MTG modern general

non fag edition



>favorite card
>favorite set
>favorite lands to use

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Beginner here.

My L(F)GS sells packs of

1x every common card from recent sets (HoD, Amonkhet, Revolt, Zendikar, Moon) for about 1,5 dollars.

If i plan to play pauper, are those good deals so i have a good selection or should i just buy singles and build the decks i want?

It seems nice to buy like 3 of each common in the set for 4,5 bucks and have a wide selection

Not beginner, but wanting to try combo for the first time to see if I like it. Cascade has always been a favorite mechanic of mine, should I roll with Living End or Cascabalance?

that's a great deal, most of the cards aren't great, but it's cheap

Buying any sort of pack is a waste imo. Buy the cards you need so you get exactly what you need.

this is not the pauper general. also almost all of those cards will be unplayable trash even in pauper. if you want to have them just to have them then go ahead but remember every card in pauper has to compete with every common since the start of the game for a slot in a deck so there are only a couple cards per set, if that, that fit into these eternal formats.

id reccomend buying singles but if you want to build a stock/collection go right ahead and buy them.

But if you want to get some other cards/mana cards for decks i would recommend a deck builders kit. or if you want to get some of the older cards i would recommend buying a tournament pack on amazon, Mirage, Mirrodin, and odyssey sell for cheap,but you can get some stuff from shadowmoor, kamigawa (Thats the shit set/block) or alara if you want to drop $50+

also ps people really seem to like art done by john avon for some reason

Oh, or Ad Nauseum. Not quite the same as Cascade, but it seems fun

>non fag

Pick one

So Probe got banned and Infect disappeared? Did the archetype really depend on a single card?

Pretty much

o you XD

It's not fast enough now. Also Fatal Push and Blessed Allaince put nails in it's coffin.

Other cards keep it down as well. Push is the big one that can slide into a lot more decks than Path can.
Probe was the glue that kept the deck together. It let infect players know when they could go for the kill. Now they can't do that without spending mana.

Crap. First thing you learn as a MTG player is that most recent sets are full of crap, even rares, even mythics, all are actually unplayable crap. Some of them are expensive cuz in a shit pile of shit, they are still on top of that shit, and something needs to see Standard play. After rotating nothing even cost more then 50 cent.

Name me something that still sees play that isnt a reprint from the Theros Block and isnt Courser of Kruphix.

If you can get your hands on the modern event deck, thats some nice shit, even if a little expensive.
Otherwise just play draft for half a year until you know if you still want to play mtg and what format. Just ask some guys there if they can lend you a deck to see how it plays and decide from there, what kind of deck is right for you.

>Name me something that still sees play that isnt a reprint from the Theros Block and isnt Courser of Kruphix.
Swiftspear? CoCo? Collective Brutality?

>theros block

Yeah, Khans of Tarkir Block had Swiftspear and Tasigur that still see play. But two cards from three sets? I aint wasting money on those packs unless its for draft. CoCo is more of a meme imo, while Brutality is really good.

There's plenty of cards from recent sets that see play. Don't be stupid and write of current sets because of it. He also mentioned playing Pauper, in which case having all those commons is a brewer's paradise for that format. He'd still need Brainstorms, Bolts, Ponders, Preordains and Counterspells, but a bunch of commons for a few dollars. There's worse ways for someone to get into magic casually.

I misinterpreted what you meant. Coco is hardly a meme though, it's literally archetype defining.

Theros block has Eidelon. Stormbreath is the premier big red threat these days. Theros Elspeth is played in control shells.

I started with theros, so maybe, just maybe Im biased. I dont have any cards from then except my playset of courser. Standard was the worst for me back then. Got wrecked cuz back then I didnt want to invest that much into mtg. and RTR/Theros standard was really tthe worst place to start. Just a year earlier and I would have gotten Shock Duals, that are actually playable. Scry Temple? What a joke compared to them.
Sure, I started at the worst time, and back then I was really excited even about the commons. But looking back now, that was really just wasted money.

So I would say before buying useless bulk, play draft, your opponent wont get to p2w so easily, you still get useless bulk, and maybe, JUST maybe you will even get somethings thats really worth something.

English is not my mother language so maybe I just worded that wrong. Just wanted to exclude thoughtseize without naming it.

Coco ios a meme for me is just because I saw to many people get absurdly bad draws with it, (shit like hitting only lands and chords and cocos twice in a row was just hilarious to watch). Sorry, even if all my creatures are hit, what says I only get like 2 birds from it? I dont like these kind of cards, same reason why I really hated marvel in standard. Being at the mercy of your luck? I just dont like it.

And yeah, totally forgot Eidolon. And Elspeth and Stormbreath are easily overlooked as I dont really see them often. But still, even with those cards, you cant say that like 98% of those are pure shit.

Fatal Push being printed had more to do with that.

Murderous cut, atarka's command, deflecting palm, siege rhino, dig throught time, treasure cruise, ugin, eldrazi mimic, thought knot seer, reality smasher, kalitas, newlamog, nahiri, grim flayer

Still fot 4 sets to go, its like you are not even putting effort into shitposting any more

How meme is this?

Do I really need to name 3 trash tier cards for every one playable card you found i those trash cans? Sure, among all that shit there are some pearls, but open a booster from a recent set? What are the chances you get something playable thats playable in something other then standard? Pretty damm low.

So no one wants to talk about the g/w value town from the scg tourney this weekend. I'm thinking of making the switch from g/w DnT. Coco seems better than vial right now

The guy was asking about buying commons for pauper, you were the one going off on a tangent about there is no playable cards since theros that were not reprints, I answered your question with a sample list of cards that see or saew modern play, he isnt cracking packs for cards he is somply buying commons that has nothing to do with buying packs of standard

Ban Eldrazi Temple

What am I looking at?

A scoop on a t2 blood moon

Breaking news every set has a few modern playable cards in it. Details after our "Mox Opal should be banned" segment.

Thanks Tom.

Now onto our main story. Shocking new evidence that was being kept secret has been brought to light by an anonymous leaker. The evidence points to Mox opal actually being a vintage level card despite the cries of several Opal fanataics. When we asked WotC on whether it is considered bannable now they refused to give us a comment. Our advice to all Opal users would be to sell them now.

>Mox opal actually being a vintage level card
Barely. Outcome is a bad fad deck.

Trying to get from Standard into Modern until the end of the year and get at least 1 deck together for about as cheap as possible.

Got a playset of every colorless rare Eldrazi from the BFZ block and each of the new titans once each. How cheap would expanding that into a Tron Eldrazi deck be at the minimum?

Just remove Karn and chalice from the avarege lists

Chalice and ugins would be the expensive part. Luckily tron lands aren't exactly fetch/shock expensive

meant karns

>Breaking news every set has a few modern playable cards in it

What about amon khet?

What the other anons said, ignore the Chalices and Karns, cavern of souls can wait too, I believe the most expensive stuff after those are the Eldrazi Temples and the Walking Ballistas.

The underdog's deck

Vizier, Rhonas, Vizier of the menagerie, Gideon of the trials, Archfiend of Ifnir, Desert Ceradon, Horror of the broken lands and the cycling lands sort of.

As Foretold can be used.
Pull From Tomorrow is playable at least.
Vizier of Remedies caused a deck to pop up.
Mardu Cycling is a deck that popped up last week.
Aven Mindcensor

Hour of Devastation also had a few, namely
Bontu's Last Reckoning
the Defeat cycle
Nimble Obstructionist
Fraying Sanity is even being used in mill decks

It's not a ton of stuff or format breaking, but there's definitely at least playable cards in every set.

What a shit name, Gargageddon is a classic.

I'm gonna do it

You could use some proliferate cards with As fortold, like tezzerets gambit.

I know this is a modern general but does anyone have any experience with legacy omni-tell? I'm curious how strong it actually is

Divination is not playable.

>>favorite card
Norin the Wary

>>favorite set
Time Spiral, motherfucker.

>>favorite lands to use
Pic fucking related.

>>favorite card
Norin the Wary

me too, still trying to make the deck not terrible.

Do you have any secret tech I could try?

Play a better deck? Don't care about winning? Cry a lot between rounds?

Honestly, no. I've done a ton of experimentation and the deck just has a few core issues that you can't really get around, namely that it isn't fast at all and folds to combo (and Tron) pretty hard. I'm on Mardu right now (for Dark Confidant) and while it out-grinds literally anything I've played against, it just cannot beat a combo deck. It's a key weakness and if your meta is suffused with combo, you're just fucked, mate.

The only case where this is untrue is against Ad Nauseum, which randomly gets hosed by Leyline out of the board and Paths in the main for LabMan. It is also possible to gain enough life that you are outside their maximum theoretical burn range, which I've done once and was very amusing to watch them figure out.

my own deck
Esper Death Shadows Worship

Are there any mainboard cards that can actually get rid of Worship?

Cryptic Command
Lots of Tron shit
Company decks often run Qasali Pridemage or Reclamation Sage
BGx will often run a single Maelstrom Pulse main
Esper Charm

>Do you have any secret tech I could try?
I tried Saltskitter. It was dead card 90% of the time and win-more 10% of the time.

Tron will always be my bane it seems, but I'll be mainboarding 4x ghost quarter at the least. I'm hoping that with Path, Thoughtseize, and Dismember I can beat Company just by smacking them with 12/12s

Standardfag here. I want to get into modern, where should I start? I have a boner for affinity and abzan but dunno if it's possible to get a less expensive version of it. Any recommendations?

>Any recommendations?
Stop being poor.

Go beat up your fellow Wendy's chefs for their pay and then buy whatever deck you want.


>modern at lgs
>dude's girlfriend (wife maybe? didn't ask) looks like my ex who died of a heroin overdose about 9 years ago. fucking doppelganger shit.
>he's a local regular, she just started coming when they moved back to the area
>keep tripping out on her to the point where my brain says 'you need to stop looking at that girl, retard. she's not catherine'
>concede match, drop, go home
i don't like this feel, boyos.

Nice blog dumb namefag where do I unsubscribe?

>where do I unsubscribe?
the unsub button is next to your girlfriend's g-spot, which is probably why you haven't been able to hit it.

>tfw going below Fatal Push with aristocrats/tokens
>tfw going above Fatal Push with midrange goodstuff
>tfw dodging it completely with Bogles

Nah opal is fine. There isnt enough artifacts to make it pop t1 reliably, and anyone can play chalice for 0 and totaly hose you.

You're gonna need to spend the money for a modern deck, but you can cut some cards. Like 3 ravangers instead of the 4 for example. Also play affinity. Affinity has always been a tier 1 deck and looks super fun to play to boot.


>tfw running Tragic Slip in aristocrats


mono red burn


Wizards of the Coast


My commander deck because burn is unplayable now that 3 mana win the game is available now against burn.

>Favorite card

Browbeat. It's such a cool design, and I'm disappointed that Wizards hasn't used the "punisher" mechanic more.

>Favorite set

Right now, Shadows over Innistrad. I loved the theme, and while it was only ok in terms of gameplay, I still really enjoyed it. A close second is Khans. That was some of the most fun I had drafting.

>Favorite lands

Every single land, as long as they don't have the same art.

I'm currently playing affinity without ravagers, moxes and only one inkmoth. Which should i buy first?

I'm running frogmites, 4 memnites, 18 lands and have 7 flex slots. It hurts

inkmoth, those things do work

All of them

You think oketra's whatever really hoses burn completely?
>Right now, Shadows over Innistrad. I loved the theme
Oh I get it you're retarded

I know this is Veeky Forums but please tell me why I'm wrong instead of just calling me names.

Not the namecaller user, but Oketras is a sideboard card for heavy white mana decks, which means that you could be siding in 4 Skullcracks, any number of Flames of the Bloodhand, Leyline of Punishment if you have Soul Sisters in your meta.
If you have the proper tools, they'll spend 3 mana getting slapped by a Skullcrack and their lands won't untap.
The card's good out of the sideboard, but so are yours.

What about Life goes On?

You should stick to standard

I've never played standard.

name calling user here, did the work for me. A sideboard card, for one of the least played colors in modern, does not invalidate a T1 deck. But if you think so, id take those goblin guides off you

>for some reason

The sad thing is that I can't even afford any Goblin Guides. What are your thoughts on Life Goes on, the green card?

Is Thought-Knot Seer a good card if I'm not getting the CMC discounted?

It's shit in modern like 99% of the cards in set

As in worth it at 4 mana? Is a 4/4 with thoughtseize worth it at 4?

I don't see how many people struggle so badly while playing Norin Sisters...
I run a variant of it at my LGS which is full of control and GDS and I still manage to prize pretty much every time.

I'll stop playing it when it fails me especially hard
Tron and the Vizier combo, neither of which are going to be banned most likely
A shitbrew standard deck but this is modern so who fucking cares

>Favorite Card
>Favorite Set
Innistrad or Zendikar
>Favorite Lands

My friend keeps raping me using a "Goblin spawning" enchant"
Is there any counter to that?

there are spells that destroy enchantments, yes

Play Jund

Im using a greendeck.

naturalize is the go-to green enchantment hate card

What is sundering growth?

Yeah but when you build a CoCo deck properly you aren't using it to find crappy combo pieces. The look on an opponent's face when a CoCo resolves and hits two Knight of the reliquary? Or when you CoCo in response and hit spell queller? Priceless

Try Naturalize, Sundering Growth, Krosan Grip, Reclamation Sage, Nature's Claim, or Natural State.

an additional mana restriction for an additional effect that isn't always useful

Merfolk, Utron, trying burn a bit
Vizier combo, scapeshift, and fucking living end
commander and copters in merfolk

>favorite card
Mindslaver, I've won some great games with the lock in utron
>favorite set
I don't really have one, zendikar might be my favorite plane in general
>favorite lands to use
Any full arts, if wizards would print one more I'll have all full arts of different prints for merfolk. But particularly unhinged island. Shit is good looking in person

I actually forgot naturalize was 2 mana too

Hello, i am dumb poster everybody laugh at me


>Mardu Cycling

Tell me about this meme