>All elves are SJW
Is this a good portrayal of their race? I think it really fits. I'm gonna use this in my settings from now on and advise you do the same.
>All elves are SJW
Is this a good portrayal of their race? I think it really fits. I'm gonna use this in my settings from now on and advise you do the same.
Really just... way too hamfisted. You're lacking subtlety. This is just too... obvious to really get mad at. You could've spent time and effort into crafting a long anecdote about why elves are SJW and really enrage the board, but this is just terrible.
1.5/10, too obvious.
>All elves are SJW
>Is this a good portrayal of their race?
no because elves are intelligent
Are they really, though? How many problems are elves responsible for?
Are you going to fall for this Veeky Forums?
He said intelligent not wise.
I use a special addon for my browser that replaces all mentions of sjws with skeletons. It will expand your mind and awaken you to the truth of this world.
>it's a "user tries to bait another board into discussing /pol/ shit again" thread
Man, fuck off.
Still, I think elves are generally not all that similar to SJWs and are in fact a lot closer to moderate conservatives. They put a lot of stock in tradition, some would say too much. They prefer to live reclusive lives away from others with different lifestyles, and are usually wary of visitors. However, they are welcoming and kind to those who mean them no harm and prove themselves to be polite and trustworthy, but will still look down on them as lesser or simply misguided for being different. They are generally resistant to change and slow to adopt new ideas. They enjoy hunting and being outdoors. Elves are redneck as fuck, minus the proud of being poor part.
you sound like a fag
That's what a fucking skeleton would say.
>I think thing
>I'm not going to explain it, but you should follow suit because I said so
I'm flabbergasted.
Eh. From what I understood about elves, they leaned more to the chaotic side of things, so I don't feel like they'd be too change resistant. The 5e handbook mentions they love freedom, self-expression, and variety, so I never got the impression that they would be slow to accept new ideas.
I mean, sure, rednecks love freedom and individuality too, much like elves, however, I feel like a redneck would be the one slow to accept new ideas, while an elf would treat new ideas as interesting or novel.
Granted, I started getting into dnd and Veeky Forums shit in general only about two or three years ago, so my understanding of elven kind is more than likely limited.
I can get behind this.
Also fuck off with your abloobloohoo SJW boogeymen
This made my day, thank you user.
Google's giving me nothing and if it's on Gelbooru, then it's not properly tagged so I can't find it.
Can you tell me the artist name?
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as SJW, is in fact, autism/SJW, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, autism plus SJW. SJW is not a functional human being unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning autism society made useful by the autism supporters, shills and senseless people comprising a full class of people as defined by society. Many people have a modified version of the autism condition every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of autism which is widely used today is often called “SJW”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the autism condition, developed by the autists. There really are SJWs, and these people are subscribing to this philosophy, but it is just a part of the condition they have. All the so-called “SJW” philosophies are really philosophies of autism/SJW.
Picture was from this. Don't think it ever got uploaded onto Pixiv.
Pixiv is ttps://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=21835548
But they don't have more than three pictures there.
I'm pretty sure the character is Melina, the barmaid from Etrian Odyssey 5 who has a depressingly low amount of porn, or art in general.
>Etrian Odyssey 5
Thanks for reminding me that it's still trapped in Japan.
Oh sweet. Delicious chocolate rabbit ladies here I come.
Not at all. Elves should held ancient believes. They live long lives. They should have even more ancient and backwards believes than even the Dwarves. The Dwarves follow tradition, but they are new people passing the torch. The Elves are always the same people (those on power at least). The old ones should have ancient beliefs like if they came directly from Babylona, Egypt, the Indus Valley, because they totally came from there.
I appreciate this variant.
Hi obvious /pol/bait
>InB4 "Le everyone I don't like is /pol/ " meme
Nope, not everyone, but you obviously are, because you're trying to bait Veeky Forums into a /pol/ shiftest. Go home.
Please make sure to report.
And sage you damn retard
Nigga it is late.
Yeah, I brain-farted, but I won't this time. Obviously pic is not for you.
>Is this a good portrayal of their race?
Only if you play them as a declining race.
Intelligent people are actually more likely to come up with stupid, counterproductive ideas because intelligent people are more capable at overcoming their natural instincts (for good and for ill).
A good thing to reconsider when some SJW normie tells you that racists and people who vote right are less intelligent in general.
>reviewing SJWs with a picture of a SJW
Unfortunately I think the intricacies will be lost on most posters. 4/10, consider taking your own life.
>b-b-b-b-but /pol/!
Fuck off you whiny faggots. You're all happy to discuss politics until someone brings up a viewpoint to the right of Mao.
I mean, it certainly fits the idea that Elves have superior culture to humans, more advanced and refined.
Kill yourself, /pol/tard. Your kind's not welcome here.
All this /pol/ hate makes me happy but I really hope it's not coming from a pro-SJW standpoint and instead just a reasonable fa/tg/uy standpoint.
That GM detected.
This thread is fucking stupid
SJWs are a modern invention so you either have to stretch the definition to the point of meaningless or have inexplicably modern culture in what I presume is a fantasy setting. What makes this worse is that "they're SJWs" is shit way to characterize a race because it's not enough to fully flesh out a character nor does it create for interesting role play
Sage and reported, this is why Veeky Forums is dying
Nah, some people know how to keep their personal beliefs out of their hobbies, but personally I just dislike strawmen hippie-elves
>retarded opinion
>gets triggered by retarded shit
...Thats a bingo right?
Have you ever been so unaware of social dynamics of a group that you think you can tell people who is or isn't welcome here when you yourself came from reddit?
The only people sill getting triggered by /pol/ are tumblrites and redditors.
Sod off, I will visit /pol/ when I want to think about real politics, but I come here when I want to relish in some thoughtful escapism until reality comes rushing back.
That's not as convincing as you might think it is, and there's a huge irony to it. The truth is I don't really care if you go to /pol/ or not, but you going anywhere else in general would be a nice change of pace
Holding other races to impossibly high moral standards while meeting none of them in their own right, that's good. Just don't lay on the strawman style ranting and you should be fine.
This is one of the points that's usually lost when talking about Tolkien's elves. All the elves we see outside of Rivendell in LOTR are total rednecks.
>smart people aren't ALWAYS smart
>so chances are, anything I disagree with them on means it's just one of the things they are dumb about
Are you seriously that far gone?
>promote race mixing to help their race survive
>believe they're more cultured and superior to others
>transgender elven gods
>black elves are ok, but only the good ones who know their place
yep it's SJW
>>promote race mixing to help their race survive
What strawelves are you talking about?
That looks like shit user, go back to painting weeaboo minis
all these half-elves just sprang out of the ground fully grown did they?
All it needs is one male elf with low standards. They have a LOT of time on their hands.
I can only repeat myself:
>>promote race mixing to help their race survive
So, which elves actively promote race-mixing to save their race? Which setting? Which edition?
Depends on the elves. Wood Elves and/or Wild Elves, specifically, tend to be redneck as FUCK. High Elves tend more towards either old-money conservatives, like East Coast political families lying through their teeth to each other and themselves to maintain the status quo where they're in power, or ivory tower liberals, like some asshole Marinite talking about how horrible those poor savages have it and how things would be so much better if they let someone (other than themselves, of course, they just don't have the ENERGY) help them.
>to the right of Mao
...is this bait?
>The only people sill getting triggered by /pol/ are /pol/blrites and /pol/itors.
Everyone who's been her for longer than this summer knows /pol/ is full of shit and has become desenzitized to the trolling. The only people still triggered by /pol/ are in fact SJWs "raiding" from tumblr, or stray redditors who think their faggoty feels good moderation is the norm in the internet.
I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna punch you.
tumblerinas SJW are just as freaky as you are, neckbeard /pol/shitter
t. normie
>The only people sill getting triggered by /pol/ are tumblrites and redditors.
Hell no. You can still be upset about the foothold the /pol/ retards got on this board over the course of the few last years.
I mean, it is a decent breakaway from the haughty debugger trope.
They're always on the complete end of the spectrum for me - they're the stormweenies. Arrogant racists convinced of their superiority who look down upon 'lower cultures'.
No, elves are nazis.
Elves are arrogant and slightly racist isolationists. They believe (and are probably right) that their race and way of living are superior to others. While they do not hate other races and might be willing to help them they do not want to mix their societies.
>I'm gonna use this in my settings from now on and advise you do the same.