How are gay people treated in the 41rst millennium?

How are gay people treated in the 41rst millennium?

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The Imperium is a big place, so likely in a lot of different ways. Generally, I'd expect them to have significantly more important things to worry about. Although, strangely, you might honestly see the most human on human prejudice on peaceful worlds where the various galactic threats aren't knocking at the door, giving them the leisure to discriminate against proper human beings, rather than heretics, mutants or foul xenos.

Here's your (You).

they're sent back in time by tzeench to make this thread.

Same way everyone else is: generally poorly.

They have lesbian Valhallans in Ciaphas Cain.

I suppose there are worlds much more intolerant of gays. But on average, they have a lot more to worry about then who kisses who. With mutants and actual heretics running around, most groups already have a scapegoat to beat up and with good reason.

I mean put the Wesboro Baptist Church in front of real worshippers of real demons and they will stop worrying about the gays. Or get all killed, whichever comes first.

Homosexuals are permitted, so long as they do their duty to the Imperium to birth the next generation regardless of their personal feelings.

Imperium cares about them as much as they care about most of their population

>Generally, I'd expect them to have significantly more important things to worry about

You would think that about our world too. Always room for hate in your heart.

What? We're living in one of the most peaceful, prosperous periods of human history. All the threats facing us are distant and abstract or small and overhyped. We have so much goddamn free time to waste on hating other people for no good reason it's almost funny.

Depends. Are they willing to spend give their lives for Emperor and Imperium?

horribly, like everyone else in the imperium

This. I don't know how people don't get this, sometimes, that even with all of the wars and shit in the Middle East (spreading to Europe,) that this is practically a global golden age of peace and prosperity.

Being fair, unless you look into it it doesn't seem like it. Global news media portrays things as far, far worse than they are (while also ignoring a lot of the actual atrocities and crises occurring), but you can't even really blame it on them. In polls all across the world, people will always on average say they think things are getting more dangerous and that there is more crime, even when things are getting safer. It's strange. Part of our evolutionary path gave us the tendency to focus much more on negatives and positives, to fixate on dangers in order to be ready for them. When the world was small, it was a real advantage, but with all the information in the world at our fingertips, it seems to be driving us mad.

I guess it just seems more obvious to me since I love history, and try and get news from as objective a source as possible.

Still sucks, though.

Maybe we are mad, I blame Chaos. Fucking Tzeentch.

>they will stop worrying about the gays. Or get all killed, whichever comes first.
Either way sounds like a win to me!

Pretty good, except for The Fallen

Beyond weird things like Imperial Houses needing to pop out heirs and insane places with a Kriegian attitude that sex is only for making more soldiers, I can't imagine the Imperium at large gives too much of a shit. That being said, the galaxy is a large place, so I'm sure that there's a Planet Alabama where homosexuals are lynched and a Planet ISIS where it gets you stoned. On the flip side, there's also a Planet Sparta where (at least male) homosexuality is the norm and used to strengthen bonds between guardsmen.

All imperial citizens have a duty to produce more humans for the Emperor's work. Beyond that, it comes down to the culture of the planet in question.

>The year 40000
>not being gay for the Holy Emperor

the fact that the media spews shit all over the place and inforces the tought of a "world in crisis 24/7 is at the same time a symptom of this peaceful age aswell as a selfenforcing process:
> everything ia (relative to the last 100.000 years) fine
> media that sells crisis and drama sells alot because it differs from reality, is new and exciting
> people consume media, get shaped by it
> strong opinions on frequent "drama-themes" are developed
> further consumption of entertainment-focused media justifies or enforces those beliefs
> media companies realize this and produce more

It is retarded, really

I feel like social media is the worst for this. It cuts out the middle man and lets us continuously warp our own worldviews through reinforcement by those who agree with us and conflict with the most extreme examples of those who disagree with us. The attention economy amplifies the loudest voices, so the only 'opposition' most people see is the most extreme, making them believe that everyone on the other 'side' is really like that, meaning they flock to the extreme voices on their side, meaning those extremes just keep getting louder, attracting more followers and scaring more people into adopting the opposite extreme. And I have no idea how this can be solved. Maybe the generation after ours will be used to this bullshit and won't be driven totally insane by the new, complex forms communication is taking.

There's always a lot of posts in threads like this going "oh, imperial citizens have a duty to produce babies for the emperor" but frankly that's nonsense. The human population is already unimaginably massive and really doesn't need to make any special effort to grow. A minority (even a large minority) of citizens lacking in reproductive success for whatever reason - gay, infertile, browsing Veeky Forums - would not really disadvantage the Imperium. There are undoubtedly horrendously overpopulated worlds which have one child policies of their own. Basically, a population left to its own devices will make babies without you having to worry about it, so there's no reason for the Imperium to enforce that kind of thing at a high level. If your planet pays its tithes and isn't actively a den of Chaos they really don't give a shit how the people on it live their lives.

It's less that reproduction is demanded of you and more like offspring is the only thing of any value the average person can offer the Imperium and that's taking into account how worthless an individual life is.


They're killed for being mentally-deranged deviants who always try to subvert society to better cater to their fetishes.

The most valuable thing the average citzen offers the imperium is their labour. They work in the factories, they crew the ships, they fight in the army. The administration can rely on there being a next generation to work because that's what humans do - they work to encourage you to do something logistically productive with your own life.

Your offspring will continue the Emperor's work after you are gone. That's your contribution. In fairness, I don't think anyone would care even if there was a whole planet of gays who stubbornly refused to reproduce. The only thing is that all but a fraction of a percent of the Imperium is doing essentially unskilled labor and are extremely replaceable.

Homosexuality rhymes with Slaaneshi!

Which rhymes with HERESY!

He doesn't get any (You)s you fucktard. He only gets (OP)

Spotted the Krieger.

wow, it took a while for the kid who doesn't realize the imperium is a parody and should not be looked at with admiration to show up

You dun goofed. You aren't supposed to reply to shitty bait.

Actually, sexual deviancy IS heavily tied to Slaanesh. Being homosexual could be seen as heretical

At best 'who fucking cares what Caecillus does in the bedromo', at worst 'All homosexuals are deviants of the Lord of Pleasure, burn at the stake!'.

As expendable, just like everyone else.

>you grow up on some peaceful world of no strategic importance
>know you're part of some grand galactic imperium but never really hear anything from it
>sometimes ships arrive with information for the planet's government
>you've never even seen a proper imperial soldier
>what are bolters
>yfw in the grim darkness of the 41st millenium you grow up to be a gardener

>Vaellin, I realize your gay. I don't have a problem with that.
>But why did you choose this moment, the moment before the Orks overrun out position to confess to me?!
>Why make my last moments alive awkward?!

>Basically, a population left to its own devices will make babies without you having to worry about it,
There's more than a few countries right now that can dispute that claim with their plummeting birthrates.

In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war and that one planet of desk-jobs

If I ever made my own fan-chapter I'd base it on this

Well, Emps was creating a paradise for humanity, so it seems clear he would have exterminated them all while he was busy wiping out religion. Since there's no canon information about gay people in 40k, since the BL books aren't canon, I while there is info about religion, it seems reasonable to conclude that Emps succeeded.

Nothing of value was lost.

Dropping to a stable level is somehow a bad thing?

There are feedback mechanisms built into life itself to stop overpopulation destroying your environment. They clearly aren't doing their job given how much humans have fucked up the planet, but that they finally seem to be kicking in can only be a good thing in the long run.

Which isn't a problem in the Imperium
>Population decline detected in the Sub-Azargan Continent nation of Alinheim
>Beginning transfer of colonists...
>Alinheim rations spiked with aphrodisiacs and fertility drugs.
>Estimated population recovery in: 42.73112 years.

Like almost all 40K questions, the answer is "DEPENDS ON THE PLANET!"

In developing nations yes. In developed nations where the number of people retiring outnumber the number of people entering the workforce, this is a very serious problem as there is now an issue of the country unable to support its own infrastructure because there aren't enough people to support it.

When the birth rate drops below the replacement rate that doesn't create a stable society.

That isn't a problem, it's the natural solution. The population decline will level out at a place where it's more stable, with less overcrowding and overconsumption to cause problems. The interim period might be shakey, but it's just part of a process towards a more stable future.

>only male couples are recruited
>they must complete the trials together
>when properly inducted into the chapter they are not battle-brothers, but battle-lovers
This is getting somewhere.

But it won't do so forever. Our projections don't show the birth rate staying low forever, but dipping for a while until populations levels are more stable before evening out.

No in a nation like China where population control is a serious issue, it's a natural solution. In a country like Japan, it's a problem that only makes their crippling debt worse.


>implying we're universe 25'ing ourselves

If you're treating the Imperium as a fascistic dystopia, homosexuality is probably categorised as something between mental illness and treason. As other posters have pointed out, it's not an admirable state. Enforcement will vary, with those on the fringes of Imperial Law largely unmonitored while the wealthy and powerful can simply flaunt the law.

underrated post

Depends on the planet and the regiment. But generally most people would be icked out by it, like normal people in our time.

>MFW units of 2 models.

What do you mean? The Imperium is right in what it does towards gays. You can't let Slaanesh turn humans into Eldar.

A lot of people would probably tell you that the Imperium is fine with it, as it has outside sources of Otherness to worry about.

But those guys are forgetting that the Imperium isn't rational or efficient. It's a bugfuck crazy regime built on paranoia, hate, and willful ignorance, and probably has more hangups about sexuality than we do.

I would guess that it depends on that planet, but in the main, any manner of deviancy from accepted norms is not something the Imperium likes.

Now we're talking.

>the chapter is based on platon's idea of divine eros, ie love that has ascended from being base sexual urges into something else
>divine eros being a form of love for a person that inspires your soul and mind on a spiritual level
>their love for eachother is also reflected in their love for the near-divine emperor, bringing them closer to him
>the chapter is basically a band of greek philosopher warriors, each with a battle-brother with whom he has achieved the ideal, ie divine eros

The solution is simple. China Exports their children to Japan to swell population, and I'm return the Japs double the amount of Anime sensationalizing gay relationships in order to turn China and other first world countries more gay. Meanwhile we of the 4chins will benefit from the various uses of Gay Anime.

There aren't any. Gays are a bad thing for a civilization that's fighting for its very survival.


Why do you periodically crawl out of /lgbt/ just to make this same thread? You've done it more than ten times already, and these threads are particularly shitty.

Japan is a special case, though. Its population decline isn't like that of other first world nations, which seem to be trending gently downward to a more stable level.

Japan's birthrates are plummeting not only due to economic factors, but due to some really nasty societal factors that are partly unique to them, and partly due to their insanely rapid progression from an essentially feudal society with all the social mores of one into a fully industrialized, modern state.

Nah, we've got gays in BL novels. So they're canonical for a given amount of Canon.

Besides, running out of Man-power is probably the lowest concern for the imperium. It's cheaper to replace a body than it is a Flashlight. That's how humanity has gotten.

Eh. Honestly at this point we're not even looking for quality posting anymore, we're just looking for Shitposts and Bait-threads that haven't been posted to death. As often as this one appears it's still less prevalent than D&D Hate, Martial Vs Caster, and Numenera. It's basically switching over to The Cleveland Show after binging Fururama for the 27th time. It's by no means good, hell, it's the worst of the MacFarlane shows, but at least it's something new-ish.

You are living cancer, and your death would be celebrated if your crimes were listed.

Under rated post

That might only be the case with Hive worlds in where it's literally the planet's job to produce people.

>Gays are a bad thing for a civilization that's fighting for its very survival.
Why? Are you talking about contemporary american "gay culture"? Because that's hardly ever been the norm for homosexuals, even in societies that accepted or even encouraged some forms of homosexual behaviour. I hardly believe the Spartans were flamboyant fags who sought to destroy the family unit, or the Sacred Band of Thebes that was previously mentioned in the thread.

Thing is, homosexuals will exist whether you like it or not. You don't get more babies born by getting rid of homosexuals, nor could you ever hope to wipe them out. As long as babies ARE born, so are gays. There are actually some interesting theories regarding their evolutionary purpose; a man capable of fulfilling roles exclusive to men without actually participating in the often rivalry-filled courtship rituals of heterosexuals. Without having to compete with his fellow man to procreate with women and raising a family, it lets him perform other tasks just as important to society.

That's because more or less birth rates tend to drop because of modern medicine and a plentiful food source are keeping the population alive happier and longer.

If you want a full discussion on this subject, head over to /pol/.

Also, fuck off with you misinterpreting history. Pederasty was a specific type of child abuse, and the sacred band of thebes was class exploitation that was not imitated and received widespread contemporary condemnation.

>there was some fuck in a "your guys" thread talking about his muhreen chapter "the sacred band" a month ago
>said he called them that because "it's like native americans lol"
>nobody said anything

I thought I was stuck in some kind of bizzaro Veeky Forums because that shit was "take the knot" tier.

>native americans lol
>"tie the knot" tier
That's not divine eros.

The Emperor believes the human form is beautiful, and was made from both male and female psykers.

If he doesn't care, why should you?

You just leapt in logic so hard, you should finish the jump and just stay in /lgbt/.

>Implying I've ever gone to that board
user please try harder.

>divine eros
Are you testing me, Slaanesh?

You should stay on that board.

Divine eros is Platonic love, ie same-sex love that has ascended base sexual urges.

Slaanesh has no power here.

>Meanwhile we of the 4chins will benefit from the various uses of Gay Anime.
>so many uses
>Industrial applications
>Strategic applications
>Scientific applications
We shall rule unopposed by any peer

>I do not know the lore the post.
Slaanesh is about excess, perfection and enjoying things.
You can basically go full slaanesh if you go in a mad quest to make the perfect killer app.

Having a massive orgy in the town square is not slaanesh. Devoting the entire town to that single goal might be a bit slaanesh if the orgy is for the orgy sake.

Right as you jump back to /pol/

They become Space Marines.

The Emperor removed the gay gene long ago

>cant take squads unless they have an even number of models

There is a species of galaxy wide roses that act like assassin vines.

We also aren't under constant siege by an invading force. Let's face it, even with all the propoganda, there are some basic facts. ISIS can maybe cause 10,000 deaths and that's terrible, but 10,000 dead is an hour on the modern battlefield.


>They have lesbian Valhallans in Ciaphas Cain.
That's who OP's picture is of.

People just have problems accepting that there are always people killing each other, there's always some shit going down in the world, ther's always SOMETHING. But unless that something is affecting you or has the capacity to affect you in the future, you knowing about it or not is kinda irrelevant.

It's very easy to see that shit as a world-ending crisis when you didn't live in a time when 2 million died at Stalingrad.

christ imagine how grim life must have been if you lived in france during WW1

>Wake up early
>Shave, shit and chem shower
>Cogitator alarm says it's time for work
>Eat a munitorium ration on walk to work
>Smoke an Emperor's Own brand Victory cigarette after
>Work ten hour shift revising production forcasts
>Follow it up with evening prays to the God Emperor in massive cathedral
>Walk to local bar and drink some Vostroyian spirits with colleagues
>Walk home, smoke another victory cigarette
>Eat a warm ration
>Spend an hour with family
>Repeat until death or hive overrun by Orks

This is how I picture your everyday imperial living, like a slightly better 1984 but with more preists

I feel like agriworlds have the best standard of living.

Pastiche, not parody. Parody implies it's portrayed jokingly in-universe, which it is. A pastiche means only the audience knows the joke is there.

In the case of Japan it's more that they aren't choosing to have children due to the economy being shitty.

2nd post best post

They will fight for the Emperor or they will die with the rest.

That or they're branded as Slanneshi cultists.

Most likely, Sotha sounded like a nice place before the night lords showed up.