It's Current Year+1.
How did they ruin your favorite RPG?
It's Current Year+1.
How did they ruin your favorite RPG?
By going out of business. That's the only way SJGames could ruin GURPS.
>tfw when your favorite RPGs used to be WoD, Shadowrun and RIFTS.
Jokes on you, you can't ruin in the future what's been turned to shit already.
Can you number the people in this picture so I can accurately tell you which npc my bard is rolling persuasion on
>Blue-haired transvestite
Why is this stereotype so strong in tg
thats Bioware? No wonder they suck.
It's because they do both for the same aim: attention.
They released essentials and then a 5th edition.
Literally who, and why should I give a shit? From the general look of it, I'm guessing this is left-leaning people? Is there a specific group you're mad at, or just left-leaning people in general?
Either way, you are aware that TTRPG's aren't Video Games right? TTRPG's. You have this thing called a GM, who is under no obligation to run the game exactly as presented by the game developer. The political views of game developers really can't do anything to you at all, just the political views of your DM/GM... unless you don't actually play games, and just obsessively read the books.
Bioware, or the developers? If it's the latter, by still not having 3e in a release-ready state.
John Wick got there first, sorry Bioware.
>tfw anima is ded
Cant kill what is dead
DLC for Gate of Memories is coming, apparently, along with some other potential book. Or at least such is Iberian rumour.
In a perfect world Anima Project would partner with Modiphius or Cubicle 7 or somebody to publish a competently translated version.
These. What who is clearly a lost /v/ user fails to understand is that we in the RPG community have lived with despair and disappointment for years. Everything we love has already been ruined. We squat in the smoking wreckage of what is left of our hobby, sniffing glue and rubbing MTG cards on our genitals saying, "this yeah, this year the set will be good, this year the edition that saves everything will come out"
The whole sjw reeee-lefties craze everyone else has going on doesn't really affect us aside from some mild trolling in 5e and blue rose threads, and that one guy who wants female space marines in 40k. By in large, our civilization was already ruined when the new age arrived.
Never released Star Trek Adventures in hardcover
>Everything we love has already been ruined.
>Everything we love is in free online, either in PDF format, or on OCTGN or the like.
In Veeky Forums when a developer makes a change that you don't like, you can ignore it and keep playing the game you love.... because it's not /v/ Feels good man.
an yes, the unfinished projects... those can sting. I still wish they'd finished completing MHR, but there is enough fan material that's actually good, that whatever.
It's not really an unfinished project, STA is already out in PDF. They just haven't printed it yet.
How could they ruin an rpg?
You have to be a bit more verbose than that.
Just get a random guiri or self publish digital only.
by not making it half as popular as DnD leaving it impossible for me to get a game going.
Black female space marines replace all space marines
Remove Slaanesh because rape
Remove Orks because they will think it's racist towards blacks
Remove the Emperor
>*Replace the Emperor with th daughter of Rowboat and Yvraine*
soon to be SJWGames, topkek
To be honest i'd be fine with the Emperor going. He's Skub on a throne who just causes pointless shitflinging instead of enriching the setting at this point.
They still haven't released a new supplement book.
Tell me more about 5e? Is it full of sjw bullshit?
>game literally has a chunk of text encouraging "non binary genders" for your characters
>half orcs made through consensual sex and not rape anymore, even though full-blooded orcs are still evil aligned
>4 out of 5 of the heroes on the standard GM screen are women
>pretty much none of the core races are represented by artwork that isn't a woman or a black (humans got both covered)
>same goes for a large chunk of the classes
>Curse of Strahd needs to make it clear for players that this once-fearsome vampire now needs to sometime reveal that he's gay and mourns for is lover
Just off the top of my head. Doesn't help either that Mearls has been rocking the rainbow in his Twitter pic for a while now.
>Curse of Strahd needs to make it clear for players that this once-fearsome vampire now needs to sometime reveal that he's gay and mourns for is lover
Is this bait? Why the fuck?
I don't even know who they are.
So... They make video games? Is it safe to assume that OP got lost on the way to his home board?
I don't know, my players kept rolling parties of brown girls before this happened, I'm not sure it's that much of a change.
>Doesn't help either that Mearls has been rocking the rainbow in his Twitter pic for a while now.
It's weird to imagine user's worldview, where the content of someone's twitter account means that user can't have fun playing D&D anymore.
rulebook had some stupid shit in it but you can easily just ignore it and refluff whatever you don't like. That's probably the best part of D&D and especially 5e, simply how much of it you can change while still keeping it the same.
>complaing that Half-orcs can still be but don't HAVE to be rape babies.
>complaining about the gender of artwork
>complaining about a twitter pic
How awful it is, truly god has abandoned us!
I think it's because it includes options for what happens if Strahd's love is reincarnated as a guy instead of a girl.
>>pretty much none of the core races are represented by artwork that isn't a woman or a black (humans got both covered)
Except for the Barbarian, who is a (racially) cliché human viking
Also they defeat themselves with the bongo black bard. What's the name of not-Jamaica in the Forgotten Realms?
GURPS is eternal, GURPS is best
Its Veeky Forums. People are basically coming here to get mad at opinions. Shit's hilarious.