Is this confirmation that the games are canon, that the Dawn of War series is not in a separate universe? Never played the games admittedly but would like Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter as a model.
Is this confirmation that the games are canon, that the Dawn of War series is not in a separate universe...
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The Dawn of War games have always been canon, user. What kind of loony nonsense made you believe otherwise?
I thought there was skub about DoW being canon or not.
There's fucking skub about any given piece of 40k fluff being canon. Best not to worry what is and isn't canon for that way lies internet autism and shitfits. Best just to focus on what you and your friends like.
As to the second part of the thread do you think Gorgutz, Stubbs, or anyone else will get a model?
I have no idea if he will, but he god damn better well get a model. I need some Stubbs in my guard.
Probably not. I doubt this is anything more than a promotional piece. Maybe Gorgutz since he's in DoW3.
Considering there was a sub-plot in the HH books involving them should speak their place in 40K canon.
Isn't Gorgutz basically the same model as Ghazghull? Pre-DoW3 at least.
Some fictional settings keep videogame storylines at arm's length and I wasn't sure about 40k in that regard.
Never played the games, I just read the storylines. Is there enough content in DoW3 for a guy with satellite internet to enjoy? Can't play online reliably at all.
Blood Ravens/Dawn of War have neen canon since 4th Ed and their Index Astartes article. Hell, the Article actually hinted at Dawn of War IIs plot with the 5th Company.
Gorgutz and Macha, I'd imagine. I doubt we'd see the others. I just want a Blood Ravens transfer sheet/upgrade kit.
Sure they are, just disregard backflipping terminator or other trash this that some "authors" brought to the setting.
This user is ancient and wise. Veeky Forums should heed his words.
Kais should get a model for sure.
Not really. Content in DOW3 is very slim. Wait until it gets some DLC.
Can anyone summerize DoW3? I need to know if the plot is worth a damn, I wanted it to succeed so we could have playable newcrons in the future
This user Also get 1 and 2 first.
I still hate this fucking mini. How could they think giving Gabriel a fucking fivehead was a good idea?
This channel has everything for all the games:
>Plot begins in Cyprus Ultima, where House Varlock is under siege by local orks.
>Inquisitor Holt forbide anyone to help them. Gabriel Angelos (now Chapter Master) flips him the bird and help the local imperials anyway.
>Turns out that siege was planned by Gorgutz, who now works for a local Warboss named Gitstompa. Everyone knew that Gorgutz is planning to Sindri him.
>While trying to get new bits for a Big Gun, an eldar warhost from Biel-Tan arrives. They get krumped anyway.
>For that, Autach Kyre (leader of the warhost) sends Macha to off Gitstompa.
>The eldar are there because of a prophecy about a great weapon named "The Spear of Khaine", that would grant its weilder enough power to beat everyone else. Only Macha think it is grot dung.
>Macha offs Gitstompa, but only because Gorgutz sabotaged Da Big Gun. (Dat's right, an ork used an eldar as a pawn for his own plans)
>The Inquisitor is also looking for the spear, and forces Gabriel to repel an assault in a starfort led by Kyre, who wanted to steal an artifact from a lost planet named Archeon, where thr spear hides. Gabe wins, but destroys the artifact and blows part of the fort.
>The battle from above cause scrap coming out of the sky, which Gorgutz uses to inpose his authority on the others orks, incluying the old Weirdboy Zapnoggin and the Mek Wazzmakka.
>Gorgutz also knew about Archeon, he found out in Kaurava after krumping everyone else there.
>Macha is sent to kill Gabriel and is helped by Jain Zar and Ronahn. Macha is still pissed for the Maledictum fiasco and beats Jonah Orion for info about her hudba- I mean ancient foe.
>When Gabriel and Macha finally fight, Archeon appears and the Farseer realizes there's something else in the future and Angelos has a important part in it, so she leaves.
>Meanwhile, Holt forces a blockade in Archeon, but it fails because of the eldar using webway, the Blood Ravens using teleporters and Gorgurtz literally crashing on one of the starforts.
The Blood Ravens are canon. The events of the game are mostly not canon.
The events of the Warhammer game take place from 997 41M to +010 42M. There is no mention of the Fall of Cadia, the Great Rift, Girlyman returning at all. The Blood Ravens should have had Primaris marines in Dawn of War Chaos Rising and Retribution and Dawn of War 3.
The games take place in another timeline.
>Games don't mention fluff that came out after the games.
>It could be the Primaris Marines and other stuff were off screen, or that such events were pertinent to the plot at hand.
>Nope, the game devs didn't go back and update all the games with a new script, voice lines, and units to accommodate new fluff and therefore it is mostly noncanon now
Veeky Forums autism never fails to impress.
Sorry. It's the game devs stupidity for setting the game in a timeline that doesn't fit the main canon.
The events of the game would be small time distraction that get ignored in the face of the canon events that rocked the setting. Who would care about some planet and a spear when the light of the Golden Throne disappeared and the galaxy was cracked in half.
The Blood Ravens sub-sector is in the Eastern Fringes near Ultramar and they are undermanned. They would be the first chapter to get the new super duper marines. And yet...
>Gabriel went the planet to find Chaplain Diomedes, who was in one of the fallen starforts. Diomedes survives and they proceed to kill every xeno in the remains of the fort, that got fused with the planet.
>Under the excuse of still trying to kill Gabriel, Macha and Ronahn plots behind the autach's back to rescue the source of Kyre's prophecy: the soulstone of Taldeer.
>They convice Gorgutz to off Kyre by promising him Khaine's Super Pointy Stikk. Being eldar, Ronahn backstab Gorgutz at his first chance, but the Warboss trashes the eldar bases, up to killing Wraithlod Valador, who was Kyre's best buddy.
>Meanwhile, Macha and Jain Zar sneak in Kyre's stronghold to get Taldeer back, then orks arrives and it starts a clusterfuck where Macha's forces barely manages to escape.
>Gabriel is also in middle of this madness, and he cannot escape until he destroy Wazzmakka' Tractor Bean. He does so, but the Inquisitor got butthurt that he would not get the spear that bombs the whole place. The Blood Ravens manages to escape except Angelos.
>Turns out, there was a frozen planet under the floor and the bombimg opened a direct path to the spear.
>Macha finds out there is a Khornate daemon sealed there and begs Kyre to leave, but he does not hear reason. It starts a open civil war in the Swordwind and Macha's side finds a still functioning Wraithknight. She forces Ronahn to get in the fucking robot and Kyre's forces get slaughtered before Wraithknight Taldeer.
>The Magpies are pissed and Holt manages to calm them down with declaring that Gabe was still alive, House Varlock decides to help the Astartes, but tell the inquisitor to piss off.
>Gabriel spend some time killing eldar soldiers and gets rescued by Solaria, and they massacres even more eldar.
>Gurgutz manages to pass trough the battle and arrives to the spear, but Kyre got there first.
>Suprise! The spear was a lie from Chaos and it eats Kyre, freeing the Storm Prince.
>Macha and Taldeer get the full picture of the prophecy, and they decide to get Gabriel and Gorgutz to help them in smacking the daemon silly. Gabriel accepts because he want to avoid a Maledictum 2.0 and Gorgutz wants to fight some chaos gitz.
>Archaon get destroyed and the Chapter Master, the Farseer and the Warboss defeat the Storm Prince. Angelos actually apologice Macha for not listening her in DoW 1, Gorgutz got his pointy stick and the three of them leave without backstabbing.
>But wait! Some necrons has been watching everything and they will act soon.
>Da end.
Does Guilliman knows who is the Primarch of the Blood Ravens?
Marines orks and Eldar use the power of friendship to defeat a planet sized demon. But then it's actually kinda tiny when you fight it. Oh and the only chaos unit they modeled is blood thirsters so the chaos armies are just marines elder and orks in black with red eyes. Spooky!
>Does Guilliman knows who is the Primarch of the Blood Ravens?
Blood Raven give their geneseed to Cawl and he would figure it out. Cawl has ALL the geneseed. And I mean all of them. Even the geneseed from traitor primarchs.
Im assuming Ghaz and Macha will get models next. After that i am almost certain we will see a non dawn of war related video game model, such as "Tau Fire Warrior Possessed by Bloodthirster" (okay maybe not) or Titus.
The simultaneously right answer and copout is that you can make as much or little of it canon as you wish. Compromise is that BRs exist (and have been referenced multiple times now - see Deathwatch), but everything in DoW need not be canon because of it
I'd like to see em do a model for Tau commander from DoW Dark Crusade, as he has a very cool look that looks completely different from regular battlesuits (Shadowsun's custom stealth suit is kind of similar but smaller). He also is (probably) an established lore character, as it's heavily implied that he's Puretide's (Tau Sun Zhu's) third student besides Shadowsun and Farsight.
Titus and Sidonius are already there.
There is an explanation for this built into Dark Imperium.
The characters think the events of the game take place in M41.997, but it's actually M41.582 or something.
The imperial bureaucracy regularly loses planets, the entire Ordo Chronos ate itself over how fucked their dating system was. Nobody has actually known the date accurately since about M35. So DOW3 might say It's 10 years into M42 when it may still be hundreds of years before gathering storm.
Is it an elegant fix? No, but is it fitting? I think so.
Not this guy but.
you also have to take into account warp rifts, dimensional cascades, time-wimey bullshit and necron/eldar dickery.
One John French story has a planet trapped in its own past where the planet itself is 500 years behind everyone else.
>We thought the Ordo Cronos was behind some serious timeline/dimentional stuff.
>They only wanted to fix the calendar.
It's not really Relic's fault GW decided to backtrack the timeline. Remember back when Dark Crusade/DoW2 came out the 13th Black Crusade had already happened and Medusa V took place in M42.
But like others said, Dark Imperium built in a fix for this.
Time is fluid now, so timeline consistency is no longer important.
Games workshop does not take the concept of canon particularly seriously. YOU take the concept of canon seriously.
He also has the same name as the main character from Fire Warrior.
But the Tau commander in Dark Crusade beat it when the Ethereal got killed, and we know Kais is too much of a maniac to do that.
So how do you explain Goldie and his crusade against wrongbadcanon?
The same way you justify everything in 40k
>1: That's so Metal
>2: IDK, warp chaos fuckery or something
>3: Non-linear time (that seems to be a big one these days)
>4: Canon as dictated by a publicly traded company is a stupid concept that puts shareholder interest in charge of artistic endeavors in our favorite games, and should largely be ignored
Here, enjoy some goff rockers.
>There is an explanation for this built into Dark Imperium.
There has always been an explanation. The most reliable ways the Imperium has for synchronizing calendars between planets involve sending ships and/or psychic messages through the warp.
The warp is known for time fuckery. There is the time it usually takes to travel from system a to b. Sometimes ships are lost in the warp for centuries or millennia with only the usual passage of time for those inside them. Sometimes ships arrive before they left.
The calendar is fucked. It always has been a best guess.
Have a read of this:
That page has been around a while. The check number has been in the fluff for years.
Gene seed from the lost legions as well apparently
I'll boggle you more, Hero Quest is also canon to Fantasy and before End Times the figures were event legal stand-ins if you painted them.
Beyond an offhand reference to "blood and ravens" there isn't any subplot about them.
Shitty pic, but Blood Ravens are mentioned in the new codex. That's pretty canon.
You know, they really have a nice colour scheme and all. But they are totally ruined to me because of all the memery surrounding them.
>Unknown Foundings
>Get P-marines anyway
How does this work?
>"oh know da may-mays!"
Who cares, just give them primaris from some average primarch
Upgrading Marines, I imagine. The process is really just new organs.
new codex mentions/references Blood Ravens as "unknown Founding", at this point they are confirmed cannon, and after the embracing of the memes by the DoW2 creators (Commisar Lord Berne quotes, Cyrus mentioning the retardedness of Boreale ect ect) they really deserve to be.
Well if I'm not mistaken, every chapter pays a tithe of gene-seed to mars, so cawl already had the stuff on hand to make them primaris marines.
>Dawn if War written by BL authors
>Index Astartes article
>Chapter Tactics in 4th Ed
>Several Paint Guides
>Mentioned in Medusa V
>Forgeworld Transfer Sheet
>Deathwatch Mini
>Constant references in BL books
>GWs push for DoWIII
They're far more canon than the FFG books that some people treat like gospel.
forgot to mention the fact that they are now in a codex
They were in the 4th ed Codex and had full chapter tactics.
I never understood why people get so assblasted about the "power of friendship" ending. Humans, Orkz and Eldar have been shown to be able to cooperate since Rogue Trader. Fuck, all three of them were created or uplifted by the Old Ones, and humans can even interbreed with Eldar. It'd make far less sense if they couldn't cooperate, especially against a monolithic threat like Chaos.
>I never understood why people get so assblasted about the "power of friendship" ending.
Muh grimdark.
>Humans, Orkz and Eldar have been shown to be able to cooperate since Rogue Trader.
But most of the time they backstab each other.
>Fuck, all three of them were created or uplifted by the Old Ones,
It is unclear with humies in modern fluff
>and humans can even interbreed with Eldar.
Old fluff only. Modern fluff at most is a urban legend with some cosairs.
>It'd make far less sense if they couldn't cooperate, especially against a monolithic threat like Chaos.
Everyone can be stuborn jerks.
DoW3's plot is dawn of war 1 but everyone wins.
Also mentioned in the 6th ed SM codex with a hint that some chapters with unknown founding had the knowledge of their found locked away by high echelons of the Inquisition/AdMech.
>Following the resurrection of Roboute Guilliman in late M41, the Primarch attempted to reform the Imperial dating system more efficiently and create a reliable Imperial history. The result has been met with controversy and a civil war known as the Chronostrife has broken out within the Inquisition's Ordo Chronos.[2]
I get that in the grim dark future there is only war, but:
>we should fix the calendar
>that's heresy, we civil war now
seems like taking it a bit too far
There weren't any chapter tactics in 4e.
Chapter Traits or whatever it was called. Blood Ravens could infiltrate/extra CC in exchange for not having many tanks.
Are you seriously this retarded or is this a bait post?
>Gabriel Angelos is the first of the new Warhammer 40,000 character series and is a beautiful model depicted wielding the Daemon hammer God-splitter and armoured in modified Tartaros war-plate. You’ll be able to add this legendary Chapter Master to your forces very soon, and he’s even getting a special rules sheet to represent his unique abilities on the tabletop.
Fyi, I think a 40k character series is cool, I really like the whole range of the HH character series
Shas'La Kais had a model and novel for the tie into the Firewarrior game. I believe he was just a firewarrior with a railrifle in 4th, maybe he had bs4
I don't expect elegance from the company that decided a chainsaw makes an excellent choice for melee weaponry.
Oh awesome, I was planning on trying to kitbash Gabriel myself for my Ravens, but I'll get this lovely thing instead now
Which ever hollywood company that made the texas chainsaw massacre?
I hope they take the opportunity to add Blood Raven transfers back to the store as well
There's a difference between a schlocky horror movie using a chainsaw to chop up unwary idiots and post human elite warriors hauling one onto a battlefield.
I like them because they have a lot of character but I don't like their one gimmick is just "lots of librarians" which never, ever played a role in any of the games.
I think in dark crusade you could have more than 1 librarian during the campaign but that was it
>Is this confirmation that the games are canon
user they have been canon since 2004. They got an index astartes article and they have been featured in every codex since 4th in one way or another.
>The events of the game are mostly not canon
who says such blasphemy? Technically the events of the books are the one that ARE NOT canon.
>There is no mention of the Fall of Cadia, the Great Rift, Girlyman returning at all. The Blood Ravens should have had Primaris marines in Dawn of War Chaos Rising and Retribution and Dawn of War 3.
Have you considered the fact that they where being too fucking bussy dealing with a civil war and that they havent got the new recruits yet?
seriously user, leave your autism behind.
Nope, the Blood Raven sub-sector is next door to Ultramar. They should have been the first fguys visited by Girlyman's Crusade. Girlyman should have ended the Blood Raven civil war and gifted them P-Marines.
Also there is another glaring issue. In the Relic-timeline. Titus is the captain of the Ultramarine second company while in the main canon Cato remains the captain of the Ultramarine second company a hundred years still after 999 41M.
>. Girlyman should
Have you considered the fact that the warp rifts and what they do?
>Titus is the captain of the Ultramarine second company
This is complete autism, you do realise that Graia is at the other side of the galaxy right?
You do realise that the only ultramatrines that Operate on that side are the Honor Company of Ultramarines right? who happens to have the same color scheme as the 2nd company.
Has it crossed your mind that Titus WAS the captain "force commander" of the Ultrasmurf honor company?
If you bring autism then you surely can use it to find the answers.
Also Graia in the Relic-verse is nothing like the Graia in the main universe which is a functioning and powerful Forgeworld that needs no Space Marines to defend it.
>Have you considered the fact that the warp rifts and what they do?
No Warp rifts were involved.
>Gathering Storm- Started in 2016
>Dawn of War II: Retribution- Released in 2011
Methinks there may be another reason involved. Hell, even the DoWIII devs probably weren't kept that much up to speed with the fluff.
>he’s even getting a special rules sheet to represent his unique abilities on the tabletop.
Does this include backflips perchance?
>Release Vance Stubbs model
>Special Rule: WE CAN ALWAYS BUILD MORE: Despite losing 100 Baneblades, Vance Stubbs knows how to construct more. If you can drive a Rhino model into the enemy's deployment zone, it automatically becomes a friendly Baneblade.
Remember, user: the orks won Soulstorm.
dow iii better not be canon
What's wrong with what actually happens in 3 outside of the Stubbs meme?
i just dont like how gorgutz looks in that game is all
because in 1 you played as the generic space marine faction with a BL skin.
It was a much better story than 1, and the 3 faction perspective made the story more compelling.
Not that user, but I hate this.
They say that Gorgutz won, but how the hell did he end up serving another Warboss? I'd believe it if Gorgutz was one of those that lost, but if he did win, then he had a 4-worlds worth Ork WAAAGH!!! I mean at this point he had a whole star system with all its resources and loot from the other factions. HOW THE HELL HE'S A LACKEY OF SOME NOT!ORKAMANGUS!? THAT WOULD MAKE SENSE IF HE LOST SOULSTORM.
An even bigger WAAAGH came in attracted by the rumors of warfare and made Gorgutz and the sector its bitch.
That or Gorgutz was contacTed by Ghazkull and joined into an even bigger waagh with bigger Orks where Gorgutz isnt the warboss anymore but another lackey in Ghaz' great WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!.
OK, that would be more believable.
They explain it. Gorgutz found records in the conquered system about the legendary planet and its treasure. Gorgutz left the conquered system and his old Waaagh! behind to seek a new adventure.
In other words "Gorgutz does wot Gorgutz wants". Huh.
>Gorgutz left the conquered system and his old Waaagh! behind to seek a new adventure.
That is the single stupidest thing for an Ork Warboss to do. No, seriously, it's beyond stupid. So stupid even Tzeentch would need to keep his brain from crawling out. That's how stupid this is.
'Kais' is a common name in Tau society. It means 'skilled'. It's like an English soldier called 'Smith'.
I still like the idea of Fire Warrior Kais and O'Kais being the same dude, though.
Farsight's name at some point was Kais.
>I still like the idea of Fire Warrior Kais and O'Kais being the same dude, though.
O'Kais was a commander during the Damocles Crusade and fellow student and estranged friend to both Farsight and Shadowsun. He was after the Damocles Crusade.
La'Kais was a rookie fire warrior that was born 200 years after the Damocles Crusade.
Knowing that the games are a separate timeline gives me peace of mind. In my mind most of the amazing stuff in DoW games probably happened in canon but the less than optimal lore stuff (like all of Soulstorm and DoW 3) are just funny video game moments trying to emulate the 40k feel.
Also, fucking Tarkus tabletop model when?
'Cause dat's da way 'e rolls ya git!
Seriously, even the smartest ork do some dumb stuff once on a while.
I also aprove everything that can mindfuck that mutant bird fuck.
but that explanation makes no sense and goes counter to all the established fluff about ork psyche and motivations
theres no way a warboss just leaves his waagh to do some personal adventure, just look at the story of Tuska - he took his whole waaagh into the warp, he didnt go alone like a git
O'Kais could be a nice middle ground to Farsight's Melee/Battlesuits and Shadowsun's Sneaki Breeki.
Gorgutz makes his living by NOT acting like your average Warboss. I mean part of his schtick is always having an escape plan. He's a brutally cunning git.
>O'Kais could be a nice middle ground to Farsight's Melee/Battlesuits and Shadowsun's Sneaki Breeki.
O'Kais is a monat which means an army of one. His focus is not leading armies but being a weapon of mass destruction.