9/10 times nearly gets another party member killed, usually by not looking where he's firing his psychic rail gun.