Could 5 terminator squads (50 terminators) kill/hurt a primarch? Primarch is alone. Only lore

Could 5 terminator squads (50 terminators) kill/hurt a primarch? Primarch is alone. Only lore.

Probably, also depends on terrain though. Like I can't imagine anyone would have a fun day surrounded in a plain being shot at by fifty terminators. But Id say angron would have a pretty easy time pummeling 50 terminators to death if they were forced to come at him in melee one at a time.

twenty good terminators could do it

Depends who's writing it and the outcome they want.

Well during the battle of Phall 14 Imperial fist terminators and 30 Mark III marines faced Peturabo alone and all died horribly.

However this was because the fists are functionally autistic and there was actually at least 30+ more terminators that should have been with that force that were not. Had they been they would have had a good chance of murder fucking Big P who himself was so shaken by this that he built his robot death squad afterwards to protect him.

So yes in that story at least. Primarchs aren't invincible they're basically a very powerful Daemon prince with a bunch of inspirational abilities too.

If we try to remove poor authorship its still clear that most Primarchs have various strength levels depending upon where and in what situation they find themselves. So what could the explanation for this be?

There was a change in Primarch fluff that swapped them from being SCIENCE! to MAGIC!. The Emperor stole/gambled for some knowledge/power from the Chaos Gods and used this to create the Primarchs. People can argue all they want about canon this and canon that but I think it makes sense with how the Primrachs have been depicted lately. And I say this because if you view the Primarchs as daemon princes they make much more sense. Basically the Emperor built a new species, the Primarchs, however they had no soul. They arent technically alive. So Emps creates/borrows from the warp and perfection! Now this is important as it explains how all the Primarchs have a connection to the warp and can explain these various fluctuations in power levels.

Lets look at Lorgar, the worst Primarch. In my mind Lorgar is the worst Primarch because he doesnt want be be one. One of the strongest and greatest warriors the galaxy will ever see but its not really for him. And it's not just from him not trying, even when he attempts to he's just not very good at it because his hearts not in it, and this is what I think really matters. Lorgar early on in the Great Crusade failed to really capture what makes the Primarchs so special, and that is the reality bending power in their soul thats tied to their mortal form freeing them from the ordered nature of the warp. They can do what ever they want the just have to BELIEVE.

Thats how we get Guilliman scared of a couple of bolters. Everything is going wrong for him, he's unsure and depressed about Calth. So he becomes a bitch. At the same time thats how we get Russ being resistant to Magnus's powers and Angron lifting Titans. Those are the times when the Primarchs are acting in their proper nature and shaping reality to fit that narrative.


Primarch power levels are weird. On one hand they can kill shit ton of stuff and can't easily dispatch one another, yet can be decapitated or poisoned.

To be fair they were storming a captiql ship and had faced other marines and a pair of dreadnoughts along the way. They probably got thinned out.

No, Horus kills three imperial knights on Moloch who got the drop on him, and Magnus kills a pair of Wraithknights on an Eldar world. Sanguinious beats a bloodthirster, Daemon Angron kills 100 termies before losing to a spell, Lorgar and Angron kill a Dark Eldar battleship together without injury. Vulkan defeats the Beast, and Horus kills the lord of Ullanar.

Killing a Primarch requires Imperator Titan levels of power.

But also remember like 10 dudes took down possessed (or was he?) Fulgrim to subdue him and tie him to a torture rack.

Horus and Magnus both had help. They would have died if their marines didnt literally shield them from danger


>Daemon Angron kills 100 termies before losing to a spell
actually those guys were mostly fighting angron's 12-bloodthirster retinue

That was an extremely shitty daemon in fulgrims body. It was worse at fighting than Lucius the Eternal.

Corax also massacres the Gal Vorbak without taking a hit off of those jobbers, then spanks Lorgar before Kurze shows up.

>Lord Inquisitor Ramsay Bolton and his twenty good stormtroopers.


Well 3 guardsmen heavy weapon teams killed 24 Night Lords so I suppose anything is possible.

We only discuss real legions here.

Depends on writing, but usually, no. The power of fifty Terminators in books is big but what Primarchs do defies logic.

Also, Terminators are biggest threat if they are in melee, and going into melee with a primarch is complete suicide. Fifty highly trained veteran marines in regural armor with high end weaponry would have a slightly better chance but would still die.


Thags what happens when you get the drop on someone from a concealed position

cool theory bro, but it has no backing. and considering the amount of knowledge we have about the Primarchs, if it was true, we would know.

Most likely. Numbers are a crucial aspect of war.
In D&D, even in old editions with much better scaling, 50 goblins could take out a decently leveled character.

we don't talk about that

>and considering the amount of knowledge we have about the Primarchs
You mean very little? Basically none infact?

In the Forgotten Empire Rowboat was locked in a room with an entire squad of normie marines. Of course, they were stronger then than they are in 30k due to degradation of the geneseed.

So about 10 marines.

He killed them all but had serious injuries that incapacitated him for a day or so.