Let's talk refluffing, /pgg/. I'm planning a new campaign wherein the main forms of magic are gonna be Akashic veilweaving, Psionic manifesting, and Occult/Psychic spellcasting. Other forms of spellcasting would not be focused on. You might see "natural" divine casters (Hunter, Shaman, Ranger, Druid, ostensibly Oracle) very rarely, as NPCs, if they even appear at all. So let's talk refluffing.
Occult/Psychic magic (from Occult Adventures) is gonna remain mostly the same. It's gonna be the "mysterious" magic that, theoretically, ANYONE can harness, if they're in the right (or wrong) place at the right time (or wrong time). Occult magic is weird, no one knows how it works, no one knows who gets it, and no one knows how it will manifest.
That's the fluff I've got for Occult/Psychic magic, which I'm pretty happy with.
Psionics is still "weird mind magic" but instead o it being "I think, therefore he explodes", it's "I have tons of chemicals in my body that let me use my mind to blow stuff up". Think of it like Element Zero/Biotics from Mass Effect, in that regard. Pretty simple to refluff.
Akashic stuff, I've hit a snag. By default, Akashic is "life energy and chakras." However, that doesn't mesh well with the setting I'm writing up. I'm toying with making them alchemical devices, but I can't come up with an explanation that I really like.
So my question is: how does /pgg/ like to refluff their magics, in a way that fits with the subsytem's mechanics relatively cleanly? More specifically, what refluffing have you seen for Akashic Mysteries?
Path of War's 6/9 initiators might be allowed, but I'm iffy on that